The Man I Became... Because o...

By DaniAurie21

154K 6.1K 989

An attempt to write in first person... Lets see how that turns out. "It's been 3 years since we saw each othe... More

What Next?
Settling In
Catching Up
Growth and Setbacks
The Truth is Out
Like Riding A Bike
BBQ A La Pond
BBQ A La Pond 2
Nong Yim
Wild Things
A Setup In Progress
What Happened In The Night
A Tale of Ordinary Love
Drunk And Disorderly
The Other Investigation
A Proposal
Double, Double, Toil and ...
Have Your People, Call My People...
If Only...
The Shame of A Family... Exposed
Sudden Danger
The Source of the Madness?
Evidence Of A Stalker
The Plan Within A Plan Around A Plan... Or Something Like That
Thinking About Possibilities
A Small World
Cantaloupe In A Quandary
The Decisions Tin Make
The Quiet
Unexpected Developments
A Confrontation That Took 3+ Years
A Sudden Attack... And What It Reveals
Life Bets
A Stalwart Love
A Familiar Face
A Tiny Step Towards Progress
Kara's Revelations
Rescue Mission Step 1: Analyzing the Enemy and Clearing the Mind
Rescue Mission Step 2: Slow And Frustrating, But What Other Choice Do We Have?
Rescue Mission Step 3: Reunion and Delusion
The Aftermath of it All
Epilogue... But Not The End
Special Chapter 1: What Happened To...
Special Chapter 2: Tin and Cantaloupe Forever
Special Chapter 3: The Dinner...
Special Chapter 4 Part 1: The Wedding
Special Chapter 4 Part 2: The Honeymoon
KenoLing Side Story 1
KenoLing Side Story 2
KenoLing Side Story 3

Dinner and an Alibi

2.5K 116 35
By DaniAurie21

Pete  was officially a productive working member of the hotel. Never mind that he had been there every day and had done several reports and had quite a few plans in motion. Several of the key stakeholders had already expressed their admiration of his devotion.

If only they knew he was simply passing the time until Ae was available.

With their relationship back in full swing, both men found they couldn't stand to be at work a minute longer than they had to. Usually Ae would linger to double and triple check everything. Sometimes he would even advance on certain aspects of the job. Now, he still carefully double or triple checked everything but the advancing part, not so much.

Pete had managed to talk Can out of retaliating immediately on Tul and his father. Instead he convinced him to let them simmer and if they still refused to back down, then the following week week could make their move.

Pete was actually on point because Tin observed that for a couple of days following Ae's being served, his father and brother had been hyper vigilant. Tin had simply ignored everything they did or said and left for his team meeting on Friday to return on Sunday. Also in a smart move, Tin took Can with him. 

Since everyone had separate rooms, Tin had simply paid money out of his own pocket to have Can included. This wasn't unusual. Following any major fallout or disagreement, Tin usually packed up his husband and rolled out with him or organized to have him stay with Ae or with his Mom if he had to leave town because he didn't trust his own family to not pick on Can in his absence.

Since everything remained 'normal', the other Medthanet men were lulled into a false sense of safety.

"Ae, I'm outside."

"Great. Just give me a moment." Ae grabbed his wallet and double checked it, gave himself a quick look in the mirror then ran out. Pete had spent that weekend with Ae. However he had left yesterday, Sunday, and gone back home to prepare for his official first day of work. Ae made plans to take him out to dinner to celebrate. Since Pete's home was outside the city, they both decided that Pete would drive.

"Hey." Ae jumped in and smiled at Pete. He pulled him closer with a hand on his cheek and kissed him softly. "How was it?"

"It went pretty smooth. My decision to show my face around made the transition really easy. It's just sad to be keeping normal working hours now when I used to be able to come and go as I please. Oh did I tell you? We got Chef Tar!" Pete's excitement caught Ae immediately.

"Awesome, Pete! I know you were working really hard to convince him to join your hotel. Did he agree to everything you wanted?"

