Irresistible Touch (A Harry S...

Door ccalianese

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Mia and Harry's love story continues in Book Two of the Irresistible series, Irresistible Touch. ___ "Don't... Meer

1: Sign of the Flying Alien Around the Isle of Skye
2: A Baby Bear, a Giant Cupcake, and Radio Waves
Hia On Tour
4: Tipsy, Jet-Lagged, and Overwhelmed
5: Laundry Room Chats
Happy Birthday, Mia! (GIVEAWAY!)
6: An Unpleasant Journey To The Past
7: Three Of A Kind
8: Live From New York, It's Saturday Night (Part 1: MSG Fashion Show)
9: Live From New York, It's Saturday Night (Part 2: If You Say So)
10: Live From New York, It's Saturday Night (Part 3: A Touch Of Your Love)
11: As The Night Dips Into Sunday
12: Breakfast In Bed
13: Pretzels and Shop Talk
14: Graduation Day
15: Public Kisses, Pink Wine, & Pushing Boundaries
16: Talking, Talking, Done
17: Los Angeles to London to New York City
18: Tea Towels and Seduction.
19: Crotch Grabs and Flying Apples
20: Harry's Runaway Lips
21: Breaking All My Rules
22: Surprise Kisses and Silk Pajamas
23: Teasings and Goodbyes
24: Four Weeks And One Day
25: Right Now...
26: A Dress I'll Only Wear Once
27: A Few Steps Forward
28: A Brief Interlude
29: Two Weddings and A... (Part 1)
30: Two Weddings and A... (Part 2)
31: The Big Introduction
(APRIL FOOLS CHAPTER) 32: From Bad to Worse
32: A Week and a Coffee Date
33: Dr. Ryan S. Carter
34: Love Languages and Letting Go
35: Will We Make It There Alive?
36: Bread Bowl View of Dreams
37: Kiwi-Tini Time.
38: Crispy Fried Chicken and Unhidden Jealousy
39: Private Conversations Unleashed
40: Stuck Between Deep Dish and Cloud Gate
41: The Green Door
42: So, a tour?
43: What's Lost is Found
44: More Tears to Give
45: A Sticky Mess
46: The D.C. Duo
47: Breakfast of *Naughty* Champions
48: The Photograph
49: The Belly Devil vs. The Little Spoon
50: What Happens in Dallas...
51: What Happens in a Dallas... Dressing Room
52: Riding Bulls and Hidden Harry Jrs.
53: A Scary Unexpected Morning
54: Fake It Till You Make It
55. His House, Our Home
56: A New Love Language
57: Summer BBQ in Oct. & a Little Something Extra
58: Someone Else's Heartbreak
59: What Happened? What Really Happened.
60: Can I Trust You?
61: Can Things Get Worse?
62: A Different Perspective(s)
63: Drinks with Bruno, Katy, and Elton
64: Kiss In The Kitchen Like It's A Dancefloor
65: Okay For Now
66: The Truth (And Some Advice) Will Set you Free
67: In Ink (Part One)
68: In Ink (Part Two)
69: A New Pre-Show Ritual
70: Surprise Attack
71: His Head Is As Big As A House
72: Bathtime Pals
73: Found Out
74: Flying High and Riding Low (Part 1)
75: Flying High and Riding Low (Part 2)
76: Pool Side Strut
77: All Cuffed Up
78: Play Along Please
79: The F-Word(s)
80: A Ping Pong Anniversary
81: Winning Emotions
82: S.F. Angel B!tch
83: Boozy Brunch
84: Jumping Over the Edge
85: A Little Defense
86: My Front Row Seat
87: The Truth is in the Handwriting
88: The Truth and After The Fact
89: Not The Morning I Expected
90: A Tale of Two Meals
Part 3

3: My my my my Only Angel

20.4K 543 184
Door ccalianese

(A/N: So this week I've had a leak over my shower, the fire department had to be called to my building, and although the plumbers fixed the problem, I still have a hole in my ceiling, as well as going into work and dealing with some of the most annoying customers and hours I've had in a while. I'm well and good but it's been a lot, thus the delay in publishing this chapter. The building blocks are being set and I'm so excited! I hope you like it. VOTE + COMMENT Enjoy.)

Okay universe, I get it. The man formerly known as Harry Edward Styles deserves to be a dad. But it's certainly not coming from me anytime soon.

