Guiltless Sin || John Murphy

By Cutehorse

137K 4.8K 1.9K

'Sin: an act regarded as a serious or regrettable fault, offence, or omission; Guilty: conscious of, affected... More



1.4K 63 11
By Cutehorse



Byrd did not appreciate being pushed through the streets of Polis, a gag in her mouth and her hands restrained. Grounders looked toward them, gawking for a second before they'd look away. Semet had lead them into the large tower she and Octavia had been once before to attempt to save Clarke, only this time they weren't leading the interruption. 

She struggled against the man's grasp as Semet pushed open the doors to the throne room against the guards orders, attempting to kick out at him before her knees were taken out from behind. She fell onto them beside Octavia, the large group of people in the room looking toward them. She smirked toward Clarke when she heard her whisper her name in shock, her eyes menacing as her anger grew. 

'Wigod ai op hashta min klin ona disha presh sintaim, Heda... Ai laik Semet kom Trikru en ai kom op hashta raitnes,' Semet spoke with respect.

'Gouva yu klin. Chomouda yu don sis op Okteivia kom Skaikru en Byrd Kom Skaikru gon honon?' Lexa asked. 

'Em laik honon kom wor, Heda, don ge lid hir na sin in kripon-de kom omon kru.'

Clarke looked to Lexa before she strode forward, coming to stand before Semet. 

'What crimes? What happened?' She asked urgently before turned to look at the man beside Lexa. 

'Skaikru attacked their village,' He answered; 'Because their warriors were lost when your people massacred the army we had sent to protect you, their village was defenceless.'

'Beja, Heda. Ai beja yu daun. Goch osir klin,' Semet begged.

It was silent for a second before a woman called out, 'Jus drein jus daun!'

Suddenly, all the grounders in the room were muttering among one another, some calling out for the Death of Skaikru. Byrd kept her eyes on Lexa, who sat silently fuming, before she stood and strode out of the room. The entire room watched her leave with with her right hand and Clarke, the chatter never ceasing. She glanced over at Octavia who held a glare on her face, meeting her eye for a second.

It wasn't long before Lexa strode back into the room with Clarke and the man, coming to stand in their original positions. The chatter was silenced as the woman raised her hand, everyone turning to look at her with a curious gaze. Byrd sat there on her knees, still smirking as she listening; glancing toward Clarke who looked concerned.

'Today I call upon the armies of the twelve clans to march on Arkadia,' Lexa stated firmly, causing the chatter to begin again; 'Not to attack, but to contain... We will blockade the thirteenth Clan. We will keep them from the lands they wish to possess. We will give them time to take out their leaders from within.'

The Delani girl sniggered quietly as her shoulders shook, a devilish grin coming onto her lips. 

'Once they rise up against them, then we will welcome them back as one of us,' Lexa finished. 

No one moved, until the man beside Lexa spoke up; 'You heard the Commander. Send riders... Tell your armies to set up a buffer zone around Arkadia. Five miles should be enough to keep them away from our villages... What are their orders, Heda?'

Lexa stayed quiet as she looked toward Clarke, the blonde unsure as to what was to happen next. 

'Any Skaikru caught across the line will be subject to a kill order,' The commander ordered.

Octavia looked confused as she looked toward Clarke, who, herself, looked scared. The chatter arose again from the group, Lexa standing her ground. 

'Heda, I do not understand. How is this vengeance?' Semet exclaimed. 

'It is not vengeance, my brother,' Lexa replied calmly; 'It is justice.'

'Skaikru killed my sons, and my brother, and my wife. If the spirit of the Commander will not protect us, then what will?'

'You mind yourself, Semet,' Lexa's right hand muttered.

'Wamplri gon Heda!'

The man pulled his knife and moved to attack Lexa, only for her right hand to step in front of it and turn it back onto Semet. Byrd laughed as the fight quickly ended with Semet laying dead on the ground before her, his people moving to stand over him.


Byrd scoffed as she walked in Clarke's room behind her, eyes roaming over the elegant room and huge bed. Octavia limped in behind her, looking over the room also as Clarke moved further inside.

'No wonder you wanted to stay,' Octavia muttered as she leant back onto a cabinet.

'Stop. You know why I'm here,' Clarke sighed.

Octavia rubbed her forehead as she winced, Byrd rubbing the blood of her teeth with her tongue in the mirror on the wall.

'Are you ok?' Clarke asked.

'Yeah, fine,' The Blake girl answered sharply; 'I saw Indra in the crowd. Why wasn't she with Lexa?'

'Indra's not doing so well, Octavia... We can't deal with that right now.'

'Okay, so what do we do?'

Octavia moved to stand in front of the blonde as he dark haired friend leant back against the wall, watching on.

'I have to talk to Lexa,' Clarke sighed.

'You just did that and came out with a kill order on all of us. That's the second time that she left us all to die,' Octavia seethed.

'The twelve clans want a war. You know that. Lexa's just trying not to wipe us out.'

'Why am I not surprised that you're still defending her?' Byrd smirked.

But Clarke ignored her, 'I'll see what I can do. Stay here.'

Byrd wandered over to the bed as Clark passed her, falling back onto it.

'Oh, Tav, this is the life,' She sighed; 'Come lay with me.'

She didn't get a reply. She sat up with a cocked brow, leaning back onto her hands as she looked over her friend's face.

'You coming?' The girl asked.

'To cause trouble?' She replied.


'To look for trouble?'

'No. To look for Indra.'

'As long as I get food. Let's go.'