"Yes because I agreed to his crazy rules. I mean it's not like they are impossible to respect. I think he was terribly hurt in the past. It's just his way of protecting himself and I can understand that."

Ae nodded as he watched Pete drive. It made him feel a bit nostalgic. After a moment Pete interrupted his thoughts.

"Is Ae thinking what I am thinking? It's nice to drive Ae around again. It's the first time since I've been back." His words were soft but clear.

Ae chuckled then finally looked at the road. "It's true that the person who understands me the most is you Pete. Are you coming over this weekend? I was just thinking we could do the bike ride and picnic at that place."

"I'm definitely coming over." Pete swallowed as he remembered the strength and power of Ae as he sped them through campus on his bike. If was a testament to his control that he moved with such speed with Pete holding on to his back and never once crashed. Not once.

Valet parking took Pete's Mercedes when they arrived. It's very similar to the one he had back then but not exactly. This time his car was black and a much newer model. However, everything, especially the seating, was as good as the last one. Ae vaguely thought of blessing this Mercedes as they had the last one but got distracted by the restaurant host.

She led them to a private room and introduced their server who knelt quietly by the door. Both Ae and Pete blinked in surprise. This was their first time here and they hadn't heard about this from Pond. Wasn't the young man uncomfortable just sitting there?

The young boy took their orders, served them swiftly but quietly and seemed to meld back into the woodwork. He was easily forgotten by Ae and Pete who openly conversed about whatever they cared to.They spent almost 2 hours in the room before Pete finally admitted he was stuffed and tired. The server escorted them out and Ae went to handle the bill while Pete waited.


Two women had come from another room giggling to their hearts content. Pete had heard them but he hadn't turned. As one of the ladies walked past him, she had glanced at him and was stunned.

"Hello." Pete focused on her then blinked in shock. "Dali? Oh wow. It's you! How have you been?"

She practically fell into his arms and hugged him ferociously. 

"It's been years since I've seen you! What happened? Where did you go?!"

"Oh. Of course. We only ever saw each other about once a year during University. I spent the last three years with my father. I got my masters and did some training before coming back home. What are you doing now?"

"Working with father. I'm team leader. We're planning to go up against Medthanet for a piece of property in_"

"Are you ready Pete? Oh." Ae had suddenly returned. He had been organizing his wallet so it was a shock to look up and see Pete being held on to by some woman. Oh wait...

"Ae. You remember Dali?"

"Of course. How are you?" Ae smiled at Dali and she immediately waved at him with a large smile of her own.

"It's so nice to see that you and Pete have remained friends! I've seen Ae last year when I went to visit Par Putch for her birthday. He came by and brought her roses." Dali told Pete enthusiastically.

"Ah yes." As always Pete found himself overwhelmed by the speed and volume of which Dali spoke. Was it ok to tell her that Ae and himself weren't just friends? If she let him get in a word edgewise maybe he could work it in there.

"_And this is my friend, Sheri. She and I attended university together!"

Sheri? Both Ae and Pete thought at the same time and looked over. Pete took in the tall, slim young lady with the short bob haircut and cute face. Ah. No wonder Ae was attracted to her. She does indeed have a similar look to me.

Ae nodded to Sheri and gave her a calm smile. "Sheri. I'm sorry that I didn't see you there. How have you been?"

"I've been well thank you." She returned with a quiet smile of her own. Pete noticed how wistful it was and began to suspect.

"You two know each other? Oh my goodness! Then we can all hang out sometime! Pete! Let me have your number!"

"It's still the same Dali."

"Oh! Great! I'll keep in touch! It was nice seeing you again too Ae."

"Right. And you. Get home safely."

Dali waved with a huge smile and disappeared towards the pay area with Sheri trailing behind her slowly. Pete's side glance told him she was very focused on Ae. He sighed.

"That girl is still so high energy." Ae muttered, still trying to adjust Dali's presence. Even gone  she somehow managed to linger in the air.

"I know. Let's go before she finds a way to get us to give her a ride home. I just want to be quiet with you." Pete groaned out and Ae chuckled as they hurried out to the car. They quickly got in and drove away. They were quite lucky to be out of sight when Dali hustled Sheri out and described Pete and Ae to the Valet.

