Pulse and Perish || Luke Broo...

DearestLuke द्वारा

660K 17.4K 7.5K

"One side of me says, 'I'd like to talk to her, date her.' The other side of me says, 'I wonder how her head... अधिक

Pulse and Perish
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Hi guys!
Chapter 35

Chapter 31

9.9K 328 95
DearestLuke द्वारा

Luke POV

Alisha lies still in a cold bed, wrapped with blankets attempting to heat her weak body. I sit in a chair Carl generously pulled all the way out from the dinning room just for me to sit in.

"How is she?" I ask as a doctor checks her ears and heart rate.

"She's fine, her blood cells will restore the blood she lost"

"And her ankle?" I ask sounding like a total drama queen.

"Her ankle is fine, we have stitched it up but it'll take time for her cell to restore before she will be conscious and when she is she will be on crutches until further notice" the doctor explains.

"Thanks doc" I smile.

"As for you" the doctor speaks as he takes off his glasses "should rest, we will alert you once she wakes up".

I let out a large sigh and nod my head.

"Alright just make sure you wake me the second she wakes up, if she comes around" I nod.

"Absolutely Mr Brooks".

"Goodnight Alisha" I whisper and carefully kiss Alisha's limp hand before backing up to the door. "Cya doc" I nod.

"Sleep tight Mr Brooks" the doctor nods as he stands in the corner of the room, waiting for a change in Alisha.

I lay in bed for hours just staring at the empty space next to me. I rub my eyes and sit up in my spot, throwing the blanket off me and walking over to my window and leaning on the window sill. My breathe dogs up the window as I stare down into the wilderness outside my property. Images of Thorners attacking Alisha replay in my mind driving me insane. I tense my arms, exposing my veins and let out deep breaths. Without a thought I race myself down the hall and down the flight of stairs, a harsh wind blows upon my bare chest as I stand alone outside, the casting of the full moon illuminating my surroundings. I set foot towards the highway and towards the town I hate most. I pass through empty streets, the only sounds of the occasional car zooming past, I welcome myself to a neighbourhood of families with nice houses and fresh cut grass, families that look wealthy and I peek through their windows to see their sleeping presence. I smirk to myself as I easily unlock their windows and sneak in, my muddy shoes leaving marks on the plush carpets. Grabbing a knife from a progressional knife kit sitting in the kitchen and I make my way towards the first room, my body full of adrenaline. This is what I live for. I push open the door with the palm of my hand to reveal a sleeping couple in a quilted queen bed. A quilt similar to the one I slashed in Alisha's old room. Soft snores fill the room and I let out a husky snicker as I rip back the blankets startling the couple awake.

"Who are you!?" The woman screams.

"Don't you know who I am?" I cock my eyebrow.

"Don't hurt us please, take whatever you like" the woman cries as she holds onto her husband.

"I want your lives" I bluntly speak.

"Are you insane!?" The man yells.

"A little" I chuckle and raise the knife, the reflection beaming in the couples eyes.

"Don't kill us, please!" The woman sobs.

"Get up, both of you" I order. The couple hesitantly get up out of their bed and huddle together. "You, come here" I instruct to the man. The man kisses his wife's temple before walking towards me. I grab him by the shirt and drag him to the living room where I broke in

"Leave him alone! Please!" The woman cries as she runs after me and throws weak punches, I turn around slap her hard across the face to shut her up. I throw the man in a chair and tie him up, tight.

"You're a psychopath kid" the man spits.

"Wanna say that again" I spit as I dig the tip of the knife into his leg causing him to let out groans of pain. "I didn't think so" I smile. "You lady, get here" I order as I turn around towards the lady curled on the ground. She stumbles over to me and I smile. "Good girl" I nod.

"Mommy?" A little girls voice speaks.

"Baby stay there" the woman warns.

"Ah lovely! Come here child" I speak. The girl walks over to me.

"Is this your mommy?" I ask. She nods. "And do you love you mommy?". She nods making the woman weep. "And does she love you?" I smirk as I look the woman in the eye.

"I love her more than anything, please. Just don't hurt my baby girl" she cries.

"Would you do anything to save her life?" I evilly chuckle. The woman gulp, but nods. "Excellent, I have a job for you. I want you-" the woman starts to sob knowing what's coming. "To kill your husband, with this" I smirk as I hand her another knife that sits in the pro knife kit in the kitchen.

