A Curse or a Blessing? My Jou...

By DenielleFreeman

11.9K 192 52

These are my thoughts, my experiences, my life's lessons as I travel this new path set before me. They are in... More

96hrs of Turmoil
Week 1 of My New Journey
First Day of Chemo
Trials & Tribulations
Just an Emotional Day
Our Special Moment
I Truly am Blessed
Chemo Treatment 2 and weekly update
My Darkest Moments
Don't Be So Quick to Judge
Chemo #3 and weekly update...Part 1
Chemo #3 and Weekly Update....Part 2
Update: Genetic Testing
Chemo #4 and Weekly Update
A Friendship Rekindled
A Huge Relief
A Silent Killer
My Other Diagnosis....Fibromyalgia
Chemo #5 and Weekly Update
Forced to Deal with My Worst Fear...No More Living in Denial
Chemo #6...THE LAST BIG ONE!!
The Stress of Getting Better Written 6/12/12
Nearing the end or a new beginning? 6/24/12
This leg of the journey is finally over!! Written 9/8/12
Just One of Those Days!! Written 10/1/12
It's A New Day! Written 10/2/12
Diary of a Hopeless Mind...How Did it Come to This? Written 10/26/12
A Desperate Plea....Written 11/5/12
Update 2015

Just a Quick Update....Written 4/2/12

216 4 1
By DenielleFreeman

A blog posted on one of my other sites I am on but thought I would share the info here too....Hugs!!

Hello everyone....I am sorry I have been slacking on the blogs...I got really sick and then was getting ready for my surgery. Here is a quick status update for those following and who are not on my FB....Love you all!!! Surgery was this morning.

UPDATE: Home from the hospital. Surgery went well. Had to take a few more areas out than we thought. My latest MRIs showed new areas of calcification...Early detection of cancer cells. So we removed 2 new areas of that and sent for biopsy. At this stage they wouldn't have responded to chemo. Not sure of how many lymph nodes removed but only one or two...Thank goodness. Scarring will be minimal. I have 5 bandages in all, band aid size. Have to keep them on for 3 days then I will be able to look and see how much was cut.

Feeling ok....A lot of pain in the armpit area though...So much so that I went ahead and filled the percocet prescription and I am not one to take heavy narcotics....Took one a bit ago and feeling better...lol

And then PIGGED out!! I was starving. Going to rest in bed now. Not too tired but may nap on and off.

Thank you everyone for your prayers and well wishes and your support!! You ALL help me get through this daily!! I appreciate each and every one of you.

Much Love! 


P.S. I have been posting a few new pics of my daily life they are in gold member section...Also thank you for the support from those who have asked about donating to me. Here is the info again if anyone would like it. Every penny helps....I have a huge garage sale happening first weekend in May so hopefully that will bring in some much needed cash as these medical bills pile up and my gas bill for the car is going to increase 5 fold! UGH!!! 

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