Styles INC [edited]

By tHeOfFiCiAlWhOrE

193K 3.3K 561

"Bu-but you are my boss."I stutter out. "I know and you are my assistant. But I don't give a fuck anymore. Y... More

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Thank you

t w e n t y s e v e n

2.7K 47 6
By tHeOfFiCiAlWhOrE

Roses POV (November 15)

"Help somebody help!" I sob on the road covered in broken plastic and blood. I'm on my knees,my jeans ripped and my shirt dirty.

"Somebody please! Mommy, daddy, Jake! Please wake up!" I sob harder and harder till I can't even breathe. The sight of the flipped over car.

"No please, I can't lose you." I close my eyes before opening them and notice the red Ford Explorer change into a black Range Rover.

"No, no, no. Not you too, god no, please." I look closer in the car and see Harry sticking out on the side. His head bleeding, stomach bleeding, eyes closed and his chest not moving up.

"Rose." He croaks out and I make my way over to him.

"Harry hold on please. Help is on its way," I grab his hand, frantically kissing it. "HELP PLEASE!" I yell out, my throat burning, and voice cracking.

"Just remember I love you. Take care of yourself please." He coughs at the end of his sentence and spits up blood.

"Harry you are not leaving." His mouth opens to say something but nothing comes out, his eyes close and he stops breathing all together.

I shoot up from the bed sweating and tears dripping down my face. I start to cry and Harry immediately shoots up.

"What's wrong. What happened?" He shoots out and I stare at him. His eyes soften and he pulls me into him. I sob and he rubs my back soothingly whispering in my ear words of encouragement.

"It was terrible." I croak out once I calmed down.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" He questions and I hesitantly nod. I start to tell him about it and he listens the whole time, never interrupting. Once I'm done he inhales a long breath.

"It'll be alright baby. It's just a dream, nothing like that will happen to me." He try's reassuring me but I still feel a strange feeling that something bad will happen.

"Come on, lets go back to bed." I nod before snuggling back in his chest, he kisses my hair and continues to rub my back. After an hour of staring at the ceiling I start to fall asleep again. This time dreaming of a future with Harry instead of that terrible repeating nightmare.


Roses POV (November 16)

I woke up on this chilly Saturday morning to a sleeping man next to me. I smile at his little snores and messy head. I get up and take a shower,
quickly shaving and washing my hair. When I walk out I see Harry sitting up rubbing his eyes sleepily, his hair a mess on top of his head. He hasn't gotten a haircut recently and I am really enjoying it growing out.

"I was wondering where you went." He talks, his voice rough and hoarse with sleep laced in it.

"Yeah sorry, I took a shower." He nods and gets up. He walks towards me and kisses my cheek before asking me if I want breakfast. I shake my head and follow him down the stairs. We get there and he gets out a banana and opens it. He starts telling me how Louis texted him last night piss drunk telling him how much he loves football. I laugh and he does as well. He stops and stares at me for a little bit.

"What?" I question.

"Rose I want you." I look at him knowing what he is meaning.

"Then have me." He quickly makes his way over to me. He kisses me roughly then picks me up from the back of my thighs, I squeal before wrapping my legs around his waist. He takes us up the stairs, stumbling a tiny bit, while I kiss my way down his jaw. We get to the bedroom and he lays me on the bed. He spreads my legs and then hovers in between them. There is a fire in my stomach burning from desire,and a nervousness in the pit. "I know this is kinda random and not at all romantic, but if you're ok with it not being romantic then so am I. If not we can wait."

"Anything with you is romantic, and it doesn't bother me. All the best things happen unexpectedly." He smiles quickly before attaching our lips again. He slides his hand down towards my silk shorts before sliding them off. Once done he hooks his finger around my underwear before taking those off. He reconnects our lips again while I tug at his sweatpants and take them off, once they're off I realize he doesn't have underwear on causing his bare election to poke my thigh. I tug my t-shirt off and forget I don't have a bra on, my cheeks burn when I realize we are completely bare to each other. We have seen each other bare before obviously, but this is different. This is more intimate.

"Are you sure about this?" I nod my head feverishly and he growls. "I need a verbal answer Rose."

