The Unexpected || Bakugou x U...

Bởi LifeAsWeKnowIt00

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"Most people want to be circled by safety, not by the unexpected. The unexpected can take you out. But the un... Xem Thêm

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty - Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty - Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty - One
Chapter Forty - Two
Chapter Forty - Three
Chapter Forty - Four
Chapter Forty - Five
Chapter Forty - Six
Chapter Forty - Seven
Chapter Forty - Eight
Chapter Forty - Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty - One
Chapter Fifty - Two
Note From Me
The End

Chapter Thirteen

3.1K 119 44
Bởi LifeAsWeKnowIt00

Stay Awake - Dean Lewis || "I've been looking in the mirror. Trying to figure myself out. I've been wondering where I went wrong, but now you're not here. It's like the daylight never comes. So I'll keep on holding on"

As the suns rays danced across my face my eyes fluttered open to see my analog clock display. 7:30 A.M. - my blurry eyes read the time as and I stretched my arms out giving a small squeak. I slept in a bit, I rolled around in my comforter as I heard the birds chirp outside.

I needed to get out of bed and be productive, but this was the first day of our break after the Sports Festival and there was no need to rush things. I smiled against my pillow as I nuzzled my face deeper into the plush mass.

As soon as I shut my eyes again I heard my phone vibrate. Groaning I lift my arm up to reach for the noise.  Keeping my eyes closed I move my hand around on the nightstand in hopes of grabbing hold of my phone. My fingers dragged along the smooth surface until I finally made contact with the vibrating shape. Taking hold I pull it down to my face clicking the unlock button.

Deku: Hey. I will be training with All Might today, but I would like to see you later if that is ok? Maybe even a date?

My stomach sank a bit, we hadn't really talked much, but then again I hadn't really talked to anyone since the Sports Festival. Everyone was so beat they just went their separate ways. The last time Deku and I talked though, I lied about Bakugou... Kinda.

There really wasn't anything going on with us per se, but I was not very truthful with my feelings because the way Kasuki's hand felt in mine was more than just a friendly acknowledgment. This I know, Bakugou had to have also felt. I would never admit that to him though. My eyelids lifted a bit more adjusting to the blue light of my phone as I quickly typed my response.

Ochaco: Sounds good to me! :)

I really didn't know what else to say, the whole date thing threw me off a bit because I felt like the last time we spoke things didn't feel all that great. He seemed disappointed in me like a father who caught their child in a lie or something... I wondered if he actually knew I was lying and just pretended like I didn't so he could protect his own feelings... 

Deku: I will pick you up at 6:30 ok?

Ochaco: Perfect. I will see you then!

Deku: :) !

I quickly locked my phone after seeing Deku's last text. It made me smile, but also made me feel a bit guilty. Pulling myself together I sit up and stretch my arms above my head, probably best to just get up now. I hadn't heard anyone else move about so that was nice. Slipping my feet into the slippers beside my bed I made my way downstairs for something to eat.

The house seemed empty as I poured myself some cereal and heated up some water for tea. The warm water hit my lips and I felt my body relax. I quickly shoveled down the cereal to subside the growling in my stomach. Looking around I still had not heard any noises, not even Kaminari dragging his feet upstairs to the bathrooms.

"Hmpf", I scratch my head and walk over to the couches to sit down. The clock above the front door read "8:15 A.M." and I quickly rolled my eyes. They all needed to get up asap because I was getting bored. Laughing to myself I leaned back into the soft couch and let my mind wander a bit relinquishing in the silence.

I must have drifted back off to sleep because my eyes opened wide to see the clock was now at 9:00 A.M. I looked to my left then my right before hearing a pair of footsteps walking towards me. I jumped up quick scooting myself up on the couch.

Rubbing my left eye with my hand I focused on the tall figure in front of me walking past, Bakugou. He seemed like he was in a hurry to get away, but without even thinking I reached out for his arm "Wait.." my voice shook a bit as I looked down at the ground gripping the back of his black shirt.

He stopped in his tracks still facing forward. It was as if my touch froze him in place. I had so much to say but the words wouldn't come out, he quickly cut me off before I really could articulate my thoughts.

"What is it Floaty.." his voice had the same raspy tone it carried in the mornings.

