PuriKyun: Hi! Chance PreCure

By PuriKyun

9.1K 388 279

"Hello, I am 3rd year middle school student Sakura Koki who seemingly cannot do anything. Despite this, I wil... More

Hi! A New Chance for a Flower and?!
An Aria for the Cool Fall
A New Year for Sakura
How Funny~ Illuminate! The New Cure!
A Harmonious Shopping Spree
Rana Becomes a 1st Year High Schooler?!
Eh?! Kazuki is Popular Amongst the Ladies!?
The Father's Sunlight
Sakura's Chance to be Class President
An Unexpected Visit! Akina gets in Trouble!
A Sunny Reunion! Illuminating a New Relationship!
Nice to Meet You! The Princess of Winter!
The Beautiful Warmth of Winter!
Celebrate! Welcome to Chanson!
Exam Madness! Determined Studying!
Oh dear~ "Shirana wa Shiranai" (Shirana doesnt know)
Birthday Frenzy! Asahi's Honesty
Let's Idol! You Say They Were What?
Cold Justice! Sibling Affection
Prickling Love! Heartfelt Confession!
Let's Go! To the Shadow Lair
Power up with the Royal Armor
Let's Go Home! Welcome to the Kingdom of Chanzon!
Yes! We're the Pretty Cure!
A Fresh Splash into Confidence!
Smile with Happiness! A Suite Birthday!
Twinkle! Guardian of the Skies!
The Magic of an Embrace
Catch this Glittering Pounding Heart!
The Role of a Princess
Build Memories! A Snowy Paradise!
The Little Blooming Flower's Revealed Season
Trapped! A Seasonal Paradise
The Royal Season's Special Paradise
Revelation! We are Hi! Chance PreCure
Refresh! Celestial Ensemble and the Final Battle!
The Beginning of the End
Da capo: Aria for the Fall at Christmas
A New Year! A Fresh Season! A High Chance!

What?! A Saddened Flower

206 10 8
By PuriKyun

"Time to get up, Sakura"

Sakura scratched her head as she felt somebody nudged her awake. Rubbing her eyes she slowly opened the to see her mother smiling there. Glancing up at the clock she saw that it was only 5 in the morning.

"We're going to Grandma and Grandpa's house today! The journey is long so you have to get up now" Makiko said with her usual gentle voice

"Oh okay, I'll go take a shower then" Sakura's voice was raspy due to the early hours of the morning

"Right, you do that and I'll see if I can get your sisters up"

Sakura hurriedly grabbed some clothes and her towel before running into the bathroom. Makiko sighed as she watched the blonde haired girl rush around. Her gentle smile turned into a sad frown before she walked away.

A few hours later, the family were finally sitting in the car with Sakura stuck in between Sara and Karai. Their grandparents house was in the countryside so they knew they would be travelling for a while. Seigo drove while Makiko sat beside him, her eyes fluttered shut from sleepiness. Meanwhile, the three sisters in the backseat were in their own world. Karai, on the left, was staring out the window listening to music. Sara, on the right, was using her phone. While Sakura, in the middle, held Spring on her lap as she stared into the road.

Sara suddenly jumps up and shouts out "I forgot my charger!"

"What?" Seigo turned to look at her "We're already on the main road, we can't turn back now"

"But I'll have no charger then!"

"Borrow Karai's charger"

"I don't want to! She never lets me use it, plus her phone dies easily so she'll always end up needing it!" she complained

"How about Sakura?"

"She has a different phone to me!"

"Use ours then?" Seigo's voice beginning to get frustrated

"But Dad! You're already sharing your charger with mom! I also use my wire for my portable charger!"

"We'll just buy one on our way then"

"Ugh. Fine."

Sakura looked at her sister "why did you forget it then?"

"Well sorry but unlike you, I'm a human who actually forgets thing. We were all rushing around so obviously I forgot it."

"How do you forget something you always use?" Sakura mumbled to Spring

Spring shrugged slightly.

"Uh, what did you say?" Sara's eyes narrowed angrily

Karai took out one of her earphones and rolled her eyes before putting it back in "here we go..."

"Considering you're always on your phone and needing your charger, I don't understand how one forgets to bring it. I thought you were smart."

"Excuse you but I'm smarter than you. Just because you think you're smart doesn't mean you are."

"I didn't say anything about me being smart. I know you are which is why I was wondering why you forgot it."

"I'm smart! Not organised! Sa-ku-ra!"

"If you're smart, then you should have been smart enough to organise your most needed items."

The two adults in the front seat ignored their argument because it was common for the two to argue since eventually the two would make up, but soon the tension started to rise in the car.

