Not Your Typical Love Story


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Scarlett Pierce is your typical popular cheerleader: gorgeous, blonde, and of course is dating the hottest gu... Еще

Introducing the Main Characters & AN
Chapter 1: Senior Math and Cold Pizzas
Chapter 2: Math Tutor + Brother's Best Friend = Should Be Interesting
Chapter 3: Sneezing and Cheating
Chapter 4: Brothers and Best Friends
Chapter 5: Regrets and Mistakes
Chapter 6: Mean girls and Rumors
Chapter 7: Break ups and Evil Plans
Chapter 8: Revenge is a Bitch
Chapter 9: Blackmail and Moving out
Chapter 10: An Exciting Lunch
Chapter 11: Bloody Noses, Black Eyes and Bad Books
Chapter 12: Confrontation
Chapter 13: The Bitchtionary
Chapter 14: The Airplane Boy
Chapter 15: Drunkness At Parties
Chapter 16: The Art of Getting Through an Awkward Conversation
Chapter 17: Friend-Zoned
Chapter 18: The Auction
Chapter 19: The Dates; Part 1
Chapter 21: The Dates; Part 3
Chapter 22: Confession
Chapter 23: Discovery
Chapter 24: The Three Musketeers
Chapter 25: Finally
Chapter 26: The Big Suprise
Chapter 27: Milk Mustaches
Chapter 27: Forgetting?
Chapter 28: Nate; Master Secret Keeper? Or Failed Match-Maker?
Chapter 29: Courtney Makes A Comeback
Chapter 30: Dinner with the Jones?

Chapter 20: The Dates; Part 2

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Chapter 20: The Dates; Part 2

After my confusing date with Cole, and my scene with Noah, I was perfectly ready for a new day. The day that included the date with Carson. I wonder why he bought me? I guess because he didn't want some creep to. That makes sense, since he's like a brother, but not actually my brother, like Nate. That'd just be creepy.

 Realizing that Betsi also had her big date with Devin, I called her up to make plans to get ready together.

"Hi Scar,"

"Hi Bets, you excited for tonight?"

"I guess..."

"I think you're more excited than 'I guess.....' "

"Is it that obvious?"

"Yeah, but I know he's excited too."

"Really? How do you know?"

"A little birdy told me..."

"Tell me! Tell me" Betsi screamed into the phone so loud I had to take it away from my ear.

"Okay, okay! Do you seriously not see the way he talks about you? Or looks at you? He bid on you, didn't he?"

"Okay, okay, I get it" she mumbled into the speaker.

"Come over at 3:00, okay?"

"Yep, got it, bye!"

I watched a couple movies, went on youtube, and before i knew it, it was 3:00, and Betsi was knocking on my door.

"Took you long enough to answer, now hurry up, let's get ready" she said, pushing past me and walking upstairs to my room.

"Yeah, yeah, just go.." I muttered, rushing past her, and walked in to my room.

Walking up to my room, I sat down and let Betsi start to apply my makeup. Bright red lipstick, mascara, and blush, and somehow my face look absolutely perfect, thanks to Betsi's master makeup skills. I went to go change into the same dress as my date with Cole, and let Betsi work her stuff.

 When I came out, I could see Betsi had done a very good job on herself. She had pinkish lip gloss, and a little bit of neutral eyeshadow with sparkles on it. I don't know why Betsi is good with makeup, since if you just met her, she would seem like your average tom boy-ish style, but when we got ready for dates, it was always her to do my makeup.

After she was done, I sat her down, and worked on her hair. I curled it, then took the to pieces of hair at the front of her face, and pulled them back loosely. Then, I worked on twirling it so it looked like it was spiraled, I left the rest of her hair as it was, because it was perfect that way.

When it came time for my hair, all I did was curl it, and leave it in place. That was all I needed anyways. It was just a night out with Carson. I didn't consider it a date, that would be a little bit weird.

 As we sat down on my bed, betsi took a little extra time looking in the mirror.

"Getting ready for night out with the love of your life, yeah?" I teased, and Betsi turned red and looked away.

"Shut up" she muttered, " Anyways, you're getting ready for a hot date with Carson!" making me blush harder than her.

"I am not!" I squealed.