That biological clock that you hear about is ticking inside me, sure, and do you want to know what it's telling me.

Now is NOT the time! Not even close.

Honestly, neon signs would have been more subtle.

And yet here I am once again this week watching Harry carry a baby and look so content and beautiful doing so that I'm sure the universe or whatever force out there that drives these things are working against me.

You know what, Harry just might be in on it because if he gives me that precious innocent smile one more time I just might explode.

I'm not ready. Absolutely positively nowhere near ready for a baby. Even if things between Harry and I were 110% perfect I still wouldn't be ready so there is certainly no way I would consider even trying to have a baby while things are still a bit off between us. Not to mention the tension between Jeff and me is so palpable that I'm doing everything I can do to keep it from touching Harry today.

Luckily, Jeff and I have come to an agreement. We simply aren't talking to one another anymore. He said that he won't try to convince me of his innocence until he has proof of it and I am perfectly fine never talking to him again.

Childish I know, but if it brings a bit of peace to our world than why not?

It doesn't seem like Harry has noticed. Of course, Jeff is working as hard as ever as is Harry, which isn't unusual but Harry's also been so distracted by the babies that keep popping up I don't think he'd notice if I got a face tattoo and dyed my hair blue.

Yeah, he loves children that much.

Don't get me wrong, it's sweet to witness and I'm thrilled to have finally met Ben Winston's wife and baby girl, but we're at Abbey Road and they're supposed to be filming and the longer they don't the more intense my nausea becomes. Because yes, ever since Sign of the Times was released to the world I've been in a constant state of worry. For him and the music and for me and being found out. The anxiety is strong and relentless and not even little precious adorable oblivious Ruby can calm me down.

Our little Harry and Mia bubble could soothe me but that was popped days ago.

Harry has given a part of himself to the world. He's theirs for now.

"We'd make beautiful babies, yeah?"

I don't know how it happened but Harry is suddenly at my side, staring down at the little girl in his arms while directing his question at me. The answer is obvious, our theoretical children would be the cutest but that's all they are, theoretical. So far down the line that you can't even see the line yet.

When I turn to face him, he finally meets my gaze with a huge smile on his face. "That goes without saying but shouldn't you be up there singing?"

"Sure," he sounds way too chipper. "Here, take Ruby."

"Oh no," I stand as if the little chubby adorable baby is made of lava. "I might drop her or drool on her or something."

"Come on, I'll keep my shirt on so you won't be drooling," he teases, standing up and stalking after my every step with a mischievous smirk plastered on his face. I have to say the way he cradles her just that little bit harder to his chest as he moves makes me nearly stumble over my own two feet and distracts me enough to not feel like I'm about to keel over with worry. "Mia, she's so mellow, you won't drop her... and even if you did she's pretty sturdy."

I hold my hands up in a pleading gesture of surrender. "Harry stop."

"Mia, she's just a baby. I think you can handle her."

"You're patronizing me," I cross my arms over my chest trying to give him the stink eye but with a baby so safely cradled in his arms framed by his all-black outfit and his impossibly perfect hair even after performing as he has so far, is an irresistible sight that has my will crumbling mercilessly. I'm about to get on my hands and knees to try and salvage the pieces but I can't because the move is bound to provoke a daringly cheeky comment... and in front of a baby no less.

Come on, I might not be ready for a baby but I can certainly recognize a perfect sight when I see one.

"Take the baby or I'll put you on camera," he threatens once again. I know full well he wouldn't actually put me out there and even if he did slip up, Jeff wouldn't hear of it.

But Harry saying the words and looking at me as he is now, makes my skin prickle and I find myself reaching out, with shaky arms mind you, to take that baby before he's motioning a camera over.

Triumphant, he goes into full Godfather mode, glowing from ear to ear and head to toe. "Now her names Ruby-"

"I already know that," I snap at him through gritted teeth. The pass over isn't as seamless as it would be between two people who know what they are doing but before long I'm standing and holding a baby at the same time.

How novel.

I wait for Harry to leave us but instead, he steps closer and wraps his arm around my waist.

"See, you're a natural... if not a bit stiff."

"You're being a real ass right now." I don't mean it, well, I do but it's all fun and if I wasn't such a mess I'd be able to enjoy it but like I've said before and as clear as it was made at Liam's house, I am not a natural and put up next to a pro like Harry, I'm completely rubbish.

