Dark Secrets, Big Lies |Toni...

By BrooklynMHM

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Jade "Hurricane" Jones eldest child of Serpent King FP Jones. Follow her journey to becoming Serpent Queen, a... More

【Meet The Cast】
【Chapter 1】
【Chapter 2】
【Chapter 3】
【Chapter 4】
【Chapter 5】
【Chapter 6】
【Chapter 7】
【Chapter 8 (Part 1)】
【Chapter 8 (Part 2)】
【Chapter 9】
【Chapter 10】
【Chapter 11】
【Chapter 12】
【Chapter 13】
【Chapter 14】
【Chapter 15】
【Chapter 16 (Part 1)】
【Chapter 16 (Part 2)】
【Chapter 17】
【Chapter 19】
【Chapter 20】
【Chapter 21】
【Chapter 22】
【Chapter 23】
【Chapter 24】
【Chapter 25】
【Chapter 26】
【Chapter 27 (Part 1)】
【Chapter 27 (Part 2)】
【Chapter 28】
【Chapter 29】
【Chapter 30】
【Chapter 31】
【Chapter 32】
【Chapter 33】
【Chapter 34】
【Chapter 35】
【Chapter 36】
【Chapter 37】
【Chapter 38】
【Chapter 39】
【Chapter 40】
【Chapter 41】
【Chapter 42】
【Chapter 43 (Part 1)】
【Chapter 43 (Part 2)】
【Chapter 43 (Part 3)】
【Chapter 44】
【Chapter 45】
【Chapter 46】
【Chapter 47】
【Chapter 48】
【Chapter 49】
【Chapter 50】
【Chapter 51】
【Chapter 52】
【Chapter 53】
【Chapter 54 (Part 1)】
【Chapter 54 (Part 2)】
【Chapter 55 (Part 1)】
【Chapter 55 (Part 2)】
【Chapter 56】
【Chapter 57】
【Chapter 58 (Part 1)】
【Chapter 58 (Part 2)】
【Chapter 59】
【Chapter 60】
【Chapter 61】
【Chapter 62】
【Chapter 63】
The End Is Almost Near...
【Chapter 64】
Get Ready!
It's Out!
Imagines Story
Darker Secrets, Bigger Lies
My New Endeavor (Not An Update)
Time We've Had A Heart To Heart

【Chapter 18】

5.5K 117 6
By BrooklynMHM

The rest of our week went by uneventful school, runs and Sweets and I working on our secret project. Today was the day I finally got to go visit my dad I can't even remember the last time I hugged him. That's something you take for granted, the embrace of a parent. But I couldn't wait to have that back today. Anytime I went to see him before it was always through glass.

Toni and I spent the night together and I told her I would take her to school before going to visit my dad. "Are you nervous for your visit?" She asks as she's doing her hair. "Kinda, I guess more anxious to be able to give him a hug but other than that I'm ready."

I say staring at her "what are you looking at?" She says looking back at me through the mirror. "Nothing just enjoying my view." I say with a smirk on my face. She blushes and a smile takes over her face.

She finishes getting ready, Juggy left to school with Kato and Duke already. I grab the keys to my Challenger and we are off. Our typical car rides always consist of singing along to whatever comes on the radio, holding hands and laughing. Whatever this is with Toni and I we're going strong still, I'm at my happiest with her.

I pull into the parking lot and take her to our new spot we claimed the day we started here. "Don't try to miss me too much." I say as I lean over to give her a kiss. "I'll try not to brat." She says kissing me back. "Tell your dad we all say hi." She says as she grabs her bag from the backseat. "I will, have a good day babe." "You too baby." She says giving me a final kiss before getting out of the car.

The process of getting into a visitation is ridiculously long. Metal detectors, searches, it reminds me of trying to get into Southside when we still went there. But after 20 minutes I'm led to a room that has a table and two vending machines. I take a seat and I wait in silence. Now that I'm here I'm starting to get nervous.

About 10 minutes later the door opens a guard in front as he steps aside I see my dad. He uncuffs him and locks the door behind him. I run over to my dad and throw my arms around him. I don't know why but I began to cry. "There's my baby girl." My dad says as he holds me and gives me a kiss on my head. As tough as I have to be, being in my dad's arms made me feel safe. We stay hugging for at least a few minutes before we separate and take a seat. 

"You look great dad." I say taking in my dad's new figure. He's always been in shape, but this time around he's bulked up muscles are more defined. His skin is nice and clear, he looks like a whole new man. "Thanks baby girl, I've been working out twice a day everyday lately."

"I heard about initiation and how you handled it from the guys. They were extremely impressed. I'm so proud of you baby girl." My dad wasn't one to constantly praise Jug or I growing up. But when he did you know he meant every single word. "It was a lot tougher than I thought. But I got it done." I say proudly.

"I'm sorry I couldn't be there to witness it first hand baby girl." I know dad but I understand. He asks me about Jughead and how he's doing, he notices the scar I now have on my cheek from the fight Jug and I had about our mom. I can see the hurt in his eyes when I tell him about it.

"So Riverdale now? How's that going?" He asks folding his arms. "It's good, we get the occasional backhanded comment from the bulldog boys but nothing serious. On our first day this new girl Veronica Lodge tried to organize a little welcome committee but that didn't end too well." As soon as I say the last name Lodge I can see the look on my dad's face change.

"Did you say Lodge?" The tone of his voice has concern in it. "Yeah her and her mom Hermione just moved back here from New York. Why what's wrong dad?"

