Guiltless Sin || John Murphy

De Cutehorse

137K 4.8K 1.9K

'Sin: an act regarded as a serious or regrettable fault, offence, or omission; Guilty: conscious of, affected... Mais



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De Cutehorse



Murphy stood before the new commander, Ontari from Azgeda, the girl approaching her bed. He stood there watching her before the guard moved to place the heavy metal collar around his neck once more, spinning to face him as he took a step back. 

'Easy there, big fella. It's not necessary, right?' He looked to Ontari. 

The girl looked at him for a second, 'Put it on him.'

He sighed, sending the girl a bored look as he was locked up once more. 

'You, leave us. Let me know the moment King Roan returns.'

'Heda,' The guard bowed and left. 

'You want to explain this?' Murphy looked to Ontari. 

'I don't trust you.'

'Well, I got to say, I'm a little hurt by that.'

She looked at him as she slowly removed her shirt, 'How about now?'

'Now... I'm a little less hurt.'

Her hands trailed down her body, moving to undo her pants.

'Wait,' Murphy tried to stop her but she did it anyway; 'There's somebody else, ok? I'm sorry.'

'Is she a commander, too?' She asked. 


'Would she kill you if you ever lied to her? Did anything to break her trust or upset her in even the slightest way?'


Ontari stare at him for a second, eyes roaming his face.

'Well, good thing she isn't here, then,' She purred as she began to pull him closer using the chain.

'Oh, the things I do to survive,' He muttered as she slowly walked forward. 


Byrd wandered through the busy streets of Polis by herself, having left Kane somewhere she couldn't remember. She smiled at the grounders filling the streets, accepting food in trade for articles of clothing. Then trading some of that food, for new sets of clothing. She felt alive in the streets, no one judged her because they couldn't tell is she was a grounder or Skycrew.

'Mochof,' She nodded with a smile as she accepted more food.

She turned away, scanning the street for things she could find useful. But her whole body went rigid when she saw a familiar face dart through the crowd, her jaw falling slack for a second before she clenched it. She strode forward, pushing through the crowd as she followed after John Murphy. She ripped of a piece of her food, pausing at a stall when he paused also. She smiled at the man, offering her food up for trade for the jacket hanging for the pole; her eyes constantly glancing to Murphy as he spoke to a vendor at stall not far from her as though he knew her.

'Mochof,' She took the jacket as moved to stand amongst the crowd.

A woman marched up to Murphy as he stuffed food into his mouth, smiling to the girl at the stall.

'Thank you. Mm, it's the best,' Murphy spoke with his mouthful; 'It's the best rat I've ever had.'

'Do not fall behind again,' Ontari looked between the pair as Byrd did.

The second the grounder walked away, the boy was spitting the meat out onto the ground. 

'Keep following this street, alley on the left, black door halfway down,' Murphy muttered; 'I'll get away as soon as I can.'

He turned and walked away, Byrd quick to follow after him in hopes to catch him. But she lost him in the crowd, her eyes flicking over the people surrounding her to try and find him. Though, she watched him disappear through the doors to the tall building where the commander lived, guards quick to come stand in front of the doors. She kicked the dirt, moving to search for the door he had told the grounder girl about.


There were candles everywhere, all lit with orange flames. Byrd wandered around looking at all the paintings on the walls, all which told of the grounders history; which happened to entwine with their own on the Ark. She'd studied the small pod that was in the room, figuring out where Polis got its name from. The ship was called Polaris, the thirteenth station, which was shot down for something she was never told. But on the pod, the A and R were burnt out, leaving the word Polis there to read. 

She turned toward the door when it opened, her eyes going wide when she saw Murphy making out with the girl from the stall. Her heart sunk into her stomach, every emotion she felt faded away as she watched on. She'd never felt so betrayed, or lost, or upset. She didn't move, her eyes set on them. She met the girl's eye when she broke the kiss and turned away to look around, her gaze instantly settling on her. 

'John,' The girl muttered. 

Murphy's head snapped up when he finally spotted her, 'B-Byrd?'

'That'd be me,' She sneered. 

'Uh, you mind- Just give us a second.'

The grounder looked toward the Delani girl with a glare before the glanced up at Murphy again, but his gaze wasn't on her. She let out a huff and left, making sure to slam the door behind her. Byrd didn't say anything as Murphy stepped closer, stopping just in front of her; eyes roaming over her. But he didn't get long before she punched him in the face, sending him sprawling sideways.

