Styles INC [edited]

By tHeOfFiCiAlWhOrE

193K 3.3K 561

"Bu-but you are my boss."I stutter out. "I know and you are my assistant. But I don't give a fuck anymore. Y... More

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Thank you

t h i r t y t h r e e

2.5K 44 11
By tHeOfFiCiAlWhOrE

Harry's POV (December 23)

I wake up to my hair a little sticky, my body hot and warm. I try nuzzling more into the pillow but then I realize it isn't a pillow, its Roses bare chest. I look up at her sleeping state and see her mouth open, blowing out small breaths, her chest rising and falling taking me with it, her long lashes resting on top of her cheek. I smile and kiss her collarbone before standing up. I walk out into the kitchen and see a Gemma sitting at my counter.

"Ah! What the fuck Gemma!" She looks over at me, plopping a cookie Rose made in her mouth.

"Sup bro." She calmly replies and I roll my eyes.

"Gemma I thought you weren't supposed to be her till tomorrow." She shrugs.

"Well I got done with work early and I want too see Rose," I give her a look. "And you as well of course!" She nervously stumbles out.

"Mhm." I say walking around the counter to grab an apple.

"Speaking of Rose, where is she?" She questions and my cheeks flush.

"Sh-She is busy right now. She will be out later." Gemma eyes me skeptically,but nods.

"Ok, well I'm gonna go unpack. I'll be down later." I nod and once she's out of sight I rush down the hall into the media room. I walk in and see rose slipping on her bra. She turns around when it's on and smiles at me. She gets up in her underwear and I scan her quickly.

Now is not the time to be horny Harry

I cough a little and then calm myself all the way. She smirks at my reaction she kisses my cheek then goes to the door, I suddenly remember why I am here and rush over to stop her. She turns and looks at me confused.

"What are you d-" She begins but I cut her off.

"Gemma is here and as much as I love seeing you in just your underwear, you gotta put some clothes." Her jaw drops but she nods.

"What is she doing here? I thought she wasn't coming till tomorrow?" She whispers and I shake my head.

"She's upstairs so you can just sneak up there and I'll go distract her."

"Deal." I smile and kiss her cheek.

"Good afternoon angel." She smiles but then looks confused by the word afternoon.

"What time is it?" She questions.

"Twelve thirty." She nods, her raised eyebrow dropping.

"Oh." She simply replies and I chuckle. She covers herself with a blanket on one of the couches and walks out. I follow and put my hand on the small of her back. We climb the stairs and she goes in our room and I go in Gemma's.

"Hi gem." She lifts her head from her phone before smiling at me.


Mum ended up coming tonight as well. We are all at the dinner table eating some pizza. Earlier Rose kicked me out of the room so she could wrap my presents and I spent the time at a bar with the lads catching up. I left around six and it is now seven. I walk in the house to the smell of cookies and other sweet treats. I walk in and see my girls icing Christmas cookies and some other desserts placed on the counter. I go to dig in but mum scolds me, so I pout and she ends up giving me a cookie. Rose giggles and Gemma rolls her eyes.

It's now eight and we just finished the pizza. Mum and Gemma went to bed and I went upstairs to shower, along with Rose. But instead we ended up taking a bath. I put in some bubbles and sprinkle some rose petals around. I get in then Rose gets in. And when she gets in I swear I see her stomach a little puffy, but I ignore it thinking it's my eyes playing tricks on me. She is around six weeks and I can't wait till she starts to show.

She has an hourglass figure with a flat stomach so she should be showing soon, and I can't wait till she does. Her back is against my chest and her head is resting on my shoulder so she is looking up at me, my hand resting on her stomach. She kisses my jaw before nuzzling her head on my shoulder. I kiss her temple and we just lay in the bath for a little bit, talking here and there but mainly enjoying each other's company. When the water starts to turn cold we get out. Rose puts on a white shirt and some red Tommy Hilfiger underwear. I slide on some Tommy's as well. We get in bed and she lays on top of the bedding, propped up on pillows, her hands spread out and her feet up.

"Rose lift your shirt." She looks up and giggles.

"What? Why?"

"Just do it." She looks at me confused but does it anyways. Her shirt lifts and it shows a tiny round formation on her stomach. A small bump. I don't even notice I'm smiling till Rose questions it.

"What? Why are you smiling?" I chuckle before pointing to her stomach. She looks and does a double take.

"Harry, I'm bloated." She sighs and I shake my head. I go over and poke it, noticing it's hard. I remember the doctor saying it would be hard, not airy like a bloated stomach is.

