Death's Middle Name {boyxboy}

By FKNichols17

373K 19.3K 3.2K

"When you walk to the edge of all the light you have and take that first step into the darkness of the unknow... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four

Chapter Twenty-Two

8.2K 430 47
By FKNichols17

~Friday 22nd December 2017~

Shockingly enough, Alwynn did not get a good night's sleep. Despite Vant staying at their house the entire night since his parents couldn't get a flight until the morning, he still barely slept at all. He couldn't get Brodie's expression from his face, that manic grin, the psychotic look in his eyes. It was burnt into his retinas, Alwynn knew that, he would have to live with it for the rest of his life.

Waking up alone, Alwynn knew his parents must have gotten home. That or Vant was downstairs making breakfast, however, finding no note, Alwynn knew it wasn't the latter. He sat up with a sigh, rubbing his tired eyes and yawning into his hand. Really, he should have showered like he did every morning, he simply didn't have the energy to stand up for that long.

Instead, Alwynn shrugged on Vant's jacket, taking a moment to appreciate the rich, musky scent that radiated from the thick material, before walking to the top of the stairs. He could hear a conversation, there was Vant's voice, as well as both of his parent's. He perched on a step midway down the staircase, knowing his parents wouldn't allow him to sit in whatever the conversation was with Vant.

"I was on my way to check up on him," Vant's voice only presented subtle concern, nothing more, nothing less, he was a good actor, "I'd bumped into him in a store earlier this week and he told me he was home alone. I obviously wasn't expecting to find the police there and someone trying to break in," Vant wasn't lying entirely, he was telling a half-truth, as Alwynn often did. Apparently, he had heard the sirens pass his house and his instincts just screamed that something was wrong, it would have warmed Alwynn's heart at the thought of him caring so much if the context was different.

"And what did the police say about this man? Do they know who he is?" Lyanna inquired, clutching onto her husband's hand in her lap, although the rest of her demeanour was completely relaxed.

"Brodie Belmaire. He's from the coastal town that Ali visited with Wisteria and Jethro. They think he might have spotted him there and an obsession sparked," Vant paused for a long moment, his lips twitching like they often did when he was thinking of the best way to formulate a sentence, "the police found a knife on him," Alwynn covered his mouth, only just managing to stifle his own gasp, "they have reason to believe he was intending to do serious harm to Ali last night, he will remain in their custody until his trial, unless he's bailed out. He'll be charged with vandalism, breaking and entering, multiple counts of harassment and intent to inflict grievous bodily harm," although, to his parents, Vant's voice would have sounded normal, Alwynn could easily detect the wrath that lied within the vampire.

"My God," Lyanna muttered under her breath, "Clark, Alwynn could have been killed last night," was that genuine fear Alwynn heard in Lyanna's voice? What a change from the usual cold nature she held. Rising to his feet, Alwynn strode down the stairs, past the living room and into the kitchen.

He ignored the calls from his parents, opening the fridge and drinking long gulps of orange juice straight from the bottle. The footsteps from Lyanna, Clark and Vant grew closer, although Alwynn didn't really care. He didn't want to think of the previous night, didn't want to speak about it either.

"Will Vant be staying for breakfast? I'm making pancakes," Alwynn smiled sweetly over his shoulder, disregarding the bemused looks on his parent's faces whilst he found the rest of the ingredients to make breakfast.

"No, thank you for the offer though, I have some business to attend to," Vant didn't look as shocked as Lyanna and Clark, clearly just taking Alwynn's cheerful demeanour into stride, "did you sleep OK?" flawless liar, that man was, Alwynn liked that, even though it probably should have been a red flag for him.

"Not in the slightest," Alwynn muttered almost inaudibly, aware Vant would have been able to hear him, then added in a much louder voice, "like a baby," Alwynn busied himself weighing out ingredients whilst his parents sat at the breakfast bar. Vant lingered further away, shit, he probably needed to feed.

"How are you, Alwynn?" Clark asked, "Vant was just explaining to us what happened last night, we couldn't be more thankful for his kind soul. Everything could have been so much worse had he not thought to check up on you. You have thanked him, haven't you?" Clark Valverde, always concerned with the outward appearance of his family. Whatever.