"Sorry Miss. They already left." She smiled and took the keys to her own car. Once inside, she railroaded Sheri into her new plans.

"I think she still likes you," Pete finally said after a while, causing Ae to look over at him.

"It's possible," Ae muttered after some thought. "But I can't find it in me to care."

Pete nodded in understanding. He couldn't find it in him either unless she decided to pursue that lingering feeling. "I'll have to set Dali strait the next time I see her."

"Good luck with that. She talks way too much. I don't think she even heard when Mom said you were spending time with your father last year. She just kept going and going and asking the same questions because her listening skills are nonexistent."

Pete grimaced and changed the topic. He didn't really want to dwell on Dali. She had a way of killing the mood ever since that first time they saw her.

"Your still sleeping over right?" Ae asked as they approached his building. He knew Dali tended to be like cold water for Pete.

"Yes." Pete gave Ae a soft smile and Ae realized she was currently the farthest thing from his mind. Ae nodded softly, fire in his eyes.

There was a knock on the door the next morning just as Ae was yawning his way towards the kitchen. He did an about turn and went to see who it was.

The view pad showed him two neatly dressed officers waiting patiently for some response.

"Good morning. How may I help you?" Was this another wrong apartment incident?

"Good morning. My name is Officer Dammi Loumanis and this is my partner Officer Tom Ling. Is this Intouch we are speaking with?"

"Yes. Wait, did something happen? Is it family or one of the tenants?" Ae suddenly panicked. He had spoken to his mother just yesterday and there had been no complaints on his answering machine in the past week.

"Is it possible for us to come up?"

"Oh. Yes of course. Sorry but I haven't got an elevator here. It's five flights up." One of the officers grimaced but they both nodded and were buzzed in. A short while later Ae opened his door for them. They walked in, glancing around but noticing nothing out of the ordinary.

"Please tell me what the issue is?" Ae looked at them worried. He didn't even ask them to sit.

"We received a call about 3 am this morning regarding a matter of some sculpture." Ae stared for what felt like ages then groaned and Officer Dammi looked at him sharply.

"The Medthanets already served me the damn documents even though I told them I wasn't the one who made the fucking things...! Wait. At 3? What happened at 3?" The officer's statement finally registered through the shock and anger.

"The previous statue, henceforth referred to as The Traitor, was removed from the Medthanet building and placed on their home lawn. A new series of statues were erected in front of the Medthanet building." Officer Tom stated.

Ae stared at the officers for a long moment again, this time his eyes were snapping fire. The younger Officer Tom gulped, suddenly feeling as though his life was in danger. Then Ae blinked and it was as though a spell was broken.

"Those fuckers sent you after me. I told them the first time and I'm telling you now, I didn't make the fucking statues."

"Then can you verify where you were around 3 am this morning?"

"He was with me." Pete said quietly as he walked out fully dressed for work. Ae turned and stared. Officer Tom felt that this was another kind of danger. 

Pete looked absolutely gorgeous in his suit. Stunningly, mouth wateringly gorgeous... And this wasn't the time for that.

"Pete. I'm sorry." Ae said instead. He had no idea of what was happening last night. He tried his best to say it with his eyes and hoped Pete would be willing to speak to him later.

"It's ok." Pete smiled softly and Ae sighed in relief. "Ae is my boyfriend. We went out last night as a mini celebration of my first official day of work and returned here after 9. We had sex, fell asleep then I woke up at around after 2. I used the bathroom then woke Ae. We had sex again."

By now Pete was red, the blush running all the way down past the collar of his white shirt. Ae ran a hand down his face and growled. He hated this and he hated that Pete was blushing and he wasn't the cause of it. Then he pinched himself softly and settled. He needed to get his priorities straight and his head in the game.

"Pete is going to be late for work soon. Is it possible for him to contact you later or for you to arrange another time to speak to him if you have to?"

"Is there a problem?" Officer Dammi asked with a raised brow. 

