I Hate Skylox (adopted from I...

By hghrules

16.7K 746 752

SKYLOX STORY. Chapters eight and up from IMAmudkip's story, I Hate Skylox. (I really hope you already knew th... More

Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
CHAP-UH-TER AY-TENE (dont judge me)
Chapter Nineteen *ahem, finally*

Chapter 12

1.2K 62 90
By hghrules

Ty's POV

I'm woken by a loud thud.


I sleepily sit up in my bed. Oh, wait, no, this is Adam's bed. Oh. Right. Darn it. I hope he isn't freaking out...


I raise an eyebrow and lean over the side of the bed, where Adam is sprawled out on the floor. "Uh, Adam? You okay there?"

He kicks the bed. "NOOOO! GET AWAY! I DON'T WANT YOUR SCARY VIRUS! KEEP IT TO YOURSELF!" He rolls over and punches the bedside table, and my hand shoots out to steady it before it falls over. "AGH, STOP! EAT YOUR OWN FLESH, NOT MINE!"

I yawn and slowly crawl out of the bed to sit by Adam on the floor. "Adam, buddy, wake up," I say tiredly, shaking him gently.

"VIRUS! NO! DR. SALLIYA, STOP! THOSE TWO ORGANISMS WON'T COALESCE WELL!" Woah. I've never heard words that big come out of Adam's mouth.

At least I'm awake now. I'm also half-deaf from all his yelling, but whatevs. "Adam! Dude, come on, you're dreaming!" I shout, shaking him more roughly.


Oh, wow. Thanks, Adam, that makes me feel really appreciated.

'They say dreams are visions of your hopes and goals in life.'

Oh, you again. Wait, are you saying that one of Adam's life goals is to watch me get eaten?



'Hurry, leave before he eats you!'

He's not gonna eat- "ADAM!" I yell as he bites my arm. HE BIT ME! HE FREAKING BIT ME! Oh, ouch! Even worse, he bit an area that's covered in cuts. He can't see them, since I'm wearing long sleeves, but they're still there, and they hurt. Cuts are not meant to be bitten.

I shove Adam away from me as Lauren and Kyra burst through the door. "What happened!?" Kyra asks with wide eyes.

"Adam bit me!" I exclaim, rubbing my arm softly. Don't wanna open any cuts.

"He what!?" Kyra yells.

"Hashtag Skylox," Lauren whispers in Kyra's ear, but I still hear it.

"Dude, no!" I say, groaning. "Not like that! I think he's dreaming about the movie we watched last night, where this virus caused people to eat others."

"Oh. Well, why don't you wake him up?"

"I can't! I've tried shaking him awake, I've tried yelling at him-"

"Have you tried kissing him awake?" Kyra asks. She and Lauren giggle, and I groan again.

"I seriously doubt that's going to work, Smart Ones."

They shrug. "You might as well try."

'Don't you dare. You'll ruin your friendship with him. He'll be disgusted by the mere thought of someone like you liking someone like him.'

"Yeah, no," I finally answer. Then I lean down and put my mouth next to Adam's ear. "WAAAAKE UUUPPP!" I scream.

He jolts upward, his reflexes causing him to punch me on the way. I rear back and hold my face where he punched it; right on the eye. Oh, Adam, you're such a charmer, punching people when they try to wake you up from nightmares.

'You gotta work on using less sarcasm.'

Shut up, I'll be sarcastic if I want to.

"Adam!" Kyra scolds him, rushing over to me. Lauren quickly follows her, and then they're both hovering over me and asking me to move my hand so they can take a look at my eye.

"G-Guys, I'm fine," I insist, removing my hand but being careful to let my hair flop down over my eye.

"What? What happened?" Adam yawns, stretching his arms above his head. "Why're you guys bugging Ty?"

Lauren coos. "Aw, you're the first thing he thought about!" Kyra glares at her and elbows her in the stomach.

"Shut up, Lauren, Adam doesn't know!" she hisses.

"Adam doesn't know what?" Adam asks, almost fully awake by now.

"Um... nothing!" Lauren squeaks. Kyra rolls her eyes.

"It doesn't matter, Adam. Do me a favor and go get an icepack from the kitchen, though, okay?" Kyra asks him.

He sluggishly stands up, still stretching. "Why?"

"Because, Idiot, you punched Ty when you woke up."

"I did what!?" Adam screeches, looking down at me.

"Don't worry, I'm fine," I say, slowly standing up. "I don't need an icepack."

"Why did I punch you!?" Adam asks worriedly, stepping closer to me. "Are you sure you're fine? Come on, let's go get that icepack..." He grabs my wrist to drag me to the kitchen, and I yelp.

"What? What's wrong?" he asks.

'Oh, great. Good going, Ty. Now he's going to find out about your cuts, and he's going to be disgusted.'

Maybe not. I think it's better for him to find out I have a black eye than to discover I self-harm. "Uh, it's, my eye hurts, I got my hair in my eye."