'Ok, I deserve that,' He nodded his head to the side; 'What- What are you doing here?' 

'I think that's what I should be asking you,' She replied as she clenched her hands into fists. 

'Look, I can explain-'

'Can you though? Because I have looked for you for months... Months. And here you are, in Polis, living the high life kissing the new commanders arse and smashing grounders.'

'Byrd, listen-'

'Oh, Byrd now, is it?'



He placed his hand over her mouth, 'Can you just shut up, for one second?'

She glared up at him as he removed his hand, holding it in the air to see if she would listen to him. And she did. 

He began to explain; 'I was locked up in a bunker for three months, while Jaha went off and swallowed the chip when he met that psycho ALIE. I got out, met Emori-'

'And you live happily ever after. Good for you,' She sneered.

'She helped me.'

'I could've helped you! You promised to wait for me, and you know I don't care much for those for this exact reason. You left me-'

'I was supposed to come back.'

'And if you hadn't have left in the first place, you would've been there waiting for me... Three months, John, for three months I was alone! I come back to find out my mother is supposed to be dead, you were gone and no one knew where you were and that I was loosing my damn mind. Every night I sat by that gate in case you came stumbling in half dead again, I didn't sleep for weeks because I was searching for you. Now, my mother's trapped in that camp with Jaha's crazy arse, Lincoln's dead and you've been here the entire time!'

'How is this all my fault?'

'You left me, John! You. Left. Me! You promised me you never would. And I've been trapped inside my fucking head because I've had no one to talk to who wouldn't think I've gone completely insane. I've become my old self and back again so many times because if I didn't, I would've been killed and I had to see you before that happened. Make sure you were ok! Every little thing about that mountain is in my head every second of the day and every minute you're not there is every second I get a little more crazy!'

He could see her breaking, he could see months upon months of emotions ready to bust free. He could hear it in her voice as it cracked and see it in her eyes as tears welled in them, she knew what she wanted to say and he just had to let her speak. 

He reached forward to touch her arm, 'Byrd-'

'No! No! Don't you come near me! You left me! All I wanted was to come back and be with you, John? I love you, Murphy. Is that ok?' She exclaimed; 'You'll never understand how much I mean that as more then a friend. And-And out of everything, I wanted to be with the boy I love, and he wasn't there. He'd taken off for some city that apparently doesn't even exist! Shit's been so fucked up since you've been gone, and I've been so lost. And-'


'I hate you so fucking much because you hurt me- No, don't touch me. Piss off, J-'

But the boy pulled her into his chest despite her struggling, her body wracking with sobs against his own. He shushed her quietly, running his fingers through her hair; his own tears spilling down his cheeks at the words that had slashed his heart and given him hope. She eventually fell still against him, pulling him close as she cried. 

'I left with Jaha because I had to find a better place for us,' He muttered; 'There had to be somewhere better then that shit hole for us. I went for you, Magpie. I did it for you. And when I couldn't get out of that bunker, I almost killed myself because I didn't want to live any more without you... That was you kind grow cray watching a suicide video over and over again.'

She chuckled slightly at that, her sobs breaking up the noise.

'When I met Emori, she reminded me of you. And I thought, if this is the closest I can get for now, then ok. But the second I found you, she was gone. Because it's... It's you, Byrd... And- And, I... I love you, too. Ok?' He tilted his head back nervously. 

Byrd peaked up at him, tears rolling down her cheeks as her eyes shone. She nodded, tucking her head back under his chin once more. 

'And don't think I haven't been thinking about that kiss,' He smirked. 

She looked at him again as she scoffed, 'That was hardly a kiss.'

'Oh, trust me, I know. I seem to be getting plenty of them lately.'

'Nope. Moment ruined.'

She pushed him away and took a step back, quickly wiping her face free of tears. 

'What- How?' Murphy looked at her with disbelief.

'Bringing up other girls, who I now want to kill, after I confess my love for you is a real-' 

A squeak left her mouth as Murphy pressed his lips to hers, hard. She kissed him back quickly, her arms curling around his neck as she pulled him closer. His hands squeezed her hips, trying to bring her as close to him as he physically could. Byrd swore her body was on fire, but not like the way it was in the mountain. No, it was a good. Warmth course through her and her body tingled, every inch of her felt alive. She cupped his face, thumbs running over the scabs and bumps on his face she could reach. 

