The Man I Became... Because o...

By DaniAurie21

152K 6.1K 989

An attempt to write in first person... Lets see how that turns out. "It's been 3 years since we saw each othe... More

What Next?
Settling In
Catching Up
Growth and Setbacks
The Truth is Out
Like Riding A Bike
BBQ A La Pond
BBQ A La Pond 2
Nong Yim
Wild Things
A Setup In Progress
Dinner and an Alibi
What Happened In The Night
A Tale of Ordinary Love
Drunk And Disorderly
The Other Investigation
A Proposal
Double, Double, Toil and ...
Have Your People, Call My People...
If Only...
The Shame of A Family... Exposed
Sudden Danger
The Source of the Madness?
Evidence Of A Stalker
The Plan Within A Plan Around A Plan... Or Something Like That
Thinking About Possibilities
A Small World
Cantaloupe In A Quandary
The Decisions Tin Make
The Quiet
Unexpected Developments
A Confrontation That Took 3+ Years
A Sudden Attack... And What It Reveals
Life Bets
A Stalwart Love
A Familiar Face
A Tiny Step Towards Progress
Kara's Revelations
Rescue Mission Step 1: Analyzing the Enemy and Clearing the Mind
Rescue Mission Step 2: Slow And Frustrating, But What Other Choice Do We Have?
Rescue Mission Step 3: Reunion and Delusion
The Aftermath of it All
Epilogue... But Not The End
Special Chapter 1: What Happened To...
Special Chapter 2: Tin and Cantaloupe Forever
Special Chapter 3: The Dinner...
Special Chapter 4 Part 1: The Wedding
Special Chapter 4 Part 2: The Honeymoon
KenoLing Side Story 1
KenoLing Side Story 2
KenoLing Side Story 3


3.5K 134 15
By DaniAurie21


I have always been an early riser. So when my eyes open at 5 am after being asleep for just half an hour, I curse, pull Pete closer and inhale his scent then close my eyes again. My phone rings. Pete whimpers in his sleep and I grab the thing off the dresser.

Can? What the hell?

"What?" Can's used to my sleep croak by now so he doesn't even comment.

"Tin just got a call from one of his links. Medthanet wants to serve you papers to remove the statue. If you don't they plan to take you to court."

"Don't give a fuck. I need to sleep."

"Oh? Your usually up at this time. It's why I called." Tin mutters something in the background and I take advantage of Can's distraction.

"Bye." I lower the volume to silent and turn to see one of Pete's eyes staring at me while the other is buried in the pillow. 

"Everything ok?" He mutters softly.

"Can't think," I admit. A yawn sneaks out and I bury my face in Pete's neck to cover it. 

"OK. Think later. Sleep now...

I don't wake again until 11. I roll out of bed and get myself together before heading into the kitchen. I pulled out some of the seasoned pork I kept for myself yesterday and made joke. It's a soft rice congee soup and easy for Pete to eat. I had some fruit too so I sliced it up while the pot was cooking and made some chai spiced tea for myself.

While I waited on the joke, Pete wondered out. He looked refreshed and carried two phones.

"I grabbed yours since it was lighting up." I looked at it. 10 missed calls and over a hundred lines. I sighed and handed Pete a fork, pushed the bowl of fruit towards him, then checked my messages.

I read the ones from Can first. He's sent me a lot more details than I couldn't have assimilated earlier. I chuckle. They don't bother me. It's some of my most generic work and I'm not the only person who could have created the statues. They don't have a good leg to stand on.

My boss thought, knew it was mine right away. I had to explain the entire story to him. He wasn't too pleased but he understood. He called me about 5 times around 9. Shit. I called him back.

"Hey boss. What's up?"

"Finally poked your head up?"

"I'm not a turtle, but yeah." I checked on the soup while he chuckled.

"Ok two things. You and your Pete are invited to my baby girl's birthday princess glitter rainbow party. Did I get that right?" A little voice piped up in the back and he chuckled. "And you have to bring Pete. I was told to tell you it's not optional. Don't worry you have a couple of months and invitations will be sent out but someone insisted I call you this morning."

