Styles INC [edited]

By tHeOfFiCiAlWhOrE

191K 3.2K 550

"Bu-but you are my boss."I stutter out. "I know and you are my assistant. But I don't give a fuck anymore. Y... More

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f i f t y
Thank you

f o r t y e i g h t

2K 42 5
By tHeOfFiCiAlWhOrE

Roses POV (July 27 7:35 pm)

I let out a groan when I feel a very sharp pain and wetness trailing down my leg making me look down frightened. Harry's head snaps to me and looks at my current state, his eyes going wide while the girls try to help my stand. "I-I'm sorry I think my fiancé is in labor." He rushes out before running over to me. I am doing breathing exercises and Harry is frantically running around for no reason while Niall finishes his speech.

"Harry!" I snap and he stops his rushed mumbling to himself and freezes. "Calm down."

"I'm sorry. I'm just having a little panic attack. Do we have everything for her ready to go? Are the bags packed? Is-" I cut him off and he looks back up to me instead of his fingers that he was counting things off of.

"Harry, we have everything, more than we need even. The bags are in the car like they have been for the past three weeks. Everything is fine, now can we please go deliver this baby before I have her here?" I hear light laughs from around us at the people looking at us. He nods in realization before coming over to me and grabbing my hand to help me walk. Perrie hands us more towels and I thank her before continuing to walk. Harry instructs people to pull the car up and when we reach outside the black Range Rover is parked in front of us, the engine running. Harry helps me to my side and sets a towel down so I can sit, I slowly slide in and he runs to his side. He takes off once he gets his seat belt on and we make our way to the hospital hastily.

"Harry you are gonna get a ticket, slow down." He nods and slows down making me sigh in relief before a contraction comes through making me groan.

"Just breathe baby." I snap my head over to him and glare at him.

"What do you think I'm doing." He just squeezes my hand and breathes with me. I realize how mean my actions were and look over to him. "I'm sorry for anything I say and do from now until she is born. Just know I love you and don't mean to be crude." He chuckles and picks our hands up and lays a kiss on them. When we are interrupted by another contraction, they are getting closer and closer together. I moan out in pain and squeeze Harry's hand.

We finally reach the hospital and Harry rushes over to my side and helps me out, another contraction coming through and making me whine. Once it has passed we walk in and Harry calls out for a nurse. A ginger comes around in pink scrubs and is wheeling a wheel chair in front of her. I sit and she wheels me to a small white room. Her and Harry help me up, she hands me a hospital gown and I walk to the bathroom with Harry to change. Harry helps me step out of my dress, the heels long gone, slippers from the bag I packed have been on my feet since the car ride over here. Once I finally change after pausing for a contraction, he helps me back out.

I immediately get hooked up to some machines like a fetal monitor that tracks her heartbeat and contraction pattern, she checked my vital signs, got a brief health history on me and my pregnancy, she also checks my cervical dilation. Once she determines I am officially in pre-labor and that in fact was my water breaking earlier and these aren't false contractions, we are moved to a private room.

The spacious room has nice hardwood flooring, dark cabinets surrounding the surprisingly comfortable bed, a couch and rocking chair, along with a sink and mirror, a bathroom, and the station for when the baby arrives. Harry wheels me over to the bed and I get in. She and a couple other nurses start hooking me up to machines, an iv is now in my arm, the fetal monitor back on, a blood pressure sleeve, and some other things. Once they are done they ask a few questions before leaving. I look over at Harry and see him looking nervously around the room, I laugh and he looks over at me.

"Is this really happening? Are we really about to become parents? Or am I dreaming the whole thing?" He questions and I go to laugh but a strong contractions comes through. I moan in pain and Harry grabs my hand so I can squeeze it.

"No this is real, the pain is real." I groan and he pouts.

"M' sorry baby, if I could take it away I would." I let out a little bit of a smile.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Rose." I smile and pat the spot next to me while moving over. I need a nice cuddle only Harry could give, the kind that soothes me and distracts me from focusing on the pain and instead focusing on the way his innocent and sweet touch makes me feel. He sits carefully and I lean into his side, his arm comes around the top of my head and other hand goes to the bump that is still here for awhile, recording these final moments of calm. I sigh in content and he turns on the TV.

"Law and Order?" He questions and I smile happily and nod. We watch TV for awhile but my contractions grow stronger. Harry calls his family and I call Danny who informs me he needs to be there now but I assure him we have awhile. Finally Dr.Napp comes in, her usual smile on her face.

"How are you feeling?" She questions and I groan making her laugh. "Well I will take that as not so good." I nod and look over at the paper tracking my contractions and see one coming up, sure enough the painful thing comes up and I grip Harry's hand. When it is done she informs she is gonna check my dilation. I nod and she props my legs before putting gloves on after washing her hand and checking. "Good news is you can now get an epidural if you would like. You are about four to five centimeters dilated." I let out a sigh of relief and ask for the epidural, she leaves to go get the stuff and I turn to Harry.

