Hetalia X Pregnant reader Sce...

By MoonstruckOtaku

50.5K 793 537

I noticed a lot of hetalia boyfriend scenarios on this site, but I wanted to do one a little differently. More

You're Pregnant!!!
He Finds out
You tell your family
You Wanna Eat...What?!
New Character: Romano
New Character: Cuba!
Baby Names
New Character: 2p Romano.
new character: 2p Canada
you're pregnant: 2p

First Ultrasound

5.6K 93 84
By MoonstruckOtaku

Authors note: This is going to be the gender reveal chapter. I'm not going to do a gender reveal party chapter because I don't believe them to be a morally sound concept. sorry for those who wanted that. also this is going to be at roughly 16 weeks as that's the earliest a baby's sexual gender can be determined, I know that's a little early to be entirely realistic, but I wanna leave myself wiggle room on the length of this book.


Alfred hung close to you as you waited for the technician to come in and preform your ultrasound. 

"You needn't be so close." You told him, hand over his that rested on your protruding belly. 

"I know, Dudette, but I am so excited to see my little sidekick the first time."  he grinned at you.

You chuckled a little at his nickname for your baby.

Before anything else could be said the technician came in and addressed you 

"Hello there ms. L/N. How are you feeling this morning?" 

"I'm doing well. My boyfriend and I are very excited to see our baby." 

"Well then I won't delay." She laughed a bit. 

You hiked up your shirt and she slathered the gel onto your abdomen. You winced, you had expected the gel to be cold, but it was warmer than body temperature. Not enough to burn you, just enough to be noticeable. The scan began and the technician watched the screen, then you heard her gasp. 

Alfred jumped on that faster than you did "Is there something wrong with out baby?!" He asked in panic. 

The technician smiled and shook her head. "No, but you should know it's not 'baby' it's 'babies'."

"T-twins?!" You and Alfred squealed in joy and slight panic. 

"Yes, And it looks like a boy and girl from what I can see, although I'm having a hard time seeing baby B right now."

"Twins, how amazing is that, Dudette? I am so stoked for our wonder twins!" Alfred giggled. 

You snorted, your boyfriend and his super heroes. 


"Easy now, Maple." Matthew said as he helped you up onto the ultrasound table.

You rolled your eyes "You should pace yourself on  this helping me stuff, Mattie, at this rate you'll burn out before my ninth month."

He shook his head "I could never get tired of taking care of you maple."

You smiled at your boyfriend's sweetness.

The technician came into the room in a huff. You scowled at his rudeness, but had an idea of why he was acting that way, you could see the wedding ring on his finger, he was judging you and Matthew for not being married. At least it didn't  seem as if his bias was affecting his work.

As the scan progressed you and Mattie got progressively more nervous that he was barely talking to the pair of you. 

Finally the older man spoke "Well, you'll be happy to know you're going to be the mother of a healthy seeming baby boy."

You felt your heart fill to gushing with joy. A boy! you and Mattie were going to have a son!

You both were so enraptured and enjoying each other's happiness that you didn't even hear the old fart lecturing you on needing to get married.


"Are you sure you're doing this right?" Arthur pressed the technician. 

"Honey, he went to school for this," You scolded "Just because it's taking longer than you think it should doesn't mean he's doing it wrong."

"S-sorry love." He said sheepishly

The technician gave a dry laugh "Believe me, he's not the first case of new parent jitters I've seen, and he won't be the last."

"He still shouldn't treat you that way." You replied 

The technician laughed again. 

a few quiet moments passed and then the technician gave a surprised noise.

"What is it?" you asked. 

"Well," he began. "I can't tell the genders, but it looks like you and and your husband are expecting quadruplets Mrs. Kirkland."


you turned your head to see your husband had fainted in shock from the news. You sighed and massaged your temple, he had to kill the mood didn't he?


"I'm telling you it will be a girl." Francis assured as you began to have your ultrasound done. 

You rolled your eyes, ever since you had started swelling he had been calling the baby bump his "little girl" and bombarding you with different girl's names to name the baby. You favored not addressing his insistence and instead apologizing to the technician.

"I apologize for him, he's been rather insistent as of late." You said, earning a slightly displeased look from your husband. 

"It's quite alright ma'm." She replied "Believe me we get far worse people in here. Now... I should be able to see the baby relatively shortly here..."

Francis gripped your hand in eager anticipation and you held your breath as the technician spoke again 

"Congratulations, it's a healthy baby girl!" she said.