"Pete, you have to come with me to a birthday princess glitter rainbow party. Shay's orders." He blinked and shook his head.

"I guess I don't have a choice then. Just let me know when it is and I'll mark it down. Maybe we can bring Yim." Pete's trying to be serious about this but his lips are twitching and his eyes are twinkling. I blow him a kiss.

"Yeah. She should be free. She was my plus one last year too. It's a go Boss." I turn off the stove and move the pot to the next burner. "So what's the rest?"

"About that statue. I heard a rumor last night that Medthanet wants to take you to court about it. The idea is to destroy your reputation and make Tin look weak in the process."

"Yeah?" I thought of the information I had copies of in several bank vaults around Thailand. "They can try. I'm going to take it seriously."

"I hope you have some kind of plan. I would hate to lose you Ae." I understood him perfectly. He couldn't sacrifice the company and all the people working for him just because I decided to take part in Can's vendetta.

"Don't worry. They have too much to risk to come after me." And if they did, they risked attracting the attention of people like Diew and whomever he worked for. Crimes had been committed, people had been framed, and lives had definitely been destroyed.

 "Ok. Just be careful."

"I will." He was gone and I served the congee then broke the situation down for Pete.

Pete knew a lot of this already so I simply told him my side. Can had come to me one night with a proposition. He needed a few things built as a result of some rumors that were going around about Tin. He wanted these things to hurt the Medthanets and make them lose face. Most particularly his brother and father. He was quite clear that I wasn't to give it my best work or use my usual tools. There should be no identifiers that would be traced back to me. 

I asked Pond to use his basement, bought a new set of tools and made the statues and a series of other objects on the request of Can. I was really excited too so it wasn't that hard for me to get motivated. Once the statue was done, we got Koda to hack into the surveillance, loop it, and we placed the statues.

They can't prove who did it, but since I'm the most popular artist using this medium and close to Can and Tin, I would be singled out. We saw it coming and we expected repercussions. If they serve me papers on Monday then they would be dealing with my lawyer and he's a shark. 

I met Pinnie about three months after Pete had to move. We met at a bar and he hit on Diew. I honestly think Diew was just flattered that someone was interested in him. Usually he and I are overlooked. They spent some time together but while Pinnie fell in love, I don't think Diew did.

Or should I say Diew held himself back. He does have feelings for Pennie, it's just that Diew lives a complicated life. I wouldn't call him a spy but something along those lines. Pennie didn't get it at first but after he and I had a talk, he came to a decision. As long as neither of them are seeing someone else and Diew is willing, Pinnie will wait for him.

It's actually been working for them. In fact, I was surprised he didn't come to the BBQ but Pond said he had a big case and he conveniently sent Diew over there with food. 

Smooth Pond, smooth.

"So Pinnie has documents on his person that could destroy the Medthanet family and you haven't leaked them? What are you waiting for?"

"The idea is to have them go through some pain and suffering first. Besides Pennie doesn't have it all. He actually only has three pages worth of information but those three pages alone could damage them severely."

"What if they decide to pursue this anyway?"

"Then I make a phone call to Beam. He might be a doctor but his father owns several business including an extremely well known telecommunications network."

"Holy cow. Ae. This is some really huge shit your dipping your toe in for Can. Are you sure you want to do it?" Pete's eyes are sharp with worry. I brush his cheek with my thumb then just rest my hand there. I missed this so much.

"Yes. I'm already in this. It's to late now to run. Besides, I like being useful even if I am just the messenger boy." I smile at him and he nods but he still looks worried.

"Ok. As long as this doesn't come back to bite you in the ass." He finally says and shakes his head like he's dealing with a little kid who knows he's doing something wrong but wants to do it anyway. He misses the smirk I aim at him.

"Only your allowed to do that Pete. And you can do more than bite my ass." The blush spreads just as I was hoping and his eyes immediately fell into his almost empty bowl.

"Ae is too slick." He whispers.

