Woke Up Like This[BL](TinCan...

By PrinceWayo

26.8K 1.5K 192

Can, was so energetic person, friendly and love by others, but, let's say that he was lack of parental guidan... More

Introduction and Prologue
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 19

850 56 10
By PrinceWayo

Author's POV.

Wayo was been carried by the man named Park, he then throw him in to the back seat of the car. Park looked up at the tree, he looked at the mocking bird who keep staring at him, he stared at him back, he felt that this bird watching him for a long time.

He drove his car and moved to his destination.



Can walking home usual, then he saw a girl running towards him, the girl gasping air, Can puzzled but this girl is somehow familiar with. He remember that this girl was Wayo classmate, unlike Wayo, Can have a good memory recognizing people.

"What are you doing here P'Nate?" He said.

The girl was surprised, how come this guy knew her? But still she said. "You're Wayo brother right?"

"Yes, why?" Can stared at her.

"You need to come with me, there something happen to him!" She said.

"What happened to him!?" He asked in surprised.

"I tell you later, he was looking for you." she pulled him to his wrist and pull him along to her.

Can don't have time to react with her, he waa pulled by Nate to her car and drove with full speed.

In the car, Can still puzzled what happen and looked at his side. "Tell me P', what happened to my brother?"

"I don't know well too, but he suddenly passed out."

"Did he take the elevator?"


"Then what really happened to him?" Can doubting that, he knows Wayo body well, he will not easily lost consciousness without reason. When Nate didn't answer, Can frowned and puzzled about her actions. "Where are we going?"

"I tols you already to your brother." She said

"What really happened to my brother? I know you're lying to me." He said. He was not easily get be fooled by someone.

"I'm sorry, I need to do this to save my life and family, if I didn't to this, she will kill me." The tears flow down to her cheek.

"Tell me what happen, I'll do anything I can do to help you."

After telling all to Can, Nate keep sobbing and parked the car at the side.

Can understand her, but he need to do something, remembering Newwie, Can immediately got a plan.



Park and Wayo already arrive at the, abandon warehouse, he carried Wayo and put him at one of the chair in the middle of the warehouse. He tie up him from his foot to his hands at the back.

After half hour, Nate arrived at the place and push Can to Wayo side, Park held him and put him to the back of Wayo. He tied him up back to back with Wayo. Wayo still unconscious, while Can trying to call his name. "Yo, wake up!" Can shouted, he then stare at Park. "What did you do to him! You bastard!" He groaned.

He, smirked and didn't answer. Nate talked to him and said. "I already did what you said to me, can you let go of me now?" Park looked at her and walked towards her, Nate was frightened and stepped back. "What are you planning to do? I already did all you asked, you said you'll spare my life!"

"Do you think we are stupid?" He reached out his hand and grabbed Nate's hair, Nate cried out in pain. He then pushed her at the ground. "The Queen said to make you shut up forever, so you will not talk." Walking slowly towards her and Nate crawled into the ground, her face was crying and scared to death. "I want to thank you for making our work easier. so... Thank you HAHAHA!" He grabbed her hair and hold Nate head before whispering in her ear. "Goodbye." He licked her earlobe and laugh.

Before he gripped his head, suddenly, there's something hit the window and the glass shattered the ground. He looked at something who hit the window, then his eyes saw a familiar bird at the window, the bird flew out but Park still looking at the window. a minute later. Another person arrived, she was Pring The demon Queen Pring.

She stared coldly at Nate still crying on the ground and frightened. "Why she still alive?"

"My Queen, I'm sorry, I was about to kill her."

"Kill her, I don't want to see her face."

"You told me that you'll spare my life if I do something for you!" Nate shouted.

She smirked. "And you honestly believe that? haha, first I'm demon, and you believe what I say? What a silly girl." She laughed mockingly. She stopped when she heard Can laughing at her. "What's funny?"

"It's you who was funny, your face.. hahaha... your face can't hide your horns and ugliness." He laughed.

Pring frowned upon what he said. She walked towards Can and stared at him coldly. "What did you say?" She reached out his hand and hold Can's chin.

Can smirked and said. "Why? are you deaf? Ohhh, the demon Queen become deaf? HAHAHA, I said that your so ugly, and your beautiful face can't hide it."

She gritted her teeth and maintain her looks and smile. "Right, I will eat you first because of your blabbering mouth."

Can smirked and spit out to her face, Pring frowned and wipe out the spit on her face she then grabbed tightly his chin. Can startled and his mouth forced to open by Pring, Pring opened her mouth inch away from his, the light came from Can mouth and move towards Pring mouth.

The light flash to the window and Pete arrived at the warehouse, then a shadow came from the dark side of the warehouse, Pring stopped from her doing and Park immediately run to her side. Ae looked at her coldly, he was the one who came from the shadow.

A/N: here's the idea look for Yin Yang AePete Demigods suit.

Ae, pulled out his sword and the dark magic coated the sword, while Pete used his fan.

Then, the bird earlier came again with another bird and both of them change their appearance and become God's, Kornknock Gemini.

The leaf came from the window and form a small tornado and the figure appeared, it was Aquarius Arthit.

Then at the other side, the light appear again, and Newwie appear with Tay at his side.

Pring was frowned, she was surrounded by the deities, she was caught off guard!

"So.. this is the demons who killed my people." Newwie said and his brows knitted.

Pring frowned and gritted her teeth.
Like Pring, Park was most surprised about it.

To be continued.


Love sick ss3 confirmed! But the cast still unknown if same, only White already confirmed.

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