Misery Returns

By Scrin245

3.1K 166 36

A young boy who never knew his parents or anyone else finally meets more of his own kind. But will this pack... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 11

178 16 8
By Scrin245

Chapter 11

>Phoenix’s POV<

The small boy watched from the second floor, inside Kai’s room, as the older boy kissed Kai. Phoenix felt angry, he didn’t like the new person, he smelled different, a more animalistic smell. The smell that would come off a feral animal, it made the little wolf scarred of him and scarred for Kai.

“Phoenix? What are you doing in Kai’s room?” Kobe asked from the door way. Phoenix looked back with a small frown.

“I don’t like him,” Kobe raised an eyebrow and walked into the room.

“Who don’t you like?”

“Him!” Phoenix pointed out the window towards Kai and the other boy.

“Why don’t you like him?” Kobe asked as he sat down on the bed, patting the little wolf’s leg.

“I just don’t,” the little guy looked up at Kobe and hopped into his lap.

“Well your going to have to start liking him,” Phoenix whimpered and curled up. “He’s going to be staying here for a long time.” The pup got up quickly and walked towards the door. “Where are you going?” Phoenix made his way down the stairs slowly, when he got to the bottom he went to the sliding door and opened it up. He walked outside and growled a bit as he walked up towards the two boys.

“Kai!” Phoenix whined slightly as he got closer, he looked towards the small pup.

“Phoenix do you want to join us?” The pup pouted a bit and stomped his foot.

“Kai,” Phoenix pouted again.

“Come here pup,” Kirin said, patting his leg, Phoenix growled in response. He could feel his wolf coming forwards, trying to protect him if he needed to.

“Phoenix come over here, Kirin won’t hurt you, I promise,” Phoenix looked at Kai then back at Kirin, growling louder. “Oh my god.” Kai got up quickly and charged at the pup, scooping him up into his arms. “That’s enough.” Kai carried him over to the bigger boy and sat down.

Phoenix squirmed and tried to get out of Kai’s hands, growling a bit. He didn’t want to be that close to the odd smelling boy. Kai rubbed the boy’s back trying to get him to calm down.

“Phoenix stop squirming around, Kirin won’t hurt you, I promise,” Kai tried to reassure the small pup. Kirin reached a hand out and stroked the small boy’s head, Phoenix in response growled louder, transforming into his wolf form, he snapped at Kirin’s hand, almost getting him. Kai smacked the pup, growling loudly at him.

“Phoenix don’t do that, that’s very bad,” Phoenix gave a small whimper, pushing back against Kai’s hand, trying to get away. “Phoenix you have to learn to accept Kirin, he isn’t going anywhere.” The small pup didn’t listen though, he was too preoccupied by trying to get away. He felt betrayed by Kai, he was only trying to warn him, he didn’t like how he was hurt for just trying to defend himself. Kai held him firmly, all that Phoenix could do was whimper and try to squirm his way out.

“Kai let go of the pup,” Kobe called out from the open sliding door.

“Dad he has to learn to like Kirin,” Kobe gave a warning growl. “Alright fine.” Kai released the small pup, who quickly ran over to Kobe, going between his legs to get inside. Phoenix hopped up the stairs since he was too small to climb them like he could in his human form. He hopped all the way up until he got to the top, there he quickly scurried into his room. Squeezing underneath the bed he hid there.

Phoenix whimpered and whined a bit, he wasn’t hurt physically, but he was hurt emotionally. He felt betrayed by Kai, the same person who felt like family to him. Phoenix had to remind himself that he wasn’t like them, they were used to living in places where they could survive easily. He had to survive in the wilderness for years, he was used to getting the feel of other creatures in the forest by using his sense of smell, none of them understood that so they didn’t know.

He missed his little apple tree, he missed being outside all day long. With his new thoughts he thought of a plan.


