No Control (Chris Motionless)

By XxakthecreaturexX

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The city of London has its share of secrets. Some dark things have happened on its streets. An entity that is... More

Chapter 1 - London Town
Chapter 2 - Whipping Haus
Chapter 3 - Already Here
Chapter 4 - Twin Flames
Chapter 5 - Another Mistake
Chapter 6 - What Follows
Chapter 7 - A Warning
Chapter 8 - Fright Night
Chapter 9 - Vice Grip
Chapter 10 - Amends Made
Chapter 11 - A Lesson
Chapter 12 - Skin Tight
Chapter 13 - Torture Garden
Chapter 14 - Night Call
Chapter 15 - Stay Here
Chapter 16 - Graveyard Shift
Chapter 17 - An Almost
Chapter 18 - The Movement
Chapter 19 - New Faith
Chapter 20 - Vice's Virtue
Chapter 21 - A Moment
Chapter 22 - Someone's Watching
Chapter 23 - Silent Treatment
Chapter 24 - Between Us
Chapter 25 - Little Secret
Chapter 26 - More Questions
Chapter 27 - Razor's Edge
Chapter 28 - Unwanted Answers
Chapter 29 - A Monument
Chapter 30 - The Sinners
Chapter 32 - Hell's Haven
Chapter 33 - A Realization
Chapter 34 - Some Help
Chapter 35 - Sudden Attack
Chapter 36 - The Reason
Chapter 37 - Our Normal
Chapter 38 - Role Reverse
Chapter 39 - Sensory Overload
Chapter 40 - Breath Control
Chapter 41 - Panicked State
Chapter 42 - Things Forgotten
Chapter 43 - Waiting Game
Chapter 44 - Five Offerings
Chapter 45 - Blood Bath
Chapter 46 - The Truth
Chapter 47 - Escape Plan
Chapter 48 - Spaces Between
Chapter 49 - A Confession
Chapter 50 - It Begins
Chapter 51 - A Loss
Chapter 52 - Damage Control

Chapter 31 - The Leader

427 19 31
By XxakthecreaturexX

A few nights later, I found myself accompanying Darien into that gloomy dungeon yet again, but this time I had a reason for being there.  

"Would I have to remove my hood if I wanted to speak with Roy?" I question as we take our usual spot in the back of the group. 

"You don't have to, but if you're after keeping who you are a secret, that small hood won't help much."

I nodded in agreement, he had a point and at this point, I think Roy has already taken notice of me. I've shown up to these meetings too many times not to stand out now. I decided to somewhat change the subject after that. "So, whenever we don't have these meetings, is this place like a full-time sex dungeon?" 

Even in the dim light, I could read the embarrassment on his features. "I'm not totally sure actually, but I've heard before that there's a pay-to-get-in type of party that starts on Friday nights and ends on Saturday morning."

"How did you find that out?"

"I've heard Roy talk about it before, it had something to do with our own scheduling."

I did my best to keep the look on my face neutral, even though I found that a bit strange, but then again I guess if someone was running a cult they would need to keep things like that in order. I watched Roy take his usual spot at the front of the cavernous room, running his hand over his slicked-back hair and I could have sworn I caught a glimpse of frustration on his face. He cleared his throat to gain everyone's attention and he gave them all that easy smile of his, one that always had a way of making my stomach turn. 

"The days are numbered now, my friends." He announces as his dark eyes scan the room. "The trials we are sure to face are nearly upon us and they will show who the true believers are in the end. I have received word that our New Lord has made his final selections for the ritual and now we must only be patient. We all know our expected roles and we need to be prepared at a moment's notice to fulfill them. The success of the New World Order lies in each of your hands, we can't fail our Lord now, not in the final hour." 

The air around us seemed to hold a quiet, yet charged energy when Roy paused to let his words sink in. It was clear to see that this man knew that his preachings held power over these people. Kim had mentioned that Roy was a madman, but it was becoming easy to see that he was extremely intelligent and he had a way of speaking that could get others to listen and agree. With that sort of gift in the wrong hands, a person could cause unforeseeable damage without having to lift a single finger. 

Everyone in the room waited anxiously for his next statement and I could feel the tension wrapping tightly around my heart. 

He appeared to lean in closer to the group, speaking in a calm tone, "More sacrifices will need to be made for the sake of the New World Order, for the good of our children, families, and future generations to come. I truly hope that you all grasp that we will have a hand in bringing about peace to this world, but there will be a fight unlike any other ahead of us."

It wasn't much longer after that when the meeting was finished up and I was more than nervous about what I intended to do next. I clenched my fists as they began to sweat, worrying that this was probably a horrible idea, but I was willing to take the risk.  

"Do you think it would be possible for me to have a word with Roy? I feel like I should have introduced myself by now." I ask Darien before he can turn to head back through the tunnels. 

He bit at the side of his lip as he mulled it over before shrugging, "Sure, he doesn't seem too busy."

He guided me to the front of the room, heading straight for the leader of this depraved cult. Roy was in the middle of gathering up some papers when his head rose as we approached. He gave Darien a warm smile and shook his hand, then his gaze drifted over to me and I felt my heart rate spike. 

He seemed to study me for a moment before extending his hand to shake mine remarking, "It's nice to finally meet you, my dear. I've noticed you attend several meetings with Darien and I'm glad to have you with us."  

"It's good to meet you too," I respond as I shake his hand, and as I gaze into his eyes, a strange feeling of familiarity comes over me, but I push to sensation to the back of my mind. 

