Styles INC [edited]

By tHeOfFiCiAlWhOrE

193K 3.3K 561

"Bu-but you are my boss."I stutter out. "I know and you are my assistant. But I don't give a fuck anymore. Y... More

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Thank you

f i f t y

3K 41 11
By tHeOfFiCiAlWhOrE

Roses POV
(January 28, 1, year 8 months and some odd days later)

Harry wasted no time in getting me pregnant again. On our honey moon is when we conceived with not one baby, but two. I'll never forget the day we found out we were pregnant with twins.

"You see that." Dr.Napp points to the screen to show two sacs, which is weird because that wasn't there with aspen.

"Yeah?" I reply questioningly.

"Twins." Is all she replies and that is enough for Harry to almost pass out.

"No  fooking way." His deep accent rasped out.

"Yep! Baby A," She points to one. "Baby b." She points to another one.

Or I'll never forget the day when I sat him and Aspen down to tell them. Aspen was almost two then so she understood but not really. But Harry looked up at me when I slid  the stick over that had pregnant on a screen, his face bright and eyes wide. He jumps up and runs around to me, spinning me around when he picks me up.

"Daddy no hurt mama." Aspen cries and we look over to her. Harry sets me down before grabbing her gently and hugging her.

"Princess, Daddy isn't hurting her. He is celebrating." She looks at him with her nose scrunched up, her head wrap falling and showing her curls she got from H.

"Fow wat?" She questions and I giggle at her cuteness.

"Mummy has a baby in her stomach baby." He lifts up my shirt and Aspen looks at it.

"I see no baby dada." Harry chuckles and I laugh lightly and kiss her forehead.

"We have to wait for him/her to come out baby." She looks at me still confused but let's out and "ohhh" before squirming in Harry's hold and going back to her food she was eating.

"I can't believe it!" Harry cheers and I smile before kissing him.

"Eww gwoss ." Aspen disgustedly looks at us and I giggle against Harry's lips.

Everybody's reactions were similar, all cheering and congratulating us. Louis making a few dirty jokes making me laugh and Harry glare. The boys were very excited, they already love Aspen so much so I can only imagine how much they are gonna love these babies. Perrie was happy that she would have a fellow pregnant buddy. Gemma was very excited to be an aunt to more kids and have her baby have cousins close in age since she is pregnant. She got married around a year ago, a little after me and Harry did. Anne was crying out of joy, and Danny hugging me and looking down at my flat stomach saying things to the babies.

Danny and Alissa got married not to long ago, Aspen being the flower girl. Liam now a single dad, Louis with Eleanor, and Niall with a sweet girl named Ramie. We are at the beach right now and Aspen comes running over to me, her chocolate hair in a bun and pink one piece on. Harry comes running behind her in white swim shorts, a Harley Davidson shirt on, and some Kurt Cobain inspired glasses on.

"Daddy no! No get me!" Aspen squeals before running over to me and putting her hand on my large bump signaling she wants up. She squeals when I pick her up just in time because Harry comes towards us and goes to get her.

"Ahh I see, you use the pregnant women as a safe base." I laugh and Harry chuckles before leaning in, his hand going to my bump and his lips connecting with mine.

"Hi baby." He smiles and I smile back before leaning in to kiss him again but being stopped by Aspens cheek coming in the way. She giggles when both our lips meet her cheek then she squeals when Harry grabs her and starts to tickle her. A little bit later Aspen runs over to see her uncles, me and Harry are left alone, the babies moving and Harry hand on my stomach feeling there movements.

"I love you." Harry mumbles when he is kissing my temple. I smile and look up at him.

"I love you too." He smiles and leans in to connect our lips. Before we hear yells and look up to see Aspen and Liam chasing the other boys around with water balloons.

"Where did they eve-" Harry begins but I cut him off

"Don't question it." I reply and he chuckles before we watch in amusement as our daughter and Liam have a water fight with three other grown men.


"Baby you are doing so good, one more you got this." Harry kisses my sweaty forehead, the sound of our baby boy wailing in the background, nurses shuffling about and words of encouragement filling my ears.

"Harry, you can't do this to me again." I groan before pushing once more, the last push for our daughter to be out. I lay my head back with tears flowing down my cheeks, Harry kissing my forehead and telling me how good I did.

I look up tiredly and smile before two bundles of joy are placed on my chest. I look down and see my baby girl and boy. I cry harder and kiss there foreheads, I look to Harry and see him teary eyed. Harry takes our little boy and smiles down at him, I look down at my little girl and smile. Once I'm done getting cleaned up and everyone leaves I move over and Harry sits down next to me, we swap babies and I coo at the little boy.

"Ollie James, and Amelia Ray." I smile at them and Harry looks over at me a smirk on his face.

"You just love when I pick our kids name don't you?" He questions and I roll my eyes before laying my head down on his chest. Thirty minutes later a spunky little girl comes in bell bottom inspired jeans, and a flowy cheetah top adorning her body. Let's  just say auntie Gem loves dressing her and using her as a fashion test doll. Her hair bounces up and down in the bun it is in, stray hairs flying around.