Rubbish... must be from all the brits I'm surrounded by right now.

A group descends fussing over the baby and over the excitement of this moment. Adam tickles her belly and James and Ben Winston chat away with Harry. The three of them are such a trio, so comfortable and fun loving.

Conversations begin and comments are made but it's all a blur as I try to concentrate on not dropping her until I hear Mr. Winston say the thing I that's been pumping in my brain for a while now. It started off faint, a barely there thought, but now with meeting Bear Payne and holding Ruby and James' new addition on the way, I'm starting to feel the pressure and Ben's comment does not help.

Honestly, the anxiety and the pressure of everything happening today is insane. Harry would say I need to calm down and not worry about him. That he has everything under control and that whatever happens is fine because he's proud of what he's created. And I agree with all that, but my body is reacting and it's hard to stop.

That's probably why Ben Winston's comment hits me so hard.

"So what do you think you two? Ready for one of your own?"

He's trying to be funny, the scruff pulled up in a smile on his cheeks in glee shows me as much, but then I feel Harry squeeze me a fraction more to him and I can already sense the dimple being dug out in his cheek.

Too real, too soon.

"We are not having a baby anytime soon," I answer with a playful scoff, trying to keep the lighthearted tone alive in the conversation as my insides twist in anxiety and my heart threatens to blow out of my chest.

Harry and I haven't even talked about it, he hasn't even mentioned it so I know this has to be all talk but it's where this is all leading eventually.

Oh god, why am I only fully realizing this right now? And at the worst possible time in front of the worst possible audience.

I can already feel the sweat pooling out of me and I know it's absurd but I need to get Ruby out of my arms before she slips right out of my hold.

Thankfully my emotional and physical reactions go unnoticed by Harry who is cheery right along with everyone else, the nerves not even touching him which is hilarious because it's his day, his shoot, his life's dream being realized.

His leans in and brushes his lips against my temple before his deep sweet voice inhabits my soul and has me at a loss for breath. "After last week I'm fairly certain we are already halfway there, love," and he pinches my side making me jump.

Don't ask me what happens next because our naked bodies wrapped up Harry's soft sheets with the rain pelting the window and the low glow of candlelight hitting the walls are all I can think about.

The heat and passion of our first time together simmers deep within and now there is a whole new sensation on top of the anxiety and nausea that I'm feeling.

Ruby is transferred to someone else's arms and the rest disperse to take their positions or go to craft services or whatever they need to do. I don't know because I can barely remember how to breathe.

This is honestly the worst time for this to be happening, all this baby bombardment into my brain. Being on my own for so many years, I can honestly say I didn't really think about making a family of my own. Harry became part of my life and yes, perhaps I daydreamed of a potential future but the way it's being presented now, now that he and I are surrounded by weird moods and question marks, it's apparently mission number one.

But no, I am not going to be one of those people who uses the hope of creating a new life fix my problems. For one, we are so young, in age and in this relationship. And for another thing, that never works. Not ever and the kid is the one who suffers.

Nope, baby Styles will not arrive anytime soon.

Harry's not pressuring me, of course, he isn't, and as much is made clear when he kisses my temple and says he's got to get back out to perform. And for a moment it seems that I am free from any sort of confrontation, positive or negative.

Harry walks off a few steps but before I can turn to go the other way he's back with me and pulling me to the side, into a dark corner of the room and away from any prying eyes. He's wearing a serious look on his face now, one very different from the baby taunting boy from a few moments ago.

My hands are warmed by his, squeezed tight and held between us so certainly.

"Thank you."

All the breath I had left in me body vacates in relief and a bit of confusion but at least for a moment, my mind is clear again because it's just him and me. "What for?"

"I know what you've been doing," oh god, I'm screwed. "And I appreciate it, my love. But after this, we have some time and we can talk about everything."

If his next words are, 'I think we should have a baby,' I might throw up all over his swishy wide-legged pants and Gucci shoes.

"What's everything?" I swallow the lump that's suddenly lodged in my throat.

"Us and this horrid place we're in." I gulp, relieved but also hating the sound of my own words passing his lips. We aren't that bad, we just have so much to process and talk through. I need to clear up all that he found out that devastating morning last week and he needs to explain his reactions thereafter. And then we can get back to what we were before all this happened and hopefully come out of it stronger.

Of course, we just had to reach this speed bump in our relationship right when his album makes its triumphant debut and Harry barely has a moment free to himself but what would life be if everything went smoothing?

