The Black Bear 》Robb Stark

By unknownnavajo

385K 10.8K 1.3K

"A fighter that's all I ever wanted to be." A warrior is a brave or experienced fighter. That's what Jaidy... More

Act One
Winter is Coming
An Answer
A Dire Moment
One Heart, One Flesh, One Soul
A Lingering Question
Every Step Of The Way
Keeping Enemies Close
The News of the Bears
A Royal Pardon
Declaration of War
Dark Wings Dark Words
New Power In The North
Act Two
An Attack?
Her Chance
Lost The Advantage
Looks Can Be Deceiving
Ulterior Motive
Respect Is Taken
New Course Of Action
Seperate Paths
Mama Bears And Bear Cubs
A New Companion
Forces From Across The Sea
Challenge Accepted
A New Era
Book Two

Learning To Deal

8.1K 234 10
By unknownnavajo

Titles. Jaidyn hated them with a passion. If she was a boy then they wouldn't have mattered to her but instead she was a girl. A pregnant girl nonetheless. Not to mention a queen.

Before the war against the North and South, Jaidyn had made her amends with her title as lady. But now it was entirely more complex. Now everywhere she went it was "Your Grace" this and "Your Grace" that. She wanted nothing more to prove to them that she was more than a title. But how could she if everyone viewed her otherwise.

In fact, she had had enough of the stares she received when the lords came into discuss their problems. They preferred to discuss their doings with another Lord. So she assigned Maester Luwin and Bran to deal with the lords. She had convinced the two that it would be more beneficial for Bran than herself.

This lead her to the training grounds. But it had also brought heartache. The memories of Robb along with Jon and even Theon made her miss their presence. But it made her miss the feel of her sword.

Instead the quiver of arrows hung on her back, she was grateful that she could get the strap around herself with no assistance. But the itch to hold a sword spread rapidly through her. The wrapped item laid on a nearby table waiting for her to hold it.

She caved after moment of staring and proceeded to the table. She laid her bow and quiver down before grabbing the sword. She couldn't get over the beauty of the Valyrian steel that showed her reflection. A black bear carved on the handle reminding her of where she had come from. It gave her a feeling of bliss to hold this piece of weaponry.

The sword twirled and turned around as she swung it around to test the weight. With careful and precise movements, she struck a dummy set up. Her breathing careful as not to overexert herself.

It wasn't till she was done that she steadied her breathing. The dummy in front of her shredded beyond repair. And the sword in her hand felt in place.

Jaidyn Mormont was made to fight. But Jaidyn Stark was subjected to watch.

She let the sword to it's wrapping before calling out to a maid nearby. With the maid returning the weapons to her chambers, she made her way to the meetings that were being held. She wanted to check of how Bran was getting along.

Since the news of their father, the boys were never the same. Rickon was not the playful boy she once knew, he now distanced himself from her. And Bran had faced many challenges and it had taken his childhood from him. Now more than ever, did he want to prove himself to her and his brother that he could hold responsibilities.

"My lord, may the old gods watch over your brother and all our Northern sons. The walls of my holdfast will not stand the winter. The stones were last mortared in the time of King Aerys, and I'm afraid the masons today are not fit to carry their father's hammers." A lord stood in front of Bran began to explain his predicament.

But to Jaidyn it was all the same. The Lord comes in and tells his problem and blames it on the war for not having help. They blame Robb for taking the men away but none have said it in front of her.

None wanted to offend the queen. Although they all would like nothing more than to try.

"Maintenance of a holdfast generally falls to the lord of that holdfast." Maester Luwin reminded.

"Generally, yes, but I've sent all the young men off to fight Robb Stark's war." The lord protested making Jaidyn shake her head from a dark corner of the room.

Of course, they would state the blame when she wasn't seated in that chair. Their thinking only threaten by the power someone held and Bran didn't hold any more power than she did.

"King Robb." Bran quickly cut off announcing his brother's new title to everyone. He would not allow any disrespect toward his brother. "And it's not his war. He didn't choose it."

"Maybe not, my lord, but he called in his banners and took the men." The man argued.

"Joffrey killed my father, your lodge lord. Do you remember your vows, ser?" Bran quickly responded not like the tone in the man's voice.

Maester Luwin was quick to defuse the situation before it could escalate. He allowed for a few masons could be spared to help his repairs. Which the lord didn't seem to eager to accept but did so anyway.

It was when he accepted the Jaidyn had decided to emerge from the shadows. "Forgive me for intruding but I feel it is my duty to remind the people of the North, that my husband is not only fighting a war that will affect is greatly. So if I were you I would not speak so ill of the men defending their homes."

The sound of her voice made all of them quick bow their heads in respect. A sight that made Jaidyn roll her eyes. Just because she held a more higher title didn't mean they could use another tone with Bran.

"Forgive me, Your Grace. I was merely stating a point so that the lord could see that these are dire times." The man spoke rapidly trying to not get her to punish him.

"In a war when there are kings in every corner, we all have certain roles to maintain. I certainly hope that you know yours before the consequences happen." Jaidyn replied before she looked over at Bran and Maester Luwin and left.

