Guiltless Sin || John Murphy

By Cutehorse

133K 4.7K 1.8K

'Sin: an act regarded as a serious or regrettable fault, offence, or omission; Guilty: conscious of, affected... More



1.4K 61 6
By Cutehorse



Byrd clenched her knife in her hand as she strode into the cave they'd left Bellamy in, her gaze full of anger. She walked behind Kane, not once looking up at Bellamy as Octavia walked behind her. Her anger burned so bad, tears sat heavy in her eyes and Bellamy knew once he saw them something wasn't right. He glanced at his sister as she walked past, not even sparing a glance for him.

'Where's Lincoln?' Bellamy asked.

The was the final straw for Byrd as she turned and launched her knife at Bellamy with a yell, letting the blade hit the wall by his head. As it clattered to the ground, she turned and punched the nearest wall; pain shooting up her wrist.

'Pike put a bullet in his brain,' Octavia muttered as a tear rolled down her cheek.

'O... O, I am so sorry-' Bellamy was cut off by his sister's fist.

She hit him, soft sobs wracking her body as her face crumbled. The group took a step closer, but Byrd held up her hand; stopping them from moving as she stepped in front of them.

'She needs this,' She stated.

Octavia threw another punch, blood beginning to show on Bellamy's face.

'Octavia, that's enough,' Kane demanded.

'Kane, stay out of this,' Bellamy looked up at him with glassy eyes.

Octavia continued to attack the boy, Sinclair and Bryan the first to look away; Kane eventually walking as few steps away. Byrd stood silently watching her best friend breakdown, Miller beside her. Octavia's sobs grew louder and Bellamy made no move to stop her, letting her continue to attack him.

'Stop. That's enough,' Miller stepped forward and grabbed onto the girl.

But he was quickly shoved back into Bryan as she shouted, 'Get out!'

'Miller, back up,' Bellamy glanced at the boy.

'Byrd, do something,' Miller pleaded.

She didn't reply, her face hard and eyes following every punch that was thrown. She finally blinked when Octavia knocked Bellamy to the ground, standing over him with wheezy breaths and teary eyes.

'You're dead to me,' She sneered before finally turning away.

Octavia strode right on by her and out of the cave, Bellamy watching on after her shattered. One final tear rolled down Byrd's cheek before all her emotions faded from her eyes, her body turning away to go after her friend.


'I say we run two-man patrols around the clock, starting now,' Miller suggested as they all sat around the fire.

Byrd stood by the door of the cave, sewing herself back together mentally; building wall back up again. She hadn't said a word since the incident with Bellamy, and she hadn't left the door of the cave either.

'We'll do that, but we should be safe here,' Kane agreed; 'The Grounder blockade is too close for Pike to to risk looking for us.'

'Yeah, but are we safe from the blockade?' Bryan asked.

'As long as we stay this side of the line, we should be.'

'They're Grounders. You really think they're gonna play by the rules?'

Octavia looked up slightly, a scowl on her lips.

'Hey, Pike'll want you dead now, too,' Miller reminded his boyfriend; 'We take him out, we can go home.'

'We take him out, then the Grounders lift the blockade,' Harper added.

'That's right. We become the thirteenth Clan again. Those were the terms,' Kane nodded.

'Lexa's terms,' Sinclair reminded him; 'If what Bellamy says is true and she's dead, how do we know the next Commander will honour them?'

'One problem at a time.'

'What about Clarke?' Miller asked; 'With Lexa gone, she's not safe in Polis.'

'Clarke made her choice,' Octavia sneered; 'The only thing that matters now is killing Pike.'

Byrd looked over her shoulder at her words, merely glancing at them before she looked away; her hands clenched around her knife.

'Octavia's right,' Kane stated; 'Once we resume our place in the Commander's coalition, Clarke will be safe, so how do we do it?'

They went quiet as they all thought to themselves, before the radio went static for a second.

'Bellamy, come in,' Monty's voice sounded; 'It's Monty. I'm in trouble. Please say you still have your radio.'

Sinclair grabbed the radio, Kane moving to take it from him, but he held his hand out to block him.

'If we respond and Pike's listening-' The man started.

'Go to channel seven,' Bellamy spoke up, causing the group to look at him; 'Please say you still have your radio. That's seven words after the word trouble. It's code. Go to seven.'

Kane glanced at the boy after Sinclair shrugged, nodding to confirm the instructions. The man changed the station and handed the radio over, Monty's voice quick to sound once more.

'Bellamy, are you there?' He asked.

'Monty, it's Kane. What's wrong?' Kane asked.

'Pike knows that I helped you get out.'

'Can you get to the Dropship?'

'I think so.'

'Good. Go there. I'll bring you in... Stay off the radio. Over and out.'