Good going us.

"Yeah, I heard you," he smiles down at me, a few stray curls falling onto his forehead and a hopeful sparkle in his eye. "And I know why you didn't push it before but this isn't just about me. I don't want you miserable."

I shake my head and close my eyes. I feel terrible but there's no other way to go about this. It's just the wrong time and place and although I know he'd never admit that I am, I don't want to ruin this for him.

"I'm not miserable."

"But you're not you. We're not us."

I take a deep sobering breath, one that you can feel heavy in your chest and calm in your soul.

"No, we're not us, are we?"

The sweet sting of tears swell behind my eyes, only soothed when Harry swoops in and kisses my cheek before positioning his lips near my ear. "But we will be."

We're both smiling when we step back and peer at each other and for a glimmer of a moment, we're what we used to be. The world isn't looming in and there isn't a full camera crew with us in the room. We're just Harry and me for a brief moment and that's enough for now.

"No go on and play with Ruby," he reaches around me and gives my bum a cheeky slap. "You need all the practice you can get."


"I can't believe you're on the phone with me while you can be out there listening to your talented man?"

Their performing Carolina, at the moment, that should be answer enough.

But I don't utter the words. I'd rather not hear her try to extinguish that fire. There's no need, Carolina is a fact of life, it's going to be one of ten hits on Harry's album, it's here to stay but for today I just have too much stuck in my head to add his ex and my old friend to the mix.

No, I'm over thinking and worrying too much. If she can't calm me down than I need her as a distraction, have her talk about some gross procedure she did in the lab or something.

If there's one thing I know about my dear friend it's that as much as Monica likes to make me blush when she tries to explain the mechanics of a good blow job it's that she finds just as much excitement from when she relays all the things she does in the lab. She's studying medicine and she's in the lab or in class when she's not at home and while she loves exploring the inside of a cadaver, I just sit back and try not to chuck up my lunch.

That should tell you the effect that song has on me... I'd rather listen to her latest dissection story.

I'm screwed for this tour.

"Yes, I am," I hold the phone against my ear a little harder as if it will change anything. "Because the universe–"

"The universe isn't trying to tell you anything. You two are going to have babies, that's a given." I roll my eyes are her insistence, Aunty Monica glimmering at the seams just a bit. "But just because all his friends seem to be having them doesn't mean you have to. Niall hasn't had one yet so that's something. Now chill the fuck out and go experience this with him."

"I know. I'm sorry. Just with everything, I'm freaking out a bit."

It feels as if the world is opening up and closing in all at the same time.

While we're both about to embark on these new paths of our careers, we are also opening ourselves to people's opinions and scrutiny and with all this happening we're running a bigger risk of being overly exposed.

"Hey, Mia," her tone is different this time, the same she wore when she had smuggled Harry up to my bedroom when he surprised me. "You're coming back home soon, right?"

"That's just it. I have no idea. He said we have some downtime but I have no idea if that means here or LA."

"It's not about his plans, Mia. I mean it is if you're going on tour with him but you have stuff happening as well," she talking a bit faster now, not worried but a bit too hasty for her to be entirely innocent. "This is just as much your relationship as it is his. And don't forget you have your own career to think about it. I know you hate attention, which is actually hilarious because you had to fall for someone like him, but you're going to get it in your own right with your book coming out."

"What? Why do you say that?" With everything going on with Harry and the music, I haven't kept up with what's going on with my book. The release date is set for May 21st but other than that, I'm clueless.

Yeah, I really need to get to LA."

She stalls, hiding something. "I may have opened your mail."


"Well, this girl showed up at our door saying she was from the publisher. Mia, I'm telling you she was so bubbly and a determined bitch, kinda like when your teeth hurt when you have too much sugar in your mouth. Anyway, she gave me all this stuff to give you about the release and press stuff and the book tour and I couldn't help myself."

"I'm sorry, press? A book tour?" Now I feel like I'm having a heart attack for a whole different reason. "I need to call my editor." And so I do. I hang up on Monica and call Pamela, my editor immediately, pacing the room before she even picks up on her end. She's delighted to hear from me. I can hear her excitement through the phone. I'm so thankful to have such a supportive person in my corner, she believes in the story and my writing so much, I really won the jackpot.

Doesn't mean I'm not still scared shitless though.

