I keep falling for you | Meli...

By _Lullaby_Dream_

133K 2.6K 2.4K

Before the 10 year hunt for the seven deadly sins, there was going to be eight. But she refused, ran away lea... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
A Christmas Special
'Girls in the streets'
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Thank you for the support + my thank you to SU
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Update (Not the normal kind)
What's been going on
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 9

6.1K 128 26
By _Lullaby_Dream_

I look over to see Y/n but its not just one Y/n there's tons of them!

(Meliodas's Pov)

I can't believe it. Hide and seeks managed to get in here as well. Hmmmm, none of them is her. I can tell that, I just rush forwards and attack them. They all go back to their original forms and run off. Why would Y/n allow hide and seeks to get in here. Wait, she was trying to distract us. "Elizabeth stay here!" "But Sir Meliodas I want to help!" There was no talking her out of this. Before I could open my mouth again, I huge explosion could be heard. I turn around and started running in that direction. I could hear Elizabeth running behind me. When I arrived at the scene, a boy with dirty-blonde hair, wearing armour that was very familiar. Y/n vectors were visible, they seemed to have some sort of powder on top of them making them visible. He had a sword positioned in front of him. He looked pissed. "Why won't you just die!" He screamed, "After everything you've done to our family...our kingdom! You deserved to die!" That's why his armour looks familiar. He is a solider for the Misite Empire. Actually from what he just said he might be the prince of the Misite Empire. Y/n looked mad. But is it Y/n? Her aura seems different...

(Your POV)

So...it's still running. And I thought it was gone for good. I should of finished Lilith off when I had the chance. I stayed silent. "Flame of the phoenix: Fire Ball!" He shouted, he launched a fire ball at me. I 'tsk', i use of my vectors to catch the fire ball, and than crush it. I smirk, and walk closer. He kept launching them at me. I just used my vectors to catch them with ease. I kept getting closer. He uses his flame to light fire to his sword and charges at me. I dodge. I summoned my scythe. He launches at me and than block his attack. Knocking me back a bit. I kept blocking. Than i finally felt their presence. Meliodas and Elizabeth were here. So ill have to end this quickly. Austin charges at me, but i only stepped to the side a bit. When he runs past me, i grab his neck and slam him against the nearest tree.

"I wish this could continue longer, but we have a audience and I'm quite sick of seeing that armour. I already know who's in charge now, and that's the person who sent you. So..." I squeezed his neck tightly making him gasp for breath. "tell her to stay away from me and Liones, if she even comes near this place. I'll know, and i won't rest until she is dead." I said coldly. I let go of his neck, and he fell to the floor. I turned my back for a second. Than he tried to attack me but my vectors took care of it and flung him out of my forest. I calm down and go back to my normal persona. I brushed that dust off my vectors.

"Hi Meli! Hi Elizabeth!" I shouted, waving at them. I run over and tackle Meliodas in a hug. I start nuzzling his chest. I did that so he wouldn't see my blush. "Lady Y/n who was that?" I frozen but quickly answered, "He is not important!" We all were silent for a minute but to avoid silence i sat up from Meliodas. "What now?" He smiled at me than stood up, and i followed. "Well, we need to get back to the tavern!" I giggle than jump on Meliodas's back. Shocking him for a bit but luckily he got his balance back. "Carry me Meli!" He starts walking, Elizabeth was behind us. I help direct them since they keep getting lost. Soon enough I fell asleep.


I ran as fast as I could. The demon race...Meliodas... I can't believe it. He is a demon, no the son of the demon king. I had to get back to my village. I can't believe I was that excited to see Meliodas after twenty years. I allowed myself to leave the village I'm supposed to protect. As their Lord, I have to protect them. I keep running, in the distance I see smoke. I pick up my speed. I finally get there just to see. Everything on fire. Tears fall down my face. I run to each structure trying to find a survivor. I arrive at my home. Wait...that child. I left a child who didn't have parents in my house. I run into the burning building. I didn't find anything. And I left before I got killed.

"-/-..." I know that voice. I look in front of me. Meliodas...what is he doing here?


