•ωнєи ι ѕєє уσυ αgαιи• killug...

بواسطة CrazyFanfictionTeen

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Years ✖️ Memories
The ✖ First ✖️ Night
Hot ✖️ Mess
Blinded ✖️By✖️ Darkness
Drunk gon?! ✖️ And ✖️ Drowning nightmares
Unexpected visitors ✖️ Determination
Tempting ✖ Request
Im Back! ✖️ A Sincere Heart
Emotions ✖️ Secrets
Da ✖️ Squad
We ✖️ Meet ✖️ Again
Blood ✖️ Stained ✖️ Hands
Back ✖️ To ✖️ Normal?
Jeallous fit ✖️ give me a break
Retrieve✖️Escape✖️Pt 2


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بواسطة CrazyFanfictionTeen

Sup crazy fanfic readers! Long time eh? It's been more then 3 years.... YIKES um... Yeah... so... I've been meaning to update for a long, long, long, longgggg time but I've never gotten round to finishing the chapter I was writing... I HAVE'NT FORGOTTEN Y'ALL! There's only 3 or 4 more chapters before the end of this story but don't worry I have really good plans for this fanfic, and I mean really good plans! I hope you're all still with me! You haven't given up on me right? T^T And without further ado... LETS START THIS!!!


Gon: Hey, Killua! Killua! Guess what! Guess whaaaat!

Killua: What is it? -_-

Gon: I've grown! I think I'm definitely taller then you now!

Killua: N-NANI?! How the fuck-

Me: Language killua, goddammit!

Killua: Shut it, you old hag!

Me: *dramatically gasps*

Gon: I think it's all that flavoured water that I've been drinking! *hic* That must be the reason~~*hic*

Killua: Gon...........you do know that it's not "flavoured water"....you know that's vodka right? Wait.....HOW MUCH OF THAT STUFF HAVE YOU DRUNK TODAY?!

Gon: I dunno probably a bottle or so... or was it two bottles...? Eheheh, oh well~ time to spinnn~~~

Me: uh oooh...

Killua: Not again!

Gon: ooooo~ what's this~ *hic*


Killua: AHH! No Gon! Don't touch that--

Gon: Oooo it *hic* it's viBRatINgGg~~~ hehehehe~~ *hic*

Killua: .............

Me: O_O


While Gon puts on his shoes, I ponder, pacing from the bathroom to the bedroom, thinking about the 'head' incident. If Alluka found out who it was... it would crush her. I can't tell anyone. Gon can't keep a secret , leorio definitely can't keep a secret but kurapika... he might be able to keep this to himself but still... how do I know for sure?

I sigh and collapsed on the bed next to Gon. I rest my elbow on my knees and slump my head in my hands. I sigh again.

"What's going on, Killua? You've been sighing for quite a while now..." Gon frowns at me.

I refuse to look at him. If I look at him then I'll end up telling him and I can't do that.

"Nothing.." I mange to let out trying to hide the crack in my voice. I still feel Gon's gaze burning into the back of my head so I sigh again.

"Stop staring, Gon, I'm fine." I say, turning to meet his gaze when he all of a sudden he surprises me with a kiss on my cheek and sadly smiles at me.

"You can't lie to me, Killua."

I place my hand on my cheek in shock before I quickly advert my eyes from his. Wow... I wasn't expecting that at all...

Gon suddenly stands up and stretches, "you know what? Even though I nearly died just now, I feel like I can defeat anything! Like... like a giant shark!" His eyes gleam with sparkles as he smiles proudly to himself.

I frown at him, "you're so weird"
He puffs his cheeks at me, "No I'm not!" 
I shake my head and laugh.

"...Jokes aside, we got to find alluka. Who knows what they have done to her and I won't hesitate to kill them if they touch her." I glare and clench my fist.

"You're right, lets go Killua." Gon says, turning back to serious mode and flinging on a white jacket.


Gon sits on my back and I Godspeed down the street. Gon can track her by her scent, we follow it until we find either a clue or even better, we find her.

"What way now?!" I shout, while running.

Gon takes another sniff and points, "left!"

"Left?! Are you sure?! There's nothing but trees that way!"

"I'm sure! One hundred percent, it's left!"
I make a left into the forest and speed past the trees.

"wait!!" Gon yells.

I abruptly stop in my tracks causing my heels to dig into the earth violently. Dust bursts up, surrounding us like a blizzard. I look at him, "what is—"

"Look over there" he whispers, pointing further into the trees.