I'm not on the phone with her five minutes before I feel like I'm going to faint and I don't realize I actually have until I'm being placed on the couch with the distant sound of a very worried voice screaming through the phone.

The first thing I see is Hunter. The first thing I feel is the soft trace of his fingertips brushing hair out of my face. And the first thing I hear is my editor's worried voice off in the distance.

Hunter passes me my phone before taking a seat next to me, eyeing me up and down to take in any other damage I might have inadvertently inflicted on myself.

"I'm fine...honestly, I'm so sorry, can I call you back?... Yeah, yes... I dropped my phone," I say in a questioning tone as I look weirdly at Hunter who chuckles as I continue to try and hide just how awkward and oblivious I really am. "Yes, I'll be in LA in a couple of days. I'll see you then."

I drop my phone into the couch beside me the moment we hang up, too tired and too scared about everything I need to get done.

"Are you okay Mia?"

"Yeah," I sit up on the couch, leaning forward on my knees and burying my fingers in my hair. "I'm just an idiot. And I really need to get home." I look over at my friend and bodyguard finding a bit of relief for a moment but his eyes don't have that special emerald power I've become used to when I need some sense of stability. "But first I need to talk to Harry."

"Talk to Harry about what?"

He is like a breath of fresh air when I look up and see that he's standing in the doorway of the viewing room I made my own. Yes, he's standing there looking less than amused but I have no idea as to why and regardless of the reason, I'm very happy he's here.

If he's angry I wasn't there to watch him than he has another thing coming with how wound up I am with all this anticipation and worry. I'm his biggest fan but a whole lot has just been dumped on me, realizations I should I have realized way sooner are just setting in and I need a me moment, a very long me moment.

Hunter grants me my quiet moment as he stands and steps across the room to have a few words with his boss as I watch the two talk about me as if I'm not here. That's going to have to change. I can't see my life without either of them at this point but this whole dynamic is going to have to change.

"You what?" His head pops out to the side so I can see him just past Hunter's shoulder like mole popping out of its hill. With a face full of concern I probably shouldn't chuckle but I do, Harry's just too cute when he's worried and that's such a rare sight.

"It's nothing. I was just talking to Monica which led me to call my editor and she said all this stuff and I got overwhelmed because I need to be in LA like right now but I'm not. That's it. Thankfully Hunter was here to make sure I didn't crack my head open or anything," I laugh but neither of them is amused by the comment.

I shift my gaze away from the downsome twosome and a moment later the comfy leather couch dips when Harry sits down beside me, my personal space completely overcome by his presence. His hands are on my face and flat against my back, even his forehead touches my temple for a moment, as if the more contact we have the better he can gauge how I actually am. I can't say I don't like it because I do, I love any contact Harry and I have especially since being physical has been off with us recently.

"You need to be in LA?"

"Yeah. I had no idea how much was planned. Or maybe I just didn't think about it because of everything but now I need to be there and sort all this out, for my own sanity. I need to go."

I'm terrified of his reaction because I want more than anything to be here with him and support him and share this moment with him but I also need to focus on myself and see what kind of career I can make out of what I've written. For right now that needs to happen in Los Angeles...whether Harry's there or not.

I finally look back at his face, nibbling on my lip and feeling so all over the place next to this man who has his entire life put together.

"Is that alright?" I ask when the silence becomes too deafening.

Does he expect me not to try and be as successful as I can be?

No, that's not him but he is taking too long to answer the question. Infuriating man.

HIs lips spread into a pout-filled frown, gazing down at his fingers playing with my hair as he shakes his head playfully from side to side. "Well, that depends."

Oh good god.

"Depends on what?"

"Well, do you think there's enough room on that plane of me?" I nervous giggles passes my lips in total relief. "Do ya mind, love?"

"You're such an idiot," I swat his chest as he pulls my legs over his, planting a wet kiss right in the middle of my cheek.

"I still haven't heard a yes or no," he whines burying his nose in my hair. "You trying to torture me?"

"If it keeps you this close then yes, I am."

He pulls his head away from mine and stares at me, his eyes pleading with me to verbalize the answer I assume he must already know.

He must know I can't resist him even if I have to sacrifice myself to do so.

Isn't that how I got into this mess in the first place?

"You know," he twists the end of my hair between his fingers, looking over my features as if he's reading me like a book. He's looming over me, the scent of his musky cologne crippling my senses as I try to think straight and look at him at the same time. "It'll be a long flight. Eleven hours, that's lots of time to talk... and even more time for us to make up."