Bran could handle the townspeople without her present and even if a problem arise, Maester Luwin would not be a second late to correct it. For now she wanted nothing more than to escape the confinement of these walls.

She found herself wondering the godswood. The sight of the forest made her wonder what sights Robb had seen on his march South. She wondered how it felt to be apart of the army traveling across the country for their own freedom.

"A lady with a high status should not be caught out alone. Especially not during these times." A voice spoke out gaining her attention.

"Only a fool would not realize who I am. And a even stupid fool to try and attack me." Jaidyn stated while she held the handle of her dagger that she always held on her.

She knew they had enemies all over the kingdoms now but even before she knew better that to wonder off unarmed. She was a queen now and if someone were stupid enough to hold a queen they might be able to persuade a king.

"Any news from across the sea? Or anywhere else?" Jaidyn asked curious to know how Stryder had made himself use since the last time they spoke.

"Not news you don't know already." Stryder mentioned. "But in time, men's words tend to slip and reveal secrets that were should be better guarded."

Jaidyn hated to admit he was right. Men tended to talk when they are drunk or in accompany of woman. But time is a luxury that they did not have. Not when Robb is fighting a way and her child would come soon. There was nothing more that she wanted than for Robb to be present for that day to arrive.

"Well, see to it that you gather whatever information you can about anything. Every detail could help." Jaidyn instructed allowing Stryder to nod his head and leave her to her thoughts.

It wasn't till later that evening did she had company. Maester Luwin had noticed her restlessness and wanted to speak with her. After knocking on her chamber door and receiving a entrance, he found her seated on a seat close to the fireplace. A blanket thrown over her body.

"As a child you were always bundle under as many furs as you could find. An other northern child would have been accustom to the cold by the time there were two." Maester Luwin commented as she watched the fire crackle in front of her. "I know these times are hard on you. All you've ever wanted was to go off and fight battles since you were four. Now in the midst of one of the biggest, you sit behind walls and await the arrival of your babe."

Her hand had already been placed on her stomach from under the blanket, but at the advisors words her arm seemed to tighten. It was true, she wanted to fight and defend her home but now she found herself alone facing a big task. This child would rely on her for the time to come and for however long Robb might be gone. The thought of a lengthy separation scared her.

A noble couple she knew had faced a similar predicament and when they were reunited, it brought more than relief and happiness.

She never questioned Robb's loyalty to her but a camp full of men and anything could happen. She wouldn't know how to deal with the bearings of such news, gods forbid.

"Do you ever think it was nothing but bad timing?" She asked unsure what answer she was expecting.

"We never know what the future may hold for us, which is why we should live the days as they come." Maester Luwin noted as supportive as he could. "However, you picture it, this babe is fortunate to have such a strong mother."

Jaidyn smiled at his words but she felt that she wasn't as strong as she could be. This child would look up to her and she wanted it to be strong and resilient.

But she wasn't the only one feeling the affects of the distance.

Northern camp》

Robb walked toward the cage that held his biggest capture. Since the claim of his fellow bannerman, the duties of a king began to weight heavily on him. He wanted to be able to lead these men into the south and get back his family before matching home to his wife.

The thought of Jaidyn came often. He thought of her smile and her beauty. Not to mention, the gift that she was carrying for him.

He never thought about himself becoming a father but when Jaidyn had revealed it he couldn't be more happier. It helped when they came to leave and he could have Jaidyn safe in Winterfell. She wouldn't be able to see the many disturbing things that they had witnessed.

Out there he could focus solely on the tasks at hand that worrying for her. This helped lead him to Jaime Lannister.

"King in the North." Jaime greeted him as he entered the cage. "I keep expecting you to leave me in one castle or another for safe keeping, but you drag me along from camp to camp. Have you ground find of me, Stark?" The former kingsguard commented trying to poke at his captor. "I've never seen you with a girl. Well, not since the brunette from your hometown. Lady Jaidyn Mormont, I believe her title was."

Robb tensed at the mention of Jaidyn and wondered if the Lannisters knew of their relationship. So far their relationship had been kept to only those loyal to them in case someone had tried to capture his beloved.

"If I left you with one of my bannermen, your father would know within a fortnight and my bannerman would receive a raven with a message, 'Release my son and you'll be rich beyond your dreams. Refuse and your house will be destroyed, root and stem'." Robb addressed the issue while avoiding the topic of Jaidyn.

"You don't trust the loyalty of the men following you into battle?" Jaime questioned trying to pick out what Robb was thinking.

"I trust them with my life, just not with yours." Robb stated knowing that they were keeping Jaidyn and their unborn child under wraps. But Jaime Lannister also gave them a certain advantage.

"Smart boy." Jamie commented but had picked up how the boy straighter at the term. "What's wrong. Don't like being called 'boy'? Insulted?"

"You insult yourself Kingslayer, you've been defeated by a boy. You're held captive by a boy. Perhaps you'll be killed by a boy." Robb commented.

In truth, he did hate the term boy. It made him feel inferior to the others. How is he suppose to lead these men who have seen battle if they won't respect his standing?

The King in the North began to explain the news that had begin to circle Westeros. He began to reveal the indiscretions that the Lannisters hid. And when he left he was more determined to win that war.

To protect his family for the Lannisters who seek to destroy it.

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