Galra Heat? Yep a Klance

By AdamSitterley

42.8K 215 211

Welcome to another book! If I leave notes at the end of chapters read them! SMUT WARNING THIS BOOK HAS SMUT... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight

Twenty Five

649 12 1
By AdamSitterley

Hello fellow humans! So sorry for not having chapter up sooner. I have a laptop that doesn't want to work and that's why this chapter took so long to come out! Anyway enjoy reading you nasty little thins! Love you!


Lance was holding Keith very close as the sounds of banging continued.

"Where's your red paladin." A voice said. It sounded very feminine. Lance felt something shift and saw Keith waking up due to the noise.

"Lance." He whispered.

"Sh. It's okay, just go back to sleep." Keith shock his head. They both heard a small cry and their eyes went wide.

"Rosy please go back to sleep."


"For a six mouth year old, your not like normal babies." Lance said and scooped her up.

"AhHH!" She screamed and the banging stopped.

"Shit." Keith whispered and Lance glared at him."S-sorry." So Pidge was launched to the back wall so that Keith and Lance could see her.

"Sorry green paladin but, i must find the red paladin for Lotor." Keith gasped in fear." And I have a feeling that was him." Rosalina then screamed again.

"Rosy please be quite." Lance cooed and rubbed her back.

"Why hello Red Paladin." Keith quickly looked up and saw Ezor." I'm very glad to see you! Please come with me, I really don't want to hurt you." Keith growled.

"Never." The Ezor gasped.

"Is that the little child! Oh my gosh! She's so cute!" Ezor got trapped in Rosalina's cute tiny eyes.

"Ezor! Come on move your butt!" Another general came up and saw Rosalina."OH MY GOSH! SHE'S SO CUTE!"

"RIGHT?!" Keith and Lance eyed each other. Keith then looked back up at the general's who were staring at Rosy and making cute little noise's. Lance saw Allura and Pidge getting behind the generals and was about to attack when there was many shots and Shiro hit one of the generals.

"Shiro!" Keith cheered." Yeah!" Shiro panted while hand cuffing the generals.

"NO!" Ezor cried." That baby is to cute for me!"

"That's because this di-" Keith slapped his hand over Lance's mouth before he could finish.

"Can we just lock them up please. I'm really tired." Keith mumbled. 

"Are you guys-" Hunk ran up to Lance and Keith but stopped and looked at what was in Lance's arms."I-is that." Shiro turned around to after finishing the cuffs.

"No way." Shiro sat down. Lance then uncovered Rosy. Both Hunk and Shiro lightly gasped.

"Rosalina!" Hunk gasped." Oh my goodness, guys she's beautiful." Hunk whispered. 

"Wow." Shiro said. Rosalina had light brown with violet highlights. Her eyes were a mix between purple and blue creating a beautiful galaxy. Her skin was a mix between Keith's pale skin tone and Lance's caramel skin tone. She had small light brown freckles and Keith's button nose. Rosy was smaller than normal babies but then again she wasn't a normal baby." Wow."

"That's all, huh?" Keith lightly laughed.

"She's amazing." Shiro smiled at Keith. Keith then yawned and laid his head on Lance's shoulder and closed his eyes. 

"You should take him to your bed." Hunk said.

"Can you paladins please help me?!" Allura said. 

"Oh yes sorry princess." Shiro got up and helped Allura with their prisoners. 

"Keith." Keith opened his eyes lightly as Lance headed him Rosalina. Keith scooped her up and held her close to his chest." Come here." Keith looked up and stood up with Lance. Lance scooped up Keith and headed out the door. 

The castle was quite as Lance walked down the long halls. He could hear the steady breathing of Keith. He was soon inside their room and decided that they would all sleep together. Lance placed Keith down carefully and moved him so that he was on his side and Rosalina was snuggled into his chest. When he put the covers on Keith, he put them only to his lower arm so that Rosy wasn't to hot. Lance then got a cup of water and sat it down on Keith's side table like he always did. After, Lance got under the covers and laid down next to his lover.

"I'm so proud of you, Keith. Your so strong and beautiful." Lance said as he gently kissed Keith's forehead." I love you so SO much." Lance finally said. He pulled himself close to Keith and kissed Rosalina." I love you baby girl." He with that Lance finally was able to sleep without worrying about anything around him.


The next day was very quite for the paladins. There were no distress calls and no fights coming their way. Keith and Lance were having the best time just watching Rosalina sleep and cry. hunk had been trying out some new recipes for Rosalina. Pidge was doing her normal thing, making tech and doing some research. Allura and Coran was with Keith and Lance as well, learning new things about human children.

"So, human babies cry a lot?" Allura asked watching Rosalina cry.

"Yeah sometimes." Lance said. Keith picked Rosalina up and held her.

"Hi there." Keith whispered. Rosalina then stopped crying. She stared at Keith. Keith sat down and laid her down on his lap." Your so small and cute." Keith rubbed his and her's nose together and she giggled.

"AH!mmMMH!" She bubbled and spit was flying out of her mouth.

"Yeah?" Keith said as if he could understand her." That's pretty cool." 

"MMmmmh! AHhh!" Rosalina kept spitting and making Keith lightly laugh.

"Yeah I know right?" Keith said and looked over at Lance. Lance the raised an eyebrow.

"What is she saying Keith!?" Allura exclaims, amazed that Keith was able to understand baby language. Keith then put Rosalina between to pillows they had brought out and sat on Lance's lap, who was sitting on the floor with his legs out.

"She said," Keith started and cupped Lance's cheeks." That Lance is  the most perfect and beautiful person in the whole universe." Keith said and gave Lance a quick kiss on the lips. Lance then grabbed the back of Keith's neck and smashed their lips back together. They shared a passionate kiss before Rosalina screamed. They pulled apart and Keith chuckled as he laid his head on Lance's shoulder. Rosalina then wailed again." Okay, okay! We get it!" Keith got up and scooped up Rosalina and sat back down on Lance's lap.

"Hi baby." Lance kissed Rosalina. Lance looked back up at Keith and smiled softly." I love you." Keith smiled as well.

"I love you too." They shared a small little kissed." And i love you!" Keith said standing up and swing Rosalina around.

"Ahh! MMMH!" Rosalina giggled happily as she was smothered with love.

"I love happy paladins." Allura said finally.

"Yes, they look so happy together." Coran said. 

"I'm sure they are."

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