Chapter 53-A way back home

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I needed to look for the gate that was hidden by Sylph, the books said it was built on the land where the Union was built, and I'm looking for it.

"Where the fuck would it be?" (Zach)

While roaming around, I saw Audrey, she must be taking a break.

"Oh, Audrey, how weird to see you here" (Zach)

"Just taking a break, the research is nearly done" (Audrey)

"Do you know where the transfer gate that Sylph made is?" (Zach)

"?, I don't know, but I think Queen Meran knows where it is" (Audrey)

"Thanks!" (Zach)

So I went to Meran and asked her where it is, surprisingly she agreed to say where it is.

"It's at sector 9, it's laying at the corner of room....err....wait...." (Meran)

Meran thought for a long time trying to remember where it was.

"Ah, it's on room 4" (Meran)

"Thanks, I'll go there now, see you!" (Zach)

I went there without needing anyones help in directions as I asked Moonlight to scan the underground structure of the floating kingdom

"Hmm, it's weird but I think I get it, especially this part, this kind of makes sense, it's similar to the input for space magic" (Zach)

And I teleported to an isolated mountain, I then built a gate with the magic circle embedded inside the gate, I also used a large power source to keep it running for who knows how long.

"Let's put an emergency switch and and emergency shutdown" (Zach)

Not knowing its consequences, I installed both emergency switch and shutdown.

"Haah, this is gonna be painful" (Zach)

I teleported infront of the inn where Paron and the others stayed and waited.

"Hey" (Zach)

They went out and I greeted them, I was prepared for the thigh they will say but this is something that I must do.

"Oh, Zach, how long have you been waiting there?" (Paron)

"A few minutes" (Zach)

"...Zach, it's fine to let us go, we can handle ourselves" (Paron)

"!?, How?" (Zach)

"We already knew that this was gonna happen sooner or later, but, painful it may be, a person has to learn to let go" (Paron)

"Thanks.....I'll leave her with you guys....probably my last farewell gift" (Zach

I gave them my 5th automata, she looks like a human and she can talk properly due to the huge set of words she has, based on what she hears she can reply the appropriate sentences.

"Zach...I hope you find people who would be by your side" (Paron)

"Yeah..... well good luck" (Zach)

"Bye Zach" (Paron)

"Bye..." (Zach)

"I....I need to call Aaron" (Zach)

I teleported outside of the door of Aaron's Castle and went inside it, Aaron was busy.

"Aaron" (Zach)

"Yes?" (Aaron)

"You ready?, to go home that is" (Zach)

"Yeah, just let me finish these" (Aaron)

3 hours passed and he finished, must be pretty busy as a king.

"I'm done, let's go" (Aaron)

"Kay" (Zach)

We both teleported to the mountain where I built the gate.

"Umm, can you wait?" (Zach)

"Sure" (Aaron)

I built my first humanoid robot a few days ago, I also made three more while I was waiting, I named them based on the four Seasons Winter, Summer, Autumn, and Fall, they are to protect the gate and destroy any person with Ill intent.

"Wow, four automatas, what else can you do?, make an alien jellyfish machine?" (Aaron)

"Hell no, that would be too noticeable, so no" (Zach)

"....holy s**t, you could make one..." (Aaron)

"Well, for now, I will give this to you" (Zach)

I gave him a scarf which can change its design.

"What's this?" (Aaron)

"It's something that will help you from cold areas and stuff" (Zach)

"Thanks" (Aaron)

"No problem" (Zach)

As we went through the gate, our view changes to a familiar view, we were on a mountain.

"For f***s sake" (Zach)

"Bulls**t" (Aaron)

We both facepalmed hard, we couldn't believe we were on a goddam mountain.

"Let's go and walk down, would be better that way" (Zach)

"Sure" (Aaron)

Long hours of walking and we finally got down, walking back to our hometown was a big problem though, we knew where we were but we don't know how to get back.

"F**k, again" (Zach)

"Well, I'll leave it to you" (Aaron)

"Let's see.....ah, yes, let's go" (Zach)

We both teleported near to our houses, our houses are just separated by a single house so there was no problem with the distance we need to walk.

"Well, see ya later" (Aaron)

"Bye!" (Zach)

He went back to his house and I went into my house, and of course this being the past, I had no key, at the same time I asked Moonlight to help me make some tweaks on Earth's past.

I used the doorbell and waited, eventually my parents opened the door.

"Sorry, I lost the key" (Zach)

"It's fine, we could make another one" (ZM/Zach's Mother)

I went inside and went into my room.

"Zach, what do you want for dinner?" (ZM)

"Fried chicken" (Zach)

"Okay!" (ZM)

"I'm finally home, and this time, Aaron is alive" (Zach)

'What kind of experience will I find this time?' (Zach)

So ends my fantasy life, and my (slightly) normal school life starts.
By the way I usually put some messages at the end of the chapter to make it more lively, not just it being more focused on the story, you can skip this part but I'm just stating facts.
(And to relieve stress by complaining to the public without having to talk to the people face to face)

That aside....let's get to a more happy part, I was finally able to post a chapter despite the symptoms of my boredom popping up, so yeah, I guess that's kind of a personal achievement.

Welp, see you in the next chapter of Zach's life!

Reincarnation of a human to be turned to a godOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant