Never in a Million Years ✔️

By SkiSki26

4.9M 115K 102K

She's back and better than ever. Living in Chicago for the junior Law program was a fun year of her life but... More

Cast & Aesthetics
1-Still the same Bitchass Belle
2-Bite me Kazer
3-I know you aren't
4-Not Dinosaurs, That's for Damn Sure
5-I like your number
6-And you swallow
7-My favorite pain in the ass
8-You did idiot
9-I think we can be great friends
10-Heartbeat tattoo
11-You're insane
12-He ate the whole sandwich??
13-Just an old hag full of wrinkles and failed botox
14-Oh god, what did you do?
15- Control Freak
16- I got you wet
17- You were the only one
18- It's not a date
19- The cheesiest lines
20- Just gets worse from here
21- Drunk and sober Belle
22- I dont need help
23- Thats unfortunate
24- Hypocrites
25- The Least Barbaric
26-Horror movie 101
27- Every damn time
28-Always come back
29- Well Princess
30- And here they go
31-Chicago Blackhawks Jeresy
33-Keep telling yourself that
34- Just get over here Kalanski
35- Musical Whore
36- Pause your porn
37- Can you stab me?
38- Always fall for the assholes
39- Tell you what I want
40- Laundry Prison
41- Go look in a mirror
42-The youngest idiot
43-Greys anatomy has prepared me
44-Happy Birthday guys
45-Carnival food
47-Two Left Feet
49-You're being stupid
50-I'm just a genius
51- Hey Lace
52- We're Cute
53- It's finally happening
54- Never You
55- Use Protection
56- Always been you
57- Owes me Twenty Bucks
58-My Idiot
59-Problem for another time
60-Our Family
61-The Giant Leprechaun
62- Bandaid on a Broken Heart
63-Lover Boy
64-Holy Shit
65- Shut Up Jordan
66- Crackhead Steve & Meth-head Joe
67-They are Evil
68-Bright green relish
69-I'm great, why?
70- Really, Really.
71-Hey Bestie
72- I'm not high, are you high?
73- Now
74~ Didn't know Jessies Girl
75- I Miss You Guys
76-A Whole Lifetime
77- You Could Never
78- Yeah they do
79-Speaking of Marriage
80-Look into the future
81-It's like a fairytale
82- Very Much Yes
83- Go home
84-Wake up
85-Always and Forever
86-Thank you
88-Sibling talks
89-Promise Me
90-We'll be okay
92-Hi Coco

Authors note!!

181K 1.8K 743
By SkiSki26

Hey y'all! I'm Ski and I'm so happy you chose to read this, I've been working on this story for what feels like forever and I'm beyond happy to finally share it. Granted it is my first ever book so obviously there are going to a few things I'm going to have to fix. But again thank you so much for reading and I seriously hope you enjoy it!

10 quick facts about me(feel free to comment, I love talking to people):
-I have five brothers (three older, two younger)
-I have a giant English mastiff dog (he's 155lbs),
-I was the starting shortstop on my travel ball team; I started travel when I was 12 on a 14U team. I just recently had to stop just before I turned 16 (playing 18U) due to severe ankle and knee injuries
-I am definitely a band nerd.
-I've been taking advanced classes since I was in second grade; I'm currently taking all AP and honors classes
- I want to study medicine in the future
-I hate clowns with a passion
-My favorite show is The Walking Dead...I've met Tom Payne (Jesus). Some of my other favorite shows include: GOT, Greys Anatomy, Supernatural, AND CRIMINAL MINDS (Reid is my love)
- Jeffrey Dean Morgan is my favorite actor
-I am an extremely outgoing person, so feel free to pm me or comment! I promise I'm nice... most times.

Now that you know a little about me, I want to tell you a little about the story. This is my first story ever, so I'm sorry in advance, it's going to be a little cliché. Some instances in this story are based on true events, all funny moments that I'll , if you guys want, include full background info on. I am so open to critcism, I honestly don't care how mean it is, I won't take offense. So if you see anything wrong just drop a comment and I'll definitely make sure to fix it.

Now that being said, please don't copy my ideas. I've worked for just over a year on this story and I'd appreciate if you didn't steal it. It's just kinda a dick move.

ALSO I'D LIKE TO GIVE A HUGE SHOUTOUT TO  crazyyfictions  FOR CREATING THAT AWESOME COVER!! Definitely check out their work if you are looking g to have any covers

Okay that's the end of my little thing, but I hope y'all enjoy the story!!



So I just saw some comments on this authors note, recent ones, and it made me want to look back on all the progress my book(s) have made and even how much I have grown as a person!!

I first published this book just after I turned 15, I wrote all of those fun facts as a young freshman in highschool, way before COVID and I did so with absolutely no expectations. This was simply a means for me to cope with the intense anxiety and depression I had been diagnosed with at thirteen. I never would have though it would be at where it is now, nor did I think I would ever be as happy as I am now. I want to thank all of my readers, old and new, for supporting and loving this book as much as you all have!!

Now at almost 19, I have an amazing group of friends who have stuck by my side since middle school, I have an incredible group that I have met at college, I am thriving with academics and I am loving every minute of college life (despite how busy it is)!!

With that, I though a little updated few facts about me would be fun, because the shit we have been through the last five years will definitely change a person!

- so I still have five brothers (thankfully), and they are all doing really well!

- Still have my mastiff! He's an old boy but he still acts like a puppy! being as far as I am from him is probably the hardest part about going away to college.

- It's been a while since I played softball, and sometimes I miss it but not enough to go back! I have found an incredible amount of other hobbies and have found a love for weightlifting!

- I stopped marching band after my junior year, it was hard with covid and I fell out of love with it, though I still LOVE watching the marching band at college!

-All of those advanced classes payed off! I got into seven out of the eight universities I applied to including my top number one school!! I am currently attending my top choice university and with the credits I earned in high school, I was able to bypass majority of my gen-eds and am taking classes specified to my major and pre-professional track!

- While medicine was the original plan...things change! I am now in school on a pre-law track, double majoring and will be declaring a minor as well next semester! I'm hoping to get into political law or even my JD-MD(Law and Medical degrees) in the future!

- I still hate clowns with a passion...something my guy friends at college now love to use against me.

- While I still love the Walking Dead, it is not my favorite anymore! My top three favorite shows would have to be Game of Thrones/House of Dragon or Criminal Minds

- Don't really have a favorite actor anymore BUT musical artists I have been obsessed with these two for the last nine months or so...Noah Kahan and Zach Bryan are absolutely amazing!! If you want song recs from these two comment and I will be happy to give you some, or if you just want to fan over them with me, comment!

- I have really gotten I to reading! I've easily read 200+ books within the last year and I have to say my favorite series is ACOTAR but my all time favorite standalone is still The Things We Leave Unfinished by Rebecca Yarros! I read it last November and am still in love with it, anything by Yarros is amazing but this one just hit different!

- And last but not least, I am still the outgoing bubbly person I've always been, it's just more true to me and a lost less masking than it used to be! I have learned so much about myself already in college, like how much I genuinely love learning...and how bad I am at math...or how much I enjoy bar nights on Thursdays...or the genuine love I now have for life. It hasn't all been easy by any means, I still have nights where I'll just sit in my dorm and cry but I want to tell all of you that things do and will get better. It has been an absolute ride and you all may not have noticed but I have grown up so much on here, and I will continue to do so with all of you! If any of you, especially my younger readers, need someone to talk to or would like advice on anything don't hesitate to PM, I will try my best to keep up with my messages and respond!

Till next time loves <3

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