"I'm fine," Alwynn said with a shrug, stepping over to Vant and wrapping his arms tight around the man, "thank you, you saved my life," Alwynn felt Vant restraining himself from kissing him, or moving his hands somewhere that a friend wouldn't even think of. It was odd not to pout his lips, or whine for more attention as he had grown to expect the day previous.

"Anytime, there's no need to thank me," Vant smiled and Alwynn noticed the flecks of violet in his eyes were bigger than usual. In fact, the alexandrite iris' seemed altogether lighter than usual, closing in on a shade of purple. Shit, he really did need to feed, and Alwynn being in such close proximity likely wasn't helping him with his control.

"I can show you out if you have some business to do," Alwynn was being perfectly polite, as his father would expect, even though really he had his own agendas.

"Thank you," Alwynn followed Vant to the front door, having seen his mother starting to cook the pancakes and his father making small talk with her. Distracted, perfect. Alwynn stepped outside with Vant, leaving the door ajar, before happily receiving the rough kiss from the man.

He moaned breathlessly into Vant's mouth, their tongues coiling around one another, blood seeping from each new cut Alwynn made on the vampire's fangs. Cupping Vant's cheeks, Alwynn caught the man's bottom lip between his teeth, tugging on it gently, giggling when he heard a soft growl rumble from within his boyfriend.

"Go, before we get caught," Alwynn whispered between sweet kisses peppered to his lips, "are you OK with nothing to drink? You could come back at like ten if you really need it, my parents should have gone to bed by then. Or tomorrow morning when they've gone to work."

"I'll be fine tonight, and I actually do have business tomorrow, I'm not sure how long it will take," Alwynn pouted, having wanted to stay with Vant the next day, "I'll text you when I've done and come pick you up. You can stay over at mine and I can get a little more familiar with this," Alwynn giggled when Vant grabbed his ass, a sly smirk on his lips.

"Can't wait, daddy," Alwynn pressed one last short kiss to Vant's lips before stepping inside and closing the front door, locking it behind him out of habit. He wandered back into the kitchen, sitting down next to his father, barely even paying attention to the conversation he was having with his mother.

"I've decided to work from home today, Alwynn," Lyanna mentioned as she placed a plate of pancakes in front of the boy, "I was thinking we could put up the Christmas tree," Alwynn nodded, eating half of his pancakes before pushing the plate over to his father, knowing he would happily finish them.

"I'm just gonna go for a shower then I'll help," Alwynn ventured back up to his bedroom, the little devil on his shoulder suddenly formulating a wicked idea. Locking his bedroom door, he removed his phone from his pocket and face timed Vant, who obviously answered immediately. Placing a finger over his lips, Alwynn smirked at Vant's bemused frown, judging by the background he was still in his car. Perfect, his plan would be a tad more difficult to execute if Vant was in public somewhere.

Resting his phone on his desk, Alwynn shrugged off his jacket, regarding Vant's wide-eyed stare with a brief giggle. The man had caught on quickly to what was unfolding before him. Alwynn pulled off his t-shirt over his head, his sweatpants following swiftly afterwards, leaving him only in a tight pair of light grey boxers, his swelling cock causing a prominent bulge in the front of them.

No shade of embarrassment crossed Alwynn's mind, he was just that comfortable with Vant. The man made him feel beautiful, even with the still dark bruises on his pale flesh, he had no problem with being naked around Vant. Facing away from the phone, Alwynn made a show of removing his boxers, bending over, swaying his hips, taking far longer than he needed to. The whole package.

Upon turning back, Alwynn noticed Vant's lips were parted, his breathing heavy and the camera wasn't entirely still. His red eyes were trained on Alwynn, darkened with lust and ablaze with hunger. Maybe teasing a vampire wasn't the best idea. Alwynn didn't care, it was far too much fun to stop.

"Alwynn?" the boy nearly jumped out of his skin at the sound of his father's voice at the door, freezing in his spot, "I'm going to work now, be careful when you go in the loft to get the Christmas decorations, I'm not sure how much of the flooring up there is stable anymore."

"Y-Yeah, OK," Alwynn stammered, his erratic heartbeat slowing as his father's footsteps became distant. He stuck his tongue out at Vant when he noticed the smug smirk on the vampire's lips.

"If only I could live with you, you'd have this every day. No parents, no obstructions, just a whole load of sex," Alwynn said quietly, picking up his phone and setting it down behind the sink in the en-suite.