"Sorry? Sorry!? What are you even doing here? To gloat?" He looked taken back by sudden shouting. "I bet it was you! You were the one who did this, didn't you?!"

"I would never do this! And you know that?"

"I know the Meliodas I thought I knew wouldn't do this, but maybe the true demon Meliodas would" Meliodas looked upset. I heard something from behind me, I turn around to see Zeldris and Estarossa. Meliodas's brothers. I growl.

"Well, Meliodas are you going to finish the job or should I do it for you?" Zeldris spoke. I summon my weapon. A blood red scythe with a black handle. Than it hit me, it was Meliodas and his brothers who destroyed my village. I turned to look at Meliodas, his hair casted over his face. I get ready for a fight, but as quick as lightning. I could feel blood pouring out of me. I looked down, a huge slash was across my stomach. I grabbed my stomach in pain but I manage to solider on. I use my scythe to alter gravity making everyone near me fall to the ground. It only lasted a few minutes so I attacked Zeldris and Estarossa. But sooner or later I fell to the ground my spell wearing off. I was losing a lot of blood fast. I take my hand from the wound to see it covered in my own blood. Zeldris smirks than walks away with his brother. I let go off my scythe. I fall backwards. My head didn't hit the hard surface. It landed in a crying Meliodas's lap.

"-/-...please don't leave me." I couldn't believe it, I started crying as well.

"M...Meliodas..." I lift my hand to hold his cheek. I shouldn't be doing this, he has a girlfriend. A beautiful goddess. But I'm dying so it doesn't matter.

I lift my face up and kiss him. I feel him kiss back. We separate. I look over to my scythe, that was not that far away. I grabbed it, and give it to him. "Meli, please take this" My own tears started to fog my vision, "Please don't be like them, be someone who can stop them... and please don't forget about me." He nodded, he place the scythe by his side. He grabs my cheek with one of his hands. We kiss again, when we separate. I took my final breath and said my final words.

"Meliodas...I love you..." My hand fell limp as I close my eyes never to wake again. The last things I heard was,

"I love you too..."

~Still dreaming but it's in Meliodas's eyes~

I cried, and held her body up to mine and cried. First it was Elizabeth but now... why her? I kept crying. Than I heard some footsteps behind me... I turn around and it was Zeldris. Estarossa was nowhere to be seen.

"Really Meliodas? Crying over some human girl, are you that weak? Your probably as weak as that girl" How dare he call her weak. I placed her down, and stand up to look at him. I drew my blade. "How dare you speak of her that way!" I launch at him and attacked. We kept battling until he disappeared again. Running of like a wimp, or well teleporting of like a wimp. I run back to her. I pick her up, I pick up her scythe as well. I walk to the centre of the town that she used to run. And I buried her there. I buried her with her scythe. I kept crying. Why must I be cursed with Elizabeth being reincarnated forever, but not her. I wish I had done something but I didn't. I could of saved her but I didn't. I'm so sorry -/-, I hope if you ever get reincarnated, we will meet again and ill be able to say sorry.

~Dream ended~

I woke up, we were at the tavern now. I was sitting on Meliodas's lap. He was touching my breasts again. I didn't do anything. Maybe this is, like some sort of friendship sign. Or maybe a 'lovers' sign. I don't know.

Y/n, he is being a pervert to you, stop him!

What's a pervert?

Chrissy just stopped talking. I looked around to see everyone is back now. Meliodas stops touching me, when he notices I'm awake. "Meli, what are we gonna do now?" "Well we need to set up shop! So we need Elizabeth to go get some herbs." Why Elizabeth?

Because you would cause to much attention

Oh okay. I cuddle into Meliodas's chest while Elizabeth puts a diguse on. It kept going until she decide to just wear a bonnet thing.
"Meli, please can I go with her?" Meliodas looked at me, than patted my head.
"Nope!" He popped out the p.
"Why???" He looked around trying to find an excuse.
"Because...you need to... learn how to play chess!"
"Huh?" He nodded his head to a board. It had white and black checked patterns on it. It had these little statues on it. It looked...intriguing. I get off his lap and rushed over to the board. I didn't notice Elizabeth and Hawk leave. I went to grab the board, put Meliodas stopped me.
"You have to be delicate with the board Y/n, you can't leave the tavern until you have learned how to play." He sat me down on one of the chairs and left me to go make sure everything in the tavern is alright.