>Kai’s POV<

Kai sighed and leaned against his mate. All he wanted was for the little pup to like his mate, he didn’t think that was too hard to ask. However Phoenix had only met his mate just that day, he might just be jealous of Kirin. Or maybe he was scared of him cause he was a werebear, he doubted that he even knew what they were, he didn’t know what werewolves where before they took him in almost a year ago. He hissed his mate’s cheek, knowing that with time they pup will accept Kirin.

Kirin rubbed my back a bit, in a soothing way. Kai guessed that his mate must have sensed how he was feeling about Phoenix not liking him.

“I’ll be right back,” Kai said as he got up quickly.

“Where you going?” Kirin asked getting up slowly.

“Just to ask my dad something then talk to Phoenix for a second, just stay here,” Kirin sat back down, looking up at his mate. Kai ran into the house and started the search for his dad. He found him sitting in the living room, watching what looked like the news.

“Yes Kai?” Kobe asked without looking away from the screen.

“Well you know that me and Kirin are mates…” Kai played with his hands a bit. “So I was wondering if somehow the two of us could get are own place.”

“Well of course, how long are the two of you willing to wait?” Kobe looked at his son, making him even more nervous for asking.

“I don’t know, sooner I guess,” Kobe furrowed his brows and nodded at his son.

“Okay, I’ll see what I can do,” Kai squirmed a bit in his dad’s gaze.

“What’s that look for?”

“You aren’t the dominate with your mate, now are you?” Kai blushed deeply and looked away from his dad. “Am I right?” Kai didn’t open his mouth, only nodded his head. “Alright, I was only asking.”

“You don’t care?” Kobe shook his head and looked back at the TV. “You don’t care that I’m not the dominate, even though I’m your son, and soon to be alpha?”

“No its completely fine, if your mate wasn’t a werebear. Even then I think he’s something else other then that,” Kai sat on the arm of the couch.

“What do you mean?”

“Kirin, he’s giant! He is a lot bigger then any of the war wolves,” Kai nodded a bit, blushing lightly.

“What does that mean?” Kobe laughed a bit and looked at his son.

“I think he might be a warbear,” Kai nodded a bit, sort of understanding what his dad meant. “It might also understand why Phoenix is afraid of him.”

“Do you know why?”

“Not at all, he wouldn’t tell me,” Kai shrugged a bit.

“I’m going to go and talk to him.”

“Okay, just be calm and try not to push him to much,” Kai nodded and sprinted up the stairs. He opened the door to Phoenix’s room, he raised an eyebrow, not seeing the pup. Kai leaned down and got on his knees, looking under the bed, he saw the little pup curled up there, staring straight at him.

“Hey little guy, can we talk?”

“About?” Kai laid down and looked at the pup.

“Kirin,” at the name Phoenix started to growl lowly. “Phoenix don’t worry about it, he’s completely safe, just try to get to know him, please?”

“I don’t like him,” Phoenix pouted a bit.

“Why don’t you?” Kai put his hand out towards the pup, trying to reassure him.

“I just don’t,” Phoenix moved back, pouting more. Kai sighed and got up.

“He’s not going to hurt you,” Phoenix didn’t answer him, so Kai left, not bothering with trying to make him. Kai jumped down the stairs, going back outside to his mate, who was sitting there looking at him. Kai closed the glass door, walking up to his mate, sitting back down in his lap. Kai rested his head against Kirin’s shoulder sighing a bit.

“Everything alright?”

“Ya, we’re going to get are own place soon, my dad knows that you’re the dominant, but Phoenix is still fully against you,” Kai explained.

“Good, hope that’s okay, and he will soon,” Kirin said with a  smile, rubbing Kai’s back a bit. “Just think, we’ll have are own place, just to ourselves. We can have so much fun together.” Kai hopped up and put his hands over Kirin’s mouth.

“Shhhh!” Kirin smiled and laughed a bit, kissing Kai’s hands gently, which made the smaller boy laughed a bit and sit down. Kirin rubbed his back, relaxing. Kai sighed a bit and relaxed into his mate, enjoying the closeness, and the peacefulness.

