The Unexpected || Bakugou x U...

By LifeAsWeKnowIt00

172K 6.3K 3.9K

"Most people want to be circled by safety, not by the unexpected. The unexpected can take you out. But the un... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty - Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty - Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty - One
Chapter Forty - Two
Chapter Forty - Three
Chapter Forty - Four
Chapter Forty - Five
Chapter Forty - Six
Chapter Forty - Seven
Chapter Forty - Eight
Chapter Forty - Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty - One
Chapter Fifty - Two
Note From Me
The End

Chapter Twenty-Two

2.9K 119 66
By LifeAsWeKnowIt00

Always Yours - Arkells || "Now if time is what it takes. I'll be here, I'll be waiting for you. I don't need a break. No tears, always in your corner. You know, I'll be waiting for you. You know, always yours. My hearts always yours"

Bakugou and I stood and waved goodbye to Mr. and Mrs. Bakugou from the front of the house while they stood in the doorway. We continued until we saw Mitsuki close the door. Within mere minutes of that door closing, Bakugou grabbed my hand and yanked me behind the high brick fence that surrounded their house. My body jolted from the quick moment and it caused me to yelp a bit. Once we were out of sight he looked down at me and smiled. 

"Sorry about all of that.." "Don't be sorry, I had a great time. Your parents are great!" I say sincerely noticing that we were still holding hands. Feeling the warmth of his touch I look down then back up at him. Neither one of us moved, with his free hand Bakugou pushed my loose hair behind my ear smiling at me. "You're such a loser" I looked up at him and felt my whole body hum. I wasn't sure what was happening but it was making me feel dizzy. Hearing a ping in my pocket I quickly jump pulling away from his touch. Pulling my phone out of my pocket I look to see a text from Tsu. That was perfect timing. Bakugou laughs watching me quickly responding to the texts.

Locking my phone I quickly drop it back into my bag and look to see Bakugou already a few steps ahead. "Finally! Hell, We could have been there by now!" He laughs as I run to catch up with him. Once I caught up he wraps an arm around my shoulder pulling me close. We continued to walk like that until we made it back to the dorms.

"Thanks for walking me back!" I say rushing up the steps. I didn't think it was right to do anything more as a goodbye. Plus with how close we got before, who knows what would happen.

"Ochaco wait!" I turn quick and step down a few stairs. "Yeah?"

"Wanna train together during the break?" I look at him sideways as he continues, "You said you wanted to get better, so why not learn from the best". I roll my eyes at him which makes him laugh loudly. "No, but seriously, I train every morning at 5:30 am, which you already knew.." I blush thinking about our past run in. "So since your here by yourself it would give you something to do, plus you could get stronger before everyone gets back."

I think about it for only a bit before nodding my head, "sounds good to me!"

"Great see you in a few hours then" Bakugou turned around and made his way back down towards his house. I watched as he continued walking until he disappeared under the dimly lit sidewalk. Running up to my room I quickly changed and jumped into bed, excited for tomorrow morning to train with Bakugou.

***** 7 Hours Later... *****

As my alarm blared in the distance I jolt up and push back the hair from my face. When he said 5:30 am, I didn't think it would feel this early. Looking out my window I see Bakugou already outside stretching. Was he serious... 

I quickly pull my messy hair back and throw on some training clothes and make my way downstairs. "Nice of you to finally show" he scoffed crossing his arms over his chest. 

"Oh, hush," I said waving him off. 

"Let's stretch quick then well start a short run" I look at him wide-eyed "Short run meaning what..." "About 5 miles I would say" I could have fallen over then. I knew he trained every morning and his body was proof of that, but he was crazy to think I could just run 5 miles no problem. "You have to try Ochaco! I don't like fucking weak complainers in my boot camp!" this whole trainer thing was going to his head already as I did my last stretch. "alright then let's go, trainer" I said trainer with a tone that made him grit his teeth at me.

After our run and some strength training, I finally got to throw myself down on the cold grass. "Good work! I was surprised you lasted so long!" I glared at him from the ground and he put a hand on his hip laughing. Walking over beside me he plopped down beside me. It caused me to tense up a bit. "So what are your plans later?" I look up at the clouds moving in the sky "Nothing really, probably hang out here and pray I'm not dead tomorrow after this workout." Bakugou turns on his side looking at me with a half smile. "Want to order pizza?" I turn my gaze at him as the wind blows his blonde spikey hair in front of his face. Was he actually wanting to hangout with me tonight, just us two? I analyzed his face to make sure he was serious. When his expression stayed the same I made up my mind. "Sure, sounds like a plan to me." He smiles pulling himself up off the grass. "I have some things to do today for my mom so I'll head back here around 5." I nod my head staying down on the grass. "So that means you better do some stretches so I don't have to hear you fucking complaining later about being sore" He smiles down at me before waving as he runs down the street.
I eventually pull myself up from the grass and check my phone.

Deku: Hey! Hope you are having a great first day of break. Miss you!

Ochaco: Deku! Yeah, I am having a great time, hope you and All Might are training hard! Miss you too!

Deku: I've been working really hard! All Might said he was super impressed! Can't wait to show you when I see you! Want to talk on the phone later?

Ochaco: That's great! Sure, call me tonight how about 5?

