Styles INC [edited]

By tHeOfFiCiAlWhOrE

193K 3.3K 561

"Bu-but you are my boss."I stutter out. "I know and you are my assistant. But I don't give a fuck anymore. Y... More

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Thank you

t h i r t y n i n e

1.9K 45 3
By tHeOfFiCiAlWhOrE

Harry's POV (February 1)

How could a day start out so good and end so bad?

Hours earlier

I wake up to breakfast in bed from Rose, but as soon as she handed me my food she ran to the bathroom to throw up. Once she was done we came back to the bed and she apologized profusely for "ruining" my birthday. I had to tell her to be quiet to shut her up, and she then started crying, then she got mad, then she giggled at her mood swings.

I can barely keep up with these pregnancy mood swings, they are getting worse also so lord help me.

After I finished my breakfast I took a shower and got ready for the day, I threw on a white shirt and black jeans. Once I was done I walked downstairs and found Rose icing a cake, a chocolate cake to be exact, my favorite. I smile and walk over sticking my finger in the icing, she scolds me and swats me away. I laugh and go into my office. I work for about two hours, Rose sits in the chair in front of my desk, reading a book. She informs me about late lunch reservations she made,and she also tells me that my mum is coming along. I smile and she stands up and gets ready. We leave the house around two and make our way to my favorite Italian place. Rose is wearing a loose fitting yellow shirt, and plain dark wash jeans, some black converse on her feet. We walk in to the restaurant and she gives the hostess her name before walking us to our table,we sit and order our drinks, a little bit later mum arrives and walks over to us, the first thing she does is look at Roses stomach and gasps.

"How far along are you?" She questions Rose.

"Twelve weeks and two days.So I am three months." She smiles and pull her shirt tight against her stomach showcasing her bump I adore so much. I smile and mum slides into the booth next to me.

"Hello baby boy, Happy Birthday!" She greets and kisses my cheeks, I groan and Rose laughs.

"Hi mum." I say and reach into my pocket and pull out the sonogram photo from a couple days ago, I hand it to her and she gasps.

The baby is finally starting to look like a baby.You can clearly see the head and legs now. I smile at mum and she looks at us with teary eyes.

"I can't believe I am gonna be a grandmum." She cries and I laugh and pull her in for a hug.

"The baby is the size of a lime. It's fingers and toes have been growing. It is healthy and growing strong." I smile at her and she grabs my cheeks before  pouting her lips.

"I can't believe my baby is having a baby." I laugh and shake my head. She starts to ask her some questions like does have morning sickness, heartburn, cravings. Rose laughs at the cravings part, her being close to the end of the first trimester made he cravings get weird. She craves pickles and peanut butter, Doritos and french onion dip, mac and cheese and apple sauce, and so much more. Rose tells her some of the cravings she has had and mum starts to tell her some that she had with me.

About two hours later we finish and Rose pays before I can protest. Mum makes sure to feel her bump, she even makes me take a photo of her with it for her Instagram, I chuckle and take a few before giving her her phone back. She thanks me and I thank her for coming and for my gift, she got me a new pair of brown leather Chelsea boots. Me and Rose leave and go to the mall to look around. We enter a few shops and I buy some things while Rose buys some maternity clothes since she is running out of things that will fit. We enter a few baby shops,and I spot a few paparazzi making me roll my eyes. We look around and I end up convincing her to buy some baby clothes, I used the excuse that it is my birthday.

We leave and head home, it takes us an hour and a half to get home, once we do we both go and get ready. Rose comes out wearing a new dress she bought today, it is stripped, off the shoulder, and is folded over at the top. Her hair is down and natural so it is a little wavey. Her face is free of makeup, sans the little bit of mascara she has on. The glow of her pregnancy making her have a natural highlight. I walk up to her and kiss her lips.

"You look amazing baby." She smiles and scans my outfit. I have on a black button up buttoned up halfway showing my chest tattoos off, a black tie thing around my neck, black jeans, my vintage Chelsea boots on, and a cheetah print leather jacket. She walks up to me and comes as close as she can too me since her bump is in the way, and wraps he arms around my neck,giving me a sweet kiss.

"You look sexy." She tells me when she pulls back. I smirk and she smiles, I lean in again and kiss her lips slowly, the taste of mint on her tongue and the faint taste of the cake we had earlier. I pull back and she groans in protest, I chuckle and tug on her hand.

"Come on baby, we can't be late." She nods and we walk down the stairs and go out the front door, we are greeted by Carl driving one of my Range Rover's. He smiles at us before opening the door. Rose slides in and I get in after.

