Let's Play A Game (A RWBY Che...

By treylore

129K 1.2K 2.4K

Greetings & Welcome . You must be wandering why you are here, i shall tell you this is a tale of a boy who go... More

John's Ungrateful Life (1)
John's Ungrateful Life (2)
The Trial of (Y/N)
(Y/N)'s Game
Information #2
A Wilted Rose
Melting The Angel
Taming The Cat
Burning The Dragon (Finale)
Thank You and New book
10000!!! R!E!A!D!S!
John's Past (BONUS)
News To All (Vol.2)
Information (Vol 2)
Reunions (Vol.2)
The Past (Vol 2)
QnA/ Ask the cast
Author Note.
Raid ( Vol.2)
Grand finale (Vol 2).

Atlas Intervention (Vol 2)

1.6K 23 79
By treylore

Vale Police Department Morning

Eric entered the building to see Jessica asleep at her desk.

Eric: Seemed like she didn't go home. Better get to making some coffee.

He walks towards the coffee machine to brew some. (John: I feel a disturbance in the brew)

Eric: Now to wait.

The coffee was done, he walked towards Jessica, trying his best not to make a sound. He placed the cups down on the desk, and he got next to Jessica's face.


Jessica: AHHH!!!!

She fell off her chair.

Jessica: Damn'it that hurt, Whoever did that, I'm gonna-

Eric: Gonna what?

Jessica: U-uh gonna say good morning. Uh, morning sir.

Eric: Morning Jess.

Jessica: So when's the Atlasian officer gonna show up. 

Eric: I think she's

Winter: Right behind you.

This causes the 2 vale officers to jump.

Winter: There goes first impressions.

Eric: Head inspector Eric Matthews, Pleasure to meet you Mam.

Jessica: Inspector Jessica Hoffman, please to make your acquaintance

Winter: The pleasure is mine. Now then onto business.


(Y/N): So your'e saying that, the vale police force called atlas to help with the investigations.

John: Yup, Didn't you read the last chapter.

(Y/N): I did. So that means.

John: Winter is here.

(Y/N): This has turned into a difficult situation.

John: Anyway, I'm on prisoner duty today, so your'e free to do what ever you want.

(Y/N): Alright.

John: Now then onto the siblings.

John walked over to the room and opened the door revealing yang and ruby chained.


John: Keep on trying, this is totally not the 8th time you made this threat.

Ruby: Why are you here it's not time to eat.

John: No, I was just thinking you would like to see your friends.

Ruby: W-weiss and Blake.

John: Yup.

John unchained ruby. and handcuffed her.

John: Lets go.

Ruby agreed.

They reach the fridge.

John: Ah watch your step.

The room was filled with dead pigs then they came upon, the corpses of the Weiss and blake.

John then heard cooing.

John: Archimedes no, its filthy in there.

A dove then flew out of weiss's rib cage.

John turned to ruby.

John: Birds.

John gave a small chuckle

Ruby didn't react she was only focus on her dead friends.

The bodies of Weiss and Blake suspended of the ground with meat hooks.

Ruby: Why? Just Why?

John: Ask (Y/N) that. I'll give you sometime. don't stay too long though, your fingers may fall of.

John waited outside the freezer, till a depressed ruby walked out.

John: Ready to go back to your cell.

Ruby nodded.

While walking back they saw lily and (Y/N).

(Y/N): And thats when oh.

Lily: Huh?, Oh.

Ruby gave a glance and hid behind John.

John: Sorry she's shy.

The group gave a laugh.

John: Alright lets go.

Lily: Wait let me do something first.

Lily walked over to ruby, and stabbed her in the stomach causing ruby to cough out blood.

Ruby: *Cough* W-why.

Lily: Thats for (Y/N) you bitch.

John: Alright then looks like I'm gonna need to patch that up.

Lily pulled out of ruby.

Ruby: *Cough* *Cough*

Soon she felt light headed and feel towards the ground.

John: Huh did not know that she was this weak.

(Y/N): Well we do only feed her once a week.

John: Alright I'm off don't have to much fun you two.

Vale P.D

Eric: So then, this is all we know about the killer so far.

He places the files of all the victims.

Winter gagged a bit when she saw the pictures.

Eric: Disgusting I know.

Winter: I see.

Eric: We do have some knowledge of the whereabouts of his base though.

Winter: Really now.