Chapter 11

>Phoenix’s POV<

Phoenix opened  his bedroom door and looked out, checking if anyone was out in the hallway. All the young pup could see was pitch darkness which was separated by small lights near the bottom of the floor.

Phoenix slowly padded his way to the stairs. As he passed by Kai’s room he could hear the large feral smelling boy saying something in whispers. He cared less about what the boy was saying, he more cared about protecting Kai. He figured that Kai didn’t want his help, so why should he be there, as nice as it was, he didn’t enjoy the chemical smell. Phoenix preferred the smell of nature and the outdoors.

Phoenix slowly crept down the stairs, trying his best to stay quiet so he wouldn’t be found out. He walked over to the sliding door once he was down, reaching up to his full height, even then getting on his tippy toes so that he could reach to unlock the door. Once he had the door unlocked he pushed it open enough so that he could just squeeze out, he closed the door behind him.

The boy walked over to the tree and started to climb it. He missed being able to climb trees all day. When he got to the top of  the tree he looked around, checking if anyone could see him, seeing that no one was outside, Phoenix jumped down landing on the other side of the fence. When his feet touched the dirt he shifted into his wolf form, starting at a dead run to get into his forest, to reach his apple tree, to be back in his home.

The fresh air filled his nostrils filling him with energy as he ran faster and faster, wanting to reach his little tree. As much as he wanted someone to watch his back, but he also enjoyed the quiet peacefulness that came with being on his lonesome.

He knew the forest like the back of his hand, he knew where the river cut through the forest, just a few feet from his tree. He knew when he was close to his tree. Phoenix could see the apples that had fallen the past week. When he was living there none of those apples lasted for more then a few hours before he would grab it and devour it, tossing the remains as far from his tree as he could muster.

He looked up at his tree, feeling a sense of peace as he rubbed against the bark, taking off any excess fur that had collected on him. He shifted from his animal form, he pressed his hands against the bark, running his hand down, remembering the coarse feeling underneath his fingerprints. He jumped, grabbing onto one of the branches, pulling himself up and onto the branch, twisting his body so that he could get into a small nook in the tree where he could lay. Phoenix rested his head against the tree, starting to relax like he used to do everyday. He placed his hands behind his head, looking up at the clouds.

He let out a small sigh, releasing how lonely it was being all on his own. He started to debate with himself whether or not he should just spend the day in the forest, going back to the families’ house in the night. He hugged himself conflicting with himself on if he actually wanted to leave his forest again. As he stayed laying in his tree he decided that he wanted to live out here, but he also wanted to go back and thank them for taking care of him for so long.


>Kai’s POV<

Kai stretched out widely feeling his large mate beside him, still asleep. Kai got up slowly kissing Kirin on the cheek as he got up needing to use the washroom. When he left he wandered over to Phoenix’s room, wanting to go and talk to him, maybe even convincing him to come and spend some time with him and his mate, even just an hour and he would be happy.

Kai knocked on the door quietly before he opened the door, the boy peaked into the young pup’s room. He entered, walking up to the bed where he lifted the covers slightly, upon doing so he saw nothing but the bed covers. Kai smiled and hopped down onto his hands and knees, peaking under the bed, still seeing nothing. Kai frowned a bit, wondering where the pup could be.

Kai left the pup’s room, going down the stairs where he saw his mother sipping on her coffee. “Have you seen Phoenix?” He asked, his mother only gave him a shake of the head.

“Isn’t he still in his room?” Kai shook his head. “Maybe he’s outside, just check.” Kai nodded, wandering over to the sliding door, seeing that it was unlocked, he opened the sliding door slowly.

“Phoenix you out here?” Kai called out waiting a few seconds for the pup to answer. When there wasn’t one Kai walked out into the backyard, feeling the morning dew on his bare feet. He looked up the tree, for any signs that the pup was in the tree, he then looked into the small den that the pup had built almost a year ago now. Kai sniffed, trying to see in the darkness if he could see the pup down there. Still no sign of the pup could be seen.