We arrive at the club shortly after, paparazzi waiting outside, their camera lights blinding us as we step out. I usher Rose inside and I lead her to the vip section that is reserved for us. We walk up and see all the boys, Perrie, and Emily. Some random chicks with Niall and Louis. They look over at me and a loud chant of "OI OI'" fills the area, the thumping of the music making my chest vibrate, the club smells like alcohol and cheap cigarettes fills my nostrils making me scrunch my nose. I look behind me at Rose and she shoots me a small smile. We walk over to the table and I am greeted with bro hugs from my best friends.

"Happy birthday Haz." A tipsy Liam tells me,  I chuckle before thanking him. A round of shots comes up and Rose orders a coke while we all take a shot. I make sure it is ok that I am drinking in front of her, her repeatedly telling me it's fine.

I knock a few shots back and start to feel it running through my blood. I look over at Rose and see her laugh, I order a beer and sit back and swing my arm around Roses shoulder, I start talking to the boys and we start arguing about what football team is the best. A few hours later around ten Rose yawns before telling me she is going to head out, I pout but walk her out, not wanting her out any longer, Perrie goes home with her so they can catch up. Emily stays with Liam and they make out on the club booth we are sitting around. I cringe but shoot back a couple more shots feeling it more and more after everyone. And this is where everything goes wrong.

Roses POV
(After she left)

I quickly got in the car once Harry walked me out. Carl was driving and we were having a little conversation.

"Are you excited Miss?" He questions. I smile and look down and smile at my bump, my hand coming to rest on it.

"Very." I reply happily and he smiles at me through the mirror.

"I know Mr.Styles is very excited, everywhere we go that man talks about it and shows the sonogram to people." He says with a light chuckle and I giggle and shake my head. We reach home a little bit later after talking some more, Perrie ran to her house to change and grab some things but she will be here soon. I walk inside and go up to our room to change. Perrie texts me and I get an alert that someone's at the gate so I let her in. I change into white silk shorts and one of Harry's black shirts. I go downstairs to greet Perrie and she  pulls me in for a hug acting like we haven't seen each other in forever, I giggle and we pull away.

"Pizza?" I question while picking up my phone. She smiles and nods at me.

"Yes, I am so hungry." I laugh and agree. I order a large half pepperoni half cheese pizza and while we wait I give her the grand tour.

"And then downstairs is the gym but I'm too lazy to walk down there, and I doubt you want to see it." She giggles and tells me it's fine. The pizza arrives and we bring it into the media room. We end up watching Titanic which probably wasn't the best idea with a hormonal pregnant women and a slightly drunk,mainly tipsy, women. We are almost done with the movie when Perrie's phone goes of.

"Hello...he no it's fine I'll be there soon." Is all I can hear. She puts her phone down and heavily sighs. "Zayn is puking his guts out and dancing on the bar table so he needs some help." I look at her with a reassuring smile.

"Perrie go, it's fine. I understand, if that was Harry I would be doing the same thing." She nods and thanks me. She gets her bags and walks to the front doors.

"Don't think we aren't rescheduling this missy." She points her finger at me like a mother and I giggle.

"Of course, bye!" She waves once more before leaving. I sigh and check the security system making sure everything is ok. Once that's done I make my way back up the stairs and to our bedroom. I go and brush my teeth and hair before pulling it up into a bun on top of my head. Once I'm done with all that I walk over to the bed and get it,I get the remote and flip on the TV. I change it to E! News and watch it for a couple minutes before a familiar name comes on the screen.

"Harry Styles seen kissing blonde model at nightclub 42 in London." My whole world froze at those first five words. The pictures appearing on the screen making tears well up in my eyes. "What happened to baby mama? Is it trouble in paradise?" She keeps going and I feel tears stream down my face. I take a minute to recollect and stand up in rage. I stomp to Harry's closet and pull out a couple duffle bags, I start throwing some of his clothes in there harshly.

I will hear his side but either way I need space. This is the final straw, he has been gone all the time recently, the most time I have seen him since my birthday was the doctor appointment a few days ago.

I cry more when I walk down the stairs, I grab my blanket and sit down on the couch. I look down and cry harder, I can't do this without him but if he keeps this up I will have to. I wait a few more hours till around two am a drunk Harry stumbles into the house.

"Babbyyyy." He slurs and walks over to me trying to give me a hug. But I push him back making him pout. "N-no, I want a hug, right now!" He stomps his foot like a child and I do my best not to give into him.

"Harry," He hums. "I need space." He looks at me confused and blinks a couple times. "A car is outside waiting to take you to one of the boys house, I have bags packed."

"Haha so funny. Can we go to bed now." He looks at me and sees my facial expression.

"Leave." I sternly say.


Edited August 18, 2019

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