Eric: Beacons basement. Though we already investigated the place already.

Winter: I'll have my man go again then.

2 hours before

Amanda was placing a tripwire behind a door.

Amanda: Booby trap the place they said, it would be quick they said. Well its been 5 fucking hours!!!!

Billy: I know that miss young, You don't have to scream it each time a hour passes.


Winter: Sergeant.

Sergeant: Yes Mam.

Winter: Get your squad and move towards this location.

Sergeant: Yes Mam.


Sergeant: Alright you two move in first.

Sol 1: Got it.

Both of the soldiers walked in then.



The head of one of the soldiers flew and landed near the sergeant.

Sergeant: What the fuck.

Sol 2: H-help, It got my damn legs!!!

Sergeant and the rest of the squad, 5 other atlisian soldiers walked in.

Sol 2: Ah you came.

The medic took one step then.


The wounded soldier and the medic both got killed. Shotguns connect on the roof

Sol 3: WOAH WOAH WOAH WOAH, What the hell!!!

He said as he took one step back triggering a bear trap. causing his leg to get caught.

Sol 3: AHH FUCK!!!

The others are about to move.

Sergeant: Halt don't move. This place is trapped.

Sol 3: You don't fucking say.

the Sergeant pointed to a saw blade next to the trap.

Sol 3: You can't be serious.

Sergeant: Were pulling back, you soldier when you done sawing, return to base for treatment.

Sol 3: Wait your just leaving me here.

Sergeant: Yup.

The rest of them walked out.

Sol 3: Guys, guys?

Sol 3 sat down in the corner.

5 hours later

Sol 3: Piece of shit, *Sigh* Why? Why me did I do anything wrong. *Sigh* 

He grabs the saw.

Amanda then walked in.

Sol 3: Holy shit a person. Hey you can you help me.

Amanda: Huh oh someone is still alive. I'll help you.

Sol 3: Hah hah, thank you, you can't belive how long I've been here.

Amanda: Answer me this why is iwnter here.

Sol 3: Huh?, Oh she came because she's looking for her sister's body, And to stop the jigsaw killer.

Amanda: Ah thanks.

Sol 3: Your'e gonna free me right

Amanda: Huh oh.

She pulled out a pistol. and pulled the trigger.

Amanda: Mission complete.


Qrow was having a drink before a certain cloaked figure approach him.

L: Qrow.

Qrow: Huh, Oh its you what is it.

L: Next week ask tai to come to his location alone.

L passed Qrow a card.

Qrow: Alright I'll be sure to tell him. I want to talk to my neices.

L: Of course.

L passed him a phone.

Qrow: Hello.

Yang (Phone): U-uncle Qrow??

Qrow gave a slight smile knowing that she was alive.

Qrow: Yea, its me firecracker.

Yang: Uncle Qrow, its... its cold please come save us.

Qrow: Don't worry I'm coming.

Yang: I love you uncle.

Qrow: I love you too.

The phone cuts.

L placed the phone back into her pocket.

Qrow: So then who are you.

L: You will know soon enough.

The cloaked figure walked out.

Next monday

Qrow and tai showed up at the location.

John: Well, well, well. Where are your bitches.

Qrow gave a small chuckle. Tai on the other hand was not pleased.

Tai: Where are my daughters.

He said as he clenched his fist.

John: They're safe. Now then I'll like to play a game.

Tai: Screw you games.

Tai charged at John. John just moved aside as tai missed him. tai quickly turned and delivered multiple punches directed towards john's chest. John dodge most of it. 

John: Man you suck.

Tai: Just like how your girlfriend sucked my dick.

John pulls out his revolver.

And fired it.

Tai fell down on the ground holding his arm.

John: End of the line. I want to ask tai, Do you believe in destiny. tai that our fates are controlled.

Tai: What the hell are you bitchin about.

John: A student once asked me that.


Pyrrha: Ahcoo.

Jaune: What's wrong?

Pyrrha: I think someone was talking about me.

Jaune: So ready for round 2~

Pyrrha: You know it~

Back to the fight

Tai: You don't scare me.

John: Says the one crawling.

Tai: Screw you. Qrow.

Qrow charge at john with his sword in hand.

John smiled and his hidden blade came out. Qrow almost manage to hit john, John pounced at qrow his blade glancing off Qrow's sword.

Qrow: Heh.

