Styles INC [edited]

By tHeOfFiCiAlWhOrE

193K 3.3K 561

"Bu-but you are my boss."I stutter out. "I know and you are my assistant. But I don't give a fuck anymore. Y... More

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Thank you

f o r t y n i n e

2.1K 41 4
By tHeOfFiCiAlWhOrE

Harry's POV
(July 29)

This little girl that is only five pounds and four ounces has my entire heart. She is the most precious thing I have ever seen with her little baby coos and grunts, even her cries don't bother me.

It's currently six am right now and I have her in my arms ,she's awake and her blue eyes stare back at me, they will turn there true color as time goes on, but all babies are born with blue eyes. I am enjoying the quiet and Rose is sleeping.

"Hello princess." I grab her little finger and she wraps her hand around it. "Daddy loves you little girl." She starts to fuss and I shush her gently and rock back and forth. She starts to calm down a little bit, her face now a little red, knowing what that means I stand to change her diaper. I go over to her clear bassinet the hospital has, and lay her down. I unbutton her onesie and put it over her stomach gently, I grab a diaper and the wipes, andI undo the straps on the diaper and pull it off. "Aspen you smell." She whines in response and my face falls. "No no, you don't smell, you smell lovely." She keeps whining so I hustle and change her diaper as quick and gently as I can.

Once I am done I pick her up and lay her on my shoulder, my hand on her back and the other supporting her head. She continues to fuss so I move her from my shoulder and hold her in my hands in front of me,swaying her from side to side gently. "You hungry?" I question and move my clean finger to her mouth, she tries to suck on it and that confirms my suspicions. I feel bad for waking the one I love so much becuase she is utterly exhausted still, but I have to. I walk over to her with Aspen cradled in my arms now, I nudge her shoulder gently and she stirs. "Rose baby, Aspen is hungry." She mumbles an ok before sitting up, she opens her eyes and rubs them to see clearly, she looks at me and sleepily smiles. I hand her Aspen and she moves her gown out of the way, Aspen latches and Rose lays her head on my shoulder while watching her.

"We did a good job didn't we?" I nod and kiss her head.

"I just had to do the fun part, you did all the work darling." She laughs a little causing the hungry baby to fuss and unlatch. Rose gets her to latch again and lays her head back down. This whole thing has only made me love her more. She is so strong, and I knew this before but seeing her for those ten hours holding it together through all the pain, then pushing made me love her more. She is the best mother there could be. "I love you Rose Lynn." She looks at me and kisses my lips.

"I love you Harry Edward." I smile and kiss her once more. The telly on and Aspens noises filing the room. Aspen finishes and is instantly asleep, Rose takes her and lays her between her legs, she looks at her and smiles before looking back up at me. We sit and admire our little girl for a little bit before mum walks in.

"Hello lovelies," She greets us quietly then she looks down at the bed and sees Aspen and her face lights up. "She just gets prettier and prettier every hour." She comes over to the bed and looks down at her grandchild. She looks over at Rose and starts to talk to her.

"Good morning to you too mum." I tell her and she just laughs before pinching my cheeks.

"Hello baby." I groan at then nickname.

"Mum, I am not a baby." She rolls her eyes and huffs.

"You will always be my baby though." I just laugh and she finally lets go of my cheek. Rose is looking at us with a small smile on her face. All eyes move to the little girl who is now crying, mum looks at us before looking back at the little girl.

"May I?" She questions and we nod. She picks her up and puts her on her shoulder swaying and rubbing her back. I look back at Rose and tell her I am gonna go grab some coffee, she nods and I kiss her shortly before standing. I walk over to mum and kiss Aspens head, mum smiles and I leave hearing them begin to talk.

I walk down the hall to the coffee station, I hear footsteps behind me but I look and no one is there. I shake my head and make my coffee and mums, then Roses hot chocolate. I carry them back to the room and open the door. I hand Rose her drink before setting mums down. I walk back over to Roses bed and sit next to her. While mum is too busy talking in a baby voice to Aspen I look over at Rose.