"Wait, keep your shirt up." I say before rushing in the closet, grabbing my camera. I rush out and turn it on. She giggles when she sees what's in my hand. "Watching those videos made me want to document this one as well." She smiles and bites her lip while nodding. I press the record button, flipping the camera around towards me and I start to talk.

"Today is December 23, 2013. First sign of baby have appeared." I flip the camera back around and show the small bump. "Baby is a little over six weeks today." I move the camera to Rose. "How is momma feeling?" I question and she shrugs but smiles at the word momma.

"Momma is fine. She has to pee a lot but so far no morning sickness. Just a small bump to show. How's daddy?" I smile and she takes the camera.

"Daddy is sacred shitless if he is being honest." I say honestly causing Rose to laugh. "Probably shouldn't say that on camera when our kid is gonna see this," I mumble but shrug. "Anyways, that's all for today baby." Rose flips the camera to her.

"We love you so much, goodbye." She turns the camera around and presses the record button again, causing it to stop. She smiles at me and I kiss her. She leans on her elbows and I go down to her stomach, glancing at the door to make sure it was locked, it's also a good thing these walls are soundproof. Once I guarantee it is locked I turn my head back to her stomach, resting between her legs. I grab the sides of the small bump and put my lips close to it.

"Hello baby, it's daddy again. I am warming up more and more to you do everyday. I'm sorry I'm being a jerk right now to you and mummy about it. But daddy is just scared." I give the small bump a kiss before resting my head on it gently. Rose puts her hand in my hair and starts to massage it. I sigh and kiss her side. She continues her action and soon my eyes flutter shut. I hear her turn on the tv and turn it down, her actions never stopping as I slowly drift off.

(December 24)

When I wake up I am still in between Roses legs. My head on her bump proving that she isn't just bloated. Her shirt is still tucked, hand is still in my hair till I move and it falls, she is propped up by the pillows still and a throw blanket covers my long legs. She stirs a little bit and I lift my head off her stomach, her hand going to rest on it now. I lift the blanket up so it is covering her and she nuzzles into the pillow more. I smile and kiss her temple before walking to the shower.

I turn the nozzle to the warm side and wait for it to heat up. While doing so I quickly brush my teeth. Once it's warm I drop my boxers and get in. I start to shampoo my hair, I rinse it then pour some conditioner in my hand, while doing so I feel hands snake around my waist. I smile and turn around, rubbing the conditioner in my hair quickly.

"Hi baby." I kiss her lips and smile, she smiles as well.

"Hi handsome. I feel like we always shower or bathe together." She laughs and I just shake my head chucking lightly.

"Yeah, but it's ok because I get to see your sexy body. " I lean in and start to kiss on her neck, making her breath hitch. I decide not to leave marks because of my family being here so I leave open mouthed kissing leading up to her mouth. Finally our lips connect in a hungry kiss. My back connects with the wall and our tongues dance. I pick her up and her legs wrap around my waist. We makeout for a little longer before she pulls away. I smile and then kiss the top of her boob making her squeal and squirm. She gets down and starts to rub my conditioner, that miraculously didn't go in my eye, out. Once she's done I help here with her washing of her hair and body before we get out. She brushes her teeth while I walk to the closet since I brushed mine before my shower.

I grab some black skinny jeans and a grey shirt, and a red head wrap. My hair is getting longer but Rose keeps telling me how much she likes it so I don't think I will cut it. Once I'm done Rose walks in and gets dressed, she pulls up some stripped pants and a white shirt. She looks in the mirror and makes sure you can't see the little bump, once she's positive you can't she puts her hair up in a cute bun updo. We walk downstairs and am greeted by the smell of coffee and bacon, mom at the stove and Gemma with a mug in her hand. They look up at us and smile.

"Hello, darlings." Mum says and walks over to us, she kisses our cheeks and we greet her back. "Happy Christmas Eve!" She cheers. I walk towards Gemma and pour myself some coffee.

"Morning." I huskily say, my morning voice still evident. I turn around with my coffee still in hand and lean against the counter like Gemma.

"Good morning." She cheers and Rose walks over to us.

"Want some coffee Rose?" Gemma asks and I am quick to answer.

"No, she's good Gemma she c-doesn't like it." She raises a brow but shrugs, Rose looks over at me with a face that says "really." I read somewhere that you can't have coffee while pregnant. So I'm not letting her.

"Breakfast!" Mom cheers and we all walk over grabbing a plate full of pancakes and eggs. We go to the bar and sit. I dig in and everyone else follows, but a little into the meal I realized Rose hasn't touched it and she looks like she is about to be sick. She puts her hand over her mouth before running to the bathroom. Mum and Gemma look at me confused and worried but I tell them it's fine before I rush in there.

