Into Oblivion

By ambrosaurus

5.8K 181 11

She's a nobleman's daughter who doesn't want to live the princess life planned out for her. He's a Daedric Kn... More

32 (Epilogue)


218 11 0
By ambrosaurus

The footsteps across the cold limestone floors sounded like a fastened heartbeat that echoed down the cold empty halls. Xilivicus walked in silence still pondering his thoughts from before. The image of Elizabeth wearing nothing but her undergarments scorched and consumed his mind. The clarity was unrealistic as though it appeared that he was merely looking through a glass at her. The maiden followed quickly behind him as her own thoughts stormed through the depths of her mind.

The silence was so distressing to be in. Both man and woman quickly resorted to their anxiety as the silence continued. Elizabeth was first to act upon her thoughts. This day possibly couldn't get any worse. First I am nearly slaughtered down by monsters, then my guard catches me in practically nothing, and now I have to talk to Broga again! How much more could he possibly want from me? Her brow furrowed and her soft eyelids fell partially over her eyes as she fell deeper into thought. Her hand slipped into her pocket and she pulled out the golden necklace. Her eyes glanced over it a few times and quickly she put it around her neck hoping that such a familiar item would soothe her soul.

Xilivicus continued walking; the sound of Elizabeth's footsteps became isolated echoes outside his hard shell of a body. His chest rose immensely as he took in a deep breath then let out a frustrated sigh. Broga had not even announced this new interrogation. As if—he had just came up with the idea. That is truly not like him at all. The Dremora rounded through a steep dim staircase. He has seemed so odd and bothered for a while now, ever since Dagon had ordered us into Kvatch to aid in the conquest.

"Xilivicus," Elizabeth whispered out into the silence.

Her voice made a ripple affect through the air and soon it had appeared that the maiden's voice surrounded the Dremora. He quickly turned around and looked at her. She looked so collected and submissive. He could see how effortlessly it was going to be for Broga to worm information out of her. "...yes?"

"... About earlier," she began as her mind was still placing the question together like a puzzle, "... about caring for me..."

Xilivicus furrowed his brow as he conjured up an excuse. A few were denied because the believability of them was completely absurd. "Don't fancy that it means I actually care," he snapped with hostility, "It means that by protecting you I protect myself."

Elizabeth was taken back and her face iced over with anger, "so really, it is not about me. It's just about protecting your own hide—is that it?"

"Why would I care for you?" His fiery eyes shot her down and she almost recoiled from his gaze.

She bit into her small heart shaped lips and breathed slowly through her nostrils. Her soul was raging inside of her. He was so cruel, then he showed kindness, then he returned to his normal state. Oh, how she would never understand a Daedra! She refused to answer his question even if it was rhetorical. Xilivicus turned round and led her even further. Her hands were held before her and she pressed her right index finger into the back of her hand in anger. Certainly this day could not get any worse...

Broga poured himself another glass with a smirk. His mind worked like a conveyer belt. One idea was brought forward and to it, he had added much more things to it until it became a question he wanted to ask the Elf. The final product came out and he chuckled. How wonderful it was going to be to finally figure out more about these... humans.

Unworldly silver eyes protruded through the darkness of the corners and ceiling and a voice chimed out, "You suddenly have taken a change of attitude."

"Events have turned around," he said as if the person had always been there, "there is still hope for her yet."

The Spider Daedra lowered herself. Her head tilted forward and her whole headdress was recognizable. "You speak of the Elf, I presume," she purred. "You toy with her just like all your other prey; however, she appears... different. You have a fancy for her, hmm?"

Broga chuckled and his lips came agape slightly to flaunt his jagged teeth, "The Elves never cease to astound me."

"What about the Orcs whose skin is as green as jealously? Or maybe the Argonians who shriek when you pull off their scales one... by... one...?"

The Prince snorted and took another drink. He had consumed much alcohol; however, he did not fear becoming drunk. He knew how much was too much. He had drunk enough to hold a resistance to becoming intoxicated completely. "Those creatures are fun to torture. Orcs are good slaves in battles, Imperials are the worst of them all... but the Elves hold so much for us that we could use to finally capture Tamerial for ourselves."