"No! Please! No, no!" She cries even harder.

"Fine, I'll just kill your daughter" I shrug and pick up the child.

"Please no!" The woman cries. I smile to myself as I watch all three of the family members cry. The woman glances down at the knife in her hand, to her husband then her daughter. She begins to walk towards her husband and he cries even harder.

"Jenette please! God!" He sobs.

"I'm so sorry Adam, I'm sorry" she cries. "I love you so much" she sobs as she raises the knife to her husbands throat.

"I love you too" he replies. The woman gives her husband one last kiss, as he takes in the last touch from his wife's lips, the woman quickly whips the blade across his throat. Blood spurting out onto her body and on the floor. I stand and watch as he chokes and she cries. When the man finally becomes silent Jennette turns to me "Are you happy!?" She screams. I nod.

"Wasn't so hard now was it?" I chuckle.

"Please give me my baby" she sobs, her tears mixing with her husbands blood.

"You know, your daughter makes me realise how much I want to have children" I smirk and take a step back.

"Please.. No" the woman shakes her head.

"I don't want your baby" I scoff. "I want my own, with my love" I correct.

"Anyone that loves you is fucked up!" She screams. Instantly I tighten my jaw and put down her child. I take a step towards the woman, she gulps as she looks up to me. Without warning I cut her throat and she falls to the ground, hands cupped around her throat, trying to stop the blood.

"No one talks about Alisha like that" I spit.

"Come child" I speak and the 2 year old walks towards me, I pick her up and hold her with one arm as I walk out the door leaving her parents dead on the ground.

"You're cute little girl, I'd take care of you. But Alisha wouldn't like that" I chuckle to the child in my arms.

"Instead you can stay here, I'm sure they'll treat you better than your parents did" I smile and scruff the child's hair as I place her down on a foster care centres doorstep. "Cya kid" I smile and knock on the door and quickly run behind a bush. Making sure they open the door and take her in. The child stands on the doorstep of the foster home, hugging her blanket. I stand in the shadows of a large maple tree across the street, watching the little girl being carried inside, as the doors close once again I feel somewhat sad. Something I don't feel very often.

I push through the last section of branches and shrub before I reach the gate of my house. The guards instantly recognise me and let me in.

"Where have you been? What happened!?" Carl asks as I walk towards him as he waits at the entrance.

"I went for a walk" I speak as I walk straight past Carl and jog upstairs to check on Alisha.

"Luke!" The doctor exclaims as I approach the doorway.

"Is she any better?" I ask not wanting to talk about anything else.

"Still the same, sorry" the doctor gives me a sympathetic smile.

"Right" I nod and look over to Alisha and begin the back out of the doorway.

"I'll be sure to notify you on any chan-Luke!" The doctor calls out as I walk away towards my office. I fall into my chair and claw my hands through my hair, I let out a large sigh and eye the tablets Alisha prescribed for me that lay on the desk. I reach out for the packet and tap them in my hand before opening the package and popping a pill onto the palm of my hand, I pour myself a shot of whiskey and gulp it down along with the tablet, I let out a groan as the alcohol burns and refreshes my throat and I pour myself another. I open up a drawer on my desk and pull out a marker I haven't touched in long while, I walk over to my white/black board I use for planning and flip it over so the whiteboard is facing towards me, I click open the black marker in my hand and scribble onto it. The words 'I love you' marked on the board. I sigh as I stand back and examine the words, knowing she won't love me back, kidnapping her, getting her hurt, the lady was right. No one could ever love me, especially not when I'm wanted for murder on countless cases. I lazily chuck the marker on my desk before moping to bed to finally get some sleep.


I broadly walk myself towards the large castle like house, the guard stand aside for me and give a small nod as I walk past. Beau opens the large door and simply watches me as I walk up the dirt road.

"Brother" I politely nod as I go to enter the building.

"Wait" Beau stops me from entering.

"What?" I frown.

"You're alone" Beau frowns also. I nod. "Where is the girl?"

"Luke" I simply groan.

"I need the girl in order to fight Luke, Jai" Beau tuts.

"I had her on her way, it's just. He's so, protective of her" I explain.

