Broken • Iron Man's Daughter...

By cocastyle

61.9K 1.6K 476

It's been six months since the battle on New York and life has never gone back to normal for Maya Stark and h... More



4.7K 135 60
By cocastyle

sorry it's been so long since I updated! to make up for being gone for so long, here is an extra long chapter! I hope you all like it!

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Maya was silent as she sat by Happy's side. She held onto his arm gently with tears in her eyes as she stared at him lying in the hospital bed before her. Apparently, last night, while they had all been asleep, he had been in some kind of accident where a whole Chinese Theater had just blown up out of the blue.

Happy was the only survivor that they knew about, everyone else having been burned so badly that all that was left were their shadows on the walls. Maya sniffed and wiped at her nose with her sleeve as she tried to comprehend what was happening.

Happy was like her second dad. . .one of her best friends. She couldn't lose him.

The door to the room opened up and a nurse walked in. She paused at the sight of Maya and gave her a small smile to which Maya returned with a weak one. The nurse walked over and checked on a few things before grabbing the tv remote. She was about to turn it off and Maya turned to look at her.

"Hi," Tony said from the corner of the room and the nurse jumped in surprise. "Oh," she said. "Uh. . .mind leaving that on?" Tony asked. "Sure," the nurse said and Tony smiled slightly as he got up out of his seat.

"Sunday night's PBS 'Downtown Abbey'," Maya whispered and the nurse turned to her confused. "That's his show," Tony clarified, "He thinks it's elegant." Tony paused for a moment and looked over at Happy and Maya. He looked back to the nurse. "One more thing...make sure everyone wears their badges. He's a stickler for that sort of thing, plus my guys won't let anyone in without them."

Tony then glanced at Maya and sighed before holding an arm out. "Come on, kid," he said. Maya was hesitant and she looked over at Happy before squeezing his hand gently with tears eyes and quivering lips.

"You're going to be okay, Happy. You-you have to be. Who else will I watch Downtown Abbey with?" She chuckled softly as a few tears escaped her eyes. "I love you, Happy. Keep fighting, okay?"

She then squeezed his hand one more time before getting up and walking over to her father. Tony went to wrap an arm around her, but she shoved past him and hurried out the room. Tony sighed and he could already hear what Happy would be telling him if he were awake. He glanced at his friend and smiled sadly, "You're gonna be okay, Hap. And I promise I will fix this."

- - -

The two Starks walked out of the hospital with their heads down and sunglasses on. They were hoping the reporters wouldn't notice them, but who wouldn't recognize the two?

"Mr. Stark! Miss Stark! Our sources are telling us that this is another Mandarin attack. Anything else you can tell us?" a reporter asked, but neither of them were paying attention.

Maya was too busy trying to hide her tears while Tony was watching his daughter sadly. He didn't even hesitate before wrapping an arm around her and pulling her close to his body to shield her from the reporters and photographers. They continued their way to the car, but the reporters kept calling after them.

"Hey, Mr. Stark! When is somebody gonna kill this guy? Just sayin'," someone said as they held a phone up to his face. Tony froze and turned to face the reporter angrily. Maya quickly wiped her tears away before grabbing ahold of her father's hand to keep him calm which helped. . .sort of.

"Is that what you want? Here's a little Holiday greeting I've been wanting to send to the Mandarin. I just didn't know how to phrase it until now. My name is Tony Stark and I'm not afraid of you. I know you're a coward, so I've decided that you just died, pal. I'm gonna come get the body. There's no politics here; it's just good old-fashioned revenge. There's no Pentagon; it's just you and me," Tony said as he took off his sunglasses and looked directly at the camera.

Maya kind of expected what he was saying, but what she wasn't expecting was him giving out their home address. "And on the off-chance you're a man, here's my home address: 10880, Malibu Port, 90265. I'll leave the door unlocked," Tony said.