Chrissy you have to help me!!!
Nope your problem not mine.
Nope, you have to solve this but yourself.
Fine I will!

I stared at the board. Each figure had a different shape. Except all the ones on the second line of each side were all the same shape. Hmmm... how do I do this? I sat there staring at the board for what felt like a really long time.
(Fun fact: Last time I checked chess has been around since the 1500's)
Elizabeth and hawk had finally came back. I didn't notice until they came up to me.
"Lady Y/n, what are you doing?"
"Meliodas said I couldn't leave the tavern till I learn how to play this game. I think it's called ch...chess."  I summon my vectors to go round to the other side. Well their is a piece that looks like a crown. Maybe I have to defeat the others crown guy. But how?
"Hellooo? Are you open? Every other place seems to be closed for some reason." That voice kinda sounded like the old man from the fighting Vesta. Elizabeth walked over and opened the door.
"Welcome sir! Huh? Your Cain, aren't you? You and Sir Meliodas fought in Vasiel, right?" I listened into the conversation, since there was nothing else to do. I did close my eyes though, I kinda have to do that when I have full control on my vectors, most of the time they move on their own free will.
"My word..could I be dreaming right now? Liz!" Do they know each other? Or maybe he's drunk. The two started talking.
"I see so Meliodas survived, I'm so had to hear that."
"Sorry about this, hate to trouble you princess."
"It's fine"
"Still I was surprised when I saw you, your noble features and soft voice is so like hers. I really fought that Liz had came back to life. If that woman was still alive, she'd be a woman in her prime, right now."
"Oh was she your daughter by any chance?"
"Liz was her nickname, she had the same name as you Elizabeth."
"She was Meliodas's girlfriend"
What? Meliodas had a girlfriend, but she might not have die that long ago, oh now I feel bad.

"Liz was a knight from an enemy nation, who leaded the knight raid on danafall. She was captured and sentenced to death, and the one who came to her rescue was no other than Meliodas who was the captain of danafall's holy knights than. Naturally the others shouted out their objects. It turns out Liz had been sold as a slave to that enemy nation because of that she didn't trust anyone but herself but maybe that is what you call a faithful encounter even if she complained bitterly that he was an naive man. Liz gradually grew attracted to Meliodas, she was a girl who had an uncommon charm herself and the rest of us began opening up to her, of course that was from a time long past."
"Can't believe she thought he was naive, Sir Meliodas is what you call very kind that's all."
The old man chuckled at her statement,
"You know why he doesn't carry a decent sword around? He's too powerful, no one who's crossed swords with him has lived to tell the tale and he doesn't like to put himself in that position. At the same time though, I also think he can be too gentle a soul."
A heard a noise, so I retracted my vectors and opened my eyes to look at him.
"What's that?"
"It's something Liz once tried to give Meliodas as a gift. So I accepted it for him and I've been holding on to it ever since."
I sensed a strong presence.
"I can sense an unbelievable amount of power, I'm stepping out for a look! You wait here princess!" The old man ran out. I got up from my chair to go look myself. Screw Meliodas's rule, I don't care about anything else if he's in danger. I opened the door and rushed out. Animals were flooding away from something.
"What on earth is going on?"
"Hey old man cain!"
"Ah! A member of the giant tribe! How exactly do you know my name?"
Elizabeth ran past us all holding something.
"Elizabeth wait!" Hawk was going to run after her but we stopped him. I'm not sure what happened after. All I heard was a huge explosion. All the animals stopped running away. Meliodas and the others appeared from the trees eventually. A man with glasses and pink hair was with them.

