When Love Returns | 2 ✔

Por Osaro_Oghadeva

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[COMPLETED] Sight = Check Dreams = Check Family and friends = Double check Cassiopeia finally has her sight... Más

Author's note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapters 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Important Announcement!
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
End of Book 2

Chapter 27

192 34 9
Por Osaro_Oghadeva

Deciding on the right place to "find love" was befuddling. I had no idea where one went to in order to find the right guy. Initially, I had driven my Range Rover down to Sweet Love restaurant and sat down in one of the booths, looking like a klutz. I had ordered my favorite cappuccino, brewed just the way I liked, while people stared at me like I was an alien from space.

I had no right to blame them because if I were in their shoes, I would be shocked to see someone dressed so fancy and chic, dining in solitude in a low-key restaurant in the evening. Even Marie, the owner, was confused but brightened up when she saw me. She commented on how beautiful and stunning I looked and  how—in her words—"He won't be able to keep his eyes off you". I squirmed when I corrected her that I came alone and not waiting—indirectly—for someone.

She knew something was amiss, so she sat down with me, ordered more coffee for us and talked. I felt quite relieved after recounting all that transpired at home between my parents and I. She listened without a word until I was done.

"I think your parents just want to see you happy and in love again." Were her response, after my narration.

She then expounded on her perception in the matter. Apparently, my parents and everyone else—including her—were worried about me and just wanted me to come out of the shell I had hidden myself in. She advised that it was time to move on. Time to let go.

"But you can't look so gorgeous in this dress and sit here all day. It's Friday and also vacation, you can't find young men here, especially students by this time. I think you should go somewhere else." Marie advised. She had a point. I looked around and was hit with the realization that I was probably the youngest person here, apart from the waitresses. The restaurant comprised of old and middle aged people, some couples, others, friends having fun drinking coffee together.

"Um, where do you suggest I go to?" I finally asked. I had run out of ideas.

"The club is nice. You should go there! Loosen up, have a few drinks, make friends. You don't have to leave there with a confirmed boyfriend but try to make sure you find a potential boyfriend." She said, still in deep thoughts like she was planning the whole process.

I knew of only one club. The one I went to with the girls a few months ago. I haven't had the urge to go back but I guess now was the right time.

"Okay. The girls took me to this club once, I'll just get there using Google." I answered.

"Great! Let me walk you out." As I stood, I opened my clutch, grabbed a twenty dollar bill and was about to place it on my table as payment when Marie stopped me. "No sweetheart, it's on the house." she said.

I hugged her tighter as we got out of the restaurant. She was one of the nicest women I had been blessed to meet.

"Off you go dear. Have fun!" She shooed me when I remained reluctant to leave.

I got into my SUV much later, turned on the air-conditioner—It was summer already—and drove off after a final wave at Marie. Fortunately, I found the club like walk in the park. The bold neon sign read "Fantasy". I rose my brows in at that. Maybe the club itself was giving me a sign.

I had to join the queue, pay, before getting in. By the time I was in, I cringed at how loud the music was. However, it took me a moment to adjust then, I was finally able to blend in. A few guys whistled as I walked past them. I felt an inner eruption of confidence and swung my hips with a conspicuous grin as I neared the bartender.

"What can I get you?" I studied the bartender. He was different from the man I met last time. He looked tired and out of place, I guessed he was a student trying to earn a living. The understanding of that made me promise to give him a generous qtip for my drinks tonight.

"Um, I want something strong. You're the bartender, you should know what to fix." To be honest, apart from tequila, margarita and whiskey, I had next to zero knowledge of the names of alcoholic drinks. I just hoped he got me something worth it.

"Here you go." The bartender said, placing a pint sized glass of what looked like water. Bracing myself, I downed it in one gulp and got the shock of my life as the drink nearly dried up my throat.

"What the hell is this?" I muttered between series of coughing. I had never tasted anything so throat-scorching as this. It looked innocent as water but sharp and tart as acid—not like I had tasted acid before but the description suited it—However, deep within me, I wanted another taste of it.

Here I am, getting attached to something destructive. Why do we seem to place ourselves into situations, people, whom we knew could burn us?

