Falling Slowly ⤖ Roger Taylor...

By candyappletree

76.8K 2.1K 2.5K

"There were some things set in stone in the world: the sky was blue, the grass green and you loved Roger Tayl... More

Did I Just Say That Out Loud?
Some Guy, But Not This Loser
I'm Not With You
Is She Here To Stay?
Rog, Are You Jealous?
Too Close
Are You Crying ?
Just Talk To Him
Sorry For Being A Bitch, Rog
Don't Say His Name
She Awakens
I Had A Dream About You
I Don't Dance
She's My Girl
I'll Remember This
He's Going To Her
A Man Can Dream
She's Different
Is It About Ava?
A Pretty Girl, Rog
An Asshole That You Kissed
I'm Gonna Tell Her
Lucky Me Then
Can I Go First?
Everything you need
Don't Give Up On Us
You Look Like Shit
You're all mine

Inevitable What Happens

2.7K 68 130
By candyappletree

"What do you think?" John Reid asked.

You were in Miami's office staring across the table at him, Paul and John Reid as they proposed their idea to you. Queen were set to go on their American tour in a week and you were excited, to say the least. There was a party tonight, and you couldn't even keep track of the reason why, the boys usually always just needed an excuse to party anyways. Freddie had already picked out a dress for you and you had no idea what it was but knowing him, you were sure it would be something scandalous.

You had left Roger's apartment that morning when Miami had started calling him to know your whereabouts. You thought back to when you were on top of him and he'd held you close and said the sentence that pretty much made your heart stop. His thumb brushed your lip slightly, making you part your lips and he slipped his finger inside. Your eyes were wide open, with shock. You stared at Roger as the words slipped so easily out of his mouth. He was looking at you with reverence and adoration in his eyes. You could feel his grip on your waist become tighter and you were clutching onto his shirt.

"Did you say Marry?" You said, your voice barely above a whisper. You couldn't believe what you'd heard. A few moments ago, you were just about ready to give up any hopes on your relationship with Roger. Six months was a long time, especially for a rock star like him and you didn't want to hold on to any false hope, but the way he spoke, with such honesty and genuineness, you couldn't help but believe him. It seemed like a far-off dream.

"Did I?" He said, with an eyebrow raise and you laughed, shoving him back.

"Asshole" You muttered, closing the distance between you to kiss him. The thin straps of your dress had fallen off and that gave Roger plenty of bare skin to touch. His hands roamed your body and he bent down to kiss your neck. He trailed up to your jaw, planting another kiss on your lips.

"I wanna get this dress off" He spoke against your lips, your tears already drying up against your cheek.

"Roger..." You spoke, as he guided his hands to your dress, which was bunched up at your waist now. He lifted up the hem, and started pulling it over your head. This was so wrong, you shouldn't be indulging in him like this, the more intimate you get with him the harder it would be when he left. You could already feel your heart breaking as you imagined the next few months, sitting and waiting for his calls just like you did before, helpless and alone. Worrying all the time about whether he was with another girl or if another girl was on top of him, just like you had been. You could already feel the heartbreak that you knew you would feel in the future. You pulled away from the kiss and before Roger could ask you what was wrong, the phone in his apartment rang, thankfully interrupting you two. Roger had pulled your dress back down and groaned "Seriously? If that's one of the boys, I swear to god"

You got off his lap, much to his disappointment and picked up the phone. It was Paul Prenter and he was furious at you for blowing them off for so long.

"Who is it?" Roger asked as you hung up the call and you told him.

"Paul is such a wanker" Roger sighed and you laughed as you made your way back to the couch.

"Why is that?" You asked.

"He doesn't care about the band or our music, he only pretends to. I think he's got a crush on Freddie" Roger told you and you settled back onto the couch, on top of him.

"Well, he is the one to blame since he's the reason I couldn't tell you I love you before you lads left" You said and Roger's eyes widened.

"You're joking" He muttered and you shook your head, your hands coming back to rest on his bare chest.

"Paul does seem like a right asshole" You said and he hummed in agreement before leaning in to kiss you. You two quickly got back into making out on the couch until you realized, despite Roger's protests and whines, that you had to go.

"Well?" Miami said, snapping you back into reality "What's your answer?"

"Can I think about it?" You asked.