'Hold on. What if it's a trap and Pike's waiting?' Harper suggested.

'That's why I'm going alone.'

Octavia stood as Kane did, 'Like hell you are.'

'I'm with Octavia,' Miller stood, also; 'Monty saved our lives. I'm going, too.'

'No, you're not,' Kane disagreed; 'If it is a trap, I'm not marching our entire insurgency into it.'

'To stop me, you're gonna have to kill me,' Octavia informed him.

'She hopes it's a trap,' Bellamy drawled.

'He's coming, too. We'll need a hostage to trade for Monty.'

'It's a good plan. He stays chained. Gag him,' Kane motioned to the boy.

'Sir, with all due respect-' Miller started.

'He's the enemy. Do what I said.'
Byrd didn't move as Octavia came up beside her, her jaw set.

'Byrd,' Kane called; 'I need you to stay here-'

She turned and shot him a glare, 'You leave me here, everyone dies. And I'm sure that's not what you want.'

She strode out of the cave, leaving them to follow after her; trying to make up the gap she had made.


Byrd watched from the trees as Bellamy, Kane and Octavia stalked toward the gate of the drop ship. She'd already killed the man who's spot she'd taken, cut off his head with now hung from her hand; his body on the ground.

'Monty?' Kane called.

Nothing moved for a second, the trio stalking forward.

'We got here first,' Kane muttered.

Byrd whistled a familiar tune, warning Octavia without giving herself away.

'No, we didn't,' Octavia stated.

Octavia was the first to react, pressing her knife to the side of Bellamy's neck.

'Hey, what are you doing?' Kane asked.

'Get outside now!' Octavia yelled.

The Delani girl slipped down and out of the tree, creeping up to the fence; peaking through a hole between the logs. Monty stepped out of the drop ship with Pike behind him, a gun pressed to the back of his head. 

'They followed me. I'm sorry,' Monty pleaded.

'Let him go, Pike,' Kane stated. 

'Can't do that. One at their feet.'

A gunshot sounded over head, Byrd quickly taking off to find the shooter. 

'It's over. Put down your weapons,' Pike demanded. 

She shook her head when the shooter came into view, launching her knife at him. It embedded itself into his chest, his body falling to the ground with a thud. The girl grinned and cut his head off, holding it in the same hand as the other. She leant against the fence once more, peaking through. 

'Come on, Marcus. I promised Monty's mother that I'd bring him home alive. Don't make me a liar,' Pike drawled. 

Another shot was fired, Byrd turning to scan the trees above. Kane sighed, pulling the shoulder strap from his torso and placed the gun on the ground.

'Kane, no,' Octavia hissed. 

'Now you,' Pike motioned to the girl. 

But instead, Octavia stepped behind Bellamy, changing the position of her knife to lay directly across his jugular. 

'What are you doing?' Kane hissed. 

'One in the girl's leg,' Pike muttered. 

Bellamy suddenly twisted around and yanked the knife of out his sister's hands, twisting her arm around as he pushed her to her knees. Pike let out a whistle, men and women coming from their hiding spots. They surrounded the trio, all with their weapons up. 

'You don't look so good,' Pike looked to Bellamy. 

'I'm fine,' The boy muttered. 

'You got about five seconds to make me believe you're still with me.'

'All the others are in a cave not far from here.'

'You son of a bitch!' Octavia screeched as she moved to attack her brother. 

But she was struck down by an electric shocker, her body falling into the mud unconscious. 

'Give me the coordinates,' Pike demanded. 

'I don't have the coordinates, but I can take you there,' Bellamy replied.

Byrd smirked to herself, wandering through the gates whistling.

'Oh, hey, Pike,' She smirked; 'I went hunting and got a little something for you.'

She tossed the heads at the man's feet as she got closer, pushing her way through the ring of people easily. There was gasps as some stumbled back and away from her, Pike looking at her with firey eyes. 

'I wouldn't do that if I were you,' She pointed her knife at a woman; 'Cause by the time you even get half way to loading that, your head will be rolling.'

When she turned back, she found Pike with his gun aimed at her head. 

'You gonna comply or do you want a bullet in your skull?' He sneered. 

She hummed, 'I prefer the second option.'

'Wait,' Bellamy called when Pike's finger fell heavier on the trigger; 'She knows the way better then me, if I get lost, she'll help.'

'This psycho is gonna help?' Pike spat. 

'If we make her.'

'Oh, why not? You're here. Why not let me give you a tour?' Byrd smiled sarcastically; 'Unless little old Pike's scared of little old me.'

'Everyone's scared of you,' The woman who'd previous gone to attack her hissed. 