"Come upstairs" Beau cocks his head towards the lot of stairs. I follow a fair distance behind Beau until we reach a room furthest side of the house, Beau turns around to me and I stop at a halt. "Do you know what Luke has done to us Jai?" Beau sternly speaks. "He had us dangling in our bedroom with a chunky rope around our necks, left mum to find our bodies when she called for dinner. Do you remember that part?" Beau growls. My eyes begin to water at his painful words and I nod, sniffing slightly and straightening myself up. "For every ones soul who he intakes, he becomes stronger, immortal and faster. Take away his desired one, he becomes weak, lonely and easy to kill" Beau proudly speaks.

"Well what's the plan?" I ask.

"Kill his soldiers, spare his servant and send him on his way with a message" Beau nods.

"Sounds good, when do we want to kill him?" I smirk.

"We wait for his suffering to become excruciating before we kill him" Beau explains.

"Absolutely" I nod.

Luke POV

Madam Sinclair wheels a rack of clothes into my office giving me a warm smile with her lipsticked lips. "These are your choices Mr Brooks" Sinclair speaks.

"Hm" I simply say as I swing my legs off my desk and walk over to the rack of clothes. "She needs something simple, something curvy and possibly something waterproof for her damn tears" I speak as I flick through ironed dresses sitting on hangers.

"What if we let her choose?" Sinclair asks.

"Well she's kind of out cold, laying in bed with a stitched ankle at the moment so she can't do anything for herself right now, this will do" I speak as I full out a long fitting dress with a lacy drop and a black belt with a simple golden buckle.

"Sorry" Sinclair mumbles.

"Don't apologise, it's not your fault" I reply. "It was my god damn twin brother who caused her to suffer, no biggie" I shrug as I inspect the dress further.

"Mr Brooks, please"

"This is the dress" I speak over Sinclair not wanting to hear what she has to say.

"Okay" Sinclair gives me a fake smile. "Did you want a suit for the day as well? She asks as she taps he fingernails together. I shake my head no and hang the dress opposite my desk.

"I have plenty in my wardrobe, thanks though" i slightly pass a smile towards Sinclair.

"Of course, goodbye Mr Brooks. I hope Alisha wakens healthy" she nods as she closes the door.

"Me too Sinclair" I call out. She shuts the door. "Me too" I sigh as I sit further back in my chair, crossing my arms over my black waist coast.

The next morning I sit in my office working on my troop trials. It's 4 days until Winter season and the soldiers are due back July. I use all my concentration on how we can find this great Mr Morcombe. I flick my pen in my hand and let out a loud sigh as I look down on a map of the local forest for a possible location for his place.

"Breakfast Mr Brooks" Carl speaks as he places a tray of raisin toast and orange juice in front of me, my only request since I met Alisha.

"Thankyou Carl" I nod as I take a sip from my orange juice.

"Anytime, anything you need?" Carl replies.

"No, wait! How's lish? She doing any better?" I ask. Carl lets out a small laugh.

"Well, mr protective boyfriend, she's still sleeping but the doctor does want to see you after breakfast" Carl smiles. I grin to myself as it sounds nice being referred too as Alisha's boyfriend.

"Thanks Carl, I'll be up real soon" I reply and place down my pen to eat my breakfast. I knock lightly on the door to room Alisha rests in, letting the doctor know my presence.

"Ah! Mr Brooks, just the fella I need to see, how are you?" The doctor chirps.

"I'm okay, it's quiet around now, you know. I don't like it much" I shake my head and take a seat on a lounge chair next to Alisha.

"She should be up today, if not we'll have to run more blood tests"

"Perfect, I'll be in my office. Send Carl down as soon as she wakes up" I nod and stand up.

"Luke" the doctor calls.


"You're okay right?"

"Perfect" I smile.

"If you ever need to speak to someone, I can arrange for you to see a councillor" the doctor explains. I shake my head.

"I only talk to Alisha, sorry" I weakly smile towards Alisha and walk out the door.

"Carl! ..Carl?" I yell through the corridor.

"You called for me?" Carl speaks as he peeps his around the corner of the living room.