"You've had weeks to think about it" Paul said and you sighed. They were right. As much as you loved that they were all there to help you decide, you wished Paul wasn't a part of the meeting. He was beginning to get on your nerves.

"A month with Elton- if you two have chemistry you stay, if you hate him, we'll pull you out" Miami repeated for the third time.

"Pull me out and put me where?" You asked.

"Whoever needs you. It'll be an upgrade, for sure. You'll get a raise and it'll be great" Reid said and you looked down in your lap. Why was this so hard?

"Is there no way I can stay on as Queen's lawyer?" You asked.

"We understand why you want to" Reid said "But we feel that putting you with Elton or Bob would be a better use of your energies"

You felt embarrassed that they all knew one of the biggest reasons you wanted to stay on with Queen was Roger.

"Look, Roger can still be your boyfriend-" Miami started to say and you stopped him "He's not my boyfriend"

"And he won't ever be" Paul said and you snapped your head towards him "He's a rock star and he's on his way to become a global heartthrob. Women are insane about him, he's not going to be settling down with any single girl anytime soon"

"Paul..." Reid began to say but Paul ignored him, continuing "Be real, Y/N. You're not a schoolgirl, are you? Are you seriously considering turning down a promotion so you can stay with your sweetheart?"

You didn't know what to say to Paul, the only thing you wanted to do was punch him in his jaw. It might get you fired but it sure as well would feel good. Roger was right about him. You were glaring daggers as he spoke, and Reid and Miami were looking at you with concern, as if you would break into tears any second. That annoyed you even further. You weren't a fragile girl who would break down in front of her bosses over a guy she liked. I mean, you were. You'd cried over Roger a hundred times, but you weren't going to show them that.

"Prenter, I think it's the girl's decision in the end. Let her decide" Reid said and you cleared your throat.

"You know I'm right" Paul said "Two months from now, you'll be seeing Roger with another girl on the front page of the paper and you'll not only be jobless, but heartbroken as well. You'll wish you'd taken the job then"

You were rendered speechless as he spoke. The fucking audacity.

"Paul, I appreciate your concern but I'm not asking for your opinion on my love life. If I wanted to, I'd ask but no thank you" You said, making sure to keep your tone steady. The worst part was that you knew Paul was somehow right, there was some truth to his words and that hurt you more than anything. You let your mind wander into a future where Paul's prediction became true and the first thing you read in the morning paper is Roger's escapades with women in America. You could feel the pain in your gut when you call Roger on tour and a girl picks up, or when you reunite with Roger and he was carrying another woman's perfume. You shook your head as if to remove those thoughts from your head and brought your attention back to Miami's office.

You turned to face them and said "I'll do it. I'll stay with Elton a month, and see how it goes from there"

Miami burst into a smile "You're going to go places, honey. You won't regret this"

You nodded and got up, gathering your stuff.

"When do I start?" You asked him.

"Take this week off, spend time with the boys while they're still here. Say goodbye to Roger and I'll call you in when it's time" Miami smiled. Say goodbye. He made it sound like he was dying.

You slung your bag over your shoulder and shot them all a smile "I'll see you folks later"

You stepped out of the office and as you walked towards the elevator, you could hear footsteps behind you. You swore under your breath as you realized whose they were.

"Don't get me wrong, darling" Paul said, catching up to you "I got nothing against you and the boy"

You increased your pace, wanting to escape into the elevator and leave the asshole behind but he had other plans.

"I'm just trying to save you the pain. It's inevitable what happens" Paul continued and you pressed the elevator button in a hurry multiple times, to indicate how uninterested you were.

"I mean Roger has always been a lady's man. He's one of the reasons the band is so popular with the young ones. Imagine if it were to get out that he had a girlfriend, it'd break those hearts and you wouldn't want to affect their success in any way, would you?"

You stepped inside the elevator and turned to Paul as he followed you in.

"What the fuck are you even on about? Roger having a girlfriend will affect the band's success?" You asked, not trying to contain the disgust in your tone.

"Of course, he brings in so many ladies to the gigs. Once he goes steady with you, that'll stop" He said matter of factly and pressed the button to the ground floor. You stepped towards the opposite side of the elevator and sighed.

"Paul, are you dumb?" You said and he raised his eyebrows.

"Do you even know how female fans work? The guy could be married with kids and they would still show up to the gig, so don't blame this on me" You explained.