"Yes, yes, I want this." That's all it takes for his lips to be back on mine. He kisses me sweetly, and lovingly, different to his previous actions. His fingers run over me before he slips a finger in, curling and pumping for a little bit before he adds another. I moan and I almost hit my high when he pulls back making me whimper. He reaches over to his bedside table and slides it open, grabbing a condom. He tears it open with his teeth making me whimper at the sight. He rolls it over his length slowly, then he kisses me again lovingly.

"I will go slow so it won't hurt as much because it will hurt." I nod and he lines up at my entrance. He slowly pushes in and I gasp at the stinging sensation, but the desire in my stomach only grows more. He goes in more and stops when I whimper out of pain. "Do you want me to stop? I can stop." He looks at me nervously, and his tone nervous as well.

"No,no. It's fine it'll just take some getting used to. Give me a minute."He nods and then I signal him that it is ok to move in slowly. He goes in more and more, and this only makes me realize how big he is. Once he's all the way in he moans loudly.

"Fuck baby you are so tight." He grits through a clenched jaw. "Can I move?" He questions, I nod and he starts to move a little bit. It hurts, I'm not gonna lie, but the pain slowly turns in to pleasure after every thrust and my moans grow louder.

I pull his cross chain pulling his mouth to mine. He moans loudly when I scratch down his back; his muscles tense from his actions, his head is covered in a thin coat of sweat, his hair a little damp from how hot the room seems. He kisses me lovingly, but a little roughly. I scratch his back more encouraging him to pick up the pace. He does and when he does he somehow goes further and hits a spot in me that makes me wrap my legs around him and let out a load moan. He groans loudly and keeps hitting that spot, making me come undone after a couple thrusts. I reach my high and he kisses my lips here and there and his movements start to get a little sloppier, indicating he was close as well. A few thrust later he lets out a load moan and spills into the condom. He stops and stills for a minute before slowly sliding out. He ties the condom before throwing it in a bin under his night stand. He collapses next to me, we are both panting heavily, and our cheeks are flushed. He looks over at me and kisses my swollen lips slowly.

"You were so good baby." I blush a little bit and kiss his lips again.

"I love you."

"I love you to angel." I smile and roll over, slinging my arm over his waist. He slides his arm around me after I put my head on his chest, I kiss his chest and my eyes start to feel heavy. The smell of love and lust lingering in the air, the ache in my lower region bothering me a little but I don't pay no mind to it.

"Harry?" I question after a few beats of silence, his movements on my bare back stopping for a split second before he hums. "Thank you." I look up at him and meet his eyes. "Thank you for taking care of me, making sure I'm always ok. Thank you for everything." He smiles and leans forward, kissing my forehead.

"I love you so much Rose Lynn Fisher." I smile and kiss his lips slowly, our lips mold together in a slow kiss. He grabs my waist and pulls me on him so I am straddling his waist. We continuing kissing till we are out of air and I lay my head on his chest,listening to his heartbeat. He strokes my hair and I feel my eyelids grow heavier. I fall asleep listening to his heart beat, and feeling his fingers going through my hair.


I wake up a few hours later when the sun starts to go down. I have no clue why I am always so tired but I don't mind, I love sleep. Harry was awake and was looking at me, stroking my hair.

"Hi." I croak out and he smiles.

"Hey." I lean up a little and snuggle myself into his neck, bringing the sheet with me to stay covered. I lean up and kiss his jaw line before putting my head down.

"I wish we could stay like this forever." He says after a moment of silence.

"I do too, it's so nice." He nods and then lifts my chin gently so I look at him. "Let's go take a bath, yeah?" I nod and let him roll of the bed naked and then I do with the sheet. Once I do I almost collapse, my legs feel like jelly, and there's a burning sensation in between my legs.

"You sore?" Harry asks and I nod my head, whimpering a little. "Come 'er love." I walk over slowly and he picks me up bridal style make me screech a little. He brings us into the bathroom and sets me on the toilet while heating the water up. I look at his muscles flexing when he turns the handle, or when he pours the bubbles in. I start to study his tattoos and I start to scan his body up and down shamelessly. His deep v-line, big biceps, abs, dimple, smirk, and so much more.

He is a beautiful human being and I don't know how I got so lucky. I am so plain with my dirty blonde hair, which leans towards brown more, and my brown eyes. I jump when I feel hands grab mine so I can stand. Once I do and the sheet drops Harry inhales sharply and now it's his turn to scan me up and down.

"You are so beautiful, Rose." I smile and lean my head against his chest.

"So are you Harry." I look up and see him pouting. "What?" I laugh.

