CHIM - Life in the limelight...

By GeordieDoll

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This is a continuation of my last story 'life in the limelight' that i suggest you read before reading this... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 30

463 14 2
By GeordieDoll

Everyone is here now, the music is on and the house is full of chat and laughter. By the looks of it everyone seems to be enjoying Alaina's day apart from my dad who is feeling sorry for himself in the armchair. He is sat with a face like thunder and when i told Paisley to go over and talk to him she refused and told me that he was "in a bad mood" and i think she might be right so i have piled a paper plate with some party food to take over to him.

"Here dad. I brought you some sandwiches, sausage rolls and stuff. There is loads of food in the kitchen, why don't you go through and see what else you fancy?"

"I'm not hungry. My head is throbbing with all of this noise. I'm going to go soon, my pigeons need feeding"

"Ungrateful, old sod" Joan mumbles under her breath as she walks passed us and i pretend that i did not hear it. Drunk Joan is going to make a reappearance very soon and shamefully i am looking forward to it. I have always found her hilarious after a couple of drinks and she is already well and truly tipsy, as is my mum who my dad is throwing daggers at from across the room.

"You've only been here half an hour, dad and Mum won't want to go yet. The party has just started"

"And i assume it will go on for hours. I have been at work all day so i am tired, Kimberley but your mum can stay. She can do whatever she wants for all i care, i mean she usually does-"

Realising that my mum and dad were probably at each other's throats before coming here i sigh and put the plate of food on the little table beside my miserable, old father who never used to be like this but i think the failing marriage to my mum has had an effect on him over the years. "Well i'd like you to stay but if you want to go it is up to you. I better go and see what Paisley is doing" I make my excuses and leave him in his own bubble of misery and self pity when i hear Cheryl call my name.

Paisley is stood dancing to the macarena in the middle of the living room and all eyes are on her. Cheryl taught her all of the dance moves and it has became her party piece. Everyone is watching her in awe, clapping their hands in time with the music and Cheryl's eyes are full of pride as she watches our little performer. "You alright, babe?" she asks when i walk over to her and i put an arm around her waist.

"Yeah, I'm just trying to keep my eye on Amy. She seems half pissed already. I don't know what to do with that girl, look at her"

We both look over at Amy pouring herself another gin and tonic and Cheryl rests her hand on top of mine. "She's just a teenager and she has a lot on her plate at the minute. She is just letting her hair down, i wouldn't worry too much about it because i bet you were the same at her age, i know i was"

"Yeah, i suppose you're right" I smile at her reassuring words but i am going to pull Amy to one side for a quick word when i get a chance and then i will relax properly and i will allow myself to enjoy this birthday party that already seems to be a major success. My friends, family and Lucy are here along with my cousin and her little boy who is running havoc around the house. A couple of my mum's neighbours that i have known all of my life are also here. All three of these women watched me grow up and after the death of poor Bab's good friend Edna i thought that inviting her and a couple of her cronies to Alaina's party would cheer her up and it seems to have done the trick as she sits doing her two favourite things- drinking and gossiping.

Nadine and Sarah are chatting to my mum in one corner of the room and Nicola is talking to my cousin. Adam is taking the piss out of Garry but he does not care. Adam is only laughing at him because he has one of Paisley's plastic tiaras on his head. Paisley always turns Garry into her very own fairy Godmother and Garry loves the bones of her so does not mind in the slightest. He does whatever he can to keep her happy even if that means looking like an idiot in front of a house full of guests.

Garry has a certain cockiness about him. He knows that he is a good looking lad. It is not vanity, it is just common sense because he is a looker- he looks like the male version of Cheryl so of course he turns heads. As he walks around chatting happily to my family i wonder if he is aware that he has Lucy drooling over him from one side of the room and Nicola at the other. Of course he made an effort with his appearance today so he put on his Ralph Lauren shirt and gelled his hair into place. While Lucy talked to him earlier she was practically throwing herself at him like she was doing the other night. I saw her pick a bit of fluff out of his hair and she straightened out his collar and poor Garry did not know what to do with himself so he awkwardly thanked her, laughed and tried to get away from her as quick as possible. It is obvious that he is not into her at all but i am not too sure about how he feels about my best friend. Sure they get on great...they are always smiling at each other, laughing and carrying on but i wonder if Garry is just like that with Nicola because he likes her in a friendly way- as one of his sister's best friends that he has known for years?