"Well, do you see Roger having kids any time soon?" He asked and just the way he talked made it clear he thought it impossible "Or getting married?"

"How is that even related to any of this?" You asked, exasperated, wishing the elevator would go faster.

"You're young and in love, believe me, you can do much better than him" Paul said and you rolled your eyes at his fucking audacity.

"What even is your point Prenter? You want me to leave Queen so you can solely manage them, don't you? Do you think I wouldn't catch on to that? Anybody can see your true intentions. You don't care about the band, you don't care about the boys" You asked, keeping a hand on your temple because he honestly made your head hurt.

"You're not going to be meeting him for half a year, darling" He said and you shut your eyes.

"Well maybe I will" You said.

"You'll what?"

"Maybe I'll go on tour with him" You said, and although it didn't make any sense you just wanted to piss him off.

"Oh, you're going to regret that decision" Paul said and instead of annoyance, a smirk made its way onto his face, pissing you off even more.

"Why the hell would I regret it? He told me he loves me, he said he wants to marry me" You weren't even sure why you were telling him all this but you just wanted to prove him wrong.

"And you believe that?" He asked, smugness in his tone.

You stuck to your resolve for putting on a brave front and tightened your jaw to stop a pathetic sob from escaping.

"Of course, I do. He wouldn't lie" You spit back.

"Then you clearly don't know Roger. I feel as if we are talking about two different people" He said "You know we're talking about the guy who had a new girl in his lap every night and has fucked half the girls he's seen? What makes you think you're any different?" He said, still sounding smug and the elevator doors opened.

"Thank god" You said loudly and walked out, with him still following you. You didn't want to hear any more of this.

"My point is don't hold him down. Don't fall into this trap because when Roger's older, he's going to look back on this time and resent you for this. He's a rock star. Imagine how sad and boring his life on tour would be if he had a girl waiting for him back home and couldn't have any fun in the States" Paul said from behind you and you whipped around to face him.

"You know what Paul?" You said, glaring at him as he waited for your response, a smirk gracing his lips.

"Fuck off" You said, your resolve breaking and you quickly turned back to walk out of the building, making sure he didn't see how upset you really were.

It was a day after your confrontation with Paul and you were in Freddie's home, staring at yourself in the mirror. The dress he'd picked out for you was honestly out of this world. It was short and tight, and it hugged your every curve. It was silver and covered in sequins and ended above your knee, was backless and had a thin metallic colored strap running around. it was a lot, to be honest. You would never have worn something like this but Freddie had gotten it made specifically for you.

"How expensive was this?" You asked, pulling it down from the hem.

"Don't worry about that darling. Roger will love it" Freddie said from behind you and you laughed. He was right. Roger would love it a lot. It was extremely low cut and flattering on you. Your hair was half tied up by Mary in a bun and the rest of it hung below with little sequins scattered across it. You looked amazing and in your state of mind, it really helped. You'd stayed up thinking about Paul's words and you were getting super annoyed the more you thought of it. Even if there was some truth in his words, Prenter was the last person you wanted to hear it from. It's like he sucked out and siphoned all of your insecurities and blew them up in your face. He knew what you feared and he wasn't afraid to confront you with it, and you hated him for that. You weren't hurt by what he had said to you, but by the fact that you had already thought of it before him, and spent nights thinking that.

How hard would it be for Roger to settle down with one woman? Especially so early on in his career, when there were so many tours, opportunities and women awaiting him. For Christ's sake he had himself mentioned how he knew you might find another guy in the six months away from him which obviously meant he was going to find another girl, or girls in plural. The thought alone baffled you. Why was it so impossible to stick to each other? For a guy who had sex every other day, could he not try to keep it in his pants for some time? You sighed as Mary zipped up your dress.

"Everything okay?" She asked and you nodded. It would be okay. Roger cared about you as much as you did for him and that's what mattered.

You didn't want to get affected by this or anything Prenter said so at least this party would be a nice distraction, and you were excited for Roger's reaction to your dress.

You all arrived at the venue, the fanciest club you'd ever been to, and you held Mary's hand tightly as you walked through the crowd to the VIP section. You saw the boys sat around a booth, sipping wine and Brian and Deaky let out a cheer when they saw you. They all were dressed to the nines and you realized how much you were going to miss this life. You looked for Roger and saw him instantly, being very chatty with a waitress. She was leaning towards him seductively, the buttons of her shirt popped, and you felt your heart sink. Your gaze drifted towards Roger instead of the woman and you were surprised when you realized his eyes weren't on her but on you. He wasn't the least bit interested in her and you smiled at him. His eyes lit up as he spotted you and he leapt off the seat, pushing aside the waitress, who stepped away with a pout and ran up to you.