"Mummy! Daddy!" She squeals before getting closer and looking at the prized possessions in our arms, Anne walking in behind her with a bright smile on her face, then Gemma runs in behind her with a camera in hand. "Oh I sowwy, I was loud." She walks over and climbs on the bed before making her way on Harry's lap. She leans down and looks at the babies face, eyebrows pulled together, and her eyes squinted in curiosity. She looks over at the sleeping baby boy in my arms and pulls the same facial expression. I am tense in nervousness and Harry is the same way, but our tense shoulders relive when she leans down and kisses there foreheads gently. "Bubba and sissy." She mumbles and I start to tear up and look at Harry. "They vewy cute." She smiles at them and that's when the first tear strolls down my cheek.

"Aspen you are officially a big sister now." Gemma whispers from beside her. She nods and squeals before holding her hand out to get something, her eyes going wide making them look like puppy ones, this is what I call the Harry face. She does this and Harry gets her whatever she wants, he does the same to me which is where it got it's name.

"What would you like Aspen?" I question.

"I howd baby?" She questions and I smile at her cuteness before motioning for her to climb on my lap, she carefully does before sitting against my chest. I instruct her to put her arms out and she does. I place the baby in her arms but not all the way, just enough to make her feel like she is actually holding him. "Daddy look, I doing it!" She squeals and Harry chuckles before kissing her head. Gemma takes Amelia and coos at the little one, Ollie makes a noise and Aspens head pops up to me with a curious look then Ollie starts to cry and Aspens face softens when she looks down. "No cry bubba, sissy is here." My heart melts and then it melts even more when she kisses his forehead, his cries quieting down. Another tear slides down my cheek from the sight and Aspen looks up at me. "Mama no cry." She pouts and I laugh before wiping my tear.

"They are happy tears baby." She smiles. We pass the baby off to Anne and she holds him before her and Danny switch. Danny walks over to me and Harry and congratulates us again, telling us we make the cutest babies making me laugh. Anne gets Ollie after Danny leaves and talks to the little one, cooing in his ear.

Harry's POV

The other four boys come in later once Danny, mum, and Gemma leave. Aspen sees them when they enter the room and squeals before running over to them, leaving her coloring book and crayons on the floor. I laugh and put my phone up, I look to my sleeping wife before looking back at my four best friends.

"Where's the babies?" Zayn questions and I chuckle and roll my eyes.

"Nice to see you too mate." He chuckles and pats my back.

"Just kidding." I hear a groan from beside me and see Louis on the ground, Aspen on top of him and hugging his frame.

"Aspen!" Louis cheers and I smile. I walk over to the clear bassinets before grabbing my two new bundles of joy. I walk over to the boys and there eyes soften. These men look all big and tough till you get them around babies and kids, they immediately go soft and all cupcake like, me being the same way. I hand Niall Ollie and give Zayn Amelia. Liam going over Zayn's shoulder to take a peek at the little one. Louis stands up and puts Aspen on his hip and walks over to us, he hands her off to Liam who tickles her.

"Mate you really did it this time." Louis grabs my shoulder and gives it a squeeze. I laugh and look back at Rose. "You guys are like a match made in heaven, I swear." I nod in agreement and smile at the sight of my family.

Roses POV
(June 14)

"Aspen be quiet silly." She giggles before nodding. We walk into Harry and I's bedroom and see him laying on his back,the twins on his chest.

I smile at the sight before walking into the bathroom. Me and Aspen grab my makeup and sneak back to her room.

We go over to her smaller vanity and I sit her in her chair. She smiles and I do light makeup on her, not wanting to damage her perfect skin with chemicals.

"What color eyeshadow today peanut?" I question and she points to the pink. I take a brush and swipe on some of the pigment on the brush before putting it on her eye lightly. We finish after I put some gloss on her lips and she changes into her favorite Disney character pjs, Cinderella. She plays around the house for a bit while I clean.

"Alright Princess it's bath time." She smiles and runs to the bath. She surprisingly likes baths but I'm not complaining because most kids don't.

Once she is done she changes into her favorite pair of pjs. We go to her bed and I put in the disc to the first Cinderella since it's her favorite Disney movie. We climb in and get under the covers,the first commercial comes on when Harry enters, his hair a mess and a drowsy smile on his face, the bubbly twins in his arms.

"Cinderella again?" He questions and I laugh and nod. He makes his way towards the bed and I grab Amelia and he keeps Ollie while sliding in next to Aspen who is now in between us. I put Amelia back down on her back, she goes back to bed in a few minutes, Ollie following suit. Harry lays him down, a baby blanket on top of them. Harry's arm is around my shoulders, my head on his shoulder and Aspen snuggled into his side. I smile at the sight and lean up and kiss Harry's jaw. He looks down at me with those beautiful green eyes that our kids inherited and a smile on his face.

"I love you Rose Lynn Styles." I smile and kiss his plumped and slightly chapped lips.

"I love you Harry Edward Styles." He smiles before we connect our lips once more.

The rest they say is history.

Last chapter of this book:(( unless I do one last epilogue but I don't think I will. Hope you guys enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed writing and making it:) but don't be sad new story is coming soon and it is called "Energia." The description for that and book cover will be up soon!

Till next book

I love you:)

Edited August 19, 2019

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