"When do we get to go home?" I ask.

"Maybe today. They have to do tests on her then they have to check up on me and a few other things before we can go. We have to finish filing out the birth certificate also." I nod and take a sip of my coffee. Mum stays here till about ten, she has brunch with a friend and she wants to "go brag about her grand daughter." I chuckle and she kisses my cheek and then hugs Rose before leaving. Not long later does Niall walk in with Danny.

"Hello lovers," He greets us before walking over to the baby bed where Aspen is. "Hello my favorite little girl." He coos with a baby voice,he looks at us and asks if he can hold her and we give him permission after he washes his hands. He grabs her and sits in a chair looking down.

"She really is just the cutest little 'ting isn't she?" I nod and Rose giggles. "How are you guys? Hows the parent life?" I smile and look at Rose before replying.

"It has been great, she has been a really calm baby so far. And parent life is awesome, granite we haven't been parents long, but it's still awesome." He smiles and nods before looking at Rose. Niall hands Aspen to Danny and he smiles happily before looking up at Rose.

"How about you Rose?"

"I am great, sore and tired, but great." He smiles and goes to answer but the door opens and in comes Louis, Liam, and Zayn.

"OI OI!" Louis cheers and we scold him for his volume. Aspen starts crying and I stand to help Niall out while glaring at Louis.

"Louis you idiot." Zayn tells him while smacking the upside of his head.

"Guys there is a baby in here, no violence." Liam tells them and I chuckle. I look down at Aspen and see here awake now, but she won't be for long, she only stays awake for about twenty minutes before falling victim to sleep.

"Alright, wash you hands then you can all hold her." They rush over to the sink and wash there hands. Rose stands and I go over to help her. She is now in some grey sweatpants and one of my white shirts.

"Harry I got it, I promise." She tries reassuring me. I don't agree but I hesitantly bring my hand from the small of her back and let her begin to walk on her own. We have gone on a couple walks around the hospital, so now she is walking pretty good, a small limp is still there that only I notice. "I am gonna go shower," I open my mouth to protest that she should wait or let me go in with her and help but she cuts me off.  "I will yell for you if I need anything." I huff but nod and I watch as she walks to the bathroom. Once she is out of sight I turn and see five patient men waiting to hold my daughter.

"Alright who goes first?" They all say me but I give her to Liam who is the closest. He smiles and takes her gently. They all hold her for a couple minutes before passing her off to the next person, the last one to hold her is Louis. He gets her and she starts to fuss and tries to suck on his nonexistent boobs.

"That is your mummies job little girl. I don't have any of those." We all laugh and Rose walks out of the bathroom brushing her wet hair. I smile at her and she looks at Louis and his situation before laughing.

"She is always eating, I swear." I chuckle and nod. She walks over and takes her before going on the bed and pulling a blanket to cover herself, the boys all watching in curiosity.

"Oi, don't look." There head all snap to me and they nod and mumble sorry.

"So how have you been Haz?" Liam questions and I turn my head from my two girls and look at him. Danny walks over to Rose and starts talking to her, but I'm not that bothered by it.

"Really good, my back hurts from the shitty hospital couch and I could go for some good pizza, but other than that I'm good." They laugh lightly and we continue to talk. Rose is done feeding Aspen a little bit later and the doctor walks in. She smiles at us all before walking over to Rose, she tells her something and Rose nods before handing her the baby making me frown that she won't be in the room anymore. A nurse comes in and wheels her out, my eyes following the clear bed the whole time, the doctor stays and starts checking on Rose. The boys stand to go before telling me they will see me later and giving Rose a wave before leaving. Danny leaves after giving Rose a hug and patting me on the shoulder and telling me to take care of them. I walk over to Rose after and listen to what the doctor is saying.

"So far, all looks good. You are healthy, baby is eating quite well and growing healthily. So if her tests come back good then you should be able to leave." We both smile and thank her before she leaves, I look at Rose and kiss her.