You were so happy to finally know that you were able to ignore Francis gloating about how right he was. 


"You're sure he's not pushing on you too hard, aru?" Yao asked you for the third time since the appointment had begun. 

"Yes, Yao, as I said before I'm fine."

"I just don't want anything to harm you or our baby."

"I know but you can't-"

"I mean, I've been around a long time, but I've never had an opportunity like this, aru."

"Me neither Yao, but-"

"And I would really hate to lose you or our baby or heaven forbid the both of you."

At this point you had given up on getting a word in. He was in rant mode. 

"It's my responsibility to keep the both of you safe, and I can't imagine what would I would do if either of you got hurt."

There was a few second pause, and before you could say anything your technician spoke.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but I've completed the ultrasound."

"Oh!" You blushed "I'm so sorry about all that, so does the baby look like a boy or a girl?"

"It seems as if you two are expecting a boy."

Yao squealed and hugged you at that news. 


You could see the sweat beading up on your technician's forehead at Ivan's presence. Your husband was holding your hand and maintaining a constant threatening look upon the woman who was unfortunate enough to be tasked with ultra-sounding  your womb. you could feel an embarrassment blush tinging and you couldn't help but think that this appointment couldn't be over fast enough. 

"Ah, w-well Mr. and Mrs. Braginski, n-n-nothing seems out of the ordinary here, a-a-and it looks like the baby m-may be a girl." The technician finally spoke. 

All at once Ivan's threatening aura dissipated and his smile returned from creepy to normal (for Ivan anyways.) 

"That is wonderful news, Da? Now if there are no other worries I'll be taking my sunflower home to rest." He grinned 

As you left you looked over  your shoulder and mouthed an "I'm sorry" to the technician.


"Ve~ have-a you found the baby yet?" Feliciano impatiently asked again. You could see the angry tic form on his face as he answered this question yet again. 

"No, Mr.Vargas, and you asking is only making it harder for me to concentrate."

Feli looked at his lap guiltily. 

You squeezed his hand a little. "I know your excited, Feli, but you can't rush things like this." 

"Ve~, I-a know bella, but I really want to-a know if we're having a boy or a girl."

You giggled a small bit "Me too, but we'll never know if we don't let him do his job."

Feli gave a small giggle and cuddled into your shoulder a small bit, and soon the technican had his answer. 

"It looks as if you two are having a boy."

Feli nearly exploded with happiness. 

"A boy, Y/N, did you hear? un bambino!" He said happily. 

You nodded, too overcome with emotions to speak, happy tears in your eyes. 


you could tell by the stern glare on Ludwig's face that he was very nervous for this moment. Unfortunately the technician interpreted his nerves as him being angry at her, and she was constantly checking and double checking her work to make sure she was doing nothing wrong.

About halfway through you decided enough was enough and began to try and calm Lud down. 

"Luddy, what has you so worked up?" You asked

"I...Liebe, I'm sorry, I'm just so worried something bad has or will happen." He replied sheepishly. 

"I know you are, to be honest I'm worried too, but it doesn't do any good to obsess over it. The best thing we can do is be as careful as possible and try to get through these nine months in a safe way."

Ludwig took a deep breath. "Ja," he breathed out "Ja you are right."

The technician cleared her throat. "Well, now that you've calmed down I think this's a good time to say that it looks like you'll be having twin girls." 

You felt happiness bloom in your heart at that news, and the biggest smile stretched accross Ludwig's face


Both you and Japan had been deathly still and quiet throughout this appointment. Both of you were nervous, but knew that it would hinder your technician's work to bombard him with questions. 

After a long and frankly uncomfortable period of silence. the technician spoke.  

"Well, Mr. and Mrs. Honda, the babies seem healthy and in order, from what I can tell."

"b-babies?" You stammered

"Oh, I didn't know if you'd want to know, but you are going to have twins, if you like I suppose I could tell you the genders." her replied

"YES!!!" You and Kiku said simultaneously. 

"Alright, you appear to be having twin boys." He finished. 

Both you and Kiku sighed in relief, happy to know everything was alright and what exactly to expect.

Author's Note:

Ah ha ha ha... Japan's scenario kinda sucks... I just was running out of ideas and I wanted to get this chapter out finally, I felt like I've made you guys wait long enough for an update. Anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter after how long it took to get it out, feel free to comment, it's how I learn what you guys wanna see next. :3

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