My Little Assassin ( Nagisa S...

Por Spac3r

357K 6.8K 5.7K

(THERE IS A LEMON IN THIS STORY.) You're a transfer student from America to Kunugigaoka Academy. Every three... Más

The Move
Who Was That?
Nagisa Shiota
The Sudden News
Training Day
Intertwined (!Lemon! 🍋)
Reality Check
Karma, and Jealousy
The Lucky "Girl"
A Boy???
Takaoka (2)
The Date
This Is What You Wanted
Goodbyes and New Beginings
My Only Present (Bonus Chapter)
Hey! (Author's Note)


16.5K 407 306
Por Spac3r

After a good couple of minutes of everyone chit-chatting away to their hearts' content, there was a gentle tap on the door to our classroom. Everyone's attention went towards the door, as well as yours.
You could make out two silhouettes through the paper like screening of the door: One person who looked like an older male with a bit of a spiky hair do, and a larger being (Which you assumed to be another person) standing next him. You rose an eyebrow and sat up straight in your desk, squinting your eyes just to make sure you weren't losing it.
The door finally slid open halfway, only revealing the man who wore a tuxedo similar to your fathers'. He had a stern look on his face, and his eyes held a dark shade of gray in them.
As he walked in, he slid the door to a shut behind him, leaving the other person outside in the hallway. Eyes scouting the classroom and its surroundings, he made his way to the front of the classroom and turned towards the students. It was dead silent until he finally spoke after clearing his throat.
"Hello," the man says. His voice was as boring as his facial expression. You could already tell he was the type that didn't like to deal with people's bullshit; Which you admired.
"My name is Tadaomi Karasuma, but I'd be better off if you stuck with Karasuma for the time being. No, I am not your teacher, but I will be supervising you lot from time to time."

'He must be apart of the government, just like Dad,' You thought. You looked around the classroom for a quick moment before directing your gaze back to Karasuma.
'Was the whole class going to be apart of whatever's about to happen?'

"But enough with the introductions." His eyes darted over to the shadow standing outside of the classroom's door.
"You can come in, now," Karasuma states with a quick huff. With that, the door instantly slides open. What you saw standing in that doorway wasn't anything you would've guessed, even in a million years. You also heard a couple of gasps throughout the room from the female students, and hard, conflicted stares from the males.

The strange looking creature stood shoulder to shoulder with Karasuma. It's grin widened a tinge as well as a green striped pattern appearing all around that big, perfectly round head of his.
You instantly rose your hand, Karasuma along with the creature's eyes darting over to you, along with Nagisa and some other students throwing you questioning gazes.
"Yes, do you need something?" Karasuma asks.
Placing both hands on your desk and forcing yourself out of your seat, you gave the creature a look of wonder and disgust as he just continued to stare back at you with that same grin.
"Yeah, I do need something," you finally say, pausing for dramatic effect.
"What in Davey Jone's God damned locker is that thing?!" You exaggeratively shout out.

Karasuma held the same stern expression as he answered, "... This is your teacher.
From now until March he will be your supervisor and caretaker, but that isn't all."
That last part threw you off guard. You abandoned your conflicted state.
"What do you mean that isn't it?"

Karasuma's expression became increasingly serious as he continued on.
"What I'm about to explain to each and everyone of you is top secret information that absolutely does not leave this classroom. For your sake, I hope you do not take that lightly."

You were intrigued now, and as the suspense filled the classroom like a toxic gas, you could tell that everyone else was too. Suddenly, Karasuma quickly yanks out a green combat knife that labeled the letters "S.A.A.U.S.O." along the base. He began to aggressively, but swiftly swing at at the creature. For a moment you thought it was done for, but then you realized the yellow creature was quickly jumping and dodging around Karasuma in insane-like speeds. You couldn't even predict where the creature would appear next.
"You see, this creature is currently deemed as un-killable during the time being," Karasuma says between grunts. His attempts remained futile as the round-headed being chuckled childishly at his failure. After a couple of moments, Karasuma finally lets up, before dropping the knife to the ground and standing up straight to regain his composure. He appeared to have an irritated look on his face.
He adjusts his tie as he began to speak once more. ".. Despite this, the government seems to believe that with the amount of time you'll be given, that each and every one of you are capable of killing this monstrosity. The government plans to reward you exponentially If you complete this task, before the deadline, obviously."