"Denial" she tutted, " stage one" and then she ran before I could process what she said.

"BETSI" I screamed, and started chasing after her

We ended up in the kitchen.

"Now looked what you've done, you've ruined my hair!" she teased.

"What are you, Ariana?" I scoffed, and looked at the clock. "Hey, isn't Devin picking you up at your house soon?"

"Nah, I rang him and told him to come here" she said as the bell rang. 

She gasped dramatically and started to frantically comb her hair, "That's him now!" she exclaimed, excitement shining through her eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, go get 'em tiger" I teased and pushed her towards the door. "Hey! Remember to keep things PG!"


****Betsi's P.O.V.****

 I have to admit, I was more than excited for the date, I was nervous. I really liked Devin, and I didn't want him to think I was weird. Sure I'm kind of hyper, but it's part of me. I laugh at the most ridiculous things, I'm mean when I want to be, and it's always directed to people who pick on my friends, like Cole. I will never say a nice thing to Cole ever again, I can guarantee that.

 Before I left Devin wondering what took me so long, I opened the door. There Devin stood in a white shirt and a black blazer and jeans.

"Hey," He said smiling through his teeth. 

"Hi, let me grab my purse and we can leave" I said back, biting my lip, and reaching for my wallet, my lip gloss and my phone. Taking my stuff, I dumped it in my purse and hurried out the door.

"So, where are we going tonight?" I asked, trying to get rid of the awkward air between us.

"Well, I was thinking, since you're so dressed up, we could go see a play, like the ones down at the activity centre, and then dinner." He mumbled, keeping his eyes on the road. "I mean we still have dinner reservations to the Sallone, but I wanted to surprise you."

"That's awesome!" I said sincerely.

"Okay, it's a plan" he said, glancing over at me and blushing.

He looked so cute when he blushed, I inwardly swooned, but on the outside, I just smiled warmly.

"Great!" I chirped, and turned up the radio. Call me maybe was on. I stared singing as loud as I could.

"Hey i just met you, and this is crazy, But here's my number, so call me maybe!" I screamed, clearly and purposely off tune. Devin laughed uncomfortably.

"Come on, loosen up! Sing with me" I said happily, and kept singing.

"It's hard to look right, at you baaaaby, but here's my number, so call me maybe!" He sang out, as I raised my hands in the air and laughed. Devin was finally relaxing.

"Hey, shut up, no one wants to listen to you! Some of us want our peace and quiet!" The car behind us yelled and honked.

"Oh yeah? Well you just can't handle that we're awesome singers!" I screamed out the window and flipped him off. Turn, I turned to Devin and said, "DRIVE DRIVE DRIVE."

The roar of his enginee almost covered my hysterical laughter. Almost.

"What was that?!" He asked bewildered after we passed three traffic lights. 

"My wild side" I smirked, and as he reached the activity centre, got out. He followed after me, still slightly shocked at my outburst at that guy.

Walking inside the play was the most typical Shakespeare play ever; A Midsummer's Night Dream. Some college students organized everything, and over all, the play was pretty good. The girl lead messed up her lines a few times, you could tell when she blushed tomato red. They were also not allowed to kiss, so they high fived. A little lame, but Puck was good.

"Did you like the play?" Devin asked, as we walked to his car.

"Yeah, but our Romeo and Juliet is gonna be so much better." I exclaimed.

"Yeah, it is, Did you see that girl who messed up her lines, she stuttered so much!" he said.

"I know. She messed up her first freaking line? I mean, I take the time to memorize my lines, right?!" I ranted.

" Yeah, like, no one I know doesn't their lines by the fifth rehearsal." he replied.

"Yeah, it's only been the third, so i don't blame people for messing up, but I would be mortified to mess up my lines in the actual performance." I said.

"Yeah, well maybe we could....." he trailed off uncertainly.

"We could what?" I questioned.

"Maybe we could practice our lines together?" he asked me nervously.

I smiled warmly "Of course" I said, glad he asked.

He smiled excitedly at me. "Great"

By the time we reached the restaurant, we had made plans to go to his house after school, to practice.

When I walked into the restaurant, I was shocked. The Italian place he had planned before hand was super fancy. Chandeliers were hanging from the ceiling of the dining hall, and the waiters looked more like butlers than anything else.