"How do you know her mom?" He asks his hand now clenched in a fist. "She works at Pop's, we're always in there so we see her all the time." His jaw now clenched. "And her husband?" "I don't know about him just Veronica and Hermione. How did you know she was married? What the hell is going on dad?"

My dad takes a deep breath before talking again. "You need to listen to me. You need to find out where Hermione's husband is. If he moved to Riverdale you need to stay as far away from that man as you can do you understand me?" I don't understand what is so important about Veronica's dad. Hermione has been nothing but great so I don't know what could be any different with him. "Dad you're flipping out for nothing."

As soon as the words fall from my lips my dad slams his fists onto the table "Jade Noelle! You fucking listen to me! You stay away from that man! Don't ever let that man see you! Do you fucking understand me!?" If anyone knows FP Jones they would know that my dad never called me by my name it was always babygirl. 

So whenever he used not only my first name but my middle name too you know it was serious. Tears formed in my eyes "dad what aren't you telling me?" 

"Jade you just have to listen and do what I ask please. I didn't want the visit to go this way. I wanted you to be the first to know that in a month I'll be out of here. My case was reviewed and they found no evidence that I tried to kill anyone. I was set up. All you have to do is find out where Hermione's husband is. And lay low until I'm out of here. I promise you Jade I will explain everything once I'm home ok? You just have to trust me babygirl."

Hearing my dad was basically exonerated from any wrongdoing made me beyond happy. I knew all along my dad was here for no reason. But hearing his warning about Veronica's dad sent fear through my body. I was never one to question my dad he's always had my back and my best interest in mind always. So I was going to do exactly what he asked. 

"So you're basically warning me about Veronica's dad, should I be weary about Veronica or Hermione? Can you at least tell me that." I ask my dad. "Not basically Jade you stay far away from that man, you can trust Hermione and her daughter isn't a worry of mine. But Hiram you stay away from him."

"So that's his name Hiram?" My dad nods his head "yes Hiram Lodge." Our visit came to an end. "I'm sorry this went left Jade, but I said I promise when I'm home we'll talk about everything. Just be careful babygirl."

 We say our goodbyes. Seeing him walk away always broke my heart. But it made me happy knowing this was the last time I would see him like this. In just 4 weeks he would be home. With everything else I have to handle my top priority was finding out who the fuck Hiram Lodge was and if he was in Riverdale.

After the visit with my dad my head was spinning. All I honestly wanted in that moment was Toni, she had so easily become my safe haven. As long as she was around I was at peace, and I knew once I told her about Hiram she would do whatever it took to help me find him and figure out his whereabouts.

I got back to the school about 30 minutes before it got out for the day. It was beautiful out I wore a hoodie for my visit with my dad so I took it off leaving me in just a tank top. I got out of my car and sat on the hood, put my headphones in and got lost in some music. While l waited I decided to start trying to find out what I could about Hiram.

Public arrest records showed he had a very long history of being in and out of jail. His most recent arrest was for racketeering charges with others pending. This dude seemed dangerous. It made me feel bad for not only Veronica but Hermione as well. Before I know it I look up and see Toni running towards me.

"I missed you babe!" She says wrapping her arms around me. I pull her close and like magnets our lips find each other. "Ahem, wanna get a room?" Fangs says sarcastically, elbowing Sweet Pea "wanna fuck off?" I say with a chuckle. "So how'd the visit go?" Sweet Pea asks. "I don't wanna talk about it here." I say getting off the hood of my car. "Let's go to the Wyrm then." Duke chimes in. "Nah not there either, meet at my shop." Everyone agrees.



Emergency meeting at my shop get there ASAP!



Everyone meets at my shop. We wait for another 10 minutes before Jug walks in. Everyone looks concerned it's not our usual meeting spot but I didn't want to be around anyone else besides my young Serpents.

"So as most of you know I had a visit with my dad today. I have some amazing news in 4 weeks the King will be home." Everyone starts whistling and clapping. "His case was reviewed they found out he was in fact set up. They need to process his paperwork to have everything with his conviction expunged. As soon as that's done he'll be back home." Everyone looked happy but Jughead had the biggest smile on his face.

Everyone talked about wanting to throw him a welcome home party which I agreed on. I call an ending to the meeting everyone except my close crew went their separate ways. Now it was just Toni, Sweet Pea, Fangs, Kato, Love, Duke, Jug and I left in my shop.

"You look like you wanted to say more Jade, what's going on?" Jughead says as he takes a seat on a work table. "Yeah you're right. I was telling dad about the whole welcoming committee with Veronica as soon as I mentioned the last name Lodge he flipped out. He said I needed to find out if her dad moved back here with Hermione and Veronica. Said I needed to stay far away from him. He didn't say why he used my first and middle name so it's serious business."

They all have confused looks on their faces. Toni grabs my hand and begins rubbing it with her thumb. "Are we in danger?" Alexa asks.

 "He didn't say anything about you guys he just said I needed to stay away from him." Jughead walks over to me putting his arm around my shoulder. "We'll find out where he is Jade don't worry. I can ask Betty to help and you know her. She can find out anything about anyone."

 As much as I don't want to involve anyone else or risk Veronica finding out I'm digging trying to find dirt on her dad I know Betty is the best bet.

"Jug you have to make sure Betty keeps her mouth fucking sealed about this. No one and I mean no one else can find out about this. Not even Archie. What is said here right now stays with us all and that's it. Not even the other Serpents." I say warning them all.

"You got it Jade, I promise I'll find out everything about Hiram. Don't worry I won't let you down sis. And don't get yourself worked up about it. Go about your business as you would. As soon as we find out anything I'll let you know." Jughead says bringing me in for a hug.

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