Something's Gotta Give

By SolanaShearburn

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Alex Gaskarth is the lead singer of All Time Low but he also has a secret, one that is better kept that way... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 10

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By SolanaShearburn

                                                                                   (Jack's POV)

 "I'm proud of you for taking my advice." I tell Alex.

 Alex smiles. "What advice would that be?" he smiles.

  I grin. "To write down your feelings with lyrics. I'm lucky to have you. I want you to know something."

 He raises an eyebrow. "What is that?"

  I smirk. "That you've changed my life and you inspire me every day. I call you my boyfriend which is amazing. I love calling you that." I explain.

  There's a knock on the door and I get up to answer it. I open the door and standing there is Kellin Quinn. "Hi? I didn't know you were coming by."

 Kellin nods. "To be honest I didn't know I would be either."

 Alex joins us. "Don't stand out here in the cold." He invites Kellin inside.

  "Why are you here? I mean we don't mind but.." I ask our new guest. Kellin scratches the back of his neck, which usually isn't a good sign. "Vic and I had a massive argument. He told me that he needs some space."

  Alex hugs him. "I'm sorry. It doesn't have to do with.." I know what he means, the business. Its an intense thing that I'm trying not to be bothered by.

 Kellin sighs. "No, it has nothing to do with that. it had to do with something."

 I sigh. "You can stay the night here if you if you want. It might help you relax."

 Alex nods. "That's not a bad idea. You're welcome to stay here for as long ad you need to."

 Kellin smiles. "Thank you. You guys are awesome friends." He states.

  "We know." I laugh at that. "You are a wonderful friend too. Let's watch something cheerful." I suggest.

 "yes. Let's watch something uplifting." Alex agrees, grabbing the TV remote.

 I cuddle into Alex. "Let Kellin pick though. Where is Zack and Rian?" I ask.

 Alex laughs. "They're upstairs probably. I have no idea why." He explains.

 "They're avoiding us." I state laughing. "I doubt that's why but yeah."

 Alex kisses my forehead. "Maybe we're too cute."

 Kellin laughs. "You two are cute. When did that happen?"

  I giggle. "Three days ago before the wedding. But you have to admit that its about time." I kiss Alex on the cheek.

  Kellin nods as he picks a movie. "Yes, it is about time that you two got together. You're like my number one ship." He explains.

  Alex laughs. "Oh shush. We are happy and I'm happy that we are a couple. I've wanted this for so long." He says.

 Kellin smiles. "Yeah. You two are cute. Anyway that's what I chose." He says toward the movie.

 Alex nods. "Thanks. Shit I have paper work to do."

 "No! please take a break." I beg him. He's been doing paper work on and off all day.

 Alex sighs. "I can't because its payday."

 Kellin looks at Alex. "Shit I forgot."

  I sigh. "Okay fine. Go back to the boring paperwork." I whisper to him. "But don't expect anything fun from me tonight."

 Alex frowns. "But eh." He states grabbing a stack of papers.

 Kellin raises an eyebrow. "SO, I'm assuming you know the truth."

 I nod. "Yes he told me about it a few months ago. I'm still getting used to it."

  Kellin laughs. "Yeah it does take time to get used to but its worth it when you love some body though." He explains.

  "You love Vic don't you? I'm gonna give you some advice. I don't know what the argument was about but I know that you love him and that he loves you. Spend the night here but in the morning tell him how you feel. Don't let him go." I state.

 Kellin smiles. "Its funny that you say. I was going to tell you the same thing."

 I hug him. "Vic, is the love of your life isn't he?"

 Kellin nods. "He is."

 I smile. "Then fight for him."

 Alex chimes in. "he's right. I would hate to see you or Vic heartbroken."

  I nod. "Yeah. I would hate to see that happen too. Kellin, you should get some sleep. It's late." I state.

 Alex nods. "Yeah, I agree." He puts the papers down. "We all should get some sleep."

 I kiss Alex. "Then let's get our sleep."

 Kellin turns off the TV. "Am I staying in one of the guest rooms."

 Alex nods. "Yes, the room across from us."

  We all head to our bedrooms, Kellin going into the room across from us. I change into just my boxers and lay down on the bed. "Today has been interesting. I can't believe we haven't seen Zack or Rian all day today."

  Alex nods. "Yeah that was weird. But on the other side, we had the house to ourselves." He lays down next to me.

 "That's true. Goodnight." I lean over and kiss him on the lips.

 He kisses back. "Goodnight."

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