I enter and see Rose hunched over the toilet bowl, I grab her hair and start to rub her back, she throws up about four times before she collapses on the ground, panting and sweating a little. I give her some paper towel to wipe her mouth and she takes it. I feel her head and don't feel a fever.

"You know earlier when I said I wasn't having morning sickness?" I nod and chuckle knowing where this is going. "Yeah I jinxed myself." I give her a rag for her forehead and she thanks me. "Harry,I'm scared." She whimpers, and my heart breaks. I pull her into my lap and rest her head on my chest, I kiss her temple and rock back and forth a little.

"It'll all be alright. I love you." She sniffle more and I can feel my shirt wet.

"God I love you Harry. And I would do anything to kiss you but I'm not going to." She looks up at me with tear in her eyes but laughs anyway, I lightly do as well. She stands up and goes under the sink for some mouthwash. After she finishes she turns around a worried look on her face.

"What are we gonna tell your mom. I just ran in here at nine am throwing my guts up, doesn't that look suspicious?" She questions and I walk over and wrap my arm around her waist, she relaxes in my touch and I shush her rambling.

"Just say you have the stomach bug." She nods and then we walk out. Mum and Gemma look at us from there conversation and mum rushes over, checking over Rose.

"What's wrong?" She questions.

"Just some stomach bug, nothing to worry about." Mum nods and we walk back to the table. We finish breakfast and they go out to finish shopping while we stay her to finish wrapping.

"Hey Rose," I question and she hums. "I have to go to that even later tonight. I will only make an appearance and write a check. It's for a good cause so I don't want to miss it." She looks up at me and kisses my lips.

"That's fine. I'll be fine your mum and Gemma should be home soon. And trust me I'm not gonna be mad, think about all the kids you help give presents to." I smile and kiss her once more.

"I love you soo much Rose." She kisses my nose making me scrunch it up, before quickly kissing my lips.

"I love you too Harry." I push her back gently make lay down. I rest in between her legs me and I start to kiss her all over. She giggles when I tickle her. We don't hear the door open till Rose pats my shoulder and tells me to look up. I pick my head up from kissing her neck and look behind us to see Gemma and mum, they are smiling and I look back to Rose and her cheeks are red. I laugh and kiss her lips once more before getting up. Thank god we finished wrapping the presents up, Rose would freak if they saw them.

"Hello, how was shopping? Is it cold outside?" I question and they hang up their coats.

"It was freezing. The snow made it kinda hard to drive, but shopping was good." Gemma replies and I nod at their answer.

"That's good."

"I am gonna go wrap these and mum said she wanted to make soup for Rose." I look behind us and see mum and Rose taking while setting the presents under the tree, they both giggle at something making me smile.

"Ok, sounds good. I hate that she got this before Christmas." Gemma nods sadly before starting to haul the bags upstairs. I open my mouth to speak but she cuts me off. "No Harry, you may not help, your gifts are in here." She says climbing up the left staircase. I pout and go to help Rose and mum but they are already done. So I go upstairs and start to get ready.

I put on a patterned black and white shirt, some black jeans, a black belt, and a black blazer. Once I'm done I attempt to do my hair but Rose ends up helping me. I brush my teeth then spray my cologne on. Once I'm done I put on my black leather boots and walk downstairs. The girls around all in the living room watch "The Elf," I walk in and they all look at me. I do a spin for them before facing them.

"How do I look?" I question.

"Absolutely handsome." Mum says.

"Like shit." Gemma sarcastically says and I glare at her but we end up laughing.

"Ho-I mean handsome." Rose says and I smirk at her correction. I lean over the side of the couch before giving Gemma hug, then mum and she adds a kiss on the cheek, then I make my way to Rose. I lean in and go to kiss her cheek but she starts to whisper something in my ear.

"I might have a surprise for you tonight." She says then nibbles on my ear lobe. I bite my lip and kiss her lips. "I love you." She whispers and I smile.

"I love you. But don't think I will forget about the surprise." She winks and I get excited. I walk out with one final goodbye. I get in the limo with the five rowdy boys and we all crack open a bottle of whiskey. There all wearing something similar to me, so we look like some boy band or something, I laugh at the thought. We arrive shortly and one by one we get out of the limo.

We are blinded by flashing lights and are screamed questions at. I check my security cameras one last time before sliding my phone in my pocket. We all group up and pose for a few photos before I decide to answer a few questions.

Hope you guys enjoyed! Don't forget to vote and comment!

Till next time

Edited August 18, 2019

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