"Vodka!" The bartender answered with a duh look. I bet he was wondering what kind of girl came into a club not knowing what vodka looked or tasted like. And I definitely wasn't in the mood to tell him my sob story of not seeing until recently.

I came here to have fun, meet someone and forget about my problems.

"Can I have more?" using my puppy dog eyes, I asked like a little child wanting more cookies above the usual proportion.

"Whatever you say miss. I'm just here to serve." He replied, pouring down more of the unholy drink into my glass.

And so it went, me downing one glass after another. Every intake scalded my throat but left a burning urge for more. I felt myself getting tipsy but ignored it. After all, this was what I came for. Looking behind, I could see people gyrating to the music. Recognizing it as something I had seen on MTV base last week, I decided to go to the dance floor to get my groove on. Fishing out my credit card to pay for my drinks, the bartender stopped me.

"Your drinks have been settled by that dude over there." He gestured to a man leaning on the aisle a little far away from my position. He had a glass of what seemed to be whiskey and was staring straight at me.

My cheeks were aflame as I struggled to comprehend if he had been watching me this whole time. I knew I had been drinking ungracefully and I was fine with it. But being watched surreptitiously while I did that was highly mortifying.

Bemused and completely oblivious to the world around me, I barely noticed when the man in question came over and slipped onto the closest chair to me.


It was his deep masculine voice that brought out of my embarrassed thoughts. I turned to him and noticed him clearly for the first time.

When I described him as a "man", I was wrong because I thought he was much older. However, he looked quite young—Just a few years older than me—I think. He was ruggedly handsome, I might add, with a strong well built body with muscles. Surely, I had no doubt he worked out a lot. His hair was so dark and long, it grazed his shoulders. I was mesmerized by it. His eyes were as dark as his hair, my reflection stared right back at me as clear as day. He had the typical America male nose, slightly crooked when you stared at it from the side. He wore a white dress shirt and black pants, no tie, the top three collars were unbuttoned revealing a line of dark hair. The sleeves were rolled up, showcasing rolls of hair around his forearms.


He repeated and I snapped my head back up to look at his face which now had a huge smirk and a knowing grin.

He knew I had been ogling him unabashedly.

I wished I could disappear right there and then. I had only just met him and yet he had managed to make me blush twice in five minutes.

Typical bad boy! An inner voice within me said but I brushed it off.

"What is a beautiful woman like you doing here all alone?" He asked, after I hadn't replied to all his greetings.

"I'm just here to er, have fun." I cleared my throat, hoping it would solve the unusual high pitch of my voice.

"Well, you shouldn't have fun alone. You need someone to guide you on the basis of fun." He replied.

"Anyone you want to recommend?" my brows shot up as I asked. I knew I shouldn't be flirting but I couldn't help it.

"Me." He answered and I noted how his eyes got darker than it was seconds ago.

"What makes you think you're the right person to help me have fun?" Maybe it was the vodka or maybe it was just me, but there were no holds barred in my speech this time. Words just kept pouring out long before I could ponder on them.

"I just am. Come on, dance with me!" He took hold of my right arm and led us to join other couples, grinding themselves against one another.

"Thanks for the drinks." I shouted so he could hear my voice over the loud banging music.

He answered, nonchalantly, "It was nothing."

I stumbled a bit, feeling inebriated now more than ever. But he pulled me to him, placing his right hand gingerly on the small of my back. As if on cue, the song changed to a much slower one. From my peripheral vision, I saw the DJ up on stage and wondered if he had seen us and intentionally changed the song. I had less time to worry about that as I was pressed too closely to the guy whom I just realized, I didn't know his name.

"I don't think you mentioned your name." I slurred on my words, feeling like my real self was dominated by alcohol.

He only grinned and said "Hayden."

Ah, the perfect name for an equally hot guy.

"Thank you." Hayden said.

My goodness, I didn't know I had said that out loud.

I glanced at him with doe eyes, he only returned the look accompanied by a dazzling smile.

He was handsome and he knew it. His charms possibly worked for every girl.

