
By Dead0nTheInside

163K 5.3K 893

Danny Phantom revealed one shots. Side notes: Phantom Planet never happened, Danny and Sam are not dating, Va... More

Hide and Seek
Ghosts Can't Die
Danny Fenton is Trans
Floating Doritos
I'm Sorry
Hair Dye
Field Trip
The Strange Kid With A Sword
Shape Shifting
One of A Kind
Wes Weston
He's Right There
"Well, Guess I'll Die."
Just a Scratch
This is Fantastic
If They Found Out
Nothing Left
Avengers (alternate)
Thank You
Okay, So, You Might Like This
Are You Kidding Me?
Only One King
The Kid's Aren't Alright
A God
I Think it's Finally Done
Kind of Like my Other Supernatural One
Ghost Magnet
Ten Feet Tall
It Isn't Me
To My Other Dash Chapter
A Piece of Art
Jake From State Farm
first time getting tagged wot
tagged again. wth
Ghost King
Author Note. Please Read, Feedback Possibly Needed
Portal AU
Hi, Welcome to Chillies
Peace at a Cost
Of Course
🌈!Pride month!🌈
Danny Phantom Headcanons
Perks of Being Invisible
The Fam
Bonding is Nice. Really Nice.
You Kiss Your Mother With That Mouth?!
Not related to DP
Blackmailed ReWrite

Umbrella Academy

1K 33 3
By Dead0nTheInside

AU! I guess spoilers for Umbrella Academy, too? I dunno. I've just had this brilliant idea stuck in my head. Danny was born like the rest of the Umbrella kids, and he didn't seem to have a power for a long while, then they found out every time he dies he gets a new power related to how he died. I warn you, AU, I own nothing, and spoilers. LANGUAGE. CURSE WORDS. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

Danny sat on the sill of his window, staring out at the streets below. His siblings were training. He curled his fist, punching the wall, letting out a small scream in anger. Dad was a unreasonable man, pushing them all beyond their limits. He claimed Danny and Vanya had no powers. He was okay with that. Vanya was a bit spacey, but that was cool. She took nerve-calming medication.

His brother was locked inside a graveyard building, surrounded by darkness and the dead, for hours a day. Danny shared a room with him, he knew how much that tore Klaus apart.

"Are you okay in there, dearie?" He hears mom ask outside his door.

"I'm just fine." Danny says. "I'm going to go on a walk."

He grabbed the Umbrella Academy jacket, putting it over his shirt and buttoning it. He grabbed a key and walked out. He angrily stormed down the street, not paying attention.

He went to cross the street, and he heard the screech of tires. Danny looked up and saw a baby blue Impala right before it hit him. He felt everything. Everything hurt. Everything slowed and people screamed. Everything went black.

Danny woke up ten minutes later, to a large crack, making a man scream. Danny shouted himself. His clothes were covered in blood, but nothing hurt. "I-I'm fine." He says. He looked up at the man. He stumbled up. "Y-you go on with your day, sir." He says, stumbling down the street.

He fumbled into the academy, covered in blood, while everyone sat at the dinner table. "Eight, you leave again -" He stopped.

"I-I died." Danny says. "I got hit by a car."


We though Danny was powerless for fourteen years. I should have known it was too good for me. He came home bloody, but he wasn't harmed. He had gotten hit by a car. Run over.

We discovered that every time he died, he would come back with a odd new ability. He wouldn't always keep the ability. After dad forced him to drown in the tub we wouldn't hear him stop muttering, over and over, and over, when we were sixteen. Until Klaus caught him in their room hung. We brought him down and he never spoke to me about it, saying I wouldn't understand.

Being normal in a family of oddities is different, because I wasn't known. When you say the last name Hargreeves everyone snaps to my siblings, one of my students asked me what it felt like when Danny died. I asked him the question myself, but he wouldn't say.

I believe at least two of my siblings have accidentally murdered him at least once, though none of us talk of it. As stated in my chapter about Allison, that she could get anyone and everyone to do anything and everything with her I heard a rumor. She got everything she wanted with this, and Danny snapped at her once for it.

They still grudge each other over it, Allison more so than Danny. Danny saw something, one time, when he died due to radioactive exposure, and he never would tell us what it was.

Danny used to be my confine, my escape, with my family. But after his powers he ditched me. He left me alone.

I have read his published stories. Daniel Fenton, the author name and name he uses now, his book The Mirror, and his other, The Black Paint. Inside the note from the author he spoke of a inside joke between him and me, but never disclosing what it was about. The joke was normal inside a family of weird is being weird itself, which claims he thinks of himself as normal.

Ask me, if you drown yourself every Thursday, run yourself over on Tuesday, overdose on Saturday, stab yourself on Friday burn yourself every Sunday, suffocate yourself on Wednesday, and electrocute yourself on Monday, are you normal?


Danny publicity announced he would like to speak, on camera, with Vanya, for her book.

The first thing she said when Danny sat down was, "Now you want to talk to me." She says.

Danny folded his hands. "Trust me, we all want some choice words to say to you. I'm going to do this reasonably, Vanya. Firstly, you have no claim to disclose family matters to the public. Secondly, you could have spoken to me. Thridly, you grossly overstated how much I die. Fourthly, does this make you feel good? Ruining mine and your other siblings lives we built after we've all left the Academy and started something? I lost my job, my home, and my friends because you went out and dug up this old grave of our childhood."

"You guys never acted like my siblings." Vayna set her jaw.

"I thought you didn't want me around because I couldn't die, Vanya. For fourteen god damn years I was right by your side, perfectly normal, living alongside you. You throw dirt on Ben and Five, even though Ben was nothing but good to all of us, and Five is already dead."

"Fourteen years."

"We split up, all of us. Fuck, Luther is on the MOON! I don't think you know how traumatic this was! You're normal! I can't die! Klaus sees the dead! He blames himself for Ben! And he sees him, he sees Ben. While you went on with your normal life we were suffering in this academy, ignored for anything other than our powers! Do you know how much I tried to cover up everything? Klaus is in rehab right now because the second we left the Academy everything got overwhelming. I died from overdose three times before I quit. I left you alone so you could live a normal life and I wouldn't bother you with my new problems! We all moved on, Vanya, please, why can't you?"

"I lost nearly all my childhood because you guys went on without me, my family, shunned because I was normal." Vanya says.

"Whoopty-fucking-doo! You had a bad childhood. Well guess who else did when they were growing up like that? I didn't kill myself, it was training. You have no-" his voice cracked, "idea how much that hurts. do you think we always enjoy having these powers? I die. Klaus is forced to see those who have died. Luther has the strength of a fucking team of body builders! Allison lost her child because she could tell her to calm down. Diego can't ever miss a single knife he throws. Vanya, then you beat a dead horse. Ben thought of himself as a monster because he could summon a monster from another dimension. Five couldn't control himself and now, what? He's gone! Do you know how much that horrified us? Because if we can't control our powers maybe we'll be gone, too." Danny stood up and stormed off set.

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