The Unexpected || Bakugou x U...

By LifeAsWeKnowIt00

172K 6.3K 3.9K

"Most people want to be circled by safety, not by the unexpected. The unexpected can take you out. But the un... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty - Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty - Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty - One
Chapter Forty - Two
Chapter Forty - Three
Chapter Forty - Four
Chapter Forty - Five
Chapter Forty - Six
Chapter Forty - Seven
Chapter Forty - Eight
Chapter Forty - Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty - One
Chapter Fifty - Two
Note From Me
The End

Chapter Sixteen

2.8K 127 149
By LifeAsWeKnowIt00

Love Me Back - RITUAL || "I remember the light reflect off your eyes when you said you want me. I saw this all play out. I should've stopped. We should've talked. You should've left me and I shouldn't say this now"

Rolling over in the bed I reached out for Deku. I wanted to pull him close, excited about the morning we were going to have before school. As my hands extended in the empty bed I realized he was not there...

I open one eye to look and notice that he was gone... most importantly the room was completely empty. This caused me to panic. How the heck was I supposed to sneak out of here this morning without getting caught?! Where did he go? Fumbling to my feet I grab my phone charging on the table across the room.

7:45 A.M.

phew... At least it was still early. I needed to get up and get ready quickly because it was the first day back after the break. I was expecting Deku and I would get up together, grab breakfast and walk to school... but it seemed like that wasn't the plan. Before I could continue wondering what happened my phone pinged with a new message.

Deku: Hey sorry, All Might called me to train early. Did not want to wake you. I won't be at school today either. Sorry.

This was so confusing. Why would he not wake me up when he left? At least then he could have helped me sneak to the other side of the dorms. I brush it off and immediately think about my way out. I poke my head out of the door and look both ways. No one seems to be moving much. I quickly grab hold of my phone and jolt out of the room and down the hall. So far so good.

I just needed to get past the big window hallway then I will be on the girl's side of the dorm. If anyone caught me I could say I was half asleep, didn't realize... oh that could work! I laugh to myself softly proud of my master plan.

Tiptoeing down the hallway I look out at the rising sun. It filled the sky with purplish pink rays that stopped me in my tracks. Looking far in the distance I didn't even realize Bakugou training down below.

Refocusing on my task I snap back to reality and it was right then that I made eye contact with Bakugou. By the looks of it, Bakugou had just returned from a run because his body glistened against the morning sun. His body turned facing up at me as probably wondering who was watching him.. I jolt back a bit, unsure of the reaction - rather, version of Bakugou I was going to get.

He gave me a cocky smile and lifted a hand wiggling a few fingers at me. Such a smug little brat. He knew he had something over me, we both knew that if anyone found out about this I would be kicked out of UA.

I wave back nicely not wanting to piss off the beast as I continue running down the hall. Stepping foot into my room I slowly shut the door behind me, not wanting to wake up any of the girls.

I quickly throw myself down on my bed and let my body relax as a heavy sigh escapes my lungs. That was too close. My alarm went off against the firmness of my bed sheets, causing it to sound like it was under water. I knew it was time to get up so I slowly pulled myself up and got ready for the day. I rushed downstairs and made myself some toast and enjoyed the morning by sitting on the front steps.

The sun was now rising quickly and I was enjoying the breeze that swirled around my hair. I wanted to keep my thoughts positive going into this day and this was the perfect start.

"Hey Pink Cheeks"

There goes my positivity... I open my eyes and turn to see Bakugou leaning against the front door frame, that stupid smug grin was still plastered to his face. I wanted to smack it off, but I instead turned and gave a smirk right back.

"What do you want Bakugou?" I sigh looking back out at the sunrise. I didn't even realize how close he was now until he spoke again.

"Oi, don't be hasty with me little girl" He leaned down to whisper in my ear "I am the one who holds your little secret remember?" I scoff in response and turn my head away from him.

"Aye Floaty Fuck, I told you already - I don't give a damn what you do, but it's nice to know I have something to hang over you..." He crossed his arms and I swore his devilish eyes twinkled evilly. I hated him right now. This was not the first time he held something over my head, but now it was more personal and there was a lot more to lose. 

I wished Deku was here to stand up for me, or let alone be around me so Bakugou wouldn't bother me, but of course, he was training with All Might. He always was... I felt my eyes sting as the frustration built up inside me. I was already a little hurt that Deku just left, now I had to deal with Bakugou being a complete jerk to me...

"Did you hear me Floaty?!" He grabbed my shoulder hard and turned me around to face him. I couldn't hide my face anymore. My eyes were filled with tears. AT moment they met his they began to race down my face. 

I felt vulnerable which scared me to death and just made the tears fall faster. Bakugou stared unsure of what to even do at that moment. All I wanted was for someone to hold me and tell me everything was alright, and I was stuck with the ice cold Bakugou before me... I push his arms away from me and run away towards the school.

As I make my way down the short walk, my mind raced on what I was feeling. I pull out my phone and quickly type something up to Deku.

Ochaco: Hey. I know you're training with All Might today, but I really need you... I haven't been having a good day and it would really make my day better to see you...

My eyes began to water again because I once again was being vulnerable... Within minutes another text came through, but it was not the text I was hoping for.

Deku: I told you already. I can't leave.

I stared at the words on my lit screen as my eyes dilated. Really? This is coming from the guy who said he loved me? I understand he was training, but he said nothing to make me feel better- not even a quick call. I felt a bit lost and did the only thing I could do - call my parents. I spent the remainder of the walk talking to them.

Even when I arrived at my classroom I sat down and remained on the line. I never wanted to hang up...They had a way of making me feel at home even when I wasn't. As people began to file in I knew I needed to go. "I love you, sweet girl! You are making us so proud, have a great day. Call whenever" My dad's voice made me smile as I nodded along to his words like he was standing before me. "Love you too" and with a quick movement, I hung up and took my seat for the first class.

As the bell rang I lifted my eyes open. Everyone around me was getting up to move to their next class, while I was wondering what had happened. Leaning up off my desk a material rolled down my shoulder. A uniform? I pull the item off and look confused. Pulling it down I immediately make eye contact with Bakugou who was now sat in front of me.

"You fell asleep.." He said softly looking away from me. I just stared at him still half asleep. I guess I really didn't sleep enough last night.

"Oh.." I rub my eyes quick and look down at the fabric in my hands "and I take it this is yours?" Bakugou's eyes darted at me than the jacket before nodding his head. "You were shaking so..." I immediately felt my face flush... was Katsuki Bakugou being...thoughtful? I was amazed and just held out the jacket to him. He took hold of the jacket and threw it over his shoulder.

"I would never do something to hurt you... you do know that?" his voice was now raspy as his serious expression caused me to shift a bit my cheeks were now burning as I scanned his face. I wanted to say - YOU HAVE ALREADY HURT ME YOU EXPLOSIVE FUCK, but instead, I sat there like a mute.

"I'm not going to say anything about what happened last night." He turned his chin up at me as he started to get up from his seat and move towards the front of the room. I watched as his spikey blonde hair moved along with him.

I sat there red-faced watching him go before he turned around once again. I was preparing for him to say something like-" JUST KIDDING LOSER! " but he surprised me...

"You may not believe me Ochaco.." his arm stretched behind his head itching his neck nervously as he continued  "but I do care about you. That's why I could never hurt you.." he could barely make eye contact with me as he began walking away towards the doors  "it hurts me too much to see you like that.."

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