"I'm not beautiful, I'm sexy." He replied childishly causing me to laugh more.

"Ok then you are incredibly sexy." He smiles making his deep dimples to appear.

"Thank you, lets get in the bath now shall we." I nod and he slides in the back of the large tub, spreading his legs for me to sit in between. I slide in and rest between his legs. I lean my head back on his shoulder and smile at how happy I am. He kisses my neck a little then grabs a sponge and starts to rub the top of my chest. He scrubs down my body and I take it for my private since it's still sore. I turn around and start to return the favor with his sponge. I work my way down and I decide to be a little confident, so I "accidentally" touch him with my hand. He groans and I do it again, he grabs my wrist causing me to stop my teasing movements.

"Your lucky your sore because I want to bend you over the counter and fuck you senseless right now. But I will control myself because I know your sore." He growls in my ear and I gasp at his words, not gonna lie, I got a little turned on.

"Is that a threat or a promise?" I seductively ask in his ear before sliding out of the bath, grabbing a towel and looking at him when I slide it on. When I walk out I sway my hips a little more and hear him groan. I smirk at my actions, astounded by my sudden confidence. I walk in the closet and get dressed in baby blue silk shorts, a white v-neck, and matching blue underwear and bra.
Harry walks out when I'm done, sweat coating his forehead, his cheeks flushed, and his hair damp, despite the fact that he didn't put his head under the water. Maybe he did? I don't know what else he would've been doing. He goes to his drawer smirking at me and pulls out a pair of boxers and slides them on. He then walks out scratching his head a little, the chain on his neck shining in the light. I then walk out and see him sitting on the bed waiting for me with a cheeky smile on his face.

"Wanna go out tonight?" He questions and I raise an eyebrow.

"That was random. But sure, I would love too. Are we going out with anyone?"

"Yeah the boys and probably whoever they bring along. If they bring anyone along." I nod and think about what I want to wear. We go separate ways, me doing my hair and makeup, him getting dressed. He walks in when I am almost done and comes from behind me wrapping his hands around my waist, kissing my cheek.

"You look beautiful." I smile and thank him. I then take in his outfit, he wears black jeans, black shirt, with a red flannel on top, and on top of that a black jacket, he also has black Chelsea boots on. I kiss him and tug at his bottom lip making it pop back in place when I pull back.

"You look really hot right now." He gets a cocky smirk on his face, and grabs my hips again.

"When do I not?" He questions and I roll my eyes.

"Never, you literally always look perfect somehow." He chuckles and I pout. "Meanwhile some of us can't roll out of bed looking like a model."

"Hey, I look pretty crazy in the mornings. And I love when your hair is all crazy, and you have a sleepy look on your face." He smiles while I pout. "I love you Rose Lynn."

"I love you Harry Edward." I kiss him once more before walking in the closet. I grab my risqué long sleeve, red dress, with a deep cut in the front showing my cleavage. I grab a pair of Louis Vuttion black stilettos and walk out smoothing my dress. Harry is fixing the watch on his wrist before I walk out, when he hears my heels his head pops up and his green eyes are overtaken by his blown pupils, lust and love taking over them.

"Holy shit." He muttered under his breath. "Are you still sore?" He questions and I shake my head. I feel a million times better since the bath, not sore at all. He groans at my reply before smashing his lips on mine. I push him away after a little bit though.

"Harry, my lipstick." I whine and he rolls his eyes.

"Rose, my dick." He whines and I laugh. I look down and see the big bulge in his pants. I lean forward and palm him through his pants making him groan. "Baby." He breathes out with a small moan when I roll my palm. I lean into his ear and nibble on his ear lobe.

"We're gonna be late, come on." I pull back and he groans, but this time out of frustration.

"Rose, you get back here and do something about this. I am not using my hand again!" I pop my head back into the room with a raised eyebrow.

"Again?" He doesn't reply instead he glared out me. "Come on baby, lets go." He stomps over to me and we walk in the car towards his black Ferrari California. We slide in and he looks at me pouting still, making me laugh at him.

"I'm still mad." I laugh a little harder, covering my mouth. "You know, teasing isn't nice, I will remember this." I roll my eyes and slip on my seatbelt. He starts the car and we leave shortly after.

Hope you guys enjoyed! Don't forget to vote and comment. There are some visuals below!

Till next time

Edited August 18, 2019

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