Before anyone knew what was happening, Tony had grabbed the reporter's phone. "That's what you wanted right?" He asked before he turned and threw the phone at a brick wall, the device instantly shattering into hundreds of pieces. He turned back around to the reporter and didn't even blink as he said, "Bill me."

He then helped Maya into the car before he got in as well and drove away.

- - -

The house was on lockdown for the rest of the day according to Tony. Maya hadn't bothered listening much to what he was telling her in the car seeing as she couldn't seem to focus, but she picked up bits and pieces about how he had threatened the Mandarin so it's best if everyone stays in the house and no one comes in. Other than that, it had gone in one ear and out the other.

Maya had since been locked in her room, watching as helicopters flew by hoping to catch some pictures or videos on the Starks. The girl sighed and was about to move to another room when she heard the doorbell go off. She furrowed her eyebrows and didn't even hesitate before heading downstairs, but not before putting her rocket boots and blaster bracelets on.

She got to the bottom of the stairs right as she saw Tony walking out in his suit. "Right there's fine," she heard him say. His head turned to her and if he hadn't had the mask on, Maya knew he would've frowned. "You stay back," he said, but Maya ignored him and walked around the corner to see a woman standing there.

"Who are you?" Maya asked, her nose scrunching up in confusion. The woman looked at her startled before taking a step forward and going to say, "Hi, I'm-" Tony quickly cut her off by holding up a blaster at her. "Stop right there, sweetheart," he said, instantly becoming protective of his daughter.

The lady instantly backed up and held her hands up in the air. Her eyes flickered down to Maya and she gave her a small smile. "I kind of need to be alone with your father, if that's okay?" She said. Maya narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms. "Oh, I'm not leaving, sweetheart," she practically spat.

The two Starks stared at the woman for a moment as they tried to figure out who she was. "You're not the Mandarin, are you?" Tony finally asked, his mask sliding up. "Are you?"

The woman smiled and chuckled. "You don't remember," she said. "Why am I not surprised?" "Don't take it personally, I didn't even know I had a daughter and I sure as hell don't remember what I had for breakfast," Tony told her. "Gluten-free waffles, sir," J.A.R.V.I.S. replied. "That's right," Tony muttered.

"Okay, look, I need to be alone with you. Someplace not here, it's urgent," the woman told him. "Normally, I'd go for that sort of thing, but now I'm in a committed relationship," Tony said as he turned to walk into the living room. Right as he did, three bags were thrown down from the above balcony before Pepper appeared. "It's...with her."

"Tony," Pepper called out as Tony stepped out of his suit. "Is somebody there?" "Yeah, it's Maya Hansen. Old botanist pal that I used to know, barely," Tony said while Maya scrunched up her nose. "Another Maya? Yeah, no, not gonna happen. I'm Maya, okay?" She said as she looked at the woman.

The woman chuckled softly before saying, "I was technically Maya first." "Yeah, but I'm the better Maya, so I win. You can be Maya Number Two or just Hansen," Maya said as if the lady didn't have a choice which she didn't.

Pepper began to walk down the stairs and Tony quickly walked over to Hansen. "Please don't tell me that there is a twelve year-old kid waiting in the car that I've never met. I've already got a kid. I don't think I could handle another," Tony admitted. Maya only nodded. "Yeah, he can barely handle one," she told the woman.

Maya Hansen looked between the two in amusement before looking to Tony. "He's thirteen. And no, I need your help," she said. "What...what for? Why now?" Tony asked. "Because I read the papers, and, frankly, I don't think you'll last the week," she admitted. "I'll be fine," Tony told her.

"I'm sorry," Pepper said as she walked up to the group. Maya smiled and walked over to the woman before standing by her side. "With Happy in the hospital, I didn't know we were expecting guests."

"We weren't," Tony said. "No, I. . ." Hansen began, but Pepper was still going. "And old girlfriends!" Pepper exclaimed. "She's not really," Tony tried to say. "No, not really. was just one night," Hansen said. "Yep," Tony agreed.

