Falling Slowly ⤖ Roger Taylor...

By candyappletree

76.8K 2.1K 2.5K

"There were some things set in stone in the world: the sky was blue, the grass green and you loved Roger Tayl... More

Did I Just Say That Out Loud?
Some Guy, But Not This Loser
I'm Not With You
Is She Here To Stay?
Rog, Are You Jealous?
Too Close
Are You Crying ?
Just Talk To Him
Sorry For Being A Bitch, Rog
Don't Say His Name
I Had A Dream About You
I Don't Dance
She's My Girl
I'll Remember This
He's Going To Her
A Man Can Dream
She's Different
Is It About Ava?
A Pretty Girl, Rog
An Asshole That You Kissed
I'm Gonna Tell Her
Lucky Me Then
Can I Go First?
Everything you need
Inevitable What Happens
Don't Give Up On Us
You Look Like Shit
You're all mine

She Awakens

2.4K 79 101
By candyappletree

Roger's hand was wrapped tightly across yours as he led you through the crowd till Freddie and Mary. Although he was drunk too, he was walking ahead of you confidently and protectively. You on the other hand, felt completely dizzy and sick.

You reached Freddie and he supressed a smile when he saw two holding hands.

"Fred" Roger spoke "Where should I take her?"

"Upstairs bedroom" You heard someone say, you weren't sure if it was Freddie or Mary. All the voices had merged into one.

"All right, thanks bud" Someone said and you felt a tug at your arm. You obliged and followed in that direction, stumbling through people.

"Okay, we gotta make it up these stairs. Just lean on me and please try not to fall over okay?" The same voice said and you distinctly realized it had to be Roger. The realization made your heart flutter and you smiled.

"What are you smiling about now?" He asked. When you didn't respond he sighed and put your arm around his shoulder. He nudged your leg forward and you kept your foot on the first step. It took you a long time to get your other foot up and if Roger hadn't been holding you up, you would have collapsed ten times over.

"Christ, why couldn't the bedroom have been downstairs?" You heard him mutter as he led you upwards. There was a couple coming down the steps and Roger made you stop so they could pass.

"Let's go Y/N. I plan to reach the top of the steps by this year" He joked and you slowly made your way up. On the last step, or what you thought the last step was, you put your foot in the air but there wasn't anything for it to land on. You stumbled forward, losing your balance and Roger quickly put his arm around you.

"Jesus!" He exclaimed, sighing as he gripped your arms tightly.

"Whoops" You spoke "Looks like I fell for you"

You then let out a loud laugh at your own joke and you're very sure Roger laughed back. He then took you towards a room.

"Why do we always find ourselves in this position?" He asked "Me taking care of you when you're drunk"

You turned to him and said "Because you're my best friend, that's your job"

He chuckled and said "I suppose it is"

You found your way to a bed and immediately fell on it, passing out as soon as your head hit the pillow.

The next morning was a struggle. You woke up next to another passed out girl and for the slightest moments of panic, you thought you had hooked up with her. Upon realising you didn't, you got up and walked out into Freddie's home.

"Ah, she awakens" You heard and turned to see Freddie.

"Hey, Fred" You smiled, your head hurting like crazy. He passed you a pill and you quickly swallowed it with water.

"Looks like you had a lot of fun last night" Freddie said, suggestively and you rolled your eyes.

"You tell me. I don't remember shit" You laughed.

"You're serious?" He asked. He looked disappointed almost, for some reason you couldn't understand.

"I completely blacked out" You explained and went down to the kitchen with him "How much did I embarrass myself?"

"Well I think it took you an hour to come up these steps" He gestured and you groaned.

"Did I do anything stupid?" You asked.

"More than usual, you mean?" He said and you smacked him.

"I don't think so. Although, I do remember you screaming at Roger and throwing drinks at people"

"What?" You asked, horrified "Does he hate me?"

"I'm pretty sure he doesn't, regardless you were the one telling himyou hate him over and over" He spoke.

You sighed and sat next to the kitchen island.

"I'll talk to him" You said, pouring yourself coffee.

Freddie nodded "We're all meeting for lunch later. You're coming, right?"

"Sure" You said, you needed to talk to Roger anyway.

*Last Night*

Roger looked at you as you almost immediately passed out. Your eyeliner was completely smudged, from all the crying. Your lipstick, from all the kissing. But your hair was perfectly in place, it probably had been done by Mary.

He thought about how you had come to the diner and how long you would have waited for him before giving up. He felt like shit.

There was a knock on the door and be turned to see Freddie.

"She okay?" He asked. Roger nodded and went out, closing the door behind him as he got one last look at you and your sleeping form.

"I'm sorry for the way she was acting, a lot of it might have been my fault, I told her to do a grand gesture for you" Freddie explained as he leaned against the bannister alongside Roger.

"It's okay, it's my fault. If I had actually known she was there, I would have gone in a heartbeat" He said.

"I know you would have, Roger. She's just very angry and wild when she's drunk" Freddie said "How did you even get her to shut up?"