She pushed herself off the bed and skipped past Octavia, pulling the door open as she breathed in a dramatic breath. She could hear the girl behind her chuckle, before they moved quickly through the tall building. They found their way down to the ground, wandering through the markets asking around for Indra. Octavia eventually got an answer, a young boy pointing up toward a cavity in the wall. She followed after her, coming to stand in the doorway to find Indra sitting with her back to them.

'Ai don kom op hir na koma yu op,' Octavia stated. 

'You waste your time. Nou bilaik koma hir,' Indra didn't look toward the pair. 

'Ai gaf yu seiso in, Amin Indra.'

The woman stood and turned away from Octavia as she stepped inside, refusing to look at them. Byrd leant against the wall, picking under her nails with a knife she'd stolen from inside. 

'Go away,' Indra sneered. 

'I need the woman I served as second. I need the warrior who taught me to be who I am,' Octavia pleaded. 

'I said, get out of here, Sky Girl.'

Indra finally turned to look over her shoulder at the Blake girl, her eyes weak and scared as she held her arm across her stomach. 

'Indra, please. I'm going back to fight my own people, the people who did this to you,' Octavia begged; 'I'll fight my own brother if I have to, but I can't do it alone. One word from you, and Trikru will-'

She was cut off as Indra swung her good arm at her, sending her head to the side as Byrd looked up and held her knife still. Octavia quickly fought back, pushing the grounder back onto the seat off to the side; holding her down. 

'You see? Even someone as slow and as weak as you can put me on my back,' Indra spoke weakly; 'I should have died on that field.'

'We all die,' Byrd stated.

'You can either do that here feeling sorry for yourself or you come back with me and get your revenge,' Octavia let her go and took a step toward the door; 'The choice is yours.'

And with that the two girls strode out of the cave, leaving the woman to lay on the seat. 


Byrd and Octavia strode into Clarke's room not long later, after they had found a variety of foods to eat and try. The dark haired girl was still munching away on a skewer filled with some kind of meet, glancing as Clarke as she kicked the door shut; letting Octavia walk forward. 

'She told you you can stay, didn't she?' She stated; 'What did you say?'

'Nothing,' Clarke muttered as she glanced at the Blake girl.

'Clarke, we both know that Pike won't obey the blockade. We need to stop him before more of our people get killed.'

'What if I can do more for them by just staying here?'

'You can't, Clarke... We don't have time for this.'Clarke looked down at Octavia motioned to the door, not making a move to leave. 

'Look. We need you,' Octavia begged; 'The kill order goes into effect at dawn. You have an hour to say your good-byes.'

She turned away and strode toward the door, Byrd already there pulling it open. But the Blake girl paused just before the door, causing Clarke to look at her. 

'If you're not there, you're not the person I thought you were,' Octavia stated before continuing out the door.

She let it fall shut behind them as her friend strode ahead, fuming. She threw the skewer out a window she passed, jogging up to keep up with Octavia as they made their way back down to the ground once more. They stood just outside the building, looking around at the markets.  

'I'm not going back,' Byrd stated suddenly; 'Jaha is looking for me, so it Pike.'

'Thought you weren't scared,' Octavia muttered. 

'I'm not. But this is where I belong, Tav. It's where you belong, too.'

'And once Bellamy knows to choose the right side, we can come back.'

'He's on Pike's side. He's hurting that bad that he thinks it's right. Do you know how to stop him from hurting?'


'Exactly. He's hurting, but every kill makes him hurt worse.'

'How would you know?'

'Because every kill made me angrier. Made me more violent, until I didn't feel anything anymore. Every kill makes him hurt a little more before he numbs him a little more.'

Octavia stared at her for a second, her eyes flicking over her face. 

'You can help him,' She stated.

'Me?' Byrd recoiled.


'Help him, what? Turn into a psychopathic, numb... I don't know, like me? I'm not good at helping people, Tav.'

'You helped me. You helped Murphy and Lincoln.'

'That's different.'


'I... You don't want to know with how I coped with the deaths I'd forced upon people in the beginning. The walls of my box were a result of that... He's the only one who can get himself out of the prison that is his mind. He's just got to know he has the support he needs. And that's Clarke.'

'Just like it's Murphy.'

'Yeh. Just like it's Murphy.'

Byrd looked up at the tall building before her, before she strode ahead and moved to sit in the shade. Octavia came to stand beside her, eyes moving over the grounders. 

'How'd you get out of your mind?' The Blake girl asked. 

'I didn't. I'm still a prisoner,' She shook her head; 'It's just not so scary anymore.'

'But it is?'


'You try to tell me things, then you lock yourself away again.'

'I'm not scared to tell you things, I'm worried to how you'll react. Which leads to a fear of you leaving me.'

'I won't leave you, Byrd.'

'You say that now.'

'I won't. Ai swega em klin.'

She chuckled, 'One day.'


'No... Not now. Not because of you, because it's old memories I don't want to dig up right now.'

Octavia sighed and nodded, looking away from her to look up at the building. It was quiet between the for the next little while, until Octavia suddenly scoffed and looked down at Byrd's lightly sleeping form. 

'She's not coming, is she?' She queried. 

'I'm not her, so I wouldn't know,' The Delani girl shrugged. 

'Well, I'm done waiting.'

She strode down into the street, pausing to look back at her friend as she slowly stood and trudge down after her. They headed to the gate together, ready to fight their own people.

'Okteivia en Byrd kom Skaikru,' Indra's familiar voice called out from behind them. 

Octavia turned quickly, Byrd following in pursuit to smirk when she found Indra walking toward them with her arm in a sling; her usual attire back where it should be. She strode up to the woman she gripped her forearm in her hand as she did the same to her own, nodding with a small smile on her lips. Indra nodded in reply, the three of them moving toward the gate together; ready to fight if they needed to, but ready to protect their own at any cost.

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