SuperHumans (2yeon X Twice)

By 2yeonFan

34.8K 1.6K 2.1K

In a world where powers are a common thing. Yoo Jeongyeon, age 17 years old. Best friend with Jihyo. Her pow... More

The Facility and hope
Fame and attention
The Academy
The Academy (2)
Not a chapter
The Lesson
Family name
New Book Title !!!!!!!
Cold part 2
Friends with Benefits
The Past
The Plan
The Cube


879 47 43
By 2yeonFan

No one's POV

The councils were positioned at the front of the locker room as commanded by Mr Park. They were making sure that the building was save and that it was under control.

"This is the second time we were given this duty." One of the council said while letting out sigh of exhaustion. He was taller than the other council and his body well builted.

"We can't do anything againts it. It's Mr Parks order."

Little did they know their conversation were being watch by Nayeon and the others from the window at the door.

"But seriously what's his excuse for commanding us to guard here?" The taller one ask.

The other council scratch his nape. Making a decision if he should tell or not.
"Well I heard that the head council talking about one of Mr Parks transfered students. He said that one of the girls is a special one."

The taller one scratch his head. His confused of what he was saying. "What so special about her anyway?" The taller one asked again.

"I don't know man. But listen here, they told us to guard today just incase that girl did something." The taller one furrowed his eyebrows at his friends statement.

"Alright what kind of girl needs to be guarded with this rod? What can she do anyway?" The small one shushed him.

"I don't know ok!" He convinced him and the taller one sighed thinking of why. Curious of what the girl can do and what's her name. He asked " What's the girl name anyway?" His friend turned to him.

"I think it was Jeongyeon?" His friends was uncertain about it because he didn't listen to the head councils statement.

The following time when the name Jeongyeon was spoken a loud gasp came from behind them. Nayeon, Momo, Sana and Mina went quiet and covered their mouths and got down on their knees as quick as possible as the councils turn to look for the sound.

"Maybe it's just a wind." The taller one convince.

"What kind of wind sounds like a gasp?" The small one asked.

The both of them managed to shrugged it off. Nayeon and her friends were still on their knees waiting until the councils left.

Ten minutes later

The councils were told to report back to the head councils office. As they left Nayeon stood up slowly and peek at the window. Looking left and right making sure that they were gone. She breathed out a relieved air.

"Coast is clear." She told them and they quickly stood up and fix themselves.

"We didn't hear them wrong right? They were talking about-" Mina was talking until Momo cutted her.

"Jeongyeon, They were talking about her. But why?" Momo asked.

They were confused of what those councils said. "What's weird is that the head council mention her to be special?" Sana added.

Nayeon huffed at Sana statement. "What so special about her?" She asked.

Nayeon doesn't want to admitted that someone was more special than her. But ever since practice something change. It was weird that someone could have that amount of power without exploding.

And yes Jeongyeon almost explode infront of Nayeon but not because she couldn't contain it. Infact only Jeongyeon could contain that much of a power without exploding like a coke that was given a mentos.

The amount of power that Jeongyeon have impresses Nayeon as how Jeongyeon always seem to have it under control. Even though in the inside she can't. But somehow her body accepted it.

"But it's true Unnie. She is special. Don't you see the amount of power she have." Mina said to Nayeon with and excited tone. As if she just found a great discovery.

"Oh please Mina anyone can do that." Nayeon scuffed at her.

But this time Momo disagree with her. "Not everyone unnie. Elementals is one of the hardest powers to control you know." Momo said.

"Wow Momo! You've became smart." Sana said while patting Momo's back. She just smiled at her compliments.

Nayeon was in shocked of Momo's statement. Not because she was surprised that those words came from Momo the Pabo herself but because it was true and somehow Nayeon agrees.

Elementals are super hard to control. Since you can almost control anything even iron from deep below the surface of the earth can be controlled by it. She knows since they've learned it in class.

"It's also a very rare power. No one in this world holds the elementals power anymore." Mina added.

Now that caught Nayeon's attention. She smiled devilishly at the fact. She really loves studying powers and hearing Jeongyeon as one of the rare ones makes her happy. Not because she wanted to be friends with her.

But rather a test subject. She has been researching on people's powers since forever so adding elements in her research seems to be a good idea.

"Oh no. I know what that smile mean." Momo pointed at Nayeon.

"Unnie don't make her as your test subject again. What if she gets mad?" Sana said her tone was concerned as she tried to persuade Nayeon. But she won't budge.

"Oh please, that girl is easily fooled. I'll just tell her I wanted to be her friend and I'll test her secretly. She won't even notice. After then I left." Nayeon said while smirking.

"Wow Unnie Just wow. You're really doing it again. Haven't you learn from your past mistake?" Sana said.

