The Duke's Lady

By Lissa34

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Holly was the youngest of ten kids, and the most beloved daughter of Lord John Campton. She befriends the Du... More

The Duke's Lady
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter One

37K 1.1K 29
By Lissa34

1788 June...

" Holly, are you here? "

Holly looked up from her book, as Lindsay approached" What time is it ?"

" It's afternoon, and Mrs. Potter is looking for you."

" Probably have gotten myself into more trouble, she probably wants to tell me that I am not leaving due to lack of propriety."

Lindsay smiled" well I guess that would be both of us then, I don' think Hester has figured out that it was us that put that spider in her tea cup."

Holly was laughing, " I almost gave myself away when she was shrieking in fear at the poor little thing."

Lindsay plopped down beside her on the stone bench holding her sides" I am so happy that you are here with me."

Holly shook her golden head " I have so enjoyed these last two years together, but now we are old enough for the husband hunt."

Lindsay smiled" I know and of course my parents expect me to land a duke or a gentleman who is in line for the ducal title."

Holly smiled" oh your lucky because since all but a couple of my sisters are married now, I will be lucky if there is someone out there for me."

Lindsay looked at her friend, she was staring at a young lady who was so beautiful. She was charming and her eyes were like looking into the sea. She was hoping that one of her brothers would fall madly in love with her, so they could be sisters. That was what she was planning, even Holly had no clue about what she was planning. Her eldest brother William would be perfect for her. He was looking for a wife, and has yet to find the right one.

Holly stood up and looked at her best friend" well, shall we go and see what head mistress Potter wants?"

They walked arm in arm towards Mrs.Potters office, laughing and skipping towards the door. Of course they always got into trouble for such behavior. It wasn't lady like to act like a child, especially for a daughter of a Duke. Lindsay didn't care, her parents were not like the other aristocratic party. They loved her the way she was and wouldn't change a thing.

" Ladies, I am so happy that you finally came to see me."

Holly looked at the snooty old lady," Sorry Head mistress, I was practicing my poetry for tomorrows reciting."

She smiled in her pinched nose way" oh dear, I am so sorry to have to tell you this, but you two ladies are leaving early."

The girls stared at her" What do you mean? are we being turned out?"

She laughed through her nose" Oh no, far from it, his Grace will be arriving this evening to escort his sister and you my dear back to Lancaster."

Lindsay smiled" William is coming to fetch us home?"

Mrs. Potter nodded" it appears that you are needed home for a wedding, it seems one of your brothers is getting married."

Lindsay paled" oh I hope it isn't William, I will have to find out as soon as he arrives."

Holly smiled" Well it seems that we have so much to do before his Grace arrives, shall we be excused so we may go pack our things?"

Mrs. Potter smiled" oh my yes, you two young ladies need to have everything ready before he gets here."

We walked out the door and went to our apartment, we instructed our ladies maids that we were leaving. It's funny how, when your sisters get married off that your parents can afford a ladies maid. They were packing their trunks with the help of their maids, when they heard a carriage approach. Lindsay ran over to the window and peered out" It's William!"

Lindsay threw her bonnet that was in her hand at her ladies maid and took off down the stairs. Holly was shaking her head in laughter at her best friend. She was definitely a mess, and with the help of the two maids Holly helped finish the packing. All trunks were carried down the steps by the footmen. She watched as Lindsay ran up to her brother and jumped into her brothers arms.

Lindsay hugged her brother tight" Wills, I am so happy that you are here, I have missed you so much."

William hugged her back, and set her down as he looked her over " Well Lindsay, I dare say that you have grown since the last time I saw you."

Lindsay smiled" I have grown to be a tall, fashionable lady dear brother." She playfully swayed her hips and batted her eyes at her brother before erupting into giggles.

He smiled" I can see that, I think we are going to have to keep you locked in the tower forever."

Lindsay laughed" Wills, you wouldn't dare do that, besides wait till you see Holly."

Just the mention of her name caused his heart to speed up," well where is your little friend?"

Lindsay looked around " oh dear I have left her to do all of the packing, I must go fetch her and see that it is all done."

Just as she started to take a step towards the apartment, she caught sight of the first trunk carried by a footman. She stopped in her tracks as she watched as all of their trunks were carried and loaded into the wagon. " Well it seems that Holly has made sure that everything was packed."

William smiled" so where is Ms. Campton? "

Lindsay smiled" I shall go fetch her at once, so you can drink in her beauty."