Kai started to worry, the pup couldn’t have been that far, now could he? Kai looked up, seeing the coming storm clouds. “Maybe the pup just went for a quick run,” he thought aloud to himself, trying to calm his nerves.

Kai walked back into the house, going into the kitchen. “I couldn’t find him,” his mother looked up at him, he could tell that she was nervous.

“Where could he be?” Tatiana got up walking to the living room sitting down, Kai followed his mother. Before he could sit she got back up and started to walk around again. “Did he leave?” She asked, almost to herself. Kobe walked down, seeing his wife in this disarray.

“What’s wrong honey?” He asked grabbing her gently.

“Phoenix, he’s missing and there’s a huge storm on its way, what if he gets stuck outside in it?” Kobe gave hi wife a kiss on the cheek.

“Before he started to stay here he lived through the storms all the time, he’ll be fine,” Tatiana nodded her head slowly giving a small sigh.

“If you say so, I’m still worried about him, he could be in danger,” Kai smiled a bit, knowing his mother was a bit overbearing.

“He’ll be fine, he might just be out for a morning run, nothing more,” Tatiana gave a small sigh again, setting her coffee cup down.

“Alright, but if the storm comes and he’s still out in it, then your going to find him,” She pointed at her husband giving him a false mad look. Kobe smiled and nodded his head.

“I promise I will,” Tatiana hugged Kobe resting her head against his shoulder. Kai could feel himself being hugged around the waist, a small kiss being placed on the top of his head.

“Good morning cutie,” Kai smiled and looked up at Kirin.

“Morning,” he kissed his arm which got a small playful growl out of Kirin.

“What’s going on?”

“None of us can find Phoenix, we think he’s missing,” Kai explained, Kirin frowned a bit.

“Could it be my fault?” Kai shook his head.

“No, he wouldn’t just leave, he might be out on a run,” Kirin smiled and nodded his head.

“Ya hopefully he is,” Kirin picked up Kai, placing him in his arms, giving him a little kiss.

“He’ll be fine,” Kirin smiled a bit.

“I feel like my mom right now,” Tatiana scoffed.

“That’s a bad thing?”

“I just meant that I’m worrying about Phoenix,” she nodded her head. “But then again no where near the way you are.” Kirin nuzzled the side of Kai’s head.

“Well he’s like a son to me.”

“Oh I see how it is,” Kai crossed his arms, turning away from her. His mate poked him in the side harshly. “Ow.”

“Be nice,” Kirin warned, looking down at him.

“I was only kidding around, he’s pretty much my little brother, I don’t want anything happening to him,” Tatiana nodded her head.

“Good, so when he doesn’t come back before the storm comes your going out with your father,” Kai sighed, nodding knowing that he would have to. Kirin hugged Kai into him, starting to carry him away.

“What are you doing?” The werebear smiled giving Kai a quick kiss on the cheek.

“Just carrying you up stairs to go back to sleep,” Kai laughed, pushing himself away slightly.

“I’m not tired though,” Kirin tightened his grip.

“I am, and I want to hold you, so too bad,” Kai sighed, resting his chin against his mate’s shoulder in defeat. Kirin got up to their room laying Kai onto the bed, kicking the door closed.

“Oh I see what you really want to do,” Kai crossed his arms as Kirin loomed over him with a giant smile. “Well no. You said you wanted to sleep so you will sleep,” Kirin laughed a bit, nipping at the mark Kirin had given Kai there, making Kai let out a small moan. “I hate you,” Kai wrapped his arms around his mate’s neck giving him a kiss.


I hope you enjoyed it!!! Sorry for how long the chapters are taking to come out! However there will either be two or one more chapters then the book will be done. I have no idea if I will have another book and make it series or what, I'd love feed back to whether or not I should.

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