The Delani girl smirked, swinging around with her knife flying through the air; the woman's head flying clean off her shoulders. 

'Now, where were we?' She turned back with blood on her face. 

'Tie em up,' Pike demanded. 

She let them do what they had to, tying her hands behind her back and shoved a gag into her mouth. She sighed, walking beside Octavia as Bellamy lead them back into the forest. They all walked in silence, Pike's prisoners surrounded by guns. Byrd watched Pike grow more anxious the closer they got to the blockade, the man eventually approaching Bellamy at the front. 

'You sure about the route?' He asked; 'We're getting close to the blockade line.'

'That's why Kane set up out here. He didn't think we'd risk it,' Bellamy informed him. 

'He was wrong.'

'What's gonna happen to my sister? I know she has to answer for her crimes, but-'

'Tell you what. I'll make you the same promise I made to Monty's mother, immunity from all past actions, but if she screws up again-'

'Oh, she won't. I'll make sure of it... My sister, my responsibility.'

Byrd rolled her eyes, continuing to walk. She looked around at the new part of the forest they'd entered, still in complete awe of everything even after being down there for so long. It wasn't much further before Pike stopped again, his whole body tense as he gripped his gun a little tight. 

'Hold on,' He stated. 

'Now, the cave is just on the other side,' Bellamy continued forward. 

'Keep a sharp eye out.'

Byrd was shoved forward, her glare behind shot at the man who'd touched her with a smirk on her lips. She knew how close they were to the blockade, her eyes wandering over the trees for the grounders. She began to laugh when the horn sounded, Pike looking up scared. 

'The blockade!' He exclaimed as he spun around; 'Anybody got eyes?'

'I got nothing,' A man answered. 

'Back to higher ground.' 

But, even Byrd was surprised when Bellamy pulled Pike's smaller gun and aimed it at the man, 'Drop your weapon.'

'What the hell are you doing?'

'Drop your weapon!'

The Delani girl spun and kicked the closest man in the head, sending him to the ground before she stomped his face. Octavia took out the other easily, sending him to the ground. 

'We bring you Chancellor Pike of the Sky People. O, Byrd, translate,' Bellamy instructed. 

'Osir lid yo in Chansla Paik kom Skaikru,' Octavia translated after she pulled her gag out.

'You killed us all,' Pike sneered.

'Take him. Lift this blockade,' Bellamy yelled. 

'Teik em in, ban disha treibloka we!' Octavia shouted.

Arrows flew through the air, hitting Pike's guards square in the chest. They all dropped to the ground like flies, most dead. Byrd laughed as she pulled her gag out, taking the knife from the nearest guard; slicing her ties. Grounders ran out of their hiding spots yelling, slowly coming to surround them from every angle; dropping from trees and piling in valleys. Kane caught Octavia as she went to attack Pike, grabbing her hands.

'No,' He spoke lowly; 'Hey, no. No. The Grounders are gonna need him alive. They didn't get justice for Finn. We won't get away with that again.'

'In that case-' Pike turned to Bellamy. 

Byrd turned and flicked her knife into the man's shoulder, sending him to the ground with a groan. 

'In that case, we might as well start with cut one of three hundred and one,' She sneered as she pulled her knife back. 

A grounder kicked Pike in the head, knocking him unconscious in the mud. The grounders moved quickly to pick him up, Kane stepping forward. 

'Where are you taking him?' He asked. 

'To the new Commander,' The closest grounder stood.

'May I join you? We're the thirteenth Clan.'

The rounder glanced down at the coalition brand on Kane's arm before sighed softly, 'Don't slow us down.'

Kane nodded, pulling his sleeve back down. 

'Are you sure? We know nothing about the new Commander,' Monty asked. 

'I'm sure. Go home. Tell our people what happened here. Tell Abby... I'll look out for Clarke,' Kane nodded. 

Monty nodded and moved away, leaving Kane to step up to Bellamy as Byrd dropped her knife to the ground and searched the guards for a new one. 

'Did you do this for your sister or because it was the right thing to do?' Kane asked. 

'You're welcome,' Bellamy muttered before turning away. 

But Kane caught him, 'It matters... Until you see that you'll still be lost.'

The man turned away and began to walk, Byrd skipping after him with a new knife in hand. She left the remaining trio behind, striding beside Kane. 

'What are you doing?' He asked. 

'Not going back to camp,' She shrugged. 

'Byrd, I-'

'I don't listen to anyone. Look, you either let me come or you leave me here to die.'


She stayed quiet, striding ahead a little. 

'Byrd, hey,' Kane caught her arm. 

'I don't want to talk about it. So, you either shut up or it's gonna be a long walk to Polis,' She sneered.

She snatch her arm back and strode ahead, whistling a random tune as she went.

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