Adam rolls his eyes. "Then don't put your hair in your face," he says, reaching up and brushing my bangs aside. I wince as he sees my black eye. His eyes widen. "Woah. Ty! That's not 'fine!'"

I smile sheepishly. "Oops?"

Kyra and Lauren groan. "Well, come on, Ty. We have to take care of that," Kyra says, starting out of the room.

"No, we don't! I'm fine, I really am! It doesn't hurt at all!" I insist, pulling away from Adam.

"You literally just said it was hurting ten seconds ago," Adam argues. He grabs my wrist again, more gently this time. Thank goodness. Then he pulls me out of the room and towards the kitchen. When we reach the kitchen, he pushes me toward one of the chairs at the table and then opens the freezer, pulling out a blue icepack shaped like a bear.

I laugh quietly. "Why does Jason have that?" I ask.

Adam shrugs. "I don't know, Jason is weird," he says, laughing with me. "Then again, so are we."

Mostly just me, Adam. You're not weird. Not like I am. You're just funny and awesome and perfect, that's all.

"You okay, Ty? I mean, not counting your eye. By the way, I'm really sorry about that," Adam says.

"It's no problem. And, I'm fine, other than my eye. Why do you ask?"

"You just kind of... went silent for a while. Are you sure you're okay?"

"... Yeah."

"You know you can tell me anything, right?"

'Don't tell him. He'll hate you.'

I don't have to tell him everything. What if I just told him about how much I hate myself sometimes? Well, all the time, actually.

'No. Don't tell him.'

What if I just told him about how I self-harm? He's my best friend. He wouldn't hate me, he'd want to help me, right?

'Don't tell him.'

What if I told him that I love him? He might not love me back, but he wouldn't hate me, right?

'Do not tell him.'

"Ty? Ty, are you alright?"

I shake my head, banishing the voice from my head.

'That's not gonna work.'

Shut up.

"Yeah, I-I'm fine," I say shakily. "I just, I zoned out. Sorry."

"No, it's no problem. You do know you can tell me anything, though, right?" Adam asks, sitting down next to me and pressing the icepack gently against my eye.

I sigh. "Yeah. I know."

Adam's POV

(It isn't long. Let's go back in time a bit to where Adam was still asleep.)

"AHHHHHHHH! NO, SPARE ME! EAT TY INSTEAD!" I scream. I don't wanna get infected with the Virus! Then I'll start craving flesh, and Ty is literally right next to me, and I'll end up hurting Ty! I would much rather Ty eat me than I eat Ty...

This is too weird...

The flesh-eating girl snarls at us and then darts forward, preparing to sink her teeth into Ty. NOPE I CHANGED MY MIND I DON'T WANT HER TO EAT TY THAT'S BAD NO ONE SHOULD BE EATING TY. I lean forward and bite the girl's arm, which seems gross but is nothing compared to what she was doing a few minutes ago.

"ADAM!" a familiar voice screams. Is that Ty? Is Ty hurt!? No, no, how did Ty get hurt? I turn around to look at Ty, who was standing behind me a few seconds ago, but he's no longer standing there. I whirl back around. Where did he go? What if the flesh-eating girl got him?

"Adam bit me!" someone shouts. I did what!? No!

"He what!?" someone yells.

Someone whispers something, though I can't tell what, and I spin in circles, trying to find out where the voices are coming from.

"Dude, no!" Ty's voice says. "Not like that! I think he's dreaming about the movie we watched last night, where this virus caused people to eat others." Dreaming? I'm not dreaming, this is real! At least, it looks real...

"Oh. Well, why don't you wake him up?" someone asks.

"I can't! I've tried shaking him awake, I've tried yelling at him-" Ty says. I still can't find him...

"Have you tried kissing him awake?" a girl asks. Ty, kissing me awake? Yes please. Except, I'm already awake, aren't I?

"I seriously doubt that's going to work, Smart Ones," Ty's voice says. Aw.

A girl says, "You might as well try." Yes, you should, Ty.

"Yeah, no," Ty replies. I sigh.

I feel someone's hot breath on my ear, and I quickly spin around to see the flesh-eating girl, right in front of me. Someone yells "WAAAAKE UUUPPP!" and I shove my fist forward, punching the girl in the eye.

*dream end*

I jolt up. Woah. Woah, woah. Okay. It was just a dream. Ty's okay. I'm okay. That girl isn't real. I was dreaming.

I wish Ty would have kissed me awake...


Heh. Whoops.

Sorry for not posting last week like I told a few people I would. I was planning to, but I ended up writing this 8,970 word SetoSolace that kind of took up the majority of my time. Heh. Again, sorry. I really do want to start updating this story more regularly. I just don't really know where it's going right now... I mean, I have a vague plan for what happens next, but I don't have an ending... I think I'm gonna throw in that OC soon, and then we'll have our drama.

Until next time, SEE YA LATER, RULERS!

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