"That's how you did it, isn't it?" Pepper asked Tony. "Yep." "It was a great night," Tony said to Hansen. "Well, you know. . ." Pepper began. "Yeah," Hansen said. "You have saved yourself a world of pain," Pepper told her. "Definitely," Maya whispered. "I'm sure," Hansen chucked.

Tony looked to his two girls in disbelief. "What?" He asked while Maya and Pepper just glanced at each other. They looked to Hansen and muttered out, "Trust me."

Pepper then put a hand on Maya's shoulder before looking at her and Tony. "We're going out of town," she insisted. "Okay, we've been through this. Nope," Tony said. "Yep!" Pepper exclaimed. "The man says no," Tony said. "What man?" Maya asked while her father pointed at her with a playful glare. "Immediately and indefinitely!" Pepper exclaimed.

"Honey. . ." Tony tried to say. "Great idea. Let's go. I'll. . ." Hansen began as she started to walk over to Pepper and Maya's bags. "I'm sorry. That's a terrible idea. Please don't touch their bags," Tony called after her. "Tony, this is how normal people behave," Pepper said. "I can't protect you two out there," Tony said as he looked at them. "I challenged. . ."

"Is. . .is that normal?" Hansen asked as she pointed at the giant rabbit. "Yes," Maya sighed. "Yes, this is normal!" Tony exclaimed. "Sadly, very normal," Pepper said. "It's a big bunny, relax about it!" Tony yelled.

Maya turned to her father with wide eyes. "Dad, take a chill pill," she said at the same time Pepper exclaimed, "Calm down!"

"I got this for you," Tony told her as he pointed at the bunny. "I'm aware of that," Pepper said. "You still haven't even told me that you liked it!" Tony exclaimed while Maya shook her head at the two. "You argue like an old married couple," Maya muttered.

"I don't like it!" Pepper exclaimed. "I asked you three. . .You don't like it?!" Tony asked angrily and in surprise. "Tony, we are leaving the house; that's not even up for discussion," Pepper told him. "I said no," Tony said.

"Guys, can we um. . ." Hansen trailed off. "What?" Tony asked as they all turned to look at her. Hansen looked from the tv that showed live footage of their house to the window before pointing at something. "Do we need to worry about that?" she asked.

Maya's mouth fell open slightly and she narrowed her eyes as she tried to determine what Hansen was pointing at. It took a few seconds, but then she realized that it was a missile coming their way. Maya's eyes widened and she spun around to look out the window just as the missiles came crashing into the house.

Maya went to reach for Tony, but the missile exploded and the group were thrown into the air. Maya could barely process what was happening as she flew through the air and away from Tony and Pepper. She hit the wall right as she caught sight of the Iron Man suit wrapping around Pepper.

Maya let out a cry of pain as her back popped from the hit before she fell to the ground. She struggled to sit up, her whole body shaking from the impact. She put her hands on the floor and lifted her upper body up to look over at Tony and Pepper.

Maya's heart broke slightly when she realized that her father had given Pepper the suit instead of her. That was like a big slap to the face and she realized who was obviously the more important person in his life.

She watched as Tony sat up and looked around in confusion. The ceiling above him began to crack and Maya's eyes widened before she yelled out, "Dad!" Pepper must have heard her screams and realized what was happening because the Iron Man suit was suddenly right above Tony's body and the falling pieces of the ceiling hit the suit before bouncing to the ground.

The suit mask slid up and Pepper looked down at Tony. "I got you," she whispered. "I got you first," he said.

His eyes widened and he frantically looked around until his eyes landed on Maya. "Kid, are you okay?" He asked. Maya gave him a hurt look, her eyes flickering to the suit and then her father. She stumbled to her feet and held onto her hurt arm as blood spilled from a small cut on her head.

"I'm fine," She practically spat and Tony flinched at her tone. She had turned away before Tony could say anything else and he sighed before looking at Pepper. "Like I said, we can't stay here," Tony told them.

