Army Girl

By suziedalen

101K 3K 476

The General looked at me and said "Are you sure you want to join the army Miss.Lagato? I looked at him straig... More

Army Girl
New Awakening
New Day
Soldier Time
Be Strong
Sibling Love
Its Time
Army Life
There for me
Meeting new friends
Prepar For Battle
wake up

Is this the last chapter?!?!

4.1K 130 41
By suziedalen

I didn't even know what to think, inside I was freaking out and scared out of mind like what am I supposed to feel? Relaxed? no. Calm? no. Fearful? yes.

I'm just afraid for everyone. What if one of us die or get hurt, I don't know what I would do.

I run over to the nearest jeep and hopped in the back where there was a couple other people I dint really recognise. But I guess that doesn't really matter so much.

My mind keeps racing. thoughts about Natalie and John and even the new foreign people.

I got pretty close to some of them. mostly Darren, he came like a brother to me, and annoying brother and a idiot at times but arnt all brothers like that? Or is the just my thoughts? I guess I lived with JC for a good eighteen years, I would know the definition of annoying. but ya love them anyways.

I feel kinda bad now I never even wrote my mom or JC letters on how I was doing or anything. Mom wrote to me and told me how JC misses me and how she does too and how when I get home she had big news to tell me. I wonder what the news even is. she's says she can't wait to see me again after these nine months I've been here.

I kinda wish I wrote them back, but there's nothing I can do now. I made a promise when I get back to base camp I will wright the I longest letter ever to her.

I was so consumed in thoughts that I didn't even notice that we came to a stop. I look up from my lap that I accidentally dozed off looking at.

The site in front of me was just horrifying, there was buildings and buildings in fire and jeeps and trucks lit of fire too. innocent civilians running everywhere trying to get somewhere safe from the enemies.

I could barely see who was on which side, fighting against who. there was a lick layer of smoke in the way from all of the fire.

there was soldiers on a top of a building shooting down, at the bad guys who were shooting up at them from behind a building.

next thing I know there is a general yelling orders at me and my team. I can see John from a fair looking at me with a worried expression, I just give him a smile hoping it will make him feel a little bit better.

"Alright your duty is to make sure all of the civilians are safe and out of the buildings and into the safe house, now go! go! GO!" the general yelled st us fiercely.

I run over to John hoping we can do this some type of team work thing.

"Ok let's go over there!" He points to a house that looks like it got shot at a couple times. the Windows are broken and everything.

I nod and we bolt over to the door. John kicks it open and we run threw the house yelling for anyone who needs help.

I walked into a bedroom that was covered in red painted walls. while John went in the basement and I look everywhere in a hurry and the last place was the closet to check. I open it up and there was three little kids younger than ten years old, with a little baby in the oldest arms. I reach my hand out to them and tell them it will be alright. I yell for John and he comes running in to help. we run outside as fast as we can with the children and hand them off to some other soldiers who will bring them to the safe house.

Me and John do that to some other houses before they get shot down.

I was running to the next house and when all of a sudden a huge bang goes off and a house blows up.

"SOLDIER DOWN!!" I hear someone yell.

I start to panic. who is it?!

I run over to the guy who's yelling soldier down I go on my knees and help turn the body over...

there before my eyes layed a dead Darren. he wasn't breathing no heart beat.

my fellow soldier died, my brother died. I start to cry. I couldn't deal with this. the other guy looks at me with sad eyes and tells me to "get up, and keep saving more lives" I nod and stand up. the guy takes Darrens body and throws him over his shoulder and runs to the nearest safe place.

next thing I know there is more houses getting blown up every where I look. I see John helping more people into the safe place.

the I hear General yelling at us to retreat we saved all we could, we have to retreat they enemies are throwing grenades everywhere it's not safe to do anymore.

I was about to run up to John when I hear a soldier yelling that there is still one house that hasn't been checked. by this time almost all the houses are on fire.

the general sent five more people to go and check the house quickly, I wanted to go to. So I start running to the house and John yells at me to stop but I didn't listen. I kept running to the house think I g this my job to do. keep the people safe. I run into the house and the five soldiers before me give me a weird look in why I was there, they had people in there arms that look terrible. ripped clothes. dirty faces. just terrible. well I guess the won't look perfect in a middle of a war zone.

one of the soldiers told me to do one more look around the house just I. vase while they bring the people to the safe house. So I do my job running around the house looking every where I was about to run out when all if the sudden I here a large, load BOOM!!

Everything around me goes blank.

it didn't hurt. I felt no pain. I felt free.

I opened mg eyes and there was just the most brightest light ever, it was beautiful.

I stand up and start to walk around. it was like one big white room.

all of a sudden I see a door, I walk to the door and I slowly open it not knowing what's in the other side.

I peek my head around door, and it was strange I was back in the war zone but it felt different.

I see a bunch of people around something, I run over to them and asked what" are they looking at?" but no one answered! I push between us and look at what there are looking at.

I was shocked. it was me they were looking at! but I'm right here. I had deep gashes all around my body and face I looked dead. and then it finally hit me. I am dead.

I'm dead!!!

I'm just shocked. I can't believe it.

then all of a sudden I hear load crying, I look over to the side and see John bet over crying. I run over to him bend down and try to get his attention but it's not working. I give up and lean over and kiss his cheek. he stops crying and looks up I smile at him. but I know he can't see it.

I look over to the side and see a bright light come. it's so bright I have to squint my eyes. I stand up and start walking towards it but stop when I see a shadow walking out of it and I look more closely and I can't help but start crying of happiness.

I start running over to it and I jump into his arms.

I look at his face that I haven't seen in so long. he smiles back and kisses my cheek.

"Oh how I missed you princess!" He tells me hugging me in a big bear hug.

"I missed you to daddy!" I cry in his shoulder.

"let's go, there is some people wanting to meet you" and with that I take my father's hand and we walk into the bright light together.


"the end" :)

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