When the macarena finishes Paisley skips over to Hailie to dance around the room with her and Alaina is jumping up and down to the sound of "Agadoo" which is now playing through the speakers. I will put some proper music on after the kids have had their fun to this party mix. Alaina loves to dance just like her sister and i think that i might start looking for some mum and toddler dance classes that i can take her to during the school week while Paisley is at school. Cheryl is laughing as she watches our youngest child doing her best dance moves. "Our kids are right show offs, aren't they? Alaina is demanding that everyone watches her now. I wonder where they get it from"

"Yeah, i wonder" I say sarcastically, raising an eyebrow at my girlfriend. She is still giggling when she perches herself on the arm of our sofa and looks over at Sarah topping up my mum's drink. I bet any money that Sarah is trying to get her drunk. 

"They're staying over tonight, did you know?"

 "Yeah, they've left Bruno with their neighbour which i was happy about because Buster does not like him at all"

"Is Nicola staying too?" Garry is now behind me and butting into the conversation. 

"Yeah. What's it to you?" Cheryl asks accusingly and he shrugs his shoulders. 

"Just asking, that's all"

 "Are my ears burning?" We both turn around to find Nicola stood with a glass of wine in her hand and an endearing smile on her face.  She has been flirting shamelessly with Garry for hours so i haven't even had a chance to have a proper chat with her since she got here but she looks happier than she has in a very long time.

 Ignoring Nicola's question Cheryl takes in Nicola's outfit. "God, are you not hot? You haven't taken that jacket off since getting here? It's summer, you know"

 "She's definitely that" Garry chuckles which makes Nicola smirk. 

"Nice tiara, Garry. It suits you" Is all she replies with. Her eyes are on the pink tiara sat on his dark, comb-backed hair. 

 "Doesn't it just" He laughs and Paisley runs over to him and straight into his arms. He scoops her up and she adjusts the tiara on his head as it starts to fall to one side. "Whats up, monkey?"

 "Can you come and dance with me?"

 "Of course i can" He says and we watch him carry Paisley into the middle of the living room and starts to dance with her in his arms. Aware that Cheryl and i are onto her Nicola looks away from him and turns the conversation to Paisley instead of Cheryl's handsome little brother. 

"I love Paisley's dress, she really suits it. Burberry, is it? One of you has expensive taste" 

"Not me!" I plead my innocence and Cheryl defends herself immediately, like she always does. 

"It was in the sales! 20% off, can you believe it?" She exclaims. As i open my mouth to mention Garry Nicola rushes away while announcing that she can hear her phone ringing in the kitchen. I know it is just to avoid an awkward conversation because the music blaring through the house is so loud i can barely hear myself think let alone a phone that is in another room ringing. "They're so into each other" 

"I know" I laugh and Cheryl reaches towards me. With her hands on my hips she pulls me towards her so i am pressed against her front. She drapes her arms around my shoulders and i am well aware of Bab's eyes on us as she kisses me. Babs is quite old fashioned and grew up in the 30's so public displays of affection do not sit well with her and her face is starting to twist as she looks at us. "You better let me go before old Babs has a go at you" 

"All i want to do is give me girlfriend a kiss and this is our house so she can like it or lump it" Cheryl's stroppy reply makes me laugh and i let her give me a quick kiss on the lips. 

When i see Amy disappear into the kitchen i decide that now would be the best time to have a word with her. I have noticed that Amy has became even more withdrawn since our family got here and i am terrified that she is bottling something up that she is going to bring up after a few drinks and cause an argument which will ruin Alaina's party. I pull out of Cheryl's arms but keep her sweet by pecking her lips once more. "I'm just going to have a quick word with Amy. You couldn't see if Babs and her friends want another drink for me, could you?" 

"I may as well get the brandy now because i doubt they're going to say no. They're drinking it like it's pop, i've never seen anything like it, Kim" Cheryl exclaims and once she has got the bottle to top their glasses up i go into the kitchen to see my little sister. 

"Whats up, Aims? You've had a face like a smacked ar- bum all day" I choose my words carefully, realising that Alaina is now in the kitchen with us but she is not paying us any attention. She simply comes in, grabs another cake and runs back out as if i am going to take it off her. Amy sighs and pushes her hair out of her face. 

"I just can't be bothered with Mum or Dad today, Kim. Dad hasn't said a word to me since getting here. Do you mind if i go home now?"