"Ugh I really didn't want to get that, but I need it." He kisses my forehead and I lean more into him.

"You are so strong, it is ok to get the epidural, I know I would." I smile and lean my head against his chest, the doctor walks back in with a few nurses. They have a tray with a large needle on it and some other things. They instruct me to sit up and I do so while moving the edge of the bed. They insert the needle into my back then a tube to insert the actual medicine used to numb the pain. I am now leaned over and the back of my gown is open. Once they finally finish I immediately feel better. They leave the room and I smile at Harry.

"Go to bed baby, your gonna need to rest." I nod and lay back, getting more comfortable. It doesn't take long for me to fall asleep, the contractions feeling less painful since the epidural so I was able to sleep ok.

(1:44 am)

It has been seven damn hours of constant pain. We are now currently walking around the hospital trying to speed it up. Louis is here because as much as I love Harry, I needed him to stop breathing down my neck. I could sneeze and he would move to go call the nurse to check on me, it would be endearing any other time except now, so I shot the only person who I knew would be up still a text and Louis is now walking with us. We turn down a hallway and I bend over in pain, my arms go to Harry's shoulders and I squeeze them while groaning. His arms come to my back and carefully rub them up and down. Louis stands there not sure of what to do so he just tells me good job here and there making me laugh lightly. Finally the contraction is over so we make our way back to the room.

"Harry, I think it's baby time." I tell him, his eyes go wide as well as Louis. I press the button for Dr.Napp and she walks in shortly after. She goes to check my dilatation and Harry looks at Louis.

"Well don't look mate." Louis nods and turns around saying "Right." She checks my cervix before looking up at me with a smile.

"It's baby time." She confirms my suspicions and Harry sucks in a sharp breath, Louis turns around and looks at us.

"I'll go call the boys and your mum." Louis tells us and I nod, Harry still sitting there in shock. All of a sudden nurses and a few doctors flood in, the room becoming crowded and Louis leaving. I get poked and prodded a few times before they inform me it is time to push.

My legs go into the stirrups the pulled from somewhere in the bed, Harry is now in scrubs and Dr.Napp now in front of my legs. Nurses are stationed around the room, ready for anything to happen.

"You ready mum?" She asks and I nod. "Ready dad?" She looks at Harry and he nods slowly. "Ok, on the count of three you need to push ok?" I nod and she slowly counts down from three. I push, my teeth grit, Harry's hand being tightly squeezed in my hand and my legs being held open by nurses. "Ok relax, that was good Rose, now be strong and do another one when I countdown again." I nod before inhaling a large breath and going again, we repeat this multiple times, Harry whispering he loves me or words of encouragement in my ear making me keep my strength. "I can see the head, you are doing so good Rose." I begin to push again and the burning sensation in my lower region builds more, feeling as if it was on fire.

"I can see her head baby, keep going, she is so beautiful." Harry tells me with tears in his eyes. I exhale and wait a second before inhaling a large breath and going again, the ache down there excruciating,but I push through.

"The head is out." My doctor informs me and Harry pats my sweaty forehead with a wet rag.

"She is so beautiful baby, you got this." I smile weakly before pushing again, this time I feel some of the pressure relieve and my beautiful baby girl being lifted in the air and brought onto my chest after Harry cut the cord, nurses wiping her off. I start crying and look at her, her cries filling the room. Harry looks at her then me with tears in his eyes and a single one flowing down his cheek, he kisses my forehead before looking back at our crying daughter.

"Born at 2:14. July 28." A nurse says aloud.

"You did it baby." I smile at the small child before she is whisked away so they can go and clean her up. I look at Harry still crying and smile at him.

"Your a dad." I tell him and tears stream down his face, he leans over and kisses my temple before our bundle of joy is brought over to us.

Her full head of dark brown hair matching Harry's is covered by a pink hat with a bow and jewel on top, her little body wrapped in a blanket with pink flowers. Harry rubs her cheek before leaning down.

"Hello little peanut." She lets out a coo and I laugh at her reaction. I kiss her little forehead before lifting her up to Harry. He looks scared to touch her but he takes her. He looks down at her with tears forming in his eyes, he carefully sits in the chair behind him, his hair up in a bun, black jeans and a grey shirt adoring his body. "Rose you did so good." He looks over to me and I sleepily smile.

"I love you." He looks up from our sleeping child and smiles before leaning over and kissing my forehead causing her to whine for a minute. Harry holds her for a little bit longer before standing and joining me on the bed. I take her and look at her for a second before looking up at Harry, his eyes trained on the tiny baby.

"Aspen Renee Styles." I tell him and his head snaps up,eyes wide.

"Really?" He questions excitedly, and I nod. Harry randomly told me the name one day and I immediately fell in love with it, but I didn't give him the satisfaction of telling him that. He kisses me in a slow and loving kiss, Aspen letting out little noises making my heart grow ten sizes more. We sit and admire her more before I look at him.