"Why do I have a feeling your version of making up is slightly different than mine."

My vision is cuddling and playful touches under the blanket, staying subtle as to not draw too much attention. Harry's probably thinking of coercing me into the bathroom and joining the high mile club or whatever it is.

That definitely won't be happening, I'll tell you that much. Having sex crammed into an airplane bathroom would be awkward and incredibly risky not to mention I have zero ideas as to how I'd stay quiet while it's happening. Goodness, just thinking about the feelings he's brought up in me makes my lady bits tingle.

"Now that I think of it, let me book the flight. I'll make sure we have more than enough privacy."

Harry's next move is full of purpose and passion, his entire head hidden in the curve of my neck, his lips smoothing out over my skin before he lets his teeth graze down to my shoulder. My whole body feels as if it's on fire and when he sinks his teeth into the point where my shoulder meets my neck, I jump to my feet, needing the space before I allow myself to be sandwiched between him and the sofa.

He has way too much power over me and he wields it way too well.

"Oh no," I push him off me, my spine tingling when he refuses to let me do so. "I'll be booking the flights. Now go out and do something productive with all your energy."

In the middle of our little scuffle, his hands have somehow slivered their way under my top, his fingertips digging into my hips and heating my skin to an intoxicating level. "Thank you for the invitation Mia but I really think we should talk before we start stripping clothes off."

I roll my eyes but still wrap my arms around his neck when he makes no indication of letting me go.

"Everything is going to be alright, yeah? You're mine and I'm yours, we'll be fine," I'm not sure if he's saying it to reassure me or himself but his words ring true and I hope they always will.

"I know we will."

"Good, now can you please come out there and watch me?" He rocks me from side to side like a child needing even more attention than he's already getting from everyone. "About to do Only Angel. I need you there."

"Why's that."

"There's only one girl I imagine while singing that song and it's much easier picturing that little devil I know you are when you're right there in my eye line."

He grabs my hand and leads me out of the office and down to the recording floor.

"Harry, I'm not a devil," I whisper into his ear so no one hears this absurd conversation we're having.

He spins on his heel and we're nose to nose in an instant. "Oh Mia, I've taken you to bed already, can't pull off the innocent act with me anymore."

My jaw is on the floor and it remains there as I watch him saunter off to his mic stand with a smirk on his face and a fire in his eye.


Surprisingly enough, I am worse at keeping a beat than I am at holding a baby. Given my inadequacies behind a drum set, Sarah's talent is beyond measure. Honestly, the truth of her talent takes on a whole new meaning when you sit where she does and try to replicate her moves.

Needless to say, I couldn't do it, I could barely hit the sticks across my head in an even rhythm over my head let alone banging them on the drums. It was a disaster. When I was singing, creating a beat or following a rhythm was completely natural to me, I could read any piece of music you set in front of me. But add my upper extremities and I can't make a half pretty noise if you paid me.

I am thoroughly impressed and already know that everyone is going to absolutely love her as much as Mich does. Yeah, he loves her, he looks over to her more times than Harry looks over to him, so you know it's a lot.

Thankfully, Harry has Sarah, who I might actually like more than him right now.

He was relentless with the smirks and the suggestive gazes and bushing his fingers through his hair and all the smiles and his sharp jaw and the way he seems to just make out with the mic when he's really into a song which is all the time.

Alright, some of these attributes he can't change and most of these weren't specifically for me but it was all getting to me in the wrong way, a way I really don't need to feel in front of a room full of people.

Gosh, even the simple act of Harry popping his earbud out of his ear was arousing.

Only Angel is my favorite, I have to admit. It's this wonderful blend of soul and insanity. Harry just erupts with that rock and roll charisma throughout the entire number. It was perfect and it's only going to get better with every stage he steps out on.

And don't get me started on the brief moments he looks like a drowsy teddy bear when he takes a moment to push his fingers through his hair or rub his eyes.

It reminds me of our mornings together, on the odd occasion I wake up before him and get to watch as he opens his eyes, ruffle his pillow hair, and swipe the sleep out of his eyes with his knuckle. It's such a sweet and intimate moment of his that only I get to see.

With morning's like that at my disposal, then maybe I can deal with sharing him with the rest of the world a little bit.