Her chest was heaving as they finally moved apart, their eyes so full of want. Byrd smirked, which he mimicked as he pecked her lips again. Then once more. She pulled him down to her once more, kissing him hard again. His hands moved up to the shoulders of her jacket, testing the waters as he hesitantly pulled it down her arms. She eventually yanked it off herself, tugging his own jacket off; their kiss never breaking. 

But as Byrd came to stand in almost nothing, her bra and underwear the only things covering her, she paused. She took a step back, looking down at her scarred body; unable to look up at Murphy. His eyes raked over every white line on her torso, and he knew there'd be more under the small items of clothing she wore. He tucked his curled finger under her chin and raised her head, forcing her eyes to meet his. And for a split second, he saw fear in her eyes.

'I'm not going anywhere because of a few scars that show how strong you are,' He whispered. 

A tear rolled down her cheek as he kissed her again, moving away from her lips to place kisses down her neck and chest. Each kiss burned her skin as they trailed down to her stomach, moving over each scar he could reach. Byrd's fingers curled in his long hair, a small smile on her lips as she watched him with tears on her cheeks. He eventually stood and pulled her close again, wrapping his arms around her back; smiling down at her. 

'I love you,' He whispered. 

'I love you, too,' She smiled, before kissing him hard. 


Byrd rode through the forest on a horse she'd stolen, night fall hanging over head. After she and Murphy had had sex, they'd dressed and talked a little calmer; explaining to one another what had happened without the other. She then stole a horse when he had to leave, and took off back toward Arkadia to attempt to see her mother. She was on a high, something she'd never felt before, and she liked it.

She slowed the horse to a trot when she came to the path that lead up to the camp, her brows furrowing when she found no light on the giant shadow. She let the horse carry her at a walk as they got closer to the gate, eventually pulling him to a slow when she found familiar faces just inside it. Octavia looked up at her wide eyed, as did Clarke, as she rode in; stopping just before them. 

The girl slid off the horse, not showing any emotion as she looked around; 'Where is everyone?'

'All chipped,' Clarke answered.

'So, they're gone with Jaha. Where?'

'To get everyone else.'

She paused whens he glanced down at Octavia to find her looking past her, causing her to turn to find Bellamy carrying a covered body. Byrd swallowed at the sight, knowing exactly who it was as she stepped out of the way to let the boy past. He placed Lincoln on the ground beside Octavia carefully, the girl kneeling down beside it before hesitantly moving the sheet from his face. A soft sob left her mouth, her face crumbling as she quickly began to cry. 

The Delani girl looked away, tilting her head up to look at the stars as she let out a long breath; blinking back her tears. Once she had herself together, she looked back down at Lincoln, watching Octavia cry over him as she placed a kiss to his cold skin. She glanced at Bellamy briefly before looking away just as quickly when he looked to her, avoiding the question he was asking. Everyone watched on sadly, hearts breaking once more. 

One by one they moved to stand around the wooden bed they'd made of sticks and logs, Sinclair's body already laying upon them. Bellamy placed Lincoln down beside him, keeping him covered as they lit a torch. The group stood together, but Byrd stood by herself; standing on the ridge around the bed. Octavia raised the flaming torch about her head, before she tucked the flame into the centre of the bed.

'Yu gonplei ste odon,' She stated.

'Yu gonplei ste odon,' The girl muttered with everyone else.

She stood there for a second, watching the flames grow bigger.

'I'll see you in the stars,' She whispered as the fire engulfed Lincoln's body.

Everyone stood silent, watching for a long while; looking nowhere other then the flames.

'It's time to go,' Octavia stated suddenly; 'I'll get the map.'

'I'm not going with you,' Byrd stated as she stared into the fire, Octavia running off.

Clarke looked at her, before Bellamy did the same.

'If Jaha's going to Polis, I need to be there,' She continued.

'It's not safe there,' Bellamy informed her. 

'I don't care... If my mother is chipped, I need to see her.'

'Just come with us,' Clarke pressed. 

'What part of no, do you not understand, Blondie? I don't run with you guys anymore, the only thing that was keeping me here is gone, now, I have other places to be. And here isn't one.'

She stepped down from the ridge, looking up at them with dark eyes. 

'I'll see you on the other side,' She stated before turning away.

Byrd grabbed her horse from where she'd tied her, launching herself onto her back. With a kick and a smirk over the shoulder, she took off into the darkness once more; hoping to reach Polis before she missed out on all the chaos.

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