Taken by an Alpha

By Xplicitt

310K 8.9K 1K

Alena has struggled in life as far back as she can remember from living in homeless shelters with her parents... More

Chapter 1: Robbery
Chapter 2: Kidnapped
Chapter 3: Marked
Chapter 5: Guards
Chapter 6: Shopping Spree
Chapter 7: Heartbreak
Chapter 8: Lily
Chapter 9: Talk
Chapter 10: Anger Management
Chapter 11: Gone
Chapter 12: Search
Chapter 13: Answers
Chapter 14: Night Terrors
Chapter 15: Sickness
Chapter 16: Tony
Chapter 17: Done
Chapter 18: Fin
Sequel: Hell and Back (PUBLISHED)

Chapter 4: Runaway

17.6K 557 61
By Xplicitt

Usually, when I wake up in a nice bed, it's Max's. I hardly ever stay over the night at his home but all of the times I did, it was an experience I'll never forget. Thinking about him makes me miss him a lot. I wonder how he's doing. He and I have an amazing friendship. He's my only friend and he's also my boyfriend. I remember when I told him that I loved him. It naturally made me feel sick, and I can't figure out why. When I think about love I picture Damien. I think there's some part of me that romanticizes him, and it's definitely because of his looks. There's no way any sane part of me would actually fall in love with my abductor.

I hear arguing, but I see darkness. I can't seem to open my eyes and I feel paralyzed. "Do you have any idea what you've done, Damien?" A woman yells. I can recognize her voice. It's Damien's mom.

"She loves another man!" Damien responds and I can hear a slight crack in his voice. I suddenly feel a pain throughout me, but it's not my pain. It's jealousy and it's not coming from me. What do I have to be jealous of?

"Damien, you have taken this poor girl from the life she knew! As much as I wanted you to find your mate, I never expected you to kidnap and mark her. Unbelievable! She's a human bearing your mark. I haven't even heard of a human being mated with your kind." His kind. The thought makes me feel sick. There's something about this entire situation that is just not right.

My eyes fly open, and I see Damien and his mom arguing at the foot of the bed. As soon as my eyes open, Damien's eyes lock with mine.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"I just want to go home, Damien," I cry softly. I can't help the tears pouring down my face.

He grinds his teeth, and storms out of the room. The door slams shut and leaves a few paintings on the walls  rocking back and forth. "Wait here," his mom tells me and she follows out of the room. I wipe my tears away and head to the door too. I'm not sure if she genuinely expects me to stay in the room. When I open the door, the hall is empty. I don't know where they've gone so fast. I can hear muffled voices in another room on the opposite wall.

I creep past each door and get on the elevator. I press the 1 and close the doors as well. I tap my foot impatiently as the elevator moves down.

When it dings and opens, my heart stops. There's a large door that's open, and I can see the outside. "No way," I whisper as I run toward the doors. When I reach the outside I inhale deeply. The fresh air has never made me feel so alive.

"Hey!" Someone shouts. When I turn, I can see a man running after me with his hand on something on his side. I start to run in the opposite direction until I emerge into the trees. I no longer hear the man chasing after me, but I keep running.


It's been at least 10 minutes since I first started running, and I'm sure I've been running in circles. I don't know how long it will take for Damien to notice that I'm gone, but I have a feeling he's going to come after me. I survey the trees around me and squeeze myself past 2 trees in a direction I'm sure is new. There's a small clearing up ahead with a river running. I jog over to it and sit down in the grass to rest for a moment. I recap everything that's been going on and I sigh loudly.

My life is turning upside down completely and there's nothing I can do about it. I hear a branch snap, and I look up instantly. I don't see anyone there. It's just an animal. I feel uneasy now. I hope I make it out these trees before the sun sets.

I freeze on the spot when I feel a gust of air brush against my neck. When I slowly turn around, I see a large wolf gazing right at me. It growls at me. I stand up on my feet and slowly back away. "Easy," I whisper as I back up into something else — well, someone.

"Human," the man growls.

The large brown wolf in front of me leans back, ready to pounce and the man behind me walks ahead towards the wolf. "She's all yours," he chuckles and stares at me. His grey eyes are piercing into my soul and I can see the bloodthirstiness in his hard glare. The wolf jumps in the air at me, but it's struck by something else. There's a black ball of fur that knocks it midair and when they land on the ground, the black wolf has subdued the smaller one and looks up at me with pitch black eyes.

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