"It's his second official day at work." Ae said calmly. The younger Officer Tom nodded in understanding.

"I see. I just have one or two more quick questions. How did you know it was after 2?"

"I checked the time after I used the bathroom. Depending on how early it was, I wouldn't have woken Ae. I remember it was after 2 for certain. It was between 11 and 19 for the minutes thought. I just remember the 1 after that."

"I see and where did you have this mini celebration you mentioned?"

"At Golden. Ae paid so he may still have the receipt." Ae nodded. He had slipped it in his wallet on the way to Pete and hadn't given it another thought. He usually kept card receipts for a week or so just in case.

"I see. And do you have a business card?"

"Yes of course. Here you are."

The officer took it and studied it for a full 30 seconds before he nodded to Pete. "Have a nice day Mr. Pitchaya."

Pete nodded to him before kissing Ae softly on the cheek. "Tonight?" He asked and Ae nodded. 

"Call me if you get tied up ok."

"I will." He grabbed his bag and headed out. Ae turned back to the officers.

"Lets just have a seat. This looks like it will take a while."

"That depends." Officer Dammi said quietly. "Is this your main place of residence?"

"Yes. This is my home. Until Pete is willing to move in with me, I am the only occupant."

"Is this also where you create your art or do you have a separate studio?"

"My workroom is in there. Would you like to see it?"

"After these questions." 

Ae ran a hand through his hair this time and sighed. "Is it ok if I get some fruit juice? I haven't had breakfast. Did you want some too?"

"No thank you," Dammi said before his partner could speak up. Ae noted the look of disappointment on Officer Tom's face but decided not to push it. He simply brought out the jug and three glasses, poured himself some and sat back. He didn't have to be at the site until 10. If he was going to run late, he would call Pond and Forth.

"You state that you didn't create the work currently displayed on the Medthanet Lawn and at the front of their building. Have you looked at the work? Did it ring any bells to you?"

"That's the thing. I've gone and looked at it. It's too generic. Almost as if the artist wants to be plain. There is some talent there yes, but it's almost like this is either the best they can do or the worst they can do."

"But it's not you."

"Listen, Tin Medthanet is my friend. Which still comes as a surprise to me since we initially didn't get along. I dislike his family. I hate his brother especially. Some people are just disturbing and he's the most disturbing one of all in that aspect. If I was doing this, you better believe I wouldn't hide it, just like I don't hide how much I hate him." Unless I have my special reasons.

"I see. Why does he disgust you?"

"Some people smile at you and talk to you with kind eyes but when they blink and you see the double lid, the true snake eyes, you just know everything up to that point was a perfectly constructed lie. I read people very well. It's part of my job. I need to be able to understand my client and what they want me to build for them better than they do. It's the same thing with any of my art pieces. I have an idea of who I am aiming to reach when I make something and the greatest reward is when a person who falls under that category I'm aiming for connects with and buys my art. But some people, no matter how much I look at them or try to create that link with them, there is always a disconnect. Tul is one of those people for me. I honestly think he is sociopathic and I wouldn't be surprised if someone is doing this to destroy him because of something he's done to them."

"Do you think his brother is involved?"

"Who Tin?" Ae put down his glass. "People fail to realize that Tin is happy and successful despite his fucked up family. He doesn't need them. He has a strong understanding of business, economy and trends. He already owns several small business in niche areas that are run by people he trusts. I'm one of his investors and so far, I can't say that I have ever been disappointed. Tin doesn't need his family company, however as the true heir, he also can't see himself leaving everything to Tul. When your own brother doesn't trust you, then you have to wonder what your problem is, don't you?"

"Tin is the rightful heir of Medthanet." It came as more of a statement than a question.

"His nana declared it the moment he was born. She never liked Tul and his mother. I learned this from someone close to the Medthanets."

"I see." Officer Dammi smiled at Ae and asked to see his work room. The investigation had only just begun. He knew he would be back to see this young man. He too could read people after all and Ae was involved in this. There was no doubt in his mind. 

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