"Oh my gosh, Devin, you didn't have to take me here! I would have been perfectly fine with a burger or something!" I exclaimed at him.

"No, no, I wanted to take you here. You like this kind of stuff, so this is what I came up with" he said.

"But, this must be so expensive..." I trailed off.

"Betsi, it's fine, loosen up." he said, using my words earlier.

I muttered something incoherent. "Fine, thank you, then" I sighed defeated.

We sat down and the posh waiter came.

"Hello, Sir, Madam, what can I get you?" He said in a strange voice.

"Umm. I'll get the spaghetti please" Devin said.

"I'll get the same." I said, closing my menu and handing it to him.

When the waiter left, we were back to akward silence.

"Hey let's play twenty questions!" burst out randomly.

"Erm... okay, sure" he mumbled.

"Favorite colour."


"Blue, your turn"

"Favorite movie"

"Marley and me"

"21 Jump Street."

"Ew." I wrinkled my nose. "Why?"

"Because I just do!" he said, pretending to be all prissy about it.

"Okay then....... Best moment of your life"


"Too slow, my turn. When i spilt my milkshake on a random girl by accident, and we ended up being best friends" I said, knowing he could tell it was Scarlet. He started chuckling.

"What's so funny?" i asked confused.

"Nothing, nothing" he said, still laughing.

"You know how you're supposed to please your date? Well please me, I wanna know." I said stubbornly, and wouldn't let it go.

"Okay, okay. it's just you're really hyper." he sighed, and I started to get worried. Was it a bad thing?

"It's cute." he continued. A blush blossomed across my face, though I was relieved that he wasn't weirded out by me.

We continued like that until our food came. When we were done we ended up walking to the park and sitting on a bench.

"You know, I'm really glad that you bid on me Devin." I said, leaning my head on his shoulder.

"I'm glad I bid on you too. You know, I've like you for a very long time, and the auction was the perfect opportunity to ask you out, though I don;t think you would have had much of a choice" he chuckled.

"Well, if you did ask me out, normally I mean, I would have said yes" I said, smiling up at him.

"Well I know that now." he said, and before I chickened out, I leaned in and kissed him.

The kiss wasn't immediate fireworks, like "OMG I'm gonna marry him" and that shit, but I will admit there was something there. I didn't love him, but I did definitely like him, and I hope he stays around long enough so that I fell comfortable enough to drop the L bomb.

We pulled apart, and I smiled at him. He took my hand.

"I suppose I should take you home before Scarlet goes all parent on my ass for bringing you home a minute late" He sighed reluctantly, scratching the back of his head.

"Oh, yeah, I guess. You won't be the only one she'd kill if I were late. She'd blame it on me too, but that's one of the reasons I love her." I said.

"You must really for sticking with her when all those rumours started." he said as he opened the door for me, then went to his own side.

"Well, she's my best friend, I couldn't abandon her!" i explained as we started to drive to Scar's house.

"Yeah, you're not that kind of person." I could see her house now, and her looking out the window discretely, when she saw the car coming, shut it quickly.

As we parked in her driveway, I kissed Devin on the lips before he could react.

"Thanks for tonight." I winked then walked inside.

When I walked in, I guess Scar's date had already finished, since we took longer by going to the park, and she was waiting by the door for me.

"What happened?!" She demanded.

"Hey, I'm sleeping over tonight, okay?" I said, ignoring her question, and walked up the stairs.

"Okay, but tell me what happened!" She shrieked in my ear and followed me up.

"Yeah, uh huh, i'm gonna take a shower, but tell me about your date with Carson later." I said walking into the bathroom.

"Betsi don't you dare shut that door or I swear-" but the rest of Scarlet's threat was cut off, as I slammed the door and locked it, grinning like mad.


Hi guys! So this is a long chappie for me, so appreciate. So, do y'all like Devin? Think he's a good match for Betsi? Think she's better off with someone else? Yes? No? Anyways, since school's started and stuff, some of the chaps are gonna be delayed, sorry, but school before wattpad... I know, but it's true. :/. But Jodi's story is still gonna be updated constantly, I think, so stay tuned for what you've all been waiting for..... Scar and  Carson's date! bye bye!


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