"Stop bragging that you're organised! If you were organised then you should be smart and good at things but look. You're not! You haven't achieved anything at all." Sara's voice was raising and so was her anger

Sakura narrowed her eyes "Hey!"

Spring twitched a little, uncomfortable at their harsh conversation that she was sitting into.

"You're just gonna be forever known as Sara and Karai's little sister or the irrelevant Koki sibling so regardless of your efforts and mine there is a big difference!"

The blonde haired girl just watched Sara in shock, completely disbelieving that those words were coming out. Karai had stopped listening to music and glared at Sara.

"Shut up, Sara! It's no big deal so just be quiet already!" Karai hissed

"Hah. Don't tell me to shut up. You're thinking it too! I might as well say it while she's here listening so that way the truth can be told loud and clear."

Karai poked Sara's leg hard. "I said shut up."

"No! Sakura is really annoying! Thinking she's all this and that! Who does she think she is? She's not even the eldest sibling, she's the youngest! So what gives her the right to tell me I should be a little more organised? She's not my mother!"

The other twin continue to glare at Sara fiercely "Sara-" she was cut off by Sakura's voice.

"What! I'm just telling you what you should have done!"

"That's exactly why people don't like you Sakura! Nobody wants to hear what they should done because they already know! Stop poking at the obvious! If I had known that previously there wouldn't be a problem, but of course little miss goody two shoes has gotta point out her opinion and butt in where she's not needed! Life was better without you!"

Makiko turned to look at the girls "Okay, that's enough now. Sara stop yelling at Sakura."

"See!" Sara exclaimed "Even mom is siding with you! Nobody here understands that Sakura is the favorite child even though she has yet to accomplish one thing in life!"

Sakura sat quietly squeezing Spring tightly.

"Karai! Aren't you even in the least bit upset at all!?"

Karai just stared at her sister quietly before shaking her head "how did it end up like this from Sara forgetting her charger..." she whispered to herself

"Ugh!" Sara roughly nudged Sakura with her elbow before dramatically turning to look out the window.


"What? I'm sure you have some bandages in your pocket if it hurts. You're organised aren't you?" sarcasm echoed out of her voice

"Mom! Dad!" Sakura yelled out

"Oh just shut up, Sakura! Why are you calling mom and dad?! You have no right to call them that!"

Makiko and Seigo finally turned around and glared at Sara.

"Sara! Stop it this instant! One more word out of you and you can go phone-less for the day!" Makiko shouted at Sara who grouchily stomped her leg on the car floor.

"I didn't say anything wrong..." she mumbled

Sakura stared into space upset and confused. She was trying her best and only wanted to help her sister but Sara's feisty and easily angered nature got the best of her. The rest of the car ride remained silent. Nobody knew what to say after that. In the end, Sakura was left drowning in thoughts.

She turned into a Pretty Cure. She was finally given a chance to redeem herself, maybe she was actually good at something. Then her mother was turned into a monster. Why? She couldn't help but be curious as to why her mother had to be sent into a paradise. Now her sister was fighting with her. The words "you have no right to call them that" and "that's exactly why nobody likes you" continued to ring in her head. The words left her confused, upset and frustrated.

Spring could sense the tension so she patted Sakura's hand gently in a reassuring way.

**✿❀ ❀✿**

Hidden in the depths of the shadows, the Negatime trio lingered. Miss. Iiena leaned against the wall with her arms crossed, her purple hair flying in the wind.

"Failed again, huh?" she said "Boss is becoming a little more frustrated... maybe she should just let me go out."

"Silence!" Sir. Kage echoed "This time! This time for sure! I'll have those Nacharms and the silly royal children delivered to the boss!"

"Without fail?" a monotoned male spoke out

"Of course!"

"I doubt it" Miss. Iiena stared at her nails before side-eyeing the old man "after all... boss will eventually use us in the end."

Sir. Kage glared at the young purple-haired lady.

"What? You know I'm right. Boss has been patient enough. She needs to see progress and so far..." Miss. Iiena paused "you've been getting beat by three little girls."

"Hah! Says the little girl herself!" he scoffed

She smirked "-that'll beat you too. You don't need that much knowledge to know that boss will eventually replace you. You're just the self-appointed leader who can't achieve a single thing."

"I'll show you. This time, the Pretty Cure won't know what hit them."

**✿❀ ❀✿**

After what seemed like a lifetime, the Koki family finally arrived at their grandparents house. At the front door, they were greeted by a jolly old lady who had a huge and friendly smile on her face.