"Fucking hell" He mumbled and wrapped his arms around you, engulfing you in a tight hug.

"Rog, it's just been a day" You said and he breathed your scent.

"It's been a day and I missed you so much. Don't know how I'll survive a week or a month" Roger said, pulling back and you smiled. His eyes immediately went down to your chest and then your waist and your legs. They raked up your body slowly.

"Do you like it?" You asked. He looked up at you with amazement in his eyes.

"Like it? It's the hottest thing I've ever seen" He said "Don't expect me to keep my hands to myself tonight"

You laughed, feeling proud and Freddie stepped in saying "I'm the one that got her this, so thank me darling"

Roger hugged Freddie with a laugh and you all sat down. Your mind kept getting flooded with every negative thing Prenter said about Roger and you wished you could push it away to enjoy with him. You spotted Paul entering and he gave you a look which made you want to punch him. You turned your gaze away from him and back to your friends. You sat further from Roger, next to Mary and began nibbling at the food there, as Paul entered the booth and sat down opposite you, next to Roger.

"Prenter!" Freddie exclaimed and hugged him and you wished Freddie would see past him.

"Ay, what are we celebrating today?" Paul said, looking around the table at the food and drinks and you wondered who even invited him. He grabbed a bottle of vodka and started chugging it.

"It's simply a celebration of life, Paul!" Freddie told him and Paul smiled.

"Oh, that's dull for you Fred. Shouldn't we be honoring Mrs. Taylor over here?" He said, and it took you a minute to realize he was talking about you.

"What?" Brian said and all eyes on the table turned to you, including Roger's. You felt like throwing up.

"Mrs. Taylor?" Mary asked, almost shouting it in the club and you cringed. Roger, sensing your discomfort, turned to Paul and said "What are you even on about?"

You immediately knew it was the wrong thing to ask and sunk lower in your seat, your eyes fixed on Paul as he spoke.

"Well, haven't you told the boys?" Paul said, with fake enthusiasm "Your dear drummer boy is gettin married"

"Excuse me?" Deaky said, leaning over to look at Roger.

"Married to who?" Freddie asked, already drunk and Paul laughed "To her, of course. Didn't she tell you?"

You looked down at your hands in a moment of panic and honestly felt like running away. You knew that Roger telling you he wanted to marry you was said in a moment of passion and intimacy, he perhaps didn't even mean it and it was something supposed to be between the two of you and now everybody knew. Blurting it out to Paul had been a mistake and you wanted to slap him.

"You asked her to marry you?" Brian asked Roger and you felt like sinking into a corner as everyone directed questions towards you.

"I need a drink" You said, and got up, heading to the bar. You needed to get away from there, and you'd basically run away but you didn't trust yourself to sit there anymore. You grabbed a glass from the bar and it didn't belong to you but you didn't care. You downed it and then quickly grabbed another. You needed to get drunk fast and hard. As you were on your fifth shot of possibly tequila, the bartender noticed you and said "Hey, Lady. What do you think you're doing?"

Your throat burned from the liquid and you wished the effect would settle in fast.

"I need to drink" You told him, clutching the counter and before he could say anything you felt a hand on your back.

"Don't worry, it's on me" He said and you turned around to see Roger.

"Roger..." You began to apologize, your voice breaking but he said "Don't worry, I know why you told him"

"I feel so shitty, I'm so sorry" You said, tears threatening to spill "He was just riling me up and I didn't know what to say...he is such an asshole. I understand if you're mad at me but-"

"Mad at you? Of course not. I almost decked him back there with the way he made you feel" Roger said and you clutched onto his shirt.

"I'm sorry" You said again and he shook his head.

"Stop apologizing, love" He said and handed you a drink "Can we go back to the table now?" Roger asked you and nodded slightly.

"Paul?" You asked. You didn't want to face him again, especially not in this state, you couldn't guarantee what you'd do.