Roger laughed "I kissed her"

"What?" Freddie's head snapped towards his.

Roger nodded "I don't know why. She was pretty into it, although judging by how drunk she was, I think she could have made out with the wall"

"Do you think she will remember?" Freddie asked, suppressing a grin.

"I really don't think so. If she does, well that changes just about everything between us" Roger said, looking down at the party and the girl he had left behind crossed his mind.

"And if she doesn't remember?" Freddie asked, looking at him incredously "Will you tell her?"

"I don't know, Fred. I don't even know if I want her to know yet. But god, that was one of the hottest kisses I've ever had, and I've had a lot" Roger sighed, running his hand through his hair "I've never really thought about it before with her, because I thought she could never be attracted like that to me"

"Roger, you're gorgeous. No woman is not attracted to you" Freddie added.

"Yeah, but she's different you know? She's always making fun of me, or pointing out faults and I like that. I like that a lot. I never knew she could be into me romantically, or sexually" He said, leaning forward, his arms supported by the bannister.

"Now, even if she doesn't remember, I don't think I can look at her the same way again" Roger concluded.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, and this might be too much information for you, but... now everytime I see her I'm gonna think back to how it felt having her body pressed up against mine, and having her pinned to the wall by my weight or touching her..."

Freddie smiled "I understand, Rog. We'll just have to see. Anyways, you'll be meeting her tomorrow at the brunch"

"Right" He said "I don't know if I can sit next to her like we always do. If she's that close to me, I'll end up pulling her in my lap or something along those lines"

Freddie laughed and said "Okay I don't need any more images in my head Roger. We'll keep her away from you"


You were dressed for the brunch and looked around your trailer. Maybe you should take Freddie up on his offer to live in his place, you anyways spent all your time there anyway. It would save on your rent and the embarrassment you felt, but it would also ruin your privacy and theirs.

You then headed to the address Freddie had told you the lunch was at. You were meeting the boys and with one of their producers.

You wore a short yellow dress that ended just above your knees and a polka dot headband sat across your hair. You felt like crap but at least you could look cute. You'd matched your sneakers to your dress and wearing it instantly made you feel better. You entered the cafe, and immediately spotted the boys at a table in the corner. Freddie, Brian and Roger were already seated.


He was in a white shirt and a brown leather jacket over it. You instantly went to the seat beside him, that's where you always sat, together, and you needed to talk to him anyway about last night.

You smiled at them and pulled out the chair next to Roger. Before you could pull it any further, his hand stopped it and he looked at you "Um, actually John's sitting here. Why don't you go over next to Brian?"

"Oh" You said and moved around the table to sit next to Brian, right across Roger. Your eyes landed on him the minute you sat down and he gave you a small smile before averting his gaze.

"You look beautiful" Brian told you and you began talking to him. Within some time, you were joined by John, Miami and their new producer. You had ordered a spaghetti for yourself and while they discussed business, you glanced at Roger. He seemed just as out of the conversation as you were and although he was trying to avoid looking at you, you'd caught him a few times staring.

Roger couldn't stop looking at you. You looked beautiful and he wanted nothing more than to sit next to you and talk to you. He wanted to trail his hand up your exposed thigh, and to have your fingers tug at his hair. His eyes were on you throughout the lunch and he could feel your eyes on his as well.

You'd had enough of this and you slowly brought your foot nearer to his. You nudged his leg under the table and he jumped, surprised. It took him a minute to realize you had done that and he looked at you in confusion.

"Bathroom. Now" You mouthed and he understood but he looked caught like a deer in headlights. You got up, keeping your napkin down and headed to the back, waiting for him to follow. You leaned against the door for some time and you thought he wouldn't show up, until you saw a familiar shoulder turn the corner and face you.

"I thought you wouldn't come" You grinned.

"Wouldn't put you through that again" He said.

You nodded. "About that..."

"Can we just forget it, please?" He said "I'm really sorry"

"Of course. And I'm sorry for my outburst last night" You said and you noticed his face change when you mentioned last night.

"Truce?" You asked, extending your hand forward. He stared at it for a second before bringing his own hand up.

You shook your hand with his, and smiled. He stood there, looking down at your handshake for a minute before taking his hand back.

"Freddie told me I was really mad at you yesterday and that I spilled a drink on you?" You said, still unsure of what actually happened.

"Right. You did" He said, still in a serious tone.

"I have no idea what came over me" You said "Seems like I'm always apologizing to you for something"

"Yeah" He nodded and said "Should we go and rejoin them?"

He started to walk away and you put a hand on his arm, stopping him.

"Roger, are you okay? You seem really, I don't know, disturbed" You spoke "About last night..."

"Yeah?" He asked, his eyebrow perking up as he looked at you with expectation. He wanted you to tell him that you remembered so bad, just so he could kiss you all over again. But you didn't.

"Can we just forget what happened?" You asked, referring to your outburst and your fight with him.

"Already forgotten" He said softly.


