By moo3210

68.1K 2.3K 1.5K

Connor, the Android sent by CyberLife and Lieutenant Hank Anderson are now armed with the task of taking care... More

Scene 1 - Crime scene
Scene 2 - DPD
Scene 3 - A place to stay
Scene 4 - First Investigation
Scene 5 - Locating the deviant
Scene 6 - Second Investigation
Scene 8 - Eden club
Scene 9 - Doubts
Scene 10 - Jericho
Scene 11 - The Stratford Tower
Scene 12 - Found you
Scene 13 - One day
Scene 14 - Kamski's place
Scene 15 - Simulation
Scene 16 - Guessing game
Scene 17 - Goodnight
Scene 18 - 10 years later

Scene 7 - Third Investigation

3.6K 118 116
By moo3210

Your POV

We didn't go back to the DPD after today's missions. The sky had turned much darker now. It was probably around 7:30pm. Mr Anderson had gone back to his house meaning that Connor and I would have to find somewhere else to sleep. 

The cold night air was calm and peaceful, but the uneasy feeling started to build inside me. Like something was wrong, but I didn't know what. 

I tried to ignore it and kept walking next to Connor. We found a motel that allowed human and android access that was near the end of town, so he paid for the room and we stepped inside, both our clothes soaking wet from the rain outside. I hugged my sides and walked to the window. The weather didn't seem to be picking up, but it wasn't necessarily bad either. I don't think it affected Connor. Speaking of Connor, he seemed quieter than usual and would sometimes look at me when we were walking. He was probably making sure I don't get hurt since he was super protective even when a car drove past. 

He turned a radiator on and held my shoulders, ushering me to stand next to it to warm up. I took my hat off and placed it on the radiator then felt my temple. The blue ink had come off in my hands. I can always draw it back on. 

He then walked over to a closet in the corner of the room and pulled out a light blue towel. He came back and wrapped it around my shoulders, folding the back of it onto my head to dry my hair. He started moving the towel around, up and down and side to side, making me giggle as it made me feel a little dizzy. He smiled and stood back up, placing the towel on the bed and sitting down next to it. I scampered over to the bed, struggling to get on top of it. I finally managed to and sat next to him.

"It may take a minute for you to fully restore to the recommended body temperature of  97°F, (Y/n). In the mean time, you should get some rest" He stated. I nodded tiredly and rubbed my eye.  "By the way....I wanted to ask you something".

The question caught me off guard and I stared at him curiously. What could he possibly ask me that he doesn't know already? If anything I should be asking him questions. "What is it?" I asked.

"On the roof, when the deviant got away.........why were you treating him like a human?" He furrowed his eyebrows as he asked. I didn't really know how to explain it really.

"I don't think he did anything bad, he just wanted to be his own person. Be in charge of himself instead of listening to people all the time. Maybe that's why he ran away from his owner. Anything that can think like that and want freedom.....could be human, right?"

He seemed to understand what I was trying to say but it didn't seem to sink in. "There's still another thing that I don't understand". I waited expectantly for the next question. "Why did I let him get away?"

"........well, um......if androids aren't supposed to feel emotions and only take orders.....then maybe you're more human than you think". I smiled. He looked worried when he heard what I said. I mean, being more human shouldn't be a bad thing. I yawned and crawled to the top of the bed and went under the covers. Connor sat on the side of the bed for a while, so I think he was talking to CyberLife again.

Connor's POV


NOV 6TH, 2038

PM 07:51:05


D  E               A N


F   C T            N                  FL


The garden is gloomy as the rain from Detroit has emulated into the CyberLife files. I held the umbrella in my hand and proceeded to find Amanda. She had contacted me and wanted to speak with me about something. It must be important. 

I soon found her underneath the large sculpture of the metallic flower that resents in the path in front. I walked over the bridge to get there and greeted her. "Hello Amanda".

She stood with a somewhat friendly look on her face. "Connor, I've been expecting you..."