"Oh at last! I thought you guys would never arrive!" Futaba, the grandmother shouted out with open arms as she ran towards them

One by one, she hugged them all whilst planting kisses on their cheeks. Reaching Sakura her eyes lit up and her already huge smile grew bigger.

"Oh Sakura! Dear! You've gotten so much bigger!" she held her tight "Happy birthday!"

Futaba looked at Sakura up and down, carefully analysing her.

"It seems like yesterday when your mother found-"

"Let's go inside, mother!" Makiko interrupted hurriedly

Sara rolled her eyes and marched in without saying a word. Sakura tried to follow her but stopped. Karai watched her little sister and smiled at her gently before walking into the house.

Masahito, the grandad handed Sakura a small gift.

"Happy late birthday" he whispered "Go buy yourself something nice"

Looking into her hand, she saw money wrapped up in a roll tied by a pink ribbon. Smiling, Sakura hugged and thanked him.

"That was nice of him ~purin" Spring whispered as Masahito walked away

"It was wasn't it" Sakura grinned happily

The family all gathered together in the living room, having pleasant conversations. Sara and Sakura sat in the opposite sides of the room in order to avoid each other. Futaba suddenly stood up and pulled out a box.

"Look at this!"

Gathering around, they watched the elderly lady open it up to reveal old photo albums. Taking the album on top, it showed to reveal baby photos of Seigo.

"Mother, please!" Seigo cried out in desperate embarrassment

"It's dad!" Karai grinned

Flipping through the album, they all enjoyed the childhood photos of their dad. Sara realising that she really did look like her dad when he was younger. Finishing the album, they took out another one that was full of Makiko and Seigo's wedding pictures.

"Oh no" Makiko shied away

The siblings awed at how beautiful their mother looked in her wedding dress.

"I wanna get married too" Karai mumbled, still gaping at the photos

Taking out another album, Masahito opened it up. Inside were photos of Makiko when she was pregnant with the twins.

"I looked horrible and fat" Makiko complained

"No, you looked beautiful" Seigo complimented "after all, you were pregnant with our girls"

"Ew! Sappy" Sara cringed as she teasingly stuck her tongue out

"These photos are all placed in order! Grandpa liked to make sure these albums are placed in the order they were taken" Futaba said proudly

Continuing to look at photos, they soon saw the first photos taken of the twins after birth. Flipping through the album, Sakura soon found herself in the end as a toddler. Sakura soon frowned. Something felt odd. Taking the album into her lap she began to flip through it before frowning again.

"These photos are in order, right?" Sakura asked

"Yes! Of course!" Futaba replied

"How come there are only photos of me when I'm around 2 or older...? Where are the actual baby photos of me...?"

"Oh because there aren't any" her grandmother pointed out without thinking

"Huh... why?"

"That's because you weren't here yet so we only have photos of you when you were here" the grandmother continued

"Why wasn't I here...? Why wouldn't I be here...?" confusion spread in her mind, her voice shaking

"Sakura..." Makiko whispered suddenly

"Mom! Why are there pregnancy photos of you with the twins but not with me? How come I don't have hospital or new born photos? Why wasn't I here!?" Sakura suddenly felt uneasy and a thought suddenly struck her mind. With her voice shaking she looked at her family members who were staring at her in silence.

"Why did Sara say I don't the right to call you mom and dad?!"

Tears swelled up in Makiko's eyes and Seigo looked around trying to find a distraction. Karai puffed up her cheeks and looked away while Sara just stared at her with a blank expression. Masahito sensed the atmosphere and walked out. Futaba covered her mouth.

"Oh... whoops" Futaba whispered

"Sakura! You're still our daughter, we always have and always will love you!" Makiko cried out

A wave of realisation poured into Sakura who was now in shock. Overwhelmed with emotions, tears poured out of her eyes and frustration and anger welled up inside her.

"Oh Sakura! You weren't supposed to find out" her mother tried to hold her

"What?!" she pushed her away "I wasn't supposed to find out?! Then am I supposed to be? Lost from my true identity forever!?"

Sakura could longer speak as the tears and emotions managed to cave her in. She felt lost, small and unwelcome. These people who she thought was her blood family, weren't? Was her whole life and existence a lie? Sara was right, she really didn't deserve to call them mom and dad. She really was the unwelcome and unexpected child.

"Sakura please!" Makiko continued trying to comfort "Just listen!"

"Then what?"

"We found you outside our house! You were still a little baby, you were around one years old! We tried finding your parents but nobody could find them or knew who they were! You had no records and there was no information about you!" Makiko's eyes filled with tears "We loved you the minute we saw you! It was like fate!"