John: Hmm, lets end this shall we.

John fired his revolver twice one hitting qrow's arm and one hitting his knee.

Qrow: Mother fucker.

He walked over to qrow.

Qrow: End me.

John: I'll spare you, Old friend. Tai on the other hand.

Tai: What are you gonna do to me.

John: Play a game.

John used the butt of his revolver and hit Tai's head knocking him out.

John: You got blood on my suit. Oh and Qrow spread the word.

Location Warehouse

John entered the warehouse with tai slung over his shoulder.

John: Amanda ready the trap.

Amanda: Yes John.

John: (Y/N) make sure the sibling watch this.

(Y/N): Right on john.

John: Lily make sure this gets recorded and sent to the rose family.

Lily: Alright.

John: Now let the games begin.

A man awakes in chains in a classroom setting, Chain pierced through his skins. His eyes scan the room in hopes to find an escape but to no avail. Then he saw the t.v in front of him play. A familiar voice is heard.

Recording Plays

Greetings and welcome, I want to play a game. Cursed is the one who walks alone, don't you agree, well you can't hear me.... well then shall we begin, I've enjoyed spending time with you all those years in beacon academy. What fun those days were. But it all ended when you stole her from me, well more like she left me for you. Nevertheless. I judge you today. Pierce through your body are 11 chains, in front of you is the door to your freedom. On the table next to the t.v you will see a timer and a bomb. You must free yourself from this chains. Live or Die. Tai Yang Xiao Long. Make your choice

Recording ends

Tai begins to panic as he tries to free himself from the chains.



Muscle and tissue were ripped apart as blood began to flow.


Tai's hands was finally free, blood kept flowing finally the last chain it was connect to his tongue, one final rip.


The chain fell with a most of tai's tongue. Tai stared in shocked.

Tai: mfffy formgr tmafg rmr tmgmsag (My tongue my tongue)

He scrambles towards the door only to find out it was lock.

Control room

John: Game over

Game room

Tai: F-


The bomb went off.

Tai's guts flew over the room his limbs failing about, his head landed directly in front of the camera that was connected to the viewing room.

viewing room.

Ruby/Yang: Dad!!!!

Ruby broke down and started crying.

Yang just quietly sobs.

(Y/N) just stared at them.

Control room

John, now to go and greet an old friend.

Game room

John stepped into the room looking around the bloodied scene. John approached his head.

John: Auch, Looks like they're gonna need to glue you back together. Anyways I won't kill your daughters, I'm gonna need them. Not like you can hear me anyways.

John: Now then what do I do with all these.

Billy: The meat locker.

John: Yup, the meat locker. Now then the next target.

Billy: Raven branwen.

Vale P.D

Eric: So winter.

Winter: Not a word.

Eric: You gonna get off me or.

Winter: I-I am.

Eric: Then.

Winter: Ahem, your hand.

Eric: O-oh I'm sorry 

Eric moved his hand and winter stood up.

Allison was watching from the hallway.

Allison: You bitch.

Eric: Ah allison just the agent I was looking for,

Allison: Yes Eric:

Eric: I heard that winter's forces have failed. I need you to go to beacon and investigate again.

Allison: Alright.

Eric: Your semblance will be important for this mission.

Soon footsteps could be heard.

Eric: Huh. Qrow?

Winter: Qrow!?

Qrow had walked towards the station after the fight.

Qrow: Eric, I know who the jigsaw killer is.

Eric: Who.

Qrow: Jo-

He passed out due to the bleeding.

Eric: Bring him to the infirmary.

2 hours later

Eric: Qrow, you ok.

Qrow: *Cough* How long was I out.

Eric: 2 hours. You were saying, you know who the killer was.

Qrow: The killer was- I don't know.

Eric: What?!

Qrow: I can't remember, all I remember was that. tai is dead

Eric: And who killed him. Tai.

Qrow: I can't remember.

Eric: Damn another lead lost.

Winter: Qrow.

Qrow: Huh, winter what are you doing here.

Winter: Looking for weiss, I could ask you the same thing.

Qrow: Weiss? What happen to her.

Winter: Murdered.

Qrow: By who?

Winter: The Jigsaw killer.

Qrow: It seems we have the same target.

Word count 2070

And thats another chapter done, My ideas are running dry but I continue, if you have any feedback you want to give, feel free to give them. Also manage to spot the references. anyways till next time

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