Nayeon felt insulted by her statement. For Nayeon is fine to be like that and for what happens in the past well it suppose to stay in the past.

"Oh please that one was her fault not mine. Can we stop talking about this and get back to class. We are late you know." She pointed at the clock and went to her locker room to get her bag and went out.

The others did the same thing and rushed out of the locker room to the classroom. They were walking side by side until Momo ran with her super speed power.

But she bumped hard into someone. The girls gasped as they know who it was. Mr Ok Taecyeon the schools hall monitors. He cleared his throat to get their attention.

"Where you're going ladies? You're late." He look at his wristwatch. "Follow me." He commanded.

"Where Mr Ok?" Mina played dumb maybe this time he let it slipped.

"Stop playing dumb Ms Myoui. You're heading to detention." He told them. Nayeon was going to make excuses but Mr Taecyeon refuse.

"You guys are the third this afternoon." He mentioned. Making all of them confused.

"There's more?" Momo asked.

He just nodded. They arrived at the detention room. It's just a normal classroom but with iron bars on the window. The room was equipped with cctv and it could absorb the SuperHumans power so that they won't make troubles inside.

"Get in girls and consider yourself lucky today the teachers are having a meeting. So no staying over night for you girls" He open the door and the girls eyes went wide.

Momo and Sana quickly wave at the familiar faces. Who would've thought it was Jeongyeon and Jihyo.

Jihyo's POV

Before Nayeon and the others came

God how do I end up in this place. I can do anything just staring at the whiteboard. I'm still mad at Jeongyeon it's because of her I'm here. Jeongyeon tap my shoulder.

"What?" I asked her.

My tone was serious this time. I was annoyed duh. First she left me then she got me here instead of class. What is this? She just frozed up there since she's scared.

"Ehm well first things first I'm sorry." She said.

I rolled my eyes. Right sorry what kind of bullshit is that?

"Hey, Jihyo let me explain." She tap me again.

"Oh you better have a good reason if not I'll send you flying to Japan when we got home." I told her. My eyes were even wider now.

"Okay, but I can't guarantee you'll understand or not." She said. I sighed to be honest I just want to hear what she said.

Jeongyeon's POV

"Alright I was planning to go back to the classroom when I heard the councils talking."


I was out in the hallway of the locker room. I went out through the main door but I heard someone talking through the second door. It was the councils.

The weird thing is they look like they were guarding the place because they have one of those big white rods. I eavesdropped their conversation. I was just curious

They were talking about someone. I was about to go went I heard a familiar name. "I think It was Jeongyeon." My eyes went wide as Jihyo went I heard them mentioning my name.

They were guarding the locker room because of me? But why? They were talking about how the lead council mentioned that I was special. Me special that's just plain wrong.

I was confused of their statement and started spacing out thinking of why. I look at my wristwatch and saw that I'm late. I quickly rushed to my classroom but again.

I heard someone's talking but it sounded familiar. I peeked through the edge of the wall. It was Mr Park with an Old man wearing a suit and glasses.

"You've done well Park. I've seen her progress just now in the monitors. The practice recording was incredible." The older man patted Mr Park.

They were talking about my practice session. "Thank you sir. I'll continue to research on her sir. Just as promised." He told the older man.

Research? What research? They were researching me? But for what?

"I'm hoping to see the progress even better next time." The older man stated and started to walk to the other way.

But before he left he told Mr Park something. It was like a whisper but I can hear it a little.


Alright what was that? What did he say? Before I knew it someone tapped on my shoulder. I turned and it was Jihyo.

"Found you. What the fuck were you doing here?" I covered her mouth.

God she's sooo loud. I grab her hand and took her to another direction. "Wait Jeongyeon! Don't go that way there's the-" Before she finished her sentence I bumped into someone. It was the hall monitor.

"Going somewhere ladies. You're not going anywhere. Detention now." He pointed out.

*End of Flashback*

Jihyo slapped my arm hard. "Ow what was that for?" I rubbed my arm. Why is she so violent.

"That's for dragging me on force. I *slap* told *slap* you *slap* not *slap* to *slap* go *slap* there" She mentioned while slapping my hard.

I shed a tear because of those hard slaps. I think It's bruised. "I'm sorry okay. I didn't heard what you said." I told her while healing my arm.

She sighed "Yeah, yeah I forgive you." I was happy atleast she forgives me. "Well what does Mr Park meant?" She asked.

I scratch my head. "How should I know Jihyo I only listen a little of their conversation. The rest was just whispers." I told her. She sighed in disappointment. I wish I know what it meant.

"What do they mean by research tho? And that you're special?" I shook my head hard.

I'm just confused. First I found out that I was never in the Yoo family record. Second they announce me missing or dead. Third the facility never announced that I'm alive or well to the public.