"Yes, can you please inform the other staff that I want this place clean, top to bottom before Alisha wakes up, and baby proof it a little if you can, I don't want her to fall on her crutches" I say as I turn around again, almost like I'm in a rush and walk at a mild pace downstairs to the first floor. Just as the guards out front of my door heave the door open for me I hold my hand up indicating to excuse me a minute, I back away from the door and walk towards the old staircase no one uses anymore. I take careful steps down the stairs due to the poor lighting, entering the room I look around to the neatly made bed and the empty wardrobe and I smile slightly remembering Alisha's first day being here, how I went to all the trouble of shipping her around the world to live in my house and all she wanted was to leave me. And I look at now, she's still here, with me. Not a single complaint about her brother. It makes me open my eyes on how grateful she is and how selfish I am, but yet I still smile to myself. I turn around and close the door and take a minute to think before finally walking back up the stairs and exiting the house.

"Let Carl know that I'll be out for awhile" I say as I place a pair of shades over my eyes, sitting in the newest BMW model. The guard nod getting the message and I start the engine and make my way in town.

I sit in my car for a moment, staring at the electronics shop in front of me. I tap my fingers on the steering wheel before sighing and grabbing a old school plain black fedora and placing it on my head. I straighten out my clothes as I lock my door and head inside, I feel for my gun that sits comfortably in a trap pocket in my waist coat just in case things go wrong. I walk through the automatic doors and a chime goes off, I slightly flinch at the noise thinking it's an alarm until I hear it go off again after a young woman walks in behind me, giving me a smile before walking off down the computers and laptops aisle. I let out a nervous breath and glance up to the CCTV camera above me and walk off down the shop. I stare at the movies playing on the TV screens and frown to myself at all the confusing brands, qualities and sizes.

"Can I assist you on anything today sir?" A middle aged man asks obviously picking up on my confusion.

"I'm looking for a television to get as a gift for my girlfriend" I reply.

"Ah, what's the special occasion?" The man smiles.

"None, just.. Spoiling her I guess"

"Top man you are, is there a price range in particular you would like to stay under?" The man asks.

"Not really, I just want something she can enjoy, like movies or something" I shrug.

"Well, girls and their movies, a decent 30-40 inch would probably make them love you forever even though my wife left me 7 years ago" the man chuckles.

"Mm. Maybe I should go the 45 Sony to be safe" I laugh and point to the TV beside us.

"Perfect choice, and if she leaves you, just return the TV" the man jokes.

"Hopefully I won't have to do that, but if so I'll be sure too". The man walks out back for a moment and walks out again soon after, probably to arrange to get the TV from the stock shed.

"That will be $775 today, did you want to pay with credit, cheque?" The man smiles from behind the counter.

"Cash actually" I nod and pull out my wallet, pulling out eight, $100 notes. The man goes wide eyed as I pull the cash from my wallet and hand it to him.

"Uh, here's your twenty-five change, if you don't mind my asking, what do you do for a job?" The man asks.

"I work for Belaily bank" I nod.

"You must've worked really hard for a job like that"

"It pays off though" I smile and place my wallet in my pocket.

"We'll take your television out to your car if you'd like" the man grins and walks out behind the counter.

"Please" I reply and walk outside to my car and pop the boot.

"Lovely car you have sir" the man compliments.

"Thankyou". I say as two other men who wheeled the TV out place it carefully into the boot of my car. "Cheers guys, appreciate it" I nod.

"We appreciate your purchase" the man smiles and stands back onto the pavement. "Hope your girlfriend enjoys her present, cya later!" The man waves. I give him a small wave as I take my seat in my car and close door. I let out a loud sigh as I take off my glasses and hat and run my hands through my hair, messing it slightly.

"Just one more stop" I cringe as I start up the engine and pull out the parking space and back onto the street.

6:43pm my clock reads, I let out a small sigh and rub my eyes out of frustration to this darn work. If only Jai wasn't such an asshole all of a sudden I would ask for his assistance, if it takes my soldiers weeks to reach the location of the Morcombe house and they never find him then he must have a second house. Where the fuck is it? I 'x' mark possible locations in the forest for his second private house. I look back over to my digital clock on my desk, 7:01pm. I place my pen down and pull out my drawer searching for my pills, I pull a tray out and pop a single pill onto the palm of my hand and swallow it, washing it down with a glass of water. I screw my face up and shake my head as I hate any kind of medication. I attempt to go back to the work I've been meaning to do all day when Carl knocks on my door. I let out a groan in annoyance.

"What is it!?" I snap. Carl opens the door with a big grin on his face.

"Guess who's awake and asking for you?"

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