 "It's your niece's birthday party and she wants you here. Dad isn't being funny with you, he has barely spoke to me either- i think he and mum have been arguing so it has nothing to do with you. You have a houseful of people here that love you and it wouldn't be fair on Hailie if you took her home, she is enjoying herself" 

"Who said anything about taking her with me? She could stay here with-"

"No" I shake my head. "Stay here and make an effort with Mum and Sally. Ignore dad for all i care, he's going soon. You haven't seen Sal in ages and she has missed you. Cheryl will be disappointing if you leave too, she has bent over backwards to make you feel welcome so don't go throwing it back in her face. Put a smile on your face and go and have a chat with Sally or something, i think Lucy is boring her half to death. They've been talking about stock exchange for the past 10 minutes"

"What does Sally know bout stock exchange?" 

"Exactly!" I say and we share a laugh before she goes back into the packed living room to see our sister as instructed. 

My mum has been knocking back the wine like Joan has. I think she has just been trying to keep up with her but it quickly became apparent that Joan could easily drink her under the table which did not come as a surprise to me - she is a geordie after all. Normally the pair of them are throwing snide remarks at each other and bickering between themselves because there is certainly no love lost between them but tonight they are getting on like a house on fire. I doubt that would be the case if they weren't both drunk, though. It is rare that we ever get to see a drunk Diane so i am enjoying very minute of it.

"Can someone turn the music up?" Sarah shouts with her arms in the air. I am glad that she left her dog with her neighbour because neither her nor Nadine are in any fit state to be looking after a needy little puppy tonight.

As my mum jumps up from the sofa to do the can-can Joan eggs her on. From the stories i have heard and the videos i have seen i take it that it is Joan's favourite dance and just like Paisley's party piece is the macerena Joan's is the can can.

"Go on, lass!" Joan claps her hands as my mum hitches up her dress to do the dance. I am mortified and so is Sally but Amy is too drunk to even know what is going on at this point. I am now thankful that my dad left when he did because he wouldn't find my mum's antics funny in the slightest. As i call of my mum and try to get her to let go of her dress that she is bunching around her waist Cheryl stumbles into me. Unlike my embarrassment of a mother Cheryl is not drunk but she can't walk properly due to be doubled over in a fit of uncontrollable laughter.

"I can't breathe!" She screeches and again holds onto her stomach. I have to see the funny side, especially when my mum grabs Joan's hands to swing her around the room. Paisley, Alaina and Hailie are sat on the sofa watching their nanas' dance moves with amusement too and my cousin's little boy has even stopped running around to watch the show in front of him. I am happy that my mum and Joan are getting on so well today, they are having the time of their lives dancing to all the old songs that Joan has put on but other than our mum's and my Mum's neighbours nobody else has ever heard of any of these songs before. Alaina gets a fright when my mum grabs her and swings her around and her face shows it. She is just about to cry when Garry takes her from my mum and makes her laugh as he dances with her a little more gently.

I stand by the door watching my family with a full heart. Garry has forced Cheryl into dancing with him now and when she laughs her pretty face lights up the whole room. Nicola's eyes are still all over Garry. She is smitten by him and when he winks at her she practically turns into a gooey mess. Why she won't just tell him that she likes him, i do not know. Lucy is still watching him too and i hope that Nicola does not catch on to how much Lucy likes him because that wont end well, i know that for a fact.

Seeing Amy stood pour herself another drink i go over to her. "Enjoying yourself, sis?" I am smiling at her, ignoring the fact that she is drinking more than everyone in this room put together.

"How can i enjoy myself when Hailie is demanding something from me every 5 seconds"

I shrug my shoulders and rub her arm. "That's motherhood for you, eh?" I try and have a laugh with her but she doesn't want to play along. I can see the sadness and loneliness in her eyes. The atmosphere between her and the rest of our family is so bad that i feel like i am suffocating in it and i don't know why there is so much tension between them. Sally has been all over Amy but my mum and dad have kept their distance from her and have only really spoke to her when it was something to do with Hailie. Amy puts the bottle down and excuses herself with her glass in hand. She probably just wants to have a drink in peace and has realised that it wouldn't happen with me stood next to her ad trying to talk her head off.

I jump when Cheryl creeps up behind me and grabs me by the waist. "I nearly shit myself there, bloody hell" I laugh but keep my voice low so nobody can hear my foul language. Babs and Margaret would not be impressed. Cheryl's chin rests on my shoulder and when she whispers to me her warm breath tickles my skin.