And now they told me I'm a part of a research. My situation just got more and more confusing. What's even worse is that Mr Park is behind all of this. Who am I suppose to trust?

I ruffled my hair in frustration. What am I actually? A guinea pig for a lab experiment. I bang my head hard on the table. That kind of surprised Jihyo.

She patted my back trying to calm me down. "It's okay Jeong we'll find out about it later." She said.

But I just shook my head vigorously. "No! I wanna know now. The last thing I know from myself is that I'm a Yoo but they told me I'm dead." I groaned.

"Why can't my life be normal Jihyo?" I sit up straight and asked her.

She was surprised by my question. She hesitated for answers. "Forget it." I told her. I rest the back of my head on the chair. She was still confused but then suddenly she got something.

"Yo Jeong! You told me that the old guy told Mr Park about powers right?" She asked.

I just nodded. "Well from history class we learned that your family can produce new sets of powers right? Maybe they are researching on that?" I looked at her seriously now.

Maybe she's right. Maybe they are researching on my new powers.

"But for what Jihyo? I don't even know if I produce that new powers." I asked her with my chin on my palm.

"That I don't know why. But maybe you just don't know how to control it yet. That's why it didn't show up." She mentioned.

I just nodded agreeing on her theory. Jihyo is really smart when it comes to mysteries.

"Speaking of controlling. You never even once tell me about the accident." She mentioned.

I look at her confused. "Really I never tell you that?" I asked she just nodded.

Come to think of it She's right. I never did told her about my accident. Maybe because it wasn't a pleasant experience.

"Well okay then. Soo-" I was about to tell her my story when the hall monitor open the door.

He brought more people to the detention room. Guess someone was late too. He shoved them in and our eyes went wide. Oh god it's them again. Momo and Sana waved at me.

I just waved back. They sit right infront of us. Just when I was about to tell Jihyo this little devils came in. I can see Jihyo getting annoyed because that means she has to wait. Sorry man.

Nayeon's POV

We sit infront of them. Me and Sana was seating right infront of them while Momo and Mina were on the opposite side. Sana was already eager to talk with them including Momo. She was clinging on to Jeongyeon's hand. I can see that she was uncomfortable as she tried to let go of it.

"Guess we're stuck here together huh." Sana asked to them. They just nodded silently.

"Oh come on what's with the silent treatment. We're not gonna bite you." Momo added still clinging on Jeongyeon's arm.

I don't know why but seeing Momo clinging on to Jeongyeon gives me a weird feeling. Sort of like anger. But I don't know why.

"It's nothing Momorin. We're just tired." Jeongyeon told her.

"Hah? Momorin?"

She gave her pet name? How come I don't have one? Wait what am I saying?

"Yeah Momorin. It's funnier to call her that." Jeongyeon told me.

I was kinda annoyed about it. I immediately change the topic. "Sooooo, I thought you guys left early. How come you got caught?" I asked them.

They scratches their head for answers. What were they up to? "We spent to long on the toilet!" Jihyo stated and let out a soft chuckle.

Momo and Sana nodded while me. Well I don't buy their lies. Mina then went closer to us. She seems to have something on her mind that she wants to ask. She wanted to ask questions to them.

"Hey Jeong?" Mina called Jeongyeon.

We just listen to her. Mina was unsure whether to ask Jeongyeon or not. "What do you want to ask her Mina?" I asked.

I already knew her questionable face. She was shocked but went through with her question.

"I want to ask about your gloves. What is it for?" Mina asked.

My eyes went wide and I facepalm myself. What the fuck were Mina thinking? Why did she ask her that? All of us were shocked at her question. But the look that Jeongyeon's have was very serious.

"Sorry Mina. I don't know what you mean." She told her with a heavy tone.

Wow she played dumb about it huh.

"Oh it's nothing I was just daydreaming. Ignore me." Mina said while fake chuckling.

She just turned into Momo for a minute. Pabo Mina. "Ignore her Jeong. She was just you know tired of practice that's why she became pabo for a day." I convince her to forget what I said and glared at Mina so she doesn't ask more.

Sana and Momo didn't catch our conversation and just scratch their heads in confusion.

"Ohh, It's fine Mina. I understand." She let out a soft chuckle.

Followed by Jihyo. "Anyways, Jeong." I called Jeongyeon.

She looked at me in the eyes. Wow her eyes were gorgeous. It was brown and sparkling somehow. I was mesmerized at the sight and couldn't leave the eye contact.

"What?" She asked. I went back to reality and lend out my hand.

"I just wanna say. I'm sorry for being cruel to you. It must have been rough sooo I would like to make a truce between us. So we can be friends. What do you say?" I asked her with a nicer and calmer tone.

I told her that not because I really wanted to be friends with her. But because well she has some powers that I would like to research on. So Im Nayeon you better not let this thing slide.

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