Mess // Carl Gallagher (COMPL...

بواسطة kitkatzoo2

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SEQUEL TO PARTNERS IN CRIME Missy and Carl had been a mess since they were fourteen so eight years was never... المزيد



4.3K 59 14
بواسطة kitkatzoo2

Missy sat in the passenger seat of Mickey's truck with her feet on the dashboard, he drove and Mike sat in the center of the back seat. "Would you stop fucking hitting me how many more time have I told you. I payed a couple months rent and bought some shit for the kid. No one knew you were coming back" her brother said as she scoffed. "And a new truck apparently. Mike how much did you take" she said knowing he wouldn't have taken anything as she was trying to prove a point.

"Nothing. I knew you were coming back eventually" he answered truthfully as Missy nodded. "See, Mike respects me" she began but Mickey cut her off. "Just because Mother Theresa didn't take any of your drug money doesn't mean the rest of us didn't have a right. It was. Uh. What's it called. Compensation" he said but she just punched him in the arm once again as they pulled up to the Milkovich house.

She was about to open the door, but it was immediately shut. "What the fuck" she shouted while kicking the door. "It's, it's Ian" Mickey said while looking down as Missy just kept banging at the door until the man opened it holding pepper spray. "What the fuck" she shouted as he instantly put it down. "Sorry. I've been feeling a bit weird today. It's so good to see you. You've grown, a few centimeters but grew all the same" he said truthfully as Mickeys concern instantly grew. "Did you take your meds" he said a little too loudly as Ian nodded but it led to an argument so Missy and Mike shoved their way through.

Albina, her grandmother, Terry's mother, sat on the couch sharpening something as her nephew watched television next to her, as if it was a normal thing to do. Svetlana was on an armchair taking selfies and appeared to be swiping and the kitchen table was full of Milkovich men, but instead of food on the table there were guns and drugs. "Missy. Thank goodness for your return. Yevgeny needs babysitter. There's less time for pictures and swipey swiping" the woman shouted as she took a step back so the little boy ran up to her. "Mimi" he shouted as she immediately scooped him up and hugged him as tight and she could. "You smell the exact same" she whispered as she clung to him even harder.

"I missed you" she whispered while resting her forehead on his. "I missed you too" he whispered back. "Has your Pops been good to you while I was gone" she asked as he nodded. "And guess what" he said as she held him tighter. "What" she whispered as he smiled. "Me and Franny are best friends" he said as she smiled excitedly. "Really" she whispered as he nodded before smiling. "I really missed you" he said as she smiled. "I won't be going anywhere for a really long time okay" she whispered before putting him down on the couch so he could go back to watching his show.

"Hey, it's you, the shithead whos been a pain in my ass for years" her older brother Iggy shouted before messing up her hair as though she were a child, there was a cigarette hanging from his mouth as she laughed. "Fuck you Igor" she shouted since he had already pulled Mike into a conversation, his face dropped at the use of his real name so went back to conversation. "Where's the kid" he asked Mike who looked at missy. "Carl's" he whispered since it was a sore subject as Albina stood up. "Two babas" she questioned as Missy nodded. "We have to get her back" she said while biting her nails as she looked up for a few seconds to see the house looked exactly the same.

"Woah" she whispered while taking in the house she never thought she would miss. She watched as the men got ready to move guns and watched as Iggy tried to drag Mike over but she grabbed his arm as quick as she could, knowing he didn't want to follow in the footsteps of his father. "Mandy's old room is mine right" she asked her brother who nodded so she pulled her best friend in there to reveal her older cousin Sandy on her bed.

"Holy shit" she said while covering her mouth before leaning against the door. "Is there anywhere in this house where I can get some privacy" she whined as her cousin tilted her head. "I need a place to crash, in our heads, you weren't coming back" she said honestly as Missy took a seat on the bed. "Thanks for reminding me, another bust up with your mom" she asked while opening her bedside drawer to find a packet of cigarettes so lit one up, handed her friend and cousin one and lay back on the bed, trying to remember what freedom felt like.

"You know how she is" she said while shaking her head as Missy's jaw nodded. "Thought she was better" she said while shaking her head as Sandy nodded. "Thought so too. But nope, got drunk, threw me out. Uncle George brought me here" she said as Missy wrapped her arm around the girl and sighed. "I'm not sharing a room" she whispered before shoving the girl away from her as Sandy just laughed and saluted her. "When was the last time I saw you, moms funeral ?" she asked, genuinely trying to remember as Sandy went silent before nodding. "Or was it the funeral of that weird uncle who was shot in the mouth" she said with her head tilted as they both blessed themselves before going back to thinking and it was if Sandy had a eureka moment.

"You were thirteen, the last time I snuck you out of Kevin and Veronicas" she said as Missy began roaring with laughter. "And you bought that cheap ass cider and we ended up in the North side" she bowled as Sandy nodded. "And that guy" she began before slapping the bed as they both laughed as loud as they could. Missy's stomach ached and she had to force herself to stand up. "God, that was so, so long ago" she whispered before inhaling her cigarette before looking at Mike who was just smiling at her.

"Meet Milkovich one thousand and forty eight, Sandy" Missy joked as Mike just nodded and awkwardly waved. "He's all your brothers talk about. I swear he's like royalty, he's not the one who knocked you up, is he ?" she asked as the girls face slowly dropped. "Where is the kid anyway" she asked while looking around as Mike subtly banged his head against the wall, obviously, no one had warned her.

"Oh shit, did something bad happen here" she asked as Missy's stomach continued to sink. "No, uh, that's Carl" Mike whispered as the realization hit Sandy like a truck. "Did-uh-did you go to see him" she asked awkwardly as Missy nodded before lying back down. She could hear Sandy and Mike whispering before Sandy just got up and left them on their own to talk.

"How many more girls do I have to compete with" she whispered before looking a Mike who wrapped his arm around her. "None. It's what I've been trying to tell you for years" he said as she rested her head on his shoulder. "But, when he last visited, he told me I was his Monica. That we were a modern Frank and Monica. That no matter what happened, we'd find our way back to eachother. But this girl, she has my daughter calling her mom. And that hurts" she said as a tear slipped down her cheek.

"And I wasn't the best mom at the start I get that. But I didn't have enough time to even try. But that little girl, my fucking daughter, she kept me going in prison, yanno what her first word was, momma. But it turns out, he was with Bianca all along and he sat there, right across from me, feeding me shit, for two whole years and then just disappeared" she said while staring blankly at the wall as Mike nodded. "So what are you going to do about it" he asked, curious as she nodded.

"I'm going to go and see them tomorrow. Hear them out, try not to shoot a bitch and I'm going to get my daughter back. But right now, I need to be alone" she said while looking at him, so he got up and went to go and catch up with everyone, so waited until she knew he was gone and burst into tears.

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