I frown, "fire?" I lower Gon to the ground and decide to climb up the tree to get a better view. Gon follows me, jumping from tree to tree to see what was going on. We land in the closest branch we could find and hide within the leafs.

"What's going on down there?!" Gon whispers to me.

"I-I don't know..." I whisper back, trepidation flowing through my veins. From what we can see there's a weird looking devil sigil dug in to the ground, 8 torches imbedded into each point in the sigil.

Some kind of ritual? I've never seen a sign like this before.

The smoke spread in two and parted ways. Underneath the smoke and embedded deeply into the ground was a sign beyond abnormal. A sign that looked so inhuman it didn't even look real. Two moons facing each other, one large and one small. A thin cross with two small circles sits in the middle, linking the two moons together.

My eyes stretch out wide, for a moment I felt as though I wasn't here. my heart dropped.


A frown spreads upon Gons face, "what does that mean?"

I can feel Gons anxiety and I know how confused he must be, but he needs to learn to understand this somehow.

I look down, "It's a cursed sign, it's called Stygal and it's known to bring chaos and destruction" Silence hung over our heads like a naked ceiling light.

"Don't you see, Gon?!" I grab ahold of his arms and face him toward me, "if we're too late...A-Alluka—"

"No Killua! She'll be okay I promise!" Gon smiles, but for a split second a flash of worry  had appeared in his eyes.

My head lowers to his chest, I grip onto the sides of his shoulders as hard as I could just hoping that she's okay. Gon places his hand on my head and pats me slowly making my shoulders relax into his gentleness. I look up at him and he smiles, pressing his lips onto mine.

"I love you" he whispers to me.

I nod at him as a smile slowly appears on my face, "I know"

My eyes dart towards the Symbol, when spotting someone stand in front of Stygal dressed in a long red cloak. Four more cloaked figures follow behind and stand in there designated places. Another figure emerges onto the scene, this time wearing a white cloak and carrying Alluka. The figure carefully lays her body in the middle of the symbol. As the white cloaked figure starts bowing at the rest of the red cloaks.

"A-Allu—"Gon begins to shout, but I tightly wrap my hand around his mouth before he blew our cover completely.

Glancing down, Alluka didn't look harmed on the outside but she's unconscious and looks to me like she was was definitely drugged. The fact that these dirty swines even touched a strand of hair on Allukas head makes my blood boil. I try to contain my anger by breathing slow and steady.

Gon looks at me with a frowned look. I loosen my grip around his mouth and held a finger in front of mine to inform Gon on staying quiet. I know that all he wants to do is rush in, being reckless as always but we can't do that. My family are too unpredictable and play dirty and this cult shit is definitely apart of their performance.

We focus on the present scene, my eyes on Alluka and gons eyes on the cloaked figures. Using zen, I cloak our auras. I couldn't help but wonder on what the hell is taking them so damn long? As the waiting game carried on, my eyes widen as my zen veil fall and My composer instantly drops as my father appears within the trees.

"To the following 5 men that stand in front of me tonight... you have been chosen and this is the moment you've all been waiting for..." his venomous voice slivers it's way around through each of them, like a cord slowly tightening around their throats.

"Yes master, Zoldyck" all bowing and speaking in sync.

Gon grips my hand as fast as he could to calm me down but I push it away furiously as I can't shake this awful repugnant feeling. I can't stop shaking. I'm powerless against him. What do I do? Alluka. What's about Alluka? Alluka-Alluka-Alluka-Alluka-ALLUKA!


I scratch my nails into the branch I sat on, digging my nails in so hard that it causes the tree to crack. Then, out of the blue, Gon wraps his arms around me, clinging to me for dear life. He tightens his grip and the tighter it felt, the less tense I became.

"It's okay, Killua"

I held my breath.

"I'm here"

I let my breath slowly escape from my mouth as his words alone helped me and I finally didn't feel so tense.


But, it was in that moment that Killua was completely oblivious to the major term of events that could change his life within the space of 5 minutes. False accusations? Forced choices? Would it be for better or for worse?

Let me know your theories and what you think might happen next in the comments section!

Whoever guesses right: your first name will be the name of a new character that I'll introduce in the next chapter! ;P

Oop- did I forgot to mention?

Cliffhanger alert! ;P

See you in the next one!  (MWAHAHAHA)

~Stay Hunterlicious!~

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