I was leaning against the outside wall of the tavern. Ban had cooked everyone a meal, I have to say it looked delicious. Of course he had to steal another outfit. Wait, what does steal mean? I'll ask later. It's so strange, is Chrissy sleeping or something? She hasn't spoken in awhile. Whatever, she might actually have found a way to sleep in my mind. I'm so bored though, I guess I'll listen in to conversations.
"Nice to meet you sir Gowther, my name is Elizabeth, I'm the third princess of Lioness, would you consider joining us on our quest to save everyone from the holy knights?"
"This isn't the first time we've met"
"We crossed paths once before in Aurdon and before that you became acquainted with us when you were only a small child."
"Well what do you know she was the small runt always hanging around the king."
"How weird I totally don't remember that."
"I beg your pardon princess."
"Oh sure, so umm you think you can tell me if I've met Sir Meliodas before too by any chance."
"Course you have!"
"Oh Sir Meliodas"
"What will it be Gowther, are you gonna join up with us?"
"I think I should it was the king who appointed me to the seven deadly sins so the least I could do in return is submit to his daughters wishes"
"Great with that our seven deadly sins count is up to five let's get drunk to celebrate!"
I heard people going 'yeah'.
"Well we would have done that anyway so I'm in."
What's is getting drunk? I still don't understand these words. They all started drinking, well everyone except hawk, me, Elizabeth and Gowther. I just notice how emotionless Gowther is.
"I was noticing that none of us are from the same species."
"That's all?"
"That's all"
"Hehe, now that you mention it, I guess your right." He is right. Wait, what is he than? Because we have, human, giant, fairy, undead, pig. Than there's me, but what's Meliodas than? I'm not sure.

"Hey guys! You won't believe this! Our buddy Gowther here was able to pick out king by his BO."
"Along with his bone structure and tone"
"You recognised him by his smell?"
"I'm curious let's all have a smell! Hmmm kinda sickly sweet." Ban started smelling king. Everyone started smelling him. But I can pretty much smell him from here. I slid down the wall to sit down.
"What's the big idea ganging up on me!"
"I didn't do anything to you."
"Of course you did! You started this mess so you have to clean it up."
"Very well." Gowther shot pieces of thunder thing into everyone's neck including mine. I didn't do anything. Elizabeth, Meliodas, Hawk and King got luckily.
"Diane you claim to be 29 feet but in fact you know your actually closer to 30. The fudging of your weight is even more surver."
"What's wrong with you Gowther? Why do you have to be so mean, a lady allowed to keep someone secrets you jerk." I think Gowther might be dead from all those punches, but now I have a clear idea on what he's doing.
"As for you Ban, during the battle with vampires in Edinburgh twelve years ago you got rather unreasonably drunk."
"Yeah that's right, I got pretty hammer and decide to not join in on the mission. I said I was sorry."
"But you didn't apologise for using physical hunt to steal king and Diane's powers or for laughing at it when you saw them both struggle."
Ban spat out all of his bear. No way he did that.
"Oh that's why I felt so weak all of a sudden."
"That was you!"
"Cmon it was a long time ago, forgive and forg-" He got squished between Diane hand.
"As for you Y/n." I look over to him, while the others look at me.
"You look and claim to be around in your 20's but actually your about over 300–" I launch over and punch him in the face.
"It's so rude to say a lady's age." Gowther put one of his shock waves into kings neck. Probably to do the same to him too. I walk back over to where I was sitting. I don't bother to listen to their conversations.
"Umm Lady Y/n?" I look up to Elizabeth, she holding a tray of food, more specifically some chicken wings on a plate.
"Since you hadn't eaten anything yet. I thought you might enjoy this chicken."
"Thank you Elizabeth!" I took the plate of her. It's been awhile since I ate human food. So I guess I'll see how it taste. I take one of the wings and take a bite out of it.

No way! This is... AMAZING! Soon enough I've ate everything on the plate. Only the bones are left behind.
"That was so good, thank you for bringing me this Elizabeth!" She smiled at me.
"No problem Lady Y/n!" She took the plate back into the tavern probably to clean. She came back out and went over to Meliodas with his food on a plate.