Deku: sounds good :)

I click my lock button and feel a pang of guilt in my stomach. What did I even feel guilty about... Baugou and I hadn't even done anything... just two friends hanging out over the break. Right?

*******   10 hours Later....

My phone begins ringing at exactly 5 pm and I jolt up to grab it. "Hey," I say excitedly. "Ochaco! Hey, how are you?" Deku sounded just as excited on the other end. It made me feel a bit bad that I was meeting up with Bakugou. "I'm good just hanging out here". He was silent for a minute, "you're by yourself? Be careful! I cannot talk for much longer, but please call me if you need help!" I smile at his sincerity and caring nature. I quickly feel sick because it was at this point I needed to decide if I should lie or not... "I'm not going to be alone! No worries here". The other end was silent..."Who's going to be there? Did Tsu come back to see you?" 

I tap my finger on the kitchen counter. Here goes nothing "no... actually, Bakugou said he would come by and hang out." I increase the speed of my tapping as I grow impatient to hear his response. "Bakugou?" "U-uh yeah. He offered to help me train during the break... so this morning he threw out getting some pizza." Hearing the front door open I make my way to see Bakugou lugging in three boxes of pizzas. 

I hold the phone to my ear and point a finger at him to indicate 1 minute. "Well... that's kinda unlike him.. but I hope you all have a good time.... call me if you need anything!" I smile against the phone thankful that I was being honest. "Alright! Miss you and hope you're having fun". 

Bakugou made a face at me rolling his eyes before dropping the boxes on the counter. "Night Ochaco" Deku's voice sounded a little sad at the end, but there was nothing to be sad about.. was there? I was telling the truth. I pull the phone away from my ear and set it down on the counter. Bakugou was standing with his arms crossed, "done now?". He was so moody as I made my way to the stack of pizza boxes "Was three really necessary?" He scoffs at my comment, "Well I know you like two specific kinds and hate my toppings so I thought it was best to get a variety so that everyone was happy" He pulled out some plates and was facing away from me, thankfully, because my face was a bright red due to his thoughtfulness and memory.

Turning around Bakugou handed me a plate and I quickly opened up a box seeing pepperoni and jalapenos and pushed that towards Bakugou. "Heres yours" he laughed looking at my grossed out expression, "oh come on, it's not that disgusting!" I turn my face away from him and reach for the other boxes. "Yes that is, I don't know how you can eat so much spicy food and not get sick!" I pull two plain cheese pizzas from the first box and look over at him as he piled up his slices. 

"Because spicy is the best! Who the hell likes PLAIN CHEESE PIZZA!" He pointed down at my plate laughing before he took a big bite out of his pizza. I stick out my tongue and make my way to the living room as he follows behind me. Plopping down on the couch I grab the remote and scroll through some movies. 

"OH YES! Let's WATCH THIS!" Bakugou grabbed the remote and clicked onto a scary movie where the cover was filled with blood. I flashed him a look of annoyance as he laughed, "come on...I promise this one isn't THAT scary.." I continued to stare at him because I didn't believe him. I knew him better than this. 

This was coming from the guy who has seen every scary movie created, so his version of "not so bad" was very different from my version. "Fine, but you're watching it with me one of these days..." Bakugou tossed the remote back to me and let me pick out a romantic comedy. He was not happy about it at first, but after a while, he was starting to laugh and enjoy it. 

We spent the remainder of the night laughing and talking as the movie played in the background. I couldn't believe that we went from not speaking at the beginning of the year to becoming close friends again... dare I say, even closer friends than before? When the credits began to roll I looked over at the time and saw 10:00 pm. Oh god! "Well guess it's too late for me to head home now.." Bakugou was clearly looking at the same thing as me. "Better text the hag and let her know so she's not worried" I watched as Bakugou pulled out his black smartphone quickly punching out his text aggressively and then sliding his phone back into his back pocket.

 I watched him lay his head back against the sofa. The veins in his neck twitched slightly as he moved his gaze towards me. "By the way Pink Cheeks, my mom is obsessed with you.." I sit up quick "What?" "You heard me loser, my mom continually talked about you today and how great you are... Ochaco this Ochaco that...It was so annoying" he laughed turning his gaze back up at the ceiling swallowing causing his adam's apple to move in his throat. I caught myself staring and turned away quickly.

"Well I am pretty great, so what can I say" I flip my hair making a face at him. He growled jumping at me. "Oh shut up!" he laughed ticking me mercifully. I bellowed out laughing as his large hands found my ticklish spots and caused me to cry laughing. At this point, he was holding himself up by his arms directly above me as I caught my breath. "You have to admit I'm the best then I'll stop" His deep red eyes looked down at me hungrily, it was a familiar look that at this point in time I knew was trouble. 

"Fine, you're the best, happy now?" Putting a hand to his chest I push myself up and push him back. "We probably should get to bed.." He stared at me blankly and a bit hurt. "We have to get up in a few hours to train you know. It's probably the smart thing to do.." He nodded in agreement as he pulled himself up off the couch. As we cleaned up the living room quickly and put away the leftovers I felt a strong hand on my shoulder pulling me in close. 

I stood there motionless as Bakugou held me close to his chest. His arms wrapped around my small frame as our breathing became rhythmic. "Night Uraraka..See you in the morning." I nod my head against his chest filling my lungs with the strong smell of his cologne before he pulls away and heads towards his side of the dorms.

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