"What made you want to join this community?"

"I'm not entirely sure. It just felt like it called to me when I first began learning about it." I explain, improvising on the spot. 

He nodded in appreciation, "Well, it seems that you've arrived just in time, the New World Order is nearly upon us."

"I have a question about that actually..." I trail off, gauging his reaction.

"I'm happy to provide you with answers."

"Okay, when this ritual takes place, what part are we going to have in it?"

Roy shook his head gently at me in a manner that made me feel as if I were a small foolish child. "We are there merely to get things in their proper order for the new Lord and to see that no one disrupts his work. It's nothing that you should worry about, seeing that nearly everything is already being taken care of."  

"When is going to happen then?"

"Whenever the new Lord decides it's time."

"But how will we know?" I questioned even though I knew that I was probably pushing too hard at this point, but I was tired of not getting some actual answers. 

"I will be informed and then I will let everyone else know as well."

"So, you've met them?"

"Several times since I've started this movement. I was told to lead this group by my father to the new age. My family has had the gift of knowing since the very beginning."

Darien butts in to add, "His ancestor was the one to have the first chosen host back in 1888."

Roy chuckled with a nod, "That's true, my bloodline has done all that they can for more than a century for our new Lord. I intend to be the one that helps bring the new Lord to his rightful place of power. Alright, well if that's all you need, I have to be heading out now."

Before I could make any protests, he turned away and headed out after the rest of his followers. Now I began to wonder if the culprit of these murders had been Roy all along and if it wasn't actually being done by his own hand, he might be telling someone else what to do for this cause of his. I felt my head swim as I tried to wrap my mind around all of this. There were almost too many possibilities to consider, but I at least had one idea left to help figure this out. I just needed Chris to agree to it.

It didn't take all that much searching on the web to find out plenty about that dungeon. It was called Hell's Haven, the events were usually held on Saturday and Sunday, and it cost $30 a person to get in. I felt ridiculous for being nervous to ask Chris to attend one of these events with me, considering that's how we first met. Despite that, this place felt dangerous to attend even with him there. I knew that I didn't have many other choices, so all I could do was grit my teeth and get it over with. It felt like we were almost down to the wire with this whole dilemma and we were going to run out of time before anything of value could be discovered. 

I sent Chris a text message asking him to come over as soon as he could and I received a reply a few minutes later.

'I'll be right over.' 

By the time he arrived, I had managed to calm myself down a bit to where any of the unease I had been feeling, wouldn't be seen. 

"So, what did you call me over here for?" He questioned as his heavily tattooed hands toyed with my own pale and blank fingers. 

I raised my eyebrow an inch at that, but replied, "There's a dungeon that I've heard about in London and I want you to come with me to it."

"Like a play dungeon?" He asked with an amused grin.

"You're exactly right."

"I'm up for it, when are we going to go?"

I could see the mirth dancing in his eyes as I questioned, "How does tomorrow sound?"

He laced his fingers through mine and gripped them tightly as he murmured, "It sounds like I'm about to have a lot of fun with you."

I let out a small laugh as I rolled my eyes at him and jokingly mumbled, "Maybe I was intending to have my way with you this time around."

That appeared to only amuse him further, "I might consider it, on one condition."

I leaned towards him, off the wall that my bed rested against questioning, "And what would that be?"

"You have to wear that dress I bought you for the Torture Garden."

I smirked, "Consider it done."

Chris closed the space between us briefly as if he was sealing the deal with a kiss. When he broke the kiss, he remained up close to me, his eyes studying my face for a long moment. 

"What's on your mind?" I ask as I give him a questioning look.

A soft smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he quietly responded, "How glad I am that I met you."

I felt a catch in my throat at those words.

He continued, "It was pure luck that any of this happened between us. How we met each other, the fact that you've stuck around me even when you didn't know if you could trust me, and that I haven't managed to scare you away by now. It's going to sound fucking ridiculous, but I mean it when I tell you that I have never believed in fate or that things have a certain way that they are supposed to play out. This feels different though, like that might actually be possible, that we were meant to meet each other." 

My mind conjured up what I knew about the ritual, maybe someone did make sure that we met, that we were merely playing pieces in their sick twisted game. Just having that thought made my chest tighten as my heart rate increased, what if I was playing right into the cult's hands?

Before I could consider saying anything back to Chris, there was a knock at the door.

"Is it safe to come in? Is everyone in non-compromising positions?" Cody called from the other side.

Chris chuckled at that, answering back, "Yeah, the coast is clear."

Cody stepped into the room with Mackenzie and Lea in tow. He smiled brightly when he saw Chris greeting, "Hey man, I haven't seen you around in a minute! Have you been busy with that book of yours?"

"Sort of and this one has been avoiding me." He replies in a jokingly chastising tone as he shoves my leg gently. 

"It's probably because of those strange books she's been studying day in and day out," Lea remarked as she cast a glance over at my desk where said books usually sat, along with a flurry of notes I had jotted down around them. "I'm kind of surprised that she has them put up for once."

Chris peered over at me with a curious gaze. I had a bit of explaining to do and no desire to make it happen. Something in my gut was telling me to keep what I knew and thought about this cult issue to myself right now. I knew that, for now, I would do just that.


I'm sorry that this took so long everyone, but I appreciate you all being so patient with me. My life has continued to be a bit of a mess and that's made writing a challenge, but I'll always try to find a way back. Well, I hope that this chapter wasn't too bad! 

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