The Spider Daedra's eyebrows lifted, her black lips pouting as she considered this, "Yes, the Elves are the longest line of the races and they do possess an almost infinite knowledge of everything... but-"

"—but?" questioned Broga with a snarl and narrowed crimson eyes.

The Spider Daedra watched his anger consume his entire body. She softly retreated to the door. As she did this she had muttered, "Oh, it is nothing to worry about, sir." She scampered down the hall just as Xilivicus and Elizabeth had arrived.

The Elf walked faster and soon caught up with her escort. Her petite cold fingers touched his shoulder and she could automatically feel a burst of heat. She gasped and recoiled her hand in surprise. The Dremora turned and looked at her, "... what?"

"I...I..." she lost her train of thought.

He slowly narrowed his eyes and sighed. As he was about to move forward he saw a glitter of gold dangling down from her neck. His curious eyes fell down to her neckline where his necklace was. Immediately, he had frozen. His muscles began to tense as he thought back to the living quarters and how he had forgotten to put the necklace away. "... why are you wearing that?" He wheezed.

"Wearing what?" She questioned; unknowingly.

He moved forward and she stepped back. They acted as positive magnets and each time he stepped closer to her she was repelled. He finally seized her and pushed her upon the wall. His firm hands grasping tightly upon her upper arms where he felt barely any muscle. She winced and he leaned particularly close. His slit pupils turned to hardly a line as he saw the flower of Dibella and the golden rope of Mara. She couldn't possibly have noticed the trinkets given to him by the Goddesses. "Remove it," he demanded harshly.

Her eyes widened as she suddenly realized what he was talking about; the robe! Her cheeks inflamed and she glanced away, "Right here?!"

One of his hands pulled away from her arm and seized her jaw soon turning it back to him. Their faces were closer then they ever have been before. "Remove it now or I shall rip it from you!" He snarled.

Elizabeth turned a brighter red as she felt his hot breath rush down her soft slender neck. His burly body practically pressed against hers as he demanded for her to remove her robe! How disgraceful! How barbaric! How... alluring...

Xilivicus glared heavily at her. His eyes were ripping through her skin and tearing apart her eternal soul. His hands reached around her and pulled her even closer. Elizabeth gasped softly as she felt his body form over hers. Her brow rose as she could smell his personal aroma which smelt of a fresh breeze and a hint of lettuce. For once in her life she had felt another's heart beat into her own chest. Her eyes fluttered and she felt his long fingernails scratch into the back of her neck. She sighed and suddenly he shoved her backwards. She hit the wall relentlessly and coughed a little seeing the necklace hanging from one of his fists.

She blinked wildly then realized that was what he was talking about the entire time. A wave of stupidity rushed over her and the Dremora growled, "If I catch you wearing this again I shall go against Broga's orders and kill you myself."

"I'm sorry—I found it in one of the robe pockets and... and I thought... I guessed..."

"That's right," he barked, "you only guessed! You did not know if you should truly wear it or not! How greedy you foul humans are! The moment you see gold you take it for yourself!"

Her brow puckered and she moved forward, "No, that's not it! I didn't imagine you caring! It was just a necklace!"

"It's not just a necklace," he spat while moving even closer. His fists were trembling and his black heart was pounding within his chest. "It's—"

"Xilivicus..." purred a dark voice, "... I've been waiting for you to return my maiden to me."

The Churl glared up to see Broga leaning upon the doorway. His stern yet calm eyes were staring him down in his moment of rage. Xilivicus bowed his head and glanced away as the Prince bid the Elf towards him. Elizabeth rubbed her neck softly as she stepped over to Broga. Her big wondering eyes lifted up and the Prince smirked, "Come along with me, maiden."

The High Elf glared back at her guard who was giving her a corner glare. His dark lips pursed as he watched her walk off with his commander. The guard turned and hit a column standing nearby. At collision, fragments of stone blew off and a dust billowed through the air. He snarled and stalked off down the hall.

Elizabeth turned ahead and looked up at Broga who towered one to two feet over her. His hand rose and pushed thick locks of jet back from his face. His crimson eyes glanced sideways and he saw the Elf. He chuckled and said, "Well... I suppose your day has been enjoyable?"