"I'm all right Y/N" He said and offered a small smile, in reassurance.

"So does that mean you'll let me sit next to you now, and stop avoiding me so much?" You said, smirking.

"Only if you let me have your spaghetti" He grinned and you laughed. You went back to the table and saw, for the slightest of moment, Freddie and Roger exchange glances. As if they had something to tell each other, but not you.

John had already moved his chair next to Brian and you and Roger sat down together. It was almost like things were normal now.


Roger grabbed a fork and dug into your plate, and you reached over, taking one of his bacon and egg sandwiches. You stuffed it in your mouth, letting out a moan from how good it tasted.

Brian and his girlfriend were laughing about something, Freddie and Mary had resumed an argument and Miami and John were in deep conversation. You turned to Roger and said "What happened to the girl you were with last night? I remember pissing her off"

"Oh, you don't have to worry about her anymore" He said "I practically kicked her out for what she did to you"

"Thanks, Rog" You said and reached over for a chip, your hand brushing against his in the process. It's like your heart skipped a beat when you felt his hand against yours and you froze.

"You okay?" He asked, looking over at you and you smiled back, shrugging it off.

"My head just hurts because of last night" You said "Pass me the chips and I'll be fine"

"Of course you will be" He laughed and gave you the basket.

"This hangover is so terrible, don't let me near alcohol ever again" You whined.

"Why not? Although you're a pain in the ass, you are pretty fun when you're drunk. You're like this tiny, fragile thing but with a lot of energy just about ready to punch anyone who approaches her" He said.

"Oh god" You said, your face buried in your hands.

"It's totally attractive" He laughed and you glared at him.

"In the middle of our argument, I was scared for my life. With the way you were going at me, I didn't think I'd make it out of there alive" He teased, embarrassing you even further.

"I feel so fucking mortified" You said and put your head in your hands "Wish someone recorded everything so I could know what the hell I did at the party"

"Oh, I would love to see that" Roger said, a smile gracing his lips as he lifted a glass of water to drink. Your leg brushed against his and he looked up at you. You saw his eyes flicker down to your lips before they were back on your eyes. He then gave you a once over.

"You're dressed like you're going for a picnic" He said and you hit him on his arm in response.

"For once in your life, you could be nice to me" You said.

"What are you saying? I'm always nice to you" He said, outraged.

"Ugh, shut up" You said, pulling your dress down further. It had ridden up and you felt conscious.

"You look beautiful, Y/N" He said "If that wasn't obvious"

Before you could respond, Freddie interrupted you.

"Roger, you do know this is a business meeting right?" Freddie said.

Roger turned to Freddie and laughed, saying "I'm only here for the food, of course"

That's when you noticed it. Almost hidden from sight, a hickey on his neck, just under his collar. You instantly felt much worse, your headache returning. Roger turned his head back to you, and from his lips you could tell he was saying something to you, but you couldn't process it.

"Y/N?" He asked. You snapped out of it and looked at him.

"Sorry I completely zoned out" You said.

"It's all right. I was just asking you if you wanted to order anything else"

"Is that from her?" You asked, out of nowhere.

"I'm sorry, what?" Roger asked, confused.

"The hickey on your neck" You said, making sure to keep your tone even so you didn't give away how strange you felt or how fast your pulse had become.

His hand went up to his neck automatically, as if he didn't know it was there. Or maybe he was pretending. Freddie glanced at Roger at that and you saw them exchange a look.

"Uh, yeah I suppose it's from her" He said, unsure and an expression you couldn't recognise on his face. You weren't surprised at that. Roger usually was with multiple girls in one night and it was common for him to forget which one did what with him.

"Well wow, she definitely has a hell of a mouth" You exclaimed, and returned back to your plate.

Roger glanced at Freddie again. He wanted to tell you more than anything, but he had no idea how you would respond.

"Do you want anything else?" Freddie asked, cutting the tension and returning the conversation back to what it was.

"Of course, we're not leaving without dessert" Roger said, grabbing the menu and putting it between the two of you so you could choose. You trailed your finger over the options while reading out their names to Roger.

"Apple Strudel" You decided, stopping your finger there and Roger nodded.

The meeting was long over. Miami and the producer left and that just left you and the boys.

The waiter brought out your dessert and you beamed at Roger.

"Dibs on the first bite" You both said at the same time and you grabbed the dessert spoon before he could.

"Oh come on" He groaned.

"You snooze, you lose" You smirked, digging into it.

"Could I get another spoon?" Roger asked the waiter, the wait killing him. You took pity on him, laughing as you took the first bite and then extended the spoon to his mouth.

"We can share" You told him and put the spoon in his mouth, his eyes closing in pleasure as he tasted the amazing dessert. He licked his lips, his tongue darting out while he laughed and you smiled back at him.

That's when you realized that things were never going back to absolute normal, to the way they were before, because things were different now. Watching him laugh as he shared the dessert with you made you realize what you had been ignoring all this time.

You'd completely, and totally, in every sense of the word, fallen in love with Roger.

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