"Is the princess in love with the captain?" I started choking. What the hell?! I'm pretty mad I don't know why. But let's hope Diane didn't hear that.
"Her voice raises in pitch, her heart rate raises as well. Which doesn't when she speaks to the rest of us. I heard of this before it's called love. It's an condition that effects humans and other species."
"Stop! Stop talking you idiot."
"Man we are really in for it now!"
"Take it easy Diane"
"No need to blow away the village."
Instead of being angry, she's sleeping. Well that's good. I yawn. Man I'm tired. Gowther walked up to me. "Y/n you do know you are missing many memories correct?" I nod my head. "I can help restore them if you like. My head perks up.
"You can do that."
"Yes I can"
"Than yes please restore my memories."
"Very well, there is a weak spell blocking them away from you so I can just break it." He sends one of his waves into my neck. Once he's done, I can feel a headache start to form.
"It will only take a few hours for them to restore so I suggest you rest." I nod my head and go inside the tavern. It's nearly pitch black outside. It might be midnight or something. Everyone else started coming inside, welp except Diane and king. I go upstairs to the bedroom I share. And just get under the covers, to try my best to get to sleep with this huge headache but it will be fine. I'll get my memories back. I can feel the bed dip in beside me. That must be Meliodas. He cuddles into my back but I don't really mind. Just like that I'm finally able to get to sleep.


I was only a small child when my parents died. It was no surprise who killed them. It was the demon race. They burned my house down. Luckily I was able to escape. I kept running and running away from the building. Going as fast as my small legs could carry me. My legs started burning. I've been running so long. Tears blocked my vision, I couldn't see so I fell over a tree root. A stringing pain came from my knees. I wiped the tears from my eyes and looked down. One of my knees was scrapped, the other was bleeding.
" Hey are you alright?" I look up, I can just about make up a figure. Judging by he voice I think it's a boy. All I can see is a blur of blonde hair and white clothes. I rub my eyes and see a boy staring down at me. He has Blonde hair and green eyes. He wore a white shirt with no sleeves. And green trousers. Black shoes as well. Please don't say he's a demon too.
"D-Don't...hurt me!" I tried my best to get away from him, but he kept getting closer with his hand out. I was still on the ground, he was towering over me. I backed up against a tree.
"Leave me alone!"
"I'm not going to hurt you. I'm was only asking what was wrong. What are you running from?"
"D...Demons" His eyes showed anger.
"What did they do?"
"They killed my mama and papa, and they...they burned my house down"He put his hand on my shoulder. I looked back to him.
"It will be fine now let's get to the nearest village." He reaches out a hand to help me up, I grabbed it but when I tried to walk by myself. I nearly fell over. So the man picks me up. It took about ten minutes but we arrived at another town.


Finally I had found the ruins that held great power. Of course it was such a task to get here. It's been about ten years since the man saved me. He left me at that town than he disappeared. I never got to know he name but I thank him. Anyway I got past the creatures that were blocking the door. I heard rumours about this weapon. No one has been able to withstand it. It's an energy waster. But I also heard something else but it's probably fake. I walked up to the pillar it's laid on. A beautiful blood red scythe. I walk up to it. Once I grabbed it, I felt so much power flow into my body. But there was also pain. I clench my teeth together. I felt so much pain in my mouth. After a few minutes, it all calmed down. I moved  my tongue around my mouth, something felt weird. My canines has sharpened and gotten longer.

So it was true. The scythe changes the body and mental state of the holder to fit its needs. So doesn't that mean, I have to drink blood? Well I don't think I have to. I heard a huge bang, than some footsteps. Oh god, the guards. There's no other way out, wait there's a window. It's so high up. Ugh, I'm going to have to fight my way out.

Well, that took awhile and hurt a lot. Now I'm probably going to have a mark or somethin' above my eye. At least I got out of their alive. Plus I got a snack to help me control my new weapon. It's was becoming day, if I hurry I can get to the village without anyone noticing. Better start running.