"Don't make it obvious but look at 2 o'clock"


"Look at 2 o'clock" She repeats and i frown, not knowing what on earth she is on about and it is obvious to her that i am lost so she tuts and nods her head towards Garry and Lucy sat on the sofa. "Look at them"

I can't help myself, i laugh much to Cheryl's annoyance. "What on earth are you on about 2 o'clock for then?"

"Because I've heard people say it on those detective shows, you know, like law and order?"

"I'll take your word on that, Detective Benson"

"Its lieutenant, actually" She corrects me with a giggle and i turn my head to look at Cheryl's brother sat chatting to Lucy and Nicola storms over to us and announces that she is getting another drink. Sarah follows her and puts an arm around her slim shoulders. I think that she is more than aware that Lucy is flirting with him now. Lucy's eyes are wandering, she is touching his arm just a little too flirtatiously and is looking at him with major heart eyes.

"You've got no worries there, Nic" Sarah slurs into Nicola's ear and Cheryl nods her head in agreement and sits down on the sofa with our tipsy friends. The kids are back in the middle of the floor dancing with their nanas and aunties now so i am keeping a close eye on them. The last thing i want today is an accident.

"Sarah is right. Trust us, she's not our Garry's type"

"Why would i care? He's just your brother, what he does or doesn't do doesn't bother me" Nicola explains defensively and Cheryl chuckles from behind her hand.

"Okay, i'll pretend i believe you so you don't get all embarrassed but i wouldn't mind having you as me sister in law"

"Will you shut up?" Nicola nudges Cheryl off her. I look back over at Garry and he definitely wants nothing to do with Lucy, it is obvious just by looking at his body language as she tries too hard. Garry is antsy, he doesn't know where to look as she is pushing out her chest and finally having enough of Lucy's outrageous behaviour he gets up and goes into the kitchen to get another beer with Adam who looks as bored as anything.

The old women my mum brought with her are itching to get home and little Aaron, my cousin's son is starting to get tired so i decide that now is the perfect time to light up Alaina's birthday cake. "Can everyone make their way into the kitchen?" I try and shout above the noise. Thankfully Cheryl turns the music down for me but still i can not be heard over the noise of everyone's voices so Sarah takes it into her own hands and climbs up onto the armchair and holds onto my shoulder for support.

"Everyone shut up!" The house falls silent and she looks as proud as punch. Sarah has always been the loudest out of the lot of us and her voice which is like a fog horn comes in handy at times. "Can you all go into the kitchen, they're going to do the cake" She tells them like i tried to do just minutes before. Chatting quietly everyone makes their way into our spacious kitchen and Cheryl holds Alaina in her arms as she stands by the cake on the island. Cheryl designed the cake herself. She tried to get me to help but i had little to no interest in it. As long as it was Peppa pig related and edible i did not mind how it looked. I would have been happy getting a cake from Asda or Tesco but Cheryl wanted the best so designed her own and got it made specially.

"Peppa!" Alaina points at it with joy. She loves Peppa pig, as everyone and their mother's know so she is thrilled with her three tiered pink birthday cake that has Peppa, George, Mummy pig and Daddy pig stood at the top along with her name in big white letters and the number 3. Around the other tiers other characters like Suzy sheep and Danny dog are doted about along with hand painted flowers- it looks fantastic and i get Paisley to come and stand beside us so she can help her little sister blow the candles out.

"Can you take a video for us?" Cheryl asks Sally who is probably the most sober one in the room. She willingly agrees and takes Cheryl's phone and records us when the lights are turned off, the candles are lit and everyone starts to sing. Alaina is rocking from side to side as everyone sings to her and Cheryl smiles at her while scrunching up her nose. "blow them out" Cheryl tells her. she is leaning forward and holding Alaina's hands back so she doesn't get tempted to reach out and touch the orange flame like Paisley did one year. 

Realising that Alaina needs help i tap Paisley's shoulder. "Can you help her?" I ask and of course she happily does so. Everyone claps their hands so Laney claps along with them. I think Paisley is enjoying this party just as much as Alaina is so i can't wait to see what she is like at her own party that Cheryl has vowed will be the biggest 6th birthday party ever. "I'm going to cut it up and put a bit in everyone's party bags" I announce and everyone scatters from the kitchen. My mum and Joan go back to dance along with our brothers who are trying to get them to have a non alcoholic drink to sober them up. When Cheryl turns around i can see that she is upset. 
"Mammy cry" Alaina says holding her hand to Cheryl's cheek and Cheryl laughs and wipes her face.

"I just can't believe me littlest baby is getting so big. I want you both to stