Selena Gomez : a vampire is b...

By madaelhorr

17.6K 338 26

Selena Gomez is a teen pop sensation ! All Over the world people love her . She puts a sweet front and shows... More

The news
TCA : the evil eyes
A scary scene
The end of Delena !
The pale-faced little girl
An Angel of Darkness
Through the wall !
The part
The transformation
Delena love
bye bye Demi
The attack
As a Couple
Don't leave me
Spikes and leather
All alone
One Direction
Decisions and Selenators
Fancy Meeting You Miss Gomez
The Savior
Identities Revealed
Justin's Pack
The Second Transformation
The Cheater And The Saviour
The Vampire Hunters Return
A New Alliance
About Updates
The Trap
The End
New Book !
Happy New Year !

The Plan

233 5 0
By madaelhorr

The Plan

Selena's POV

" i see you two are in a bit of a tough situation ." Commented Montgomery once Justin finished telling them our dilemma .

Everyone was sitting in a circle in the dark cave , all the pack . Me and Justin sat facing Montgomery .

" Monty may i speak ?" Asked a dark haired man who looked like he was 40 .

" yes Franklin what is it ?" Asked Montgomery .

" i don't feel comfortable helping a vampire . After all , we are enemies ."
Well that stung .

Justin took my hand and squeezed it , as if reassuring me that he wouldn't leave me no matter what .

" vampires are not our enemies , yes a group of them weren't very kind to us but we are all the victims of the same crime , we should stand together not against each other ."

" but isn't all this her fault ?"added Franklin and i felt my heart drop , because he was absolutely right .

"She had no idea what they were gonna do with that money , she's as much a victim as we are ." Defended Montgomery .

That shut Franklin up .

" at least she's not being a bitch about it ." Mumbled Rex under his breath .

" what was that ?" Asked Franklin giving Rex a murderous glare .

" nothing " answered Rex looking indifferent . I really like that boy .

" settle down you two " called Montgomery , i swear the guy's like a dad .
He had green eyes and dark brown hair , he looked so much like Rex , except Rex is blond . I have to ask them if their related some time .

" we need a plan " he stated calmly " we can't go into battle with the vampires , they're way too powerful and they out-number us , there's no way we can beat them . So what are we gonna do ?"

" well " i started " we could try killing them one by one ?"

"How will we manage that ?" Asked Rex .

"Well we could watch them , and then every time one of them is separated from the group , we kill them off . Just like animals do ."

" We're doing all this to protect you Selena ." Reminded Justin " so if we are gonna go along with your plan you can't be around when we attack ."

" no " interrupted Montgomery " we let the girl join in on the action . She's becoming more of a vampire everyday , she's starting to think like a hunter and she has powers ."

" what kind of powers ?" Asked Justin his eyes wide .

"Flying and temporary Mind control." I answered " but my powers don't work on werewolves ."

" Ogassa " called Montgomery " how much time does she have until her second transformation ?"

An old man , with white hair and a white beard walked towards me . He leaned down in front of me and stared intently into my eyes . I felt very uncomfortable but knew it wouldn't be wise to look away . I could feel Justin's eyes burning my skin . Once Ogassa pulled away i took a look at Justin . He seemed royally pissed off .

" wait a second " i interjected " what do you mean by second transformation ?"

" what you thought you'd be like that forever ? Pretty and perfect ? You watch too much twilight kid ." Answered Ogassa " the first transformation gives you your first form , the second one gives you your vampire form . After the second transformation , you'll be able to shift in forms ."

" what does the second form look like ?" I asked worriedly .

" none of us have seen it before , but we've heard the scientists in the CIA's underground labs talk about it . You'll be having yours tonight ." Explained Ogassa .

" will it hurt as much as the first one ?"

"Honey , the first one will seem like a walk in the park after this ." Answered a woman sitting next to Ogassa .

"And how do you know that ?"

" pure logic doll face , if the first one was that painful and only made you half a vampire , imagine what the complete transformation will feel like , the first one molded you into perfection , this one will mold you into a killing machine ."

She had a point .

" oh " i swallowed . I turned to Justin for comfort but he wasn't paying any attention to me at all . Instead he was ogling one of the girls in the circle . She had perfect straight blond hair , shiny blue eyes , pink lips and rosy cheeks . She was easily my esthetic superior . And Justin had his eye on her . I felt my heart shatter . He was the last person in the world that loved me . My family died in a car crash years ago , i killed Demi , and the vampires killed Joe and Franky . And all i had left was Justin . I love my fans but it's not the same . They don't know me enough to be my friends , sure they might know my entire back-story , and my favorite things and stuff but they don't know the most important things , like the way i feel when i look into Justin's eyes , the importance that Demi had in my life , and the pain of losing my parents . They don't know how to deal with me when i'm angry , not like Demi did , they don't know how to spawn butterflies in my stomach , not like Justin did . And now he wants someone else . When i need him the most , he's interested in that blonde . But i can't complain , i almost killed him , i can never make it up to him for that . So might as well take the pain and shut my mouth .

Shutting my mouth was the easy part , the hard part was keeping the tears in check . One slid down my cheek but Justin didn't notice .

" yo JB " yelled Rex punching Justin in the elbow " pay attention to your girlfriend will you ?"

"What ? " Justin turned to me , i refused to look up at him , to let him see me cry "Selena i'm sorry ." He apologized kissing my hand . I still felt awful .

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