"He went off, don't worry bout him" Roger said and you sighed in relief, and he grabbed your hand. You held Roger's hand tightly, partly because there were too many people and you didn't want to get lost in the crowd and partly because you loved the feel of his large hand in yours. You went back to the table with him and picked up a glass of vodka as soon as you reached, you needed to get drunk. It would get Paul out of your head. You sat down next to Mary and remembered how terrible your experiences with alcohol had been, but at this point you didn't care. You just had one week left with the boys and you were going to make the most of it. Who knew if Elton partied like this?

Somebody had ordered pizza and you immediately got up from Mary to go around the table and grab some. Pizza always helped with your nausea. As soon as you grabbed a piece and started to head back to your seat, to your surprise, Roger immediately pulled you onto his lap instead. You were sat on his thigh and his arm wrapped around you to keep you there.

"You've been drinking a lot" He whispered and you nodded.

"I need to get shit faced tonight so we can go somewhere and I can forget about Paul and I can let you take full advantage of me" You told him, your mind barely processing what you were saying. He chuckled and wrapped his arm tighter, his other hand coming to rest on your thigh.

It felt so normal as you all conversed and ate. It felt official. Nobody gave you any second glances and it all felt so real. Nobody brought up the marriage thing again. Thankfully. Roger must have told them off, or they simply forgot. You tried not to think of the things Paul said. Every time somebody made a joke, you could feel Roger's laugh in your ear and sometimes he would lean in and add a line, making you two burst into laughter much to the confusion of everybody else. He was drunk and so were you.

He was in a white vest with fringes, one of his stage costumes, with jeans and he looked so fucking hot. You wanted nothing more than for him to take you right then and there but that would be unreasonable.

Once you got your cocktail, you immediately popped the olive in your mouth, you loved the black ones, and you felt Roger's eyes on you.

"Keep doing that and we're going to have to leave" He whispered and you turned your head to look at him.

"Don't give me that look, as if you don't know what I'm talking about" He said, a smirk on his face and you smiled innocently, still continuing to suck on the olive and staring at him, something you would never have done if sober. You could already tell you would be embarrassed by this tomorrow, if you remembered it.

"Watch it, love" He said, his eyes darkened with something close to lust and you felt a giddy feeling in your stomach.

"Or else?" You asked, challenging him. His eyes dropped down to your lips and then to your chest as you breathed heavily, your chest moving with each breath.

"Fuck" He said softly "This dress barely covers you"

You nodded, pushing your hair back from your shoulder to give him a better view. He sucked in a breath, watching you on his lap.

"Let's dance!" Freddie declared and you nodded and quickly got up from Roger's lap.

"Yes!" You smiled and took Freddie's hand, much to Roger's disappointment. You walked towards the dance floor, already feeling the effect of all the drinks on you and your body as you began to sway. You moved to the music, and Mary joined in too. You knew Roger was sitting by the side, staring at you because he wasn't one to dance. You moved your body to the music and you couldn't comprehend the lyrics but it was a disco song and you felt somebody's hands on your waist. You smiled and stepped back into them.

"Didn't think you would join me" You said to him, moving your hips to the beat and letting the music overtake you. He hummed and wrapped his arms around you tightly and suddenly you felt somebody shove him.

"What the fuck?" You said, stumbling back and turning to see what happened. It quickly became clear what was going on because Roger was there pushing some other man, and you realized you had been dancing with somebody else.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Roger seethed, pushing the man and you stepped in. You needed to stop this.

"I didn't know she was taken" The man replied and his face was so generic, you wouldn't be able to pick it apart from the crowd.

"Well she is. She's my girl" Roger spat back and you stepped in between them.

"I'm so sorry, just leave" You said to the guy, and Roger gripped your arm. You turned to see his face and he looked so angry. And sogood.

"Couldn't tell some guy's body apart from mine?" He asked, raising an eyebrow and you laughed, stepping closer to him.

"It was an honest mistake, babe" You said "You didn't think I would do that on purpose, did you?"

"Of course, not" He replied to your relief and kissed you "That guy is nothing compared to me"

You laughed. It was true.

"Can we dance?" You asked and he shook his head.

"You're not dancing either" He said and you scowled "Can't let any other man touch you, not when I'm here"

He grabbed your hand and dragged you back to the table. Brian and Deaky were sat there, since they wouldn't dance obviously. As soon as you sat down, Roger went off and you groaned.

"What happened?" Brian asked.

"He got me here and now he's gone off somewhere" You frowned and sank low.