While Pepper helped Tony up and onto his feet, Maya walked over to the window. She could faintly see three helicopters flying towards them and she began backing up when she saw more missiles coming their way.

Missile after missile entered the house and began blowing up. The group was thrown apart again and Maya let out a scream as she was tossed across the room and into the glass windows. Luckily, they didn't break and she let out a sigh of relief before attempting to crawl her way away from the windows.

"Kid!" Tony yelled. He looked to Pepper. "Move! I'll get Maya and we'll be right behind ya!" Pepper nodded and Tony began making his way across the floor and debris until he finally reached Maya who was trying to use a wall to help her to her feet.

"Hey, kid. It's okay. Let me help," he told her. Maya was reluctant to do so, but quickly grabbed ahold of her father and wrapped an arm around his waist for support as he helped her up. The two then started to make their way over to Pepper and the unconscious Hansen, but right as they were about halfway across the room, the center of the floor broke apart and fell, leaving a huge hole between them and Pepper.

Pepper looked at them in fright and Maya gulped as she stared at Pepper with wide eyes. "Get her, I'm gonna find a way around," Tony told her as he gestured towards Hansen. Pepper hesitated and continued to stare at them which only made Tony frustrated. "Stop stopping! Get her, get outside! Go!"

The mask slid down and Pepper ran over to Hansen while Tony held onto Maya tighter. "Here, this way, kid," he said. Maya nodded and the two began to make their way across the floor when they noticed Pepper and Hansen get out of the building safely. Maya let out a small sigh of relief, but her relief was short lived when another missile hit the bottom structure of the house causing the floor to shake and debris to rain down on them.

"Tony! Maya!" Pepper yelled out, but they were unable to see her because the house had started to break apart where the hole in the ground was.

The half the two were standing on began to fall and Maya let out a small scream as she started to slide down. Tony quickly grabbed her and she held onto her father tight, but that only resulted in the both of them falling down the now tilted half of the house. Maya's eyes widened as they started to crash through the windows and she quickly hit her boots together, activating them.

The small boost from the boots helped her help Tony get onto one of the metal beams near the window, but right when she was about to fly up and onto it, her boots began to sputter until they suddenly died.

Maya let out a scream as she started to fall, but Tony quickly reached down and grabbed her hand. Maya held onto him tight and he looked down at his frightened girl. He tried to stay calm as he said, "Is okay. I got you. You're okay." He finally managed to get her up and onto the metal beam and she let out a small sob of fright as she hugged her father.

"Sir, Miss Potts is clear of the structure," J.A.R.V.I.S. said. Tony nodded before looking down at Maya who was still holding him tight. "You got to let go of me, kid. I need to get the suit," he told her and it took a moment, but Maya finally released him.

Tony turned to face the direction Pepper was in and thrust his arms out, a motion used to summon the air to him. Right as he did it, the helicopters began to shoot at the two. Maya let out a scream and Tony quickly grabbed her arm before forcing her to the ground. The two began to crawl across the ground as bullets flew by right above them.

Maya looked up and noticed the suit flying towards them. "Dad!" She exclaimed and Tony looked to see the suit as well. He quickly sat up and the suit began to fly to him. Right as the metal back had attached to him, a bullet hit the suit making him fall forward.

Maya let out a small scream and put her head down as she held onto the floor. She was breathing heavy and let out a small whimper of fright when she heard the familiar sound of the Iron Man suit.

She barely lifted her head and let out a small sigh of relief at the sight of her father now fully suited up. Another missile hit the bottom support of the house and the half they were on slipped more, more of it beginning to fall off of the cliff the house was on.

"J.A.R.V.I.S., where's my flight power?!" Tony asked. "Working on it, sir. This is a prototype," J.A.R.V.I.S. said. Tony noticed a piano falling across the room and he blasted it out the window and at one of the helicopters. The helicopter was then destroyed and fell to the ground while Maya smiled slightly. "That's one!" She yelled out.