"Me? I'm not slick at all. How are you feeling now? Not too much_"

"Ae!" I am immediately interrupted. God the blush on his face is so freaking cute! I lean forward and he sprigs off the chair a little to energetically and winces before hurrying off to the sink. 

"Pete. Don't force yourself." I am immediately worried about him. 

"I'm fine." He looks over at me with a smile before turning back to the dishes in the sink. "You cook, I clean. Ok?"

"Ok." Still I can't help myself. I wonder over and back hug him the entire time like a leech. I sniff at his back and neck, dropping soft kisses every so often. The moment I see Pete is done with the dishes, I nuzzle behind his ear and lick that spot. He moans and turns into my arms. 

"Make out with me?" I ask. 

A huff comes out of his mouth before he begins nudging me to the couch. I totally forget that my phone is still on silent and I miss the fact that it starts lighting up again.

"Ae!" Pete giggles and squirms in my arms. After breakfast, we had some personal time before having a shower and more personal time. Hey it's not like you need to know every detail. Right now I'm too lazy to cook so it's a great thing that that Pete called and begged so Pond is bringing over some of the BBQ from yesterday... I still can't believe it was just yesterday. 

The buzzer sounds. I ease the both of us up to a sitting position and go let Pond in. 

"What the fuck Ae! I've been calling you for the past five minutes."

Oh. Oh fuck!

I rush to the phone and see three missed calls from my Mom and five from P'Oh. There's another 2 from Boss again and about six from Pond. A bunch of clients have also been calling and I immediately call them back once by one and explain that I was having some private family time. It's Sunday. According to the Catholics it's a day of rest. I can totally be Catholic for a weekend as long as Pete is staying over.

"Ae! How's the project going?!"

"Lingo. It's pretty much done. I just have to put the final touches on it. I couldn't this weekend so most likely by the end of this week."

"Awesome! That's heaps better than what you told me last month."

"My muse was on vacation. I'll send you a picture of the project now. Hold on." I go to my workroom and head over to the scene. I snap it really quick and send it to this guy. It's a small scene dedicated to his parents that he wants to put in his garden.

"Has it come through?"

"Hold on." I head back out and over to where Pete is talking with Pond. They are packing the load he brought away in the freezer and dishing out what we need right now. I look at the third plate that's obviously for Pond and raise a brow. He didn't just come from his own house? Why does he have to eat here?

"Oh my God! It's perfect Intouch! I just showed it to my wife and she is blown away! And you still have finishing touches to do? It looks perfect as is."

"It's the fine details you only see when your close. You wouldn't get it through the camera."

"And people are saying you made that statue in front of the Medthanet building. They're nuts. That's shit work compared to this! I gotta show this to my brothers. Thanks Ae!"

I look at my phone then at Pond and Pete. I'm stunned. Lingo is a British guy who visits Thailand with his family for a month every year because he has a timeshare. We met through Pond. I know he's quite rich but I never realized that he was so connected to what is happening in Thailand. I'm shocked he even knows who the Medthanet's are but then I shouldn't be. They are in the top 20 richest families in Thailand. The fact that someone like Lingo knows about this situation is bothersome.

"What is it?" Pete asks as he eyes the look on my face.

"I'll tell you in a bit." I call a few more clients and I'm not surprised now when another one slyly brings up the Medthanet situation. But I'm expecting it from this guy. He keeps coming back to me because he thinks I'm the best but he never wants to pay me my money. His work is finished and it's just taking up space in my workroom because he hasn't paid. I like how he conveniently has the money now and is able to come to my place for it.

Once that's done I call boss again.

"Our current client is worried about this situation. Why are they targeting our clients Ae?"

"Even my personal clients. They're going to regret this. In your office safe is an envelope with three pages and a note. If I get shot at, assaulted or killed after tomorrow, deliver it to the police. The instructions are clear. There should be a small envelope with a key and a business card inside as well. Give that to Beam and tell him to use the information wisely."

There was a long moment of silence... from everyone.

"It can't possibly be that serious!" P'Forth burst out. At the same time Pete was yanking at my arm and calling my name. I hugged him and answered Forth at the same time.

"You bet your ass it is Boss."

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