"You look beautiful tonight by the way, but I'm sure you knew that by the way you were dancing out there" Brian commented and you smiled abashedly at him.

"He's right, you look like more of a Rockstar more than me" Deaky added and you laughed. You then spotted Roger standing near the bar and you jumped up in excitement. He was leaning on the bar, getting a drink and he looked so good. His hair was brushed and looked so smooth and his chest was gleaming under the club lights. He extended his hand to get a drink and his arm muscles flexed and you felt like licking every inch of his body. The thoughts going through your head were enough to send you to hell but your filter was gone, and you were shit faced drunk.

You ran up to him, with effort to not fall down and hugged him from behind. Deaky and Brian followed you to the bar.

"You are so hot" You whispered in his ear and he seemed startled by your presence.

"And you're plastered" He said, with an amused expression.

"Can you take me home tonight?" You asked and he turned around to hold you.

"You wanna come home with me?" He asked, raising a brow and smirking.

You nodded feverishly.

"You look so good. I need you" You said, stumbling over your words, unable to form a proper sentence.

"I think this is the first time you're flirting with me, love" He responded, and sipped his drink.

You kept your hand on his arm, clutching it "You're leaving in a week, Rog" You whined and he licked his lips.

His lips looked so good. You learned forward and kissed him sloppily.

"How are you so beautiful?" You said aloud and you heard Brian groan out loud from beside you.

"You've known each other for seven months, and you're having this conversation now?" Deaky asked. You leaned closer to Roger and lowered your voice.

"If I didn't know you, and was a stranger at this bar I would totally go so far as to let you fuck me anywhere you wanted" You told Roger and his expression changed, his eyes widening in delight and what resembled lust. You leaned into his chest and hugged your arms around his waist, resting your head on his bare chest.

"We have ears, you know?" Brian said from beside you "Can you two please get a room?"

You closed your eyes and focused on Roger's heartbeat. It was steady and familiar.

"Oh, I'm sorry Brian. Is my girl making you uncomfortable?" Roger asked him and you opened an eye to see that Brian was actually smiling at the sight.

"You guys are adorable but can you be adorable somewhere we can't hear you?" Deaky suggested.

"It's crazy, I never thought Roger to be the one to lose his sanity for a girl" Brian said.

"Neither did I" Roger said, and you felt him kiss the top of your head. You felt yourself drifting back and forth into consciousness. The only reason you were still standing up was because of Roger's grip on you.

"What Prenter said before, was he serious?" You heard Deaky ask.

"He was" Roger replied "I wasn't joking when I said it to her"

"I can't imagine you settling down" Brian said and you felt Roger laugh.

"With her, I can do just about anything" He said and you softly smiled.

"She seems tired" Deaky said "You guys gonna head home soon?"

"Yeah, I think she had a bit too much to drink. I'll take her home in a bit" Roger told them and then you drifted off.

"Love?" You heard and opened your eyes to see that you were still at the bar and Roger was busy in conversation with Brian and Deaky.

"You good to head home?" He asked and you shook your head.

"You're barely awake" He laughed.

"I wanna spend time with you, not go home" You said.

"I didn't actually mean home" He said "Do you think I'm gonna let you off so easily in that dress of yours?"

That was enough to wake you up and you opened your eyes and stared at him.

"You don't wanna stay?" You asked and he shook his head, smiling.

"Then where do you want to go?" You asked, confused, holding onto the sides of his vest.

"You tell me, love" He said softly "What are you in the mood for?"

You thought about it as you stared at him. Under the neon lighting, his face was glowing and the light reflected off his pecs in the best way possible. You felt him getting hard and he licked his lips again and you couldn't stop staring at his mouth. You needed his mouth on you.

"Bathroom" You said "Now"

It was as if he was anticipating this the entire night because he didn't hesitate in grabbing your hand and dragging you off.

"Excuse us lads" He said smugly to Brian and Deaky and you saw them exchange looks of disgust and amusement. You walked with him till the place where the bathroom was and he shoved open a door and you stumbled inside. You were barely in your senses and the only thought on your mind was him. He locked the door and shoved you against it, kissing you. You wrapped your arms around his neck and he immediately put his hand under your dress. One of his hands came to grip your thigh and he lifted it up so he could fit his body between your legs. You were already so turned on in your intoxicated state and the way he was kissing you, you were sure you could orgasm from that itself. You ran your hands through his hair and tugged at it and he moaned. All thoughts of Paul and everything he'd told you had left your head. Both of you were sloppy and extremely drunk but it made it all the better.