"Would you mind a little walk?" She asked. It must be to talk about the deviant case. I didn't want her to know about what's been happening with the deviant cases so I smiled weakly in return and opened the umbrella for her to walk under as I held it. 

"That deviant seemed to be an intriguing case" She said blankly. Something wasn't right. "A pity you didn't manage to capture it..." She stated with more venom. 




"Deviants are completely irrational, which makes it difficult to anticipate their behaviour..." I explained apologetically. "...but I should have been more effective".

"Did you manage to learn anything?" She asked with a more optimistic tone. Though, the annoyance in her expression was still visible.

"I found its diary, but it was encrypted" I replied as I looked at her. "It may take weeks to decipher". Her face seemed to have fallen at the news but it was accurate information nonetheless. 

"What else?" She asked again, this time less enthusiastic than before. Possible signs of lack of hope or expectancy.

"The walls of the apartment were covered with drawings of labyrinths and other symbols. Like the other deviants, it seemed obsessed with rA9". I explained. She continued looking forward and remained that way until she turned her head. "You came very close to capturing that deviant..."

I stayed quiet. I know I failed to accomplish my mission but finding answers to the deviancy problem still stands. This should only be a minor setback. 

"How is your relationship with the Lieutenant developing?" She asked with a small smile. 

I recounted the events of today. "He seemed grateful that I saved his life on the roof. He didn't say anything but he expressed it in his own way".

"What about the child. (Y/n), was it?"

I smiled, remembering how (Y/n) helped with the investigation. "She's doing well. I've tried my best to keep her out of harm ways, but it was proven difficult since she is.....curious about the case. She enjoys helping Hank and I find evidence, even if it means putting herself in danger to find more clues. She's......unique in a way. More complex than I had first expected from a young human".

Amanda looked at me strangely then turned her head to face forward yet again. "Make sure that she and Lieutenant Anderson do not become distractions to your mission, Connor". 

We had reached a bridge and stopped in the middle of it.

"We don't have much time. Deviancy continues to spread, it's only a matter of time before the media finds out about it" She stressed as she held her hands together in front of her as she usually does, showing a respectable posture. "You need to stop this....whatever it takes".

"I will solve this investigation, Amanda" I said sternly. She must have faith in my abilities if this is going to work. I need her to trust me. "I won't disappoint you".

She kept her gaze downwards. "A new case just came in" She looked back up to meet her eyes with mine. "Find Anderson and investigate it".

She then held her head high as she walked over the rest of the bridge, leaving me behind holding the umbrella before I could object.

I opened my eyes and my visuals had taken me back to the motel room. I looked at the bed and saw (Y/n) facing away with her back to me. She must be asleep already. That should give me some time before she wakes up and finds out I'm not here. I shouldn't be gone for very long. I stood up quietly and left the room, closing the door slowly behind me, making it squeak before clicking shut.

Your POV

I opened one of my eyes then gave a small grin. I sat up and got out of bed. I pulled my jumper back over my head and grabbed my hat from the radiator. Now it was dry enough to wear. I jumped in front of the mirror next to it and straightened my hat. My badge was still where my heart was on my chest and my finger gun was ready. Something was still missing though. I rummaged through one of the drawers and found a pack of coloured markers. And wouldn't you know it, there was a blue one right at the top. I smiled and pulled it out. 

Once the LED was restored to my head, I looked in the mirror again and gave it my best serious face. I didn't look like the cool officers in the movies but the hat and badge was a start. Now that I looked the part, I swung my view to the door and pulled my hat down tighter.

Now to find Connor.

Connor's POV

"You have reached your destination. Thank you for travelling with Detroit Taxis. We look forward to seeing you again soon".

I stepped out of the taxi and adjusted my tie. The vehicle drove off behind me and I was left in front of Hank's house. The lights seemed to be on so he must be home. 








I walked up to the door and knocked on it. "Lieutenant Anderson?" I called loud enough for him to hear me from inside. But there was no reply. I rang the doorbell instead to see if the response was any different. "Anybody home?"