"She is literally you. She has your nose, the shape of your eyes, even your ears." He chuckles and looks down at her, studying her for a little bit longer before looking back at me.

"She really is isn't she?" I giggle and kiss his cheek. After awhile Harry goes to gather our patient friends from the waiting room. They all enter the large room hastily and there eyes go wide at the sight of me on the bed with Aspen cradled in my hands. The girls all awe and the boys give Harry a pat on his back. The first one to hold her is Anne who is a crying mess.

"Oh she is just the cutest thing. Grandmum is gonna spoil you so much little girl." Me and Harry lightly laugh and he is protectively standing by there side. Next up is Gemma who has a few tear going down her face.

"You guys did a good job." She looks at me and then Harry who is by her side looking at the sleeping baby. "Auntie Gem loves you little bean." She smiles once more before handing her to Harry. He smiles and starts to bounce on his feet lightly and sways back and forth.

"Harry, there are other people here." He groans but hands her to Niall.

"She is definitely the cutest ting I have ever seen." We thank him and he looks at Harry. "What's her name?" He smiles at him then looks down at the squirming baby.

"Aspen Renee Styles." They all compliment it making Harry smirk and gloat about how he came up with it. I roll my eyes and watch as Niall hands her to Louis slowly.

"This little thing was once a blob and now she looks like this! Holy sh-shitakoi mushrooms." He catches himself when he sees Harry glaring at him. Aspen lets out a small sneeze causing everyone to awe. Louis holds her for a little bit longer before handing her over to Liam and Emily, Liam holds her and Emily stares at her with a wide smile on her face, Liam looks up and congratulates us once more before handing her gently to Emily. She holds her close to her chest and smiles at her while moving her hat to peak at her hair.

"Jeez, she has a full head of hair. I bet the heartburn was fun." I laugh before groaning lightly when I remeber the horrible nights I would stay up due to the heartburn I would have. I look up and see Harry still hovering over the person with the baby which is now Zayn. He looks at the little one then back at Perrie who has a small pout on her face.

"Don't you dare be getting any ideas." He tells her and she pouts more and rolls her eyes. Zayn holds her for a little longer before giving her to Perrie.

"Did it hurt?" Niall questions and I nod.

"Yeah it hurt a lot, but it was worth it." I smile and look over to Perrie. Anne comes to my side to hug me and congratulate me more. I smile and tell her thank you. I look over and see Harry with Aspen back in his arms,the boys circling around him and the girls coming over to me. They ask me a few questions before glancing at the clock. They all leave and congratulate us once more, Anne and Gem staying behind for a little longer while I try not to fall asleep.

Once they leave Harry comes over to me and I take her back in my arms. The nurse comes in and suggests skin on skin time and then to try to feed her. I nod and Harry pulls off his shirt and I pull down my hospital gown. I gently lay her down on the bed before slowly take off her little outfit. Once it is off I carefully pull her back up to my unclothed chest and lay her down in the middle of my chest, her fussing a bit before calming down and cooing. I almost cry but I hold it together and look at Harry to see him with admiration in his eyes. I lean over and kiss him.

"God I love you so much Rose, and seeing you with our child only made me love you more." I smile and kiss him once more.

"I love you, H." He smiles and Aspen starts to fuss. I shush her and rock back and forth lightly, soothing her back into sleep. I slowly give her to Harry who leans her on his bare, tattooed chest, he kisses the top of her head and my heart melts, butterflies swarm in my stomach.

"Daddy's little princess." He mumbles and that's when the first tear falls. He looks up at me with a large smile on his face before he notices my tears. "What's wrong baby?" He questions and I shake my head and wipe the pesky tear.

"Happy tears." He smiles once again and nods before kissing me again.

"Rose I can' t get over how good you did. You kept pushing and pushing, doing such a good job." He praises me and I smile. Aspen moves around a little before starting to whine. The nurse comes in at the right moment and informs us it is time to feed. I nod and Harry hands me her, I put her on my chest and the nurse informs me on how to get her to latch onto me. Once she does I look over at Harry to see him looking amazed, his eyes meet mine and I can see the love in them.

I continue feeding her, the nurse helping me to get her to reattach when she unlatched, her cries filling the room when she would do so. Once she was done I put her in her bassinet and the nurse took her to the nursery for the night, me and Harry both watched till they were out of sight. I yawn and look at Harry.

"Harry, come lay with me please." He smiles and walks over to me, yawning in the process. He gets in bed next to me and I lift the sheet, once he is under he puts his arm on top of the bed and looks down at my stomach.

"It is weird that there isn't a baby in there now and we are actually parents." I laugh and nod. It takes me about two minutes to pass out, surprised I could even make it that far without collapsing earlier.

Hope you guys enjoyed! Don't forget to vote and comment.

Till next time

Edited August 19, 2019

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