A frown burdened her lips as she thought back to all the awful events that had already happened and she hadn't been awake for more then a few hours. A lying tongue hid behind her teeth as she muttered off, "Yes, sir."

He overlooked her to see her head bowed. How alarmed she was towards him... so submissive like the slave that she was. He walked up a staircase and soon they had come to the main room of the tower. Elizabeth once again marveled at the swirl of inferno that lifted high up into the tower. Broga led her out onto the planes of Oblivion and he sighed as the cold air hit his face. "... first question," he announced while continuing to walk down the path to the Oblivion gate, "what is your main source of power?"

Elizabeth furrowed her brow, "Power?"

Broga nodded and looked forward, "... Power... the power of which enables you to fight. Magic, personal strength, your mind... which is it?"

Elizabeth followed him quickly her mind searching its banks of knowledge, "We use it all."

Broga stopped and looked back, "... all?" He questioned with wondering eyes, "Are you not born to only one power?"

The Elf shook her head, "We summon the power to us. If we wish to fight with personal strength we train our bodies, if we want to fight with magic we stretch our mind and buy spells or scrolls to cast magic. As for mind, I'm sure that all you need to do is read logical material and force yourself to become clever."

"... I see," The Dremora raised an eyebrow as he unsheathed a dagger upon his belt. The metal scraped across the hard scabbard causing an eerie noise. Elizabeth's eyes widened and the Dremora pointed to the Oblivion Gate with his dagger, "... go through it."

Elizabeth tossed her gaze up and saw a great gate looming over the two of them. Some fire sparks flew from the portal and disappeared in the air. The Elf gulped down anxiety and she walked forward, Broga following behind her. As she approached the gate her trembling hand rose and touched the water-like portal. Her fingertips slipped through and disappeared upon the other side. She took in a deep breathe and quickly leapt through. A noise around her startled her as it sounded like lightning and overwhelmed her like the waves crashing upon the beach. She soon was spit out of the mouth of the gate and landed upon the cobblestone ground of Kvatch.

A heavy dark rain fell from the Heavens and pounded down upon her. She slowly opened her eyes as she could smell the sweet mountain air of Kvatch. A grin spread across her face and her head pushed up and she looked upon the beauty of her—

The smile quickly faded and her pupils vanished within a sea of blue as she looked upon her city. Dead bodies were piling up outside the chapel as Fire Atronachs gathered up the remains. The houses were ablaze like the summer sun and the streets were littered with all sort of garbage. The Chapel stumbled back and forth and was soon going to collapse upon itself. Elizabeth's eyes grew warm with tears. Broga appeared behind her, his dark body becoming sleek as the water poured down upon him, "Follow me," he demanded as he walked forward with no worries.

The dead bodies did not bother his mind, the wreckage and ruin lying around him did not even once burden his mind. Did he smile down upon his masterpiece that his armies had made? Elizabeth did not want to put more thought into the matter. She rushed after her commander and stuck nearby. A few Daedroth watched her rush by, their wary eyes gluing upon her until she disappeared through the dark grey mist.

Broga pushed away part of the crumbling Chapel; he turned towards Elizabeth and wrapped an arm around her waist. She gasped as he leapt up and grabbed a hold of part of the Chapel. He stabilized his feet and then leapt over it and landed safely on the other side. He placed the girl down and continued walking. Elizabeth breathed heavily as her wet silver hair fell all around her face. She pushed up a heavy hand and pushed it from her eyes.

Soon, her face turned a ghostly pale as she looked upon the majestic castle that now lay in ruins. Raging fires were upon its roofs and Kynmarchers stood above the gate with bows readied for any unwelcomed guests. Broga strutted across the wet bridge. His eyes rose to his guards and he shouted up to them. His voice carried over the storm and the gates slowly rose.

Broga and Elizabeth hurriedly ran inside to the warm... blazing... main hall. The High Elf looked over the castle interior with a deeply disturbed frown. The beautiful rugs, the glorious drapery, the gold, the silver, the woodwork... it had all been destroyed. The Dremora walked over to a small table put up by one of his guards and he picked up a few scrolls, "Is this what you were talking about... training your magic?"