Your eyebrows narrow and your face morphs into a stern expression.
"... What will happen if we don't exterminate him by March?" You question.
The class seemed to have been wondering the same thing, because their concerned and confused looks pointed towards Karasuma, instantly.
He stayed quiet for a moment, which only built up the suspense even more before finally speaking.
"The world will end."

At the end of class, and as everyone began to leave the little building, you decided to walk back to the main campus with Nagisa by your side. Nagisa didn't seem to be bothered at all by the situation at hand. He seemed to look at this as some sort of experience that doesn't come to often, and he was more than willing to jump at. Yet, you on the other hand were in deep thought for almost the entire day. You honestly weren't expecting anything like this. Nagisa noticed this and gave you a small look of concern as he gently nudged your arm with his elbow.
"(Y/N)?" He said in a soft voice.
You quickly turn your head to look down at Nagisa, raising your eyebrows with a 'Hmm?'.

Nagisa directed a warm smile to you, causing your heart to flutter and your cheeks to warm a tad.
He then shook his head and shifted his gaze back in front of him, keeping his eyes on the path.
"Nothing. I just wanted to check if you were still with me there," He chuckled.
You smile and nodded. For a moment, it seemed as if all the negativity that was just invading your mental state had just disappeared for the time being, all because you were with Nagisa.

Nagisa seemed to have noticed you staring because you then noticed the visible, dark tint of red that began to fade onto his face as he slightly turned away from you.
"(Y-Y/N), you're staring..." He said quietly, using a hand to rub his arm as an action of embarrassment.
Your eyes widen and your face began to heat up as you realized that he was correct. You quickly turn your head in the opposite direction as well. You scratch the back of your head and nervously began to laugh it off. You felt like an idiot.

As the two of you finally made your way back down to the main campus by taking a shortcut that some of the students knew of, you both stopped by the front gates of the academy.

"So," You began, catching Nagisa's attention.
"This may be sudden, but did you want to come over to my place around the weekend? Y'know, just to hang out 'nd maybe play a couple of games? My Dad's supposed to be working until midnight, or something like that, so I just kinda figured..." You began to trail off.
Nagisa shifted his gaze to the ground, as if thinking, before directing a smile towards you as he nodded.
"Yeah, I would like that. My Mother shouldn't seem to have a problem with me visiting you over the weekend, I hope."
"Awesome!" You yell out as soon as Nagisa finishes his sentence, earning a chuckle from the shorter male.

You both stood and gazed at one another for couple of moments as students passed by, and bright, pink cherry tree petals danced around the both of you in the wind. It was as if like time had almost came to a stop.
Nagisa's gaze shifted away from yours and to his surroundings, as if he was checking if nobody was around. Suddenly, he then took a step closer to you. You rose an eyebrow and lowered your head to meet his gaze once again.
He escalated himself up to your face by standing on his tip-toes before he planted a gentle kiss against your cheek. Your eyes widened from his sudden action, you felt your heart skip a beat as you realized what was happening. His lips were soft and smooth, and for a split moment, you had wondered what it would feel like if your lips could come into contact with his.
After a moment, Nagisa pulled away slowly as he caressed the other side of your face with one hand before finally taking a step back to his original spot.
He kept usual calm smile, along with a blush that plastered his cheeks.
"... Don't forget to add my number to your contacts when you get home," He said after a few seconds.
You quickly nod, still trying to compose yourself from screaming after what just happened. You didn't realize, but your face was redder than tomato.
Nagisa giggled, and waved you goodbye as he started down the sidewalk leading to his house.
Once the distance was far from the both of you, you suddenly did a fist pump that was full of pure happiness.
"Score!" You finally yelled at the top of your lungs. You then threw your bag onto your shoulder and began down the path to your home as well, each stride you took full of pride.

What's up y'all! I just wanted to say thank you for over 100 reads on my story. I really wasn't expecting for it to get that far out there since I'm kind of just beginning to take Wattpad seriously. I'm glad that you guys enjoy this, it really does inspire me to keep on updating. Thank you again, and Until the next update!

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