"I-I..." I couldn't even look up at him as my heart began to beat faster, I realized I was still gripping the back of his shirt as I quickly let go embarrassed scooting back on the couch. "I wanted to say thank you.." Bakugou's head only turned slightly. His jawline tightened as his left eye met mine.

I swallowed hoping the dry lump in my throat would go away. With Bakugou, you never really knew which version you were going to get... he was more hot and cold than Todoroki..

"It was the right thing to do is all.." He lifted his chin in a typical manner when he was finished talking, but I was not... "No...I'm not saying thank you for helping me to recovery girl..." my voice was more steady now as he pushed his hands in his pockets still not turning to face me. "I'm saying thank you for what you said about me...." his eyes blinked in response as I continued..." being a strong competitor...that meant a lot."

Bakugou's body pivoted to face me as I scooted back on the couch more. He had a way of making me nervous. His arms pulsed as he looked down at me on the couch. "Do you not believe you are a strong competitor?" his voice was stern as it vibrated against his vocal cords.

"Well, compared to you I-"

"NO!" His voice boomed against the walls and I winced from the loud decibel. He sighed shaking his head clearly annoyed, "listen Pink cheeks... I am not asking you to compare yourself to me or any of these other damn extras" though his hands were in his pockets he added a lot of expressions when he spoke and I just watched... he shook his head taking in a breath as his crimson eyes bored into my face "If you don't think your as strong as I think you are.." is voice trailed out and I worried he was about to yell again, but surprised me when his voice remained low, "then you are fucking crazy..." His face seemed serious as he explained himself before turning back around, making his way to the stairs to the boy's side of the dorms. Before I could take a breath he stopped on the second stairs and yelled back.

"And Floaty." I straightened up quickly and turned to meet his gaze. "Don't ever let anyone make you feel like your a fucking loser, this is the second year you have been close to actually beating me... very close at that... so stop being such a damn softy and show them what I fucking see" he turned his head and made his way up the stairs.

My heart pounded in my chest and I felt like I was going to puke as I sat there in the silence taking in his words. They weren't romantic by any means, but they meant so much to me right then.

It was within minutes that the rest of the gang started coming downstairs. Tsu grabbed a cup of tea and scooted beside me on the couch.
"So any plans tonight ??" She let out a yawn before taking a sip of her tea.
"Eh- well yeah actually.." I looked side to side to see if anyone was paying attention.

Once I knew they were preoccupied I returned back to meet Tsu gaze, she seemed intrigued which was funny "Deku actually asked me on" I blushed as Tsu jumped up in her seat. "NO WAY -RIBBIT!" She set her drink down and scooted closer. "How did this come about?! Why did I just hear about this?" I shushed her because I didn't want anyone else to turn around.

I also was not sure why but I didn't want Bakugou to hear about this... it was not like we were anything, but I felt like we were returning to at least a friendship and I didn't want to ruffle any feathers. At least ruffle anything more than I already did in the recovery room..

"Well he just asked me this morning.. I dont know.." I shrugged. I wanted to be excited, but I really wasn't. Deku has never made anything clear that he loved me other than saying it and holding my hand.. I just I had always hoped something more would happen something grand, but I hadn't for so long that my expectations were low.

Tsu looked at me and turned her head to the side, "Well its very nice of Deku to ask you out though.. right?"
"Oh y-yeah of course! I just, it was really random and I hadn't even seem him today. Guess we will find out." Tsu smiled "yeah we will!" I leaned my head onto her shoulder, "will you help me pick an outfit out tonight?? He said we would be leaving around 6: 30" I looked over my shoulder hoping they couldn't hear us. Tsu smiled, "Oh most definitely!" She watched my eyes look around and moved her head to meet mine, "are we keeping this a secret?" I locked eyes with hers when she said "secret".

"You seem like you want to hide this or dont want them to know. Any reason for that?" Tsu's eyebrows wiggled before she laughed. "No noo. I mean yes... last thing I need is for everyone to make this a big deal you know? It will just make me nervous until the time.. they will know once I'm leaving" I smiled at Tsu and she nodded in agreement.

"Very good point! Well lets go look at your clothes and make some choices!" I laugh loudly " Tsu the dates hours from now!" She shrugs looking around "well we have to make you look your best! You did ask for my expert opinion remember?" I wrap my arm around her and give her a big squeeze causing her tongue to stick out.

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