It's been 20 years since that man saved my life. I can't even remember his face anymore. Since the lord adopted me, I was next in line and sadly I'm now lord. He died 5 years ago. Now I'm so tied down now. But I have to do it. This village took me and raised me so i must return the favour. I still have my scythe. I only use it when I need to. Since I don't like drinking blood and the scythe needs blood to be at it's full power. While walking around the town with my son, he is adopted. I found him at my doorstep so I took him in and raised him. He's four years old. Well like I was saying, while I was walking in the town with my son. I bumped into someone. He looked familiar.
"Sorry for bumping into you sir." He looked at me in shocked, like he knew me.
"I don't believe I've seen you before, are you passing though?" He nodded his head.
"Well I might as well introduce myself. I'm Y/n Spectrum, the lord of this village. And this is my son, Oscar Spectrum. Is there anything I can help you with while your here?"
"Yeah, I'm looking for a tavern, I heard this places beer is great!" He smiled, I nodded my head than turned to my son and patted his head. It became a signal not to long ago, meaning he should go and play.
"Okay sir follow me" I starting walking towards the tavern with the man following me. I can't place my finger on it but I've met him before.
"Hey Lord Y/n? Was it?" I nodded,
"I have to be honest, I think I've seen you before. Like twenty years ago." Than it clicked, the blonde hair, the beautiful green eyes. I turned to look at him, I stopped walking. He looked at me with a huge smirk plastered on his face. I hugged him. His body tensed up.
"If it's really you, I have to thank you for helping me." He hugged me back. The towns folk stared for a moment than continue their day. I released him than look into his eyes. Their so beautiful. I could feel heat go up onto my cheeks. I quickly looked away and started to lead the way back to the tavern.


I was just floating around the world as a lost spirit. I have been like this for over 1000 years. I died, but sadly my soul didn't move on. I don't know why, but when I got that scythe I had been cursed. Cursed to wonder the world as a lost spirit. I don't know what happen to Meliodas but he's probably dead. Killed by the demon race before it got sealed up. Well at least he stopped them. My adopted son, Oscar had survived the incident since he was out playing in the woods. I've been watching over him, well until he later died but he fixed the village. Even upgraded it. There was a fountain that had my name engraved in the stone, coincidentally right above where my body lays. His descendants kept upgrading it to be bigger and much more stronger. It would be boring if I spent who knows long watching my village so I went exploring. At least being a ghost means I can explore wherever I want to know except I can only go in the 50 miles radius of my grave. If I go to far away from the scythe keeping me like this, I will be put in so much pain. It's times like this I wish I never took that scythe. But I did learn something. Elizabeth, Meliodas's girlfriend who died got cursed as well but every time she died, she would be reborn with no memories of her past life. If she ever realises this, she will only have three days to live. It's kinda sad. But at least she's not stuck as a ghost! I wonder if Meliodas got cursed. Probably not. I guess this is my life now.


It's been three thousand years since I died. Three thousand years of watching my village fall and grow. I have been able to co-host some other peoples bodies, they either looked like me or had a similar personality. I haven't done it for awhile because when they die whether im in the body or not, their souls will become one with mine. It sad really. My home has changed a lot it used to be called Misite village but now it's the Misite Empire. It's huge now. The fountain fell but got rebuilt some of my name was still engraved, other bits had been blow away by time. I've been watching over the royal family recently. They don't go by the names Lords and Lordess's anymore. It's king and queen now. I've had my eye on the oldest daughter. She looks like me. The same face except her eye colour and hair colour are different, she has really pale green eyes they almost look silver. Her is a darker/lighter shade of mine. She always has her hair in two long plaits. I see potential in her. For the last few years, I've been looking for someone of the royal family. To make a deal with and fuse bodies to regain mine back. My ultimate power is reviving the dead. If it's for myself I can do it but I'll need a lot of strength and energy. If it's for someone else...I have to give up my life force for theirs.

This girl, I think - - - - - - - - - . Is her name? She is the perfect match for me, I just need to wait until she will willingly let me fuse with her. When she has such little will and is desperate enough. I've been watching her since she was an infant. She is so close to her breaking point from how her parents treat her. So soon I can offer up something she can't refuse. And eventually I'll be alive once again! I stare at the girl just laying on the floor of her cellar with a smirk plastered on my face.

It was showtime!

~Dream End~

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