Karai wiped away her tears before covering her face with a cushion. Sara saw the pain her mother was in and could sense Sakura's anger. For some reason, she was feeling guilty.

"I... I'm going out." Sakura hurriedly got up before running out the door.

"Sakura!" the mother called out after her but to no use.

She was already out the door, blindly running away. She didn't know where she was going but she wanted to escape. Escape reality.

Sara had run out the door but she was too late, Sakura was already out of sight. Sara felt a wave of guilt come over her. Is her relationship with her ruined? She didn't mean to say those things, she was just frustrated. Biting her lip anxiously, Sara's heart slowly began to break from the guilt.

Sir. Kage who had just appeared, felt a strong wave of sadness so he headed that direction. There, he found Sara who was looking in every direction. With a smirk on his face, the pulled out energy from Sara.

"Let me put you at ease" he smiled

As she fainted, a tomerunda appeared while she was trapped in a paradise. Still running, Spring popped out of Sakura's bag.

"I can feel a tomerunda! ~purin"

"Eh?" Sakura wiped her tears "where?"

Looking around Spring perked up "near your grandparents house... ~purin"

"What!" turning back, Sakura quickly sprinted back only to see Sara unconscious.


"Transform Sakura! ~purin"

Taking out her Nacharm from the PreLock, she placed it inside the PreCase. Spring popped out and she summoned up a bright pink light.

"PreCure Refresh!"

In a swirl of pink cherry blossom petals, Sakura's hair changed color and her attired became different.

"The Intelligent Life of Spring! Cure Cerise!"

Dashing into the air, she kicked the tomerunda only to hear it speaking.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I didn't mean it!"

Cerise hesitated. Looking at the monster, the pain and guilt was written all over its face. Cerise suddenly felt upset. Seeing an opening, the monster kicked Cerise and sent her flying into a wall.

"Cerise! ~purin"

Sir. Kage who was watching the scene smiled with a sense of determination.

"Go! Tomerunda! Get her!"

Heeding his words, the tomerunda speeded towards Cerise but her eyes narrowed. Taking a deep breath, she refused to be upset. Instead, she smiled. She should be grateful, she was all alone and now she has a family who truly care and love her. Watching her sister, she smiled. Sibling fights are common to every family but wasn't going to let it stop her from fighting the monster which had been created by Sara.

"Sorry but I'm going to have to interrupt your paradise."

Racing towards the monster, she put all her strength and energy into her fist before punching it. Noticing it was knocked down she gathered her energy one more time.

"Cherry Explosion!"

Seeing that the monster purified, a sense of relief came over her. Running towards Sara, she untransformed and hugged her sister tight.

Sir. Kage frowned angrily before escaping into a shadow.

A few minutes later, Sara woke up to see Sakura staring at her with a worried expression.

"Wha- what happened...?" Sara asked

"You were collapsed on the ground..."

"Huh... I had a strange dream..." Sara whispered

"What was it?"

"You..." Sara paused with her eyes tearing up "you were my sister..."

Sakura's eyes opened wide in shock but smiled and hugged her sister again "that wasn't a dream..."


"I may not be your sister by blood, but I am your sister. Nothing in the world will stop that."

"I... I'm sorry... I-I.... I didn't mean it..." Sara's eye began to fill with tears as she felt guilty. Sakura gave her a tight squeeze and gave a small smile

"Many people say things they're not supposed to say. I do that many times"

Sara looked at her tearfully as the rest of the family stepped outside

"Sakura!" her mother said as she ran towards her. Reaching where the two girls were, she gave them both a hug "I love you both so much. I'm sorry Sakura. I wanted to tell you but I never found the right time"

Sakura was squeezed by the rest of her family as they all sat on the floor with tears in their eyes. Futaba patted Sakura on the head "I'm sorry dear. I shouldn't have said that. I wasn't thinking". She smiled at her grandmother lovingly "thank you"

"Thank you?" Karai said bewildered "for what? Don't you hate us for not telling you?"

"I was shocked and upset but to know that I was brought to this wonderful family makes me happy. I'm happy that I got the chance to be with you all, I'm happy I got the chance to call you my parents, my sisters, my grandparents...." she stood up and wiping away a stray tear from her eyes "It was the best birthday present, to know that I was chosen by you"

**✿❀ ❀✿**

Nestling into her bed that night Sakura watched Spring as she fell asleep in her arms. The house fell quiet as everyone around her fell asleep. She thought of all the memories she had with her family. When they laughed together, when they cried together, when they got angry. She was filled with many emotions and didn't know how to cope but she felt strong.

Her eyes filled with tears that night. As she cried herself to sleep.

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