Suddenly, it appeared that we were in the only ones in the room. That everyone had disappeared into places unknown and it was just us two. At that moment, I wanted nothing but to feel his lips against mine. To prove what I came here for. To tell myself, I could love again.

Though he was a good feet taller than I am, I managed to clasp his neck downwards to seal our lips. He was taken aback by my boldness but soon recovered and was kissing me full-on within seconds. His hands grasped my face while he plunged his tongue deep into my mouth. I reciprocated and clutched his shirt, trying to let in the heightened emotions kisses brought.

A shiver ran up my spine, when, with my eyes closed, I saw someone else. His body glowed in the dark, his hair gold and daring, his eyes, blue and deep ignited my feelings. He grasped my face and planted his lips on mine. This time, an electric-like feeling took dominance of my body. I shivered but never relented in kissing him back. This time, I put my all into the kiss like it was my last breath. My hands reached out for his hair, kneading gold locks like they were my source of oxygen.

It took me a few moments to realize I was kissing someone else while imagining it was another.

I felt so ashamed of myself. Here I was, kissing a really hot guy but thinking of Jason.

It hit me!

Hayden was handsome and everything a girl could ever wish for but he wasn't mine for I was branded by someone else.

By Jason.

And no matter what I did, who I was with, I'd never be able to get over him. Using Hayden wasn't fair, therefore, I couldn't go further.

I came back to reality and tried breaking off the kiss but he wouldn't budge. He gripped my head firmly and devoured my lips. I was on the verge of crying as I pounded his chiseled chest, trying to break free. I grew frustrated and managed to give a little distance that enabled me slap him hard enough to make him sane.

He released me, clutching his face as the painful sting of the slap eroded his once bright smile. On the other hand, my right hand hurt by the fierceness of the slap making me flap it up and down to ease the pain.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to—" The words left, hung at the edge of my throat while terror took over as I saw how suddenly his eyes changed to become hostile. He marched towards me like a predator ready to afflict his prey. I had never imagined someone who smiled at me, could gaze at me with a sudden horrific coldness.

I looked around me as I walked backwards, searching for aid from someone.


"How dare you slap me? You bitch—" Similar to mine, the words barely left his mouth before I watched him barrel to the floor in one swift move as someone tackled him to the ground raining blows on Hayden's face.

The scene before me churned the contents in my stomach. I doubled over, vomiting and holding my tummy as bile liquid  gushed out of my mouth continuously.

Large hands helped hold me firmly as I kept emptying the contents of my stomach.

"Someone get water. She needs it." He said with so much command.

I had absolutely no idea whom the voice belonged to. But two things were clear. One, it wasn't Hayden's. Two, it sounded painfully familiar and made me shudder. This voice had an unusual effect on me. However, it was too late to think as the same large hands thrust a glass of water into my mouth. I gulped thirstily, not understanding how I became this parched.

I tried to get off his grasp, chanting the words "I'm fine, please leave me alone." but misstepped due to being excessively drunk.

"Yeah right." His response showed he neither believed I was fine nor wanted to be left alone. I was drunk and in a club full of drunk horny men, anything could happen.

Those firm hands which I had surprisingly adapted to, lifted me bridal style. I looked down at where his fingers held my thighs together, noting the blood in his knuckles, making me realize he had helped me ward off Hayden and his delicious looks but monstrous mind.

Delicious? Forget it, I was still drunk.

Loud music still blasted the speakers and people still danced although some had stopped to witness the ‘drama’ that had unfolded.

As for me, I felt safe and secure, enveloped in the arms of this stranger although I wanted nothing but to crawl up to my bed and sleep, letting go of tonight's incident.

I could make do with this stranger's chest as my pillow for now.

That helped me relax and warm up to the heat emanating from him.

My last thoughts before I slept were how he smelled like my Jason.

My gosh! The story's just getting complicated and more interesting. Agree?


Have you ever fallen in love with someone and then in the process of trying to avert those feelings, you meet someone else whom you think you might like but still can't shake off the love you had for the first person?

I wanna know.

Don't forget to follow, vote, comment and share.

PS. Dear future husband, can your name be "Hayden"? I really love the name. But don't be as monstrous as this Hayden right here. However, you can have his "delicious" looks, Lol.


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