Every one of the band's performances was truly magical from the pure energy of Kiwi to the powerful subtlety of From the Dining Table. Even at this early stage together, they perform so well together and I think that's not only a testament to their individual talent but to Harry's connection to people. Harry's known Adam for years now, Mitch is his best friend, Claire and Sarah are fairly new to the Styles Tour Machine but they are both so lovely. Claire is very bubbly and open, a natural caregiver who's ready with the perfect yoga move or natural holistic remedy whenever need be. Sarah's more of an introvert but like her not so secret admirer and myself, she'll open up the more we get to know each other.

By the final note of their last song, all the members of the band are exhausted but all wearing their own brand of a very proud smile as they join together in a big group hug and they have every right to feel that way. Today was a huge success and after what I witnessed in this room, I can't wait for Harry's movie to come out in just over a month to watch it all over again.

But more importantly, today is the start of something. Up until now, their bond was just an idea, but now it's real. The tour is coming and their success is imminent.

I'm proud of and excited for them, feeling very privileged to be able to have a front row seat to it all.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, regardless of the worry I'll always have inside me, I'm so very excited to go on tour with this fun-loving group of truly kind and talented people, excited doesn't seem to cover it. Because regardless of my own career responsibilities, that's my goal, to be on tour with them as much as I can.

But for tonight I am quite content with going home with Harry, just the two of us.

"I'm exhausted," Harry flops down on the couch next to me, resting his head down on my chest wrapping his arms tightly around my waist. "Might just have to sleep here, love. Is so comfortable," his last few words come out in a deep muffle that vibrates against my chest as he rubs his head harder against me.

"H," I whisper down at him, loving how close he is at the moment but knowing that we have to leave sooner than later. "You've achieved some amazing things here today but I don't think being the first to sleep here should be one of them."

"I don't think you're giving us enough credit," he says with a grand smile on his face. In one swift motion, he rolls over and settles on his back, head in my lap and eyes gazing up at me. "I think we could get up to a whole lot right here on this couch."

"Insatiable boy," I rub both my hands over my face before I look back down at him. He now has that cheeky grin on his face and I can already see the wheels turning in his head. I dread to think what he has going on up there.

Some very naughty things I'm guessing.

"You're gonna sing with me next time, yeah?"

Oh god, this again.

I swallow down the lump in my throat and blink away the tension behind my eye as I work to steady my own heart rate all without Harry noticing. It's like a warzone inside me. I thought the fighting was almost over but we've barely reached the front lines.

We have an entire lifetime to have this fight so I chose to smile at him and think about the cute little jump he made to click his heels when he finished signing Sign of the Times.

"Oh come on," I chuckle, getting to my feet to stand over him with my hands on my hips. "Stop being silly and let's go home. Today was a good day, let's leave it at that."

His next moves are slow and sleepy but he gets to his feet eventually, grabbing my hands and nearly crashing into me in the attempt to press his forehead to mine. "Hmm, I like that. Today was a good day, wasn't it?"

And for a moment I stare right into his eyes. Being so close I can see the green in his eyes so perfectly, his gaze tender and loving I can only hope he feels the same from me. These kinds of moments, being so close to him and being able to love him this much is worth all the worry induced nausea and the tension with his manager. He's worth the sleepless nights and the constant travel. He's worth every compromise I know I'll have to make and worth holding off the conversations I know we have to have. He's even worth all the media attention I know will come eventually, because at the end of the day I know when push comes to shove we'll have this and even at the worst of times, he'll be there no matter what he has to give up, the difference is I'd never ask him to.

Today was a good day, one of many that are to come.

So with a little lift onto my tiptoes I press my lips to his mouth, my smile matching his before I pull away to finally give him my answer. "Yes, it certainly was."


A/N: Hmm, I wonder who that sneaky smirk is for at the end? I'm so excited to finish writing this chapter in Harry's POV. Working on Infamous whenever I can so I can get to publishing Harry's POV of all this!

Some exciting news, I've been included in the FanFavorite VA Awards so if you'd like please go ahead and vote for Irresistible, Infamous, and Intent. I love you all forever regardless but it certainly would put a smile on my face if you did vote.

So head over to @lovealwaysvictoria and vote for all your favorites! (Also posted a more direct link on my profile, my lovely readers).

I'm also going through all the suggestions, and will be getting back to each of you, from the last update! Thanks to all who shared! Tour is gonna be so fun guys!


All the love, C.

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