"We get to go home baby." She smiles and nods. A little bit later the nurse brings our little girl back in before giving us the ok to leave. We fill out some paperwork before getting ready to go. Rose puts on some black leggings and a vintage Rolling Stones t-shirt. I dress Aspen in the outfit we picked, a light pink onesie with gold dots, matching booties and a hat. I then swaddle her in a blanket and lay her down before getting ready myself.

I don't need to do much since I am already dressed. I just put on my long black coat since it is raining and redo my hair that I need cut. Rose walks out of the bathroom with a toothbrush in hand and one in her mouth. She hands me one and I thank her before joining her and brushing my teeth. Once we are done we walk back over to Aspen and I get her before placing her in her black car seat.

"Be careful." Rose whispers and I nod even though I was being careful. She is finally in and we buckle her. Rose grabs the diaper bag and a nurse comes in with a wheelchair, Rose groans and tries to protest but ends up sitting. We eventually reach the entrance/exit and our car is at the front from when I came down here. I set the baby in before moving to help Rose, paparazzi lingering around the area. I help her in the back before thanking the nurse then going to the front and getting in. I buckle up before taking off since the car was already on. I look in the mirror a few times to check on them. Rose has a smile on her face and her hand in the car seat. She looks up and mouths I love you and I do it back with a larger than life smile on my face.

We reach home and I help Rose out before going to the other side to get the baby out,Rose has the diaper bag on her back and she unlocks the door before walking in. I set the car seat down on the kitchen Island before unbuckling her.

"Welcome home little girl." Rose smiles and I hand her to her. I grab the camera and film some of it for memories before putting it up. Rose goes to pee and I take Aspen. I start showing her around the house, we go upstairs and I show her the guest rooms before going to her room.

"And this is your room. But you won't be sleeping in here for awhile, you will be with mummy and daddy in our room." I turn and leave the room going into me and Roses. "This is our room, and that," I point to her little bassinet by Roses bed side. "Is your temporary bed." She makes a noise and I smile.

"Harry?" Rose calls out before walking into the room. I smile at her and she walks over to us putting her hands on the back of my shoulder, she leans over and gives Aspens head a kiss. I turn and kiss her plump lips before walking over to the bassinet. I lay her down and me and Rose look over the edge at her.

"Let's take a nap?" I question and she nods before laying on the bed. I smile and go to my side.

"I can finally sleep without feeling her kick me and move." She sighs and I laugh. "I am gonna miss having her in my stomach." She looks down at her stomach that now has some pudge on it, she hates it but I don't. I scoot closer to her and pull her into my chest,now being able to pull her all the way without there being a gap from her bump. She melts into my chest and I kiss the top of her head before dozing off for a little bit before being woken by the cries of Aspen. Rose stands up and grabs her, I glance at the clock and see it is about time she feeds.

"She is probably hungry." Rose agrees and sits back down, her back resting against the headboard. She lifts her shirt and undoes the strap on her bra. She pulls Aspen up further and her mouth searches for Rose before she finds her and latches on.

"Save some booby for daddy eh?" Rose rolls her eyes and lightly laughs. She turns on the TV and we surf the channels before our name pops up.

"Harry Styles and Fiance Rose Fisher welcome a baby boy." I chuckle at the fact they got the gender wrong. "Sources say they are great parents so far. They left the hospital earlier today with the bundle of joy in a car seat that Mr.Styles was carrying." A picture pops up of me putting Aspen in the car before the man continues to talk.

We change the channel shortly after and Rose looks at me.

"I love you." I smile and lean over to kiss her.

"I love you too baby." Aspen starts to whine and I look down. "And I love you as well." Rose giggles and lays her head on my shoulder. I put mine on top of hers and my eyes flicker down to the baby before up to the Telly.

Hope you guys enjoyed! Not too many chapters left! Don't forget to comment and vote:)

Till next time

Edited August 19, 2019

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