Wills shook his head as he watched his sister walk towards the apartment. He had to make sure that he had all of his feelings in check. This was the one girl that could break him, and he didn't want a lady that could make him feel like this. He wanted to have a wife that would interest him and he could fall in love with down the line. He needed a wife that would be able to handle the role of a Duchess.

Lindsay came walking back up to him" She will be right down, she is such a dear, you just wait."

He shook his head and walked over to the driver to talk about the best route back to Lancaster. He wasn't paying attention to the lady that walked up to his sister. He was making sure that they would have enough time to reach the inn in time for dinner. As he turned around his gut was punched by the sight before his eyes. Gone was the fourteen year old girl and in her place was the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes upon. She wasn't tall like all the other ladies were, she was very petite.

Her hair shone in the sun like rich golden honey, and those eyes the color of the sea. He was going to be in trouble. He was having feelings for this little chit, he couldn't act on them. It's better to keep his cool around her. He was going to figure out how he was going to travel with these two without causing any suspension. He was not going to be able to ride in the same carriage with her and not act on his feelings of lust. Just the sight of her had his manhood standing stiff in his pants. He just hoped that she found a husband and fast.

Holly walked up to where Lindsay was standing" I have made sure that everything was packed so you could have some time with your brother."

She eyed where his Grace stood talking with the driver, he was so handsome any lady would be so lucky to have him for a husband. She wished he would give her a chance, but the looks he was giving her were not of love. She knew that he probably was looking down his nose at her. She was only a Viscounts daughter, she was not good enough for a Duke.

She heard that over and over for two years, Hester and her friends would tell her that she was just using Lindsay and her name to climb the social ladder. Soon enough she would be home and away from that man. He was a heart breaker, she didn't want to have hers broken by no man. He was definitely a handsome man, but he was not for her.

William made arrangements to rent a carriage from a near by friend. So that the ladies would be in comfort and he wouldn't have to share a carriage with her. He just didn't want to get to close, he didn't want to have a situation a rise. He just wished that he could have Lindsay ride with him, so he could talk with his little sister. But he didn't want to appear rude to Ms. Campton, so he would be by himself for the journey home.

Lindsay was upset about the second carriage, she wanted to have her best friend and brother together in the same carriage. She wanted to get these two together, oh dear what was she to do?

Holly realized that Lindsay would want to ride with her brother, so she voiced her opinion to Lindsay" I know that you haven't seen your brother for two years, why don't you ride with him."

Lindsay looked at her friend" are you sure you won't get lonely?"

" It's fine dear, I will have the maids to keep me company and besides if it were my brother you would do the same for me."

" I know, and he is thinking of our comfort, I just would feel bad if I knew that you would be lonely at all."

" Oh I can entertain myself pretty well and besides I have Lord Byron to keep me company."

As the second carriage arrived, a footman helped Holly up into it, following their ladies maids. Lindsay and her brother were getting settled in their own carriage. Holly knew that she shouldn't feel like she was being separated. But she did, in one carriage was the Duke's heir and youngest daughter. Then it was Holly daughter of Viscount Campton, she knew that it was silly to feel that way but something was not right.


Lindsay enjoyed her brothers company" so tell me of home?"

William settled back in his seat " well it is much the same as when you left it, just that Gabriel is getting married finally."

" So it's not you? I was really worried about that and didn't want you to be getting married yet."

He roared with laughter" I am sorry to not disappoint you sister dear, but I haven't had time to look for a wife. Though father tells me since I am four and twenty that I need to start the wife hunting real soon."

Lindsay got a huge smile on her face" well I am glad to hear that brother, I think you and Holly would make a great pair."

" Oh no you don't, I don't think that is a good idea, and besides I don't have to like her and I have no clue what she is like."

" Oh brother she is so adorable and she is so much fun, it would be my greatest wish to see you two married."

" Now wait a minute, I will choose my bride and I am sure your friend is a nice and agreeable person but she is not my match."

" But Wills, won't you give her a chance?"

" No, and that is final, I will ask that you don't push this issue at all."

Lindsay pouted, it usually got her everything she wanted, but this time she was not getting any where with her brother. He was not going to give Holly a chance, he was going to let her slip through his fingers. Well not if she had anything to do with it, she knew that her mother just adored Holly. She wished that one of her sons would seek her hand, yes that was the answer the Duchess would certainly help her. Now to make these already slow carriages speed up, she needed to get home to her mother. Lindsay was going to have her way and she knew how to get it.

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