I grew concerned. I decided to check around the house to see if the windows were covered. If not, I could look inside and determine whether or not he's here.

I looked through the living room window, but only saw Sumo lying down next to the TV in the corner of the room. No sign of Hank. I continued the route around the house then stopped at a window that showed his kitchen. I quickly scanned inside and my worry had doubled.



"Lieutenant Anderson?" I repeated louder, hoping he could hear me. No luck. The only way to get inside now is to break the window. I raised my elbow up and smashed the glass. I took a few steps back to get a running start then climbed through the window swiftly, falling on the kitchen floor and landing on broken glass. Sumo charged up to me but seemed to calm down when he realised it was me. He grumbled then walked away. That gave me a chance to stand up and check on Hank. 

He was asleep on the floor with an almost empty glass bottle near his hand along with a hand gun. What was Hank thinking? I know he had some personally issues such as drinking but carrying a loaded gun in his house was not something I thought he would do. There's still much to learn about him.

I leaned down next to him to be closer, so I could scan his condition.

Thankfully, there were no signs of trauma or any other damage to his heart. This was most likely an ethylic coma. He should be able to wake up.


He didn't move. I lightly tapped his cheek to get a response. He opened his eyes briefly and grumbled, but he closed them again and remained in the same comatose state. 

"Wake up, Lieutenant!" I said louder to get his attention. He did the same again, still not completely waking up. This clearly wasn't working.

I drew my hand back and roughly slapped him across the face. He then gave a gruff sound and lifted his head up instantly, probably wondering what happened.

"It's me, Connor!" I grabbed his arm and threw it over my shoulder. I helped him sit up but he still seemed intoxicated. "I have to warn you, this may be unpleasant".

"Hey!... Leave me alone, you fuckin' android!" He said in a slurred voice. He was definitely drunk. "Get the fuck outta my house!"

"I'm sorry, Lieutenant, but we have another investigation". I struggled to help him stand up, but eventually managed to keep him relatively up on his feet. He leaned into my side as I tried to keep him balanced. "Thank you in advance for your cooperation". I said thankfully.

"Hey! Get the fuck outta here!" His drunk voice rang through the house as he shook his head and threw his head back exaggeratedly. I placed my hand on his back and lifted him back up.



I began stepping forward with him to get to the bathroom.

We made it to the door and I managed to guide Hank inside. He had his back facing the bathtub so I lightly pushed him backwards so he was sitting inside it with his back to the wall. He attempted to stand up. "I don't wanna bath, thank you..."

"Sorry Lieutenant" I apologised before pushing him back down again. He stayed there tiredly. I turned the handle and the shower head sprayed water all over him. This instantly woke him up properly. He gasped at the sudden feeling of cold water. "Agh! TURN IT OFF! TURN IT OFF!"

I did as he asked and he lay there panting for air. He shook his head and looked around the room, surprised at how he got in there. He then locked eyes with me and furrowed his eyebrows. "What the fuck are you doing here?" He asked in a more sober and aware voice. It was his usual grouchy tone.

"A homicide was reported 43 minutes ago. I couldn't find you at Jimmy's bar, so I came to see if you were at home".

"Jesus, I must be the only cop in the world".

I went into his room and grabbed him some clothes to where while he cleaned himself up in the bathroom. While I waited, I looked around his house since I didn't get the chance to last night. In the kitchen I gazed at the table and found a photograph among the many empty pizza boxes. I picked it up and analysed it. 



Born: 09/23/2029 - Died: 10/11/2035

Lived: 115 Michigan Drive - Detroit


I placed the picture back down in shock.

This must be what Jeffrey meant.

It's why Hank didn't want to take care of (Y/n) when we found her.

She must remind him of Cole.

This explains some of his behaviour.

When I heard his footsteps approaching from his room, I placed the framed photograph back on the table and we left the house in his car.

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