Elizabeth snapped out of her daze and slowly made her way over to Broga, "... yes... it is."

The Dremora unrolled a scroll and laid it before her, "... tell me what this one is."

The High Elf stood over it with narrowed eyes. The light from the fire and torches surrounding them was almost blinding. "It's a... summoning spell. It summons scamps." She picked up the scroll and continued reading, "It's not that complicated, I'm certain you could do it."

Broga nodded and unrolled another scroll. One after another the Elf told the Dremora what spell was which. He labeled them with a pen lying nearby. He then pulled out bottles found within the castle. There was poison, healing and sorcery potions, and even some brandy. Broga was astounded by how much Elizabeth knew. He leaned upon the wall and listened as she described all the uses of potions. She smiled as she even brought up some personal experiences.

Obedient... intelligent... strong minded... she is a liable candidate to present to Lord Dagon as a Master of Tamerial. I am pleased with her... very pleased. I suppose that she has yet again earned her stay within Oblivion. He thought to himself as he watched her begin to explain the uses of different alchemistic ingredients. His crimson eyes narrowed as he focused onto the shape of her body which was revealed with the drench robe. Her long coiling silver hair hung down into her face as she smiled, rearranging the ingredients before her. The Prince's lustful eyes fell down her curves and his mind was soon distorted. ...why hand her off to Dagon who shall only use her for information and naught else? She could be used for so much better than that. Broga shoved himself off the cold sandstone wall and walked over to her, looking over her shoulder. He leaned over her, his hands grasped behind his burly back.

His head was inches from hers. He looked to her and his eyes slowly worked over her body again. "... That shall be enough for today," he purred. "You have worked long and hard. We shall continue this tomorrow."

Elizabeth let out a deep sigh feeling very relieved. She was not very certain that she would be good at explaining common things for her and rare things for them. She put down the tan colored mortar and pestle and turned around. She nearly collided with Broga and as she turned and saw him looming over her, she gasped and nearly fell back upon the table. Her hands supported her as she leaned back and looked up at him. His dark lips twirled up in a smirk as he looked deep within her innocent eyes. "You know, maiden," he purred while leaning closer, "you haven't showed me one thing that I am deeply interested in..."

Elizabeth looked back and forth between his eyes. She saw her own frightened reflection and she gently asked, "A-and what's that, sir?"

He chuckled deeply and leaned closer. His body was almost forcing Elizabeth to lie down upon the old mahogany table. His lips parted and he purred, "Your own anatomy."

The Elf nearly fell completely over as she stuttered, "W-what?"

The Dremora chuckled deeply and placed his hands on either sides of her. He leaned even closer and purred, "Now, now... don't be so naïve. We're both adults here and just because I happen to be a Daedra does not mean I can't... desire something... when I find someone worthy. Ever since I had laid my eyes upon you there was a desire that was burning deep within me... and now that we are alone," his body came even closer, "I may finally silence this desire." The girl's heartbeat called out to Broga and his eyes turned even more to sin.

"Broga... I...I," she stammered while backing even further onto the table. The Dremora hovered over her with a hungry mouth. She tilted her head to a side as Broga came down to taste her soft innocent skin. Her hand grabbed a poison bottle and she swung it up and slammed it into Broga's face. The liquid exploded everywhere and there was a loud crash that made the Elf nearly leap from her skin.

The Dremora cried out and stumbled back in pain; grasping his face. Blood gushed through his fingers as pieces of the bottle pierced through his skin. Elizabeth gasped and quickly ran to the great door as her heart thumped loudly in fear. She hoisted the door open and ran out into the darkness of the day vanishing like a shadow. Broga removed his hands from his face with a deep hateful glare. Blood ran down the left side of his face like water. Poison sank deep within his wounds and tainted his blood; however, he had not worried. He would not be affected to poison as a mortal man would be.

Broga glanced at the table and saw a Daedric longsword lying beside it. He scooped it into his palm and as he grasped tightly to it he dashed to the door. His feet were carrying him upon the air as he charged after Elizabeth... his target... his prey.

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