Tony glanced at Maya and quickly helped her to her feet before moving her behind a beam and out of the line of fire. His mask slid up so he could look at the shaking girl. "I need you to stay here, okay? I'm going to be right back, but I can't go unless I know you're going to stay right here," he told her. Maya quickly nodded her head and Tony let out a small sigh of relief before his mask slid back down.

He ran in the other direction and Maya watched from her spot as a helicopter shot at him. Tony sent a blast at the helicopter and it exploded before beginning to spin out of control. "That's two!" Maya yelled out in excitement, but it quickly disappeared once she noticed that the helicopter was flying towards the house.

"Shit!" Tony exclaimed as he attempted to run back over to Maya. He held a hand out for her and she went to grab for him when the helicopter hit the side of the house. The two were thrown across the room and Maya let out a scream as she fell through the hole and into what remained of the lab.

"Maya!" Tony exclaimed from where he was holding onto the side of the hole. He didn't even think twice before dropping down to the floor below. The house was beginning to fall and he turned to see Maya sliding across the floor as she kicked her boots together.

"Come on!" She exclaimed. "Come on, work!" Another missile hit the house and debris rained down on the two. A big chunk of the ceiling rained down and hit near Maya's hands and she let out a scream as she was thrown from her spot.

The next thing she knew, the side of the house had fallen into the ocean and she was falling down in midair. "No!" Tony exclaimed as he attempted to reach out for the girl, but she was too far away.

Maya let out a scream as she fell through the air and right as she was about to hit the ocean, she saw her father jump down and after her. Her body hit the water not even a second later, her head hitting one of the rocks underneath as she did and she was instantly rendered unconscious.

Tony used his blasters to propel him into the water and he caught sight of Maya only a few feet away just floating with her eyes closed. His eyes widened and he blasted himself over to her and grabbed onto her right as the half of the house fell into the water. He quickly shielded the girl as debris fell all around them.

Tony looked down at his daughter to see that her mouth was open and she was unconscious. His eyes widened and he reached a hand up to head of his suit. He took a few quick breaths before taking in as much air as possible. He then held his breath and didn't even hesitate before taking the helmet off and putting it onto his little girl. Maya let out a gasp and began to cough before she suddenly went limp again.

Tony began to panic as he looked around at the falling debris around them. One of the rocks hit the bottom half of the suit and pinned him to the ground of the ocean. His face was growing red and it felt like his lungs were on fire as he frantically looked around.

He wasn't wearing the mask, but he managed to hear J.A.R.V.I.S. say, "Sir, it's going to be okay." Before he knew what was happening, the arm of the suit had flown off and spun back around. The hand of the suit grabbed onto his own before blasters appeared on the end. The hand then pulled Tony and Maya out from under the rocks.

The hand then returned to Tony and he gripped onto Maya before blasting up off of the ocean floor and through the water. His vision was becoming spotty, but he willed himself to stay awake as he attempted to get out of the water.

Luckily, he had enough air in him to stay conscious until he was out of the water. Tony let out a gasp as he attempted to breath in as much air as possible. His throat and lungs were burning and it felt like nothing he had ever felt before.

The suit took control and flew them through the air while Tony weakly turned to look at Maya. "Kid?" he whispered, but she didn't respond. "J.A.R.V.I.S., how is she?" Tony asked. There was a moment of silence before J.A.R.V.I.S. spoke.

"She's going to be okay."

The world was becoming black, but Tony didn't care. All that mattered was that Maya was okay and that was enough to let him relax. "Good," he whispered. "Go-" His eyes closed and he passed out before he could say another word.

A silence filled the air before J.A.R.V.I.S. spoke out, "Sir? sir!" But both of the Starks were unconscious, so the suit continued to fly away from their Malibu house and towards the destination that Tony had set minutes before the attack.

The Starks were going to Rose Hill, Tennessee.

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