"When you turn eighteen you can do whatever you want, sweet boy. I would love for you to move in. For now, you'll just have to lie and sneak around, naughty," Alwynn giggled, spinning on his heel and turning on the shower, waiting for the water to warm up.

"I miss you, is that stupid?" Alwynn glanced over his shoulder, leaning his hands on either side of the sink.

"No, I miss you too, it's not stupid at all. I'll try to be quick tomorrow, it shouldn't take me more than a few hours," Alwynn nodded, assuming Vant wouldn't want him to pry into his business. He stepped into the shower with a smirk on his lips, letting the water run over his entire body, never looking away from Vant for too long.

Although he found the entire situation arousing, it was more for Vant's pleasure. He made sure to keep his movements graceful, constantly chewing on his lip or looking at his phone with half-lidded eyes, knowing his boyfriend was getting off on his little video. Alwynn did, however, end up jerking off before he got out of the shower, partly because he knew Vant would love it, partly because he didn't want an erection around his mother.

"What did I ever do to deserve such a ravishing boy like you?" Vant muttered when Alwynn got out of the shower, drying his hair with a towel, "if only you were here to clean daddy up, since you caused this mess," Alwynn giggled, almost moaning at the sight of Vant licking the cum from his fingers, could the man get any sexier?

"Mmm, pity, looks yummy," Alwynn laughed when Vant groaned overenthusiastically.

"You're gonna get me hard again, don't say shit like that when you're not close enough for me to take it out on that little hole," Alwynn smirked, returning to his bedroom and resting his phone in that same spot on the desk.

"I think I could take it rougher now, daddy, I'm not so sore," Alwynn teased, walking over to his wardrobe and collecting a pair of sweatpants.

"Don't tell me such tempting things, sweet boy, I'll be climbing in your window in a minute," Alwynn giggled whilst he picked out a pair of boxers and a t-shirt. He dressed quickly, not wanting to get aroused again himself.

"It is unlocked," Vant chuckled, glancing elsewhere for a moment. Sadly, Alwynn knew his time was up.

"I have to go, sweet boy, I'll have my phone with me all tomorrow so feel free to text or call if you need anything. Have fun with your mom," Alwynn rolled his eyes, shaking his head whilst he slung his jacket over his shoulders.

"Doubt it, I'll see you tomorrow though," Alwynn waved until Vant hung up, then pocketed his phone and wandered downstairs, finding his mother had already gotten all the decorations from the loft, "mom, dad said the loft was unstable, why did you go up there yourself?" Alwynn scolded, only getting a fond smile in response.

"Your father thinks everything is unstable, he's terrible at DIY, that's why he isn't in that profession. It's perfectly safe up there, you just have to have light footing, which I do," Alwynn sat down next to his mother on the floor, taking baubles out from one of the cardboard boxes and unwrapping them from the newspaper they were nestled in to stop breakages, "how are you really feeling, Alwynn?" Lyanna persisted, catching Alwynn staring at the new window that had been fitted by a friend of his parents.

"Pretty freaked out," he muttered honestly, no point avoiding the topic anymore. His parents clearly didn't believe his particular lies on that topic.

"Do you have any idea why he might be targeting you specifically? It could be something tiny, honey, just a smile could have set him off," truthfully, Alwynn knew exactly why Brodie was obsessed with him, well, actually he didn't. Even though he had spent hours trying, he still remembered no more from the night they were together. He could have done or said anything, something really important could be hidden away in the jigsaw that was his memory, that puzzle piece might just have been lost forever, leaving an irritating hole in the picture.

"No, I must have just seen him in the street. Like you said, maybe I just smiled in passing. He could have been one of the hotel staff for all I know, I didn't really pay attention to all the faces there."

"We're going to make sure he gets put away for what happened last night, Alwynn," his mother vowed, "your father and I have dropped all our other cases to work on this one alone," even though Alwynn should have been relieved at that fact, since his parents were two of the best prosecuting lawyers in the country, he only felt ten times worse. Other criminals, much worse people than Brodie, could be let off on easier sentences because his parents were focused on his case rather than theirs. It wasn't fair. And it would be all his fault, all because he had had too much to drink. God, if anyone got hurt because of it, Alwynn knew he wouldn't be able to live with himself. 

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