"Roger" You breathed "I need you"

"I know, love" He responded and started kissing your neck. You immediately put your hand near his waistband and he shook his head.

"Tonight, is bout you" He said and you let out a yelp as he grabbed your ass and lifted you up to put you on the counter. He spread your legs and got on his knees and you could feel yourself getting wetter at the sight.

"This fucking dress is gonna be the death of me" He mumbled as he began kissing your thighs. His hands snaked under your dress and he touched you where you need him most with his fingers, over your underwear.

"Rog..." You whined and he hooked your underwear to the side so he could touch you properly. As soon as his fingers were on you, your back arched and you leaned your head back. He dipped his head down and began sucking on the skin of your upper thigh.

"I've been waitin to taste you again for so long" He said and trailed his lips to your core, as his fingers began moving against you.

"Need to get rid of this" He mumbled to himself and you didn't know what he was talking about, until you felt his fingers tug at the elastic of your lace underwear and he slipped it off your legs. You lifted them up so he could take them past your ankles and he tossed them to the side.

"Much better" He said and finally, finally put his mouth on you. You were trembling from the sensation and how good it felt and he started running his tongue in circles. He licked a long stripe and you moaned out very loudly and anyone passing by would have definitely heard you. You leaned back a bit to give him better access. His tongue swept around your sensitive skin and although it was very messy and rough, it made you feel amazing. He began moving in circular motions and you let out a sigh at how good it felt. He was slow and steady in the way he moved his mouth.

"Rog, what if someone wants to use the bathroom?" You asked suddenly.

"Then they'll hear you moaning my name and leave" He spoke and you looked down to see his head nuzzled between your legs, and your sequin dress was bunched up at your waist. You remembered how expensive it was and let out a laugh.

"This funny to you?" He asked and the air hitting your core made you shiver.

"No, I was just remembering how much this dress cost" You said.

"I think you got your worth" He said, and you laughed. If this dress is what got you in this situation, then you did definitely get your worth. He resumed working at you with intense focus and concentration and got faster. His fingers also began simultaneously rubbing circles and you could feel the pressure building up inside you.

"Roger...." You whined and that just urged him to be faster. You grabbed his blonde locks, pressing him further down on you and he groaned, sending vibrations through you. He started sucking and nibbling at you, murmuring how good you tasted and you could feel the sensation all the way down to your toes. He suddenly grabbed your legs and spread them wider, making you cry out as he hit spots deeper inside you with his tongue, making sure to even out the pressure. You let out a whimper and covered your mouth with your hand and he immediately reached up to remove the hand.

"I want to hear you" He said and you nodded in your daze. With a final sweep of his tongue over you and his fingers pressing down on you, you let out a cry as you felt your entire body shake and you squeezed your eyes shut to ride over your high. He removed his mouth from you and glanced up at you, with a smile as he watched your expressions.

"Fuck, Rog" You said, leaning your head on the mirror, your core still sensitive and your legs felt weak. He got up from his knees and pressed a kiss to your lips and you could taste yourself on him.

"I love you" He mumbled against you and you sighed "Thank you Rog"

"Don't thank me, love. I've been wanting that as much as you" He said and you put your hands on his shoulder, gripping his vest as he stood between your legs. He helped pull your dress down and adjust it. Your straps had fallen off and he fixed them, pulling them up to your shoulder.

"You look like a fucking goddess" He said, taking in your appearance, even though you looked disheveled. You smiled at him.

"Do you wanna go back to the party?" He asked and you nodded, jumping off the counter. You looked up at him and he tucked your hair behind your ear. You slipped your legs into your underwear that he had thrown and pulled it over your hips. He was watching you with a soft smile.

"What happened with Prenter?" He asked.

"He was saying some stuff to me earlier and I just felt shitty" You said, clasping your hand with his.

"Whatever he said, you know it's not true right?" He asked. You nodded, even though you still felt the anxiety and apprehension inside you.

"I love you Roger" You said, kissing him again and he smiled down at you. This week was going to go by so fast and you hated it. You held onto him as you walked out the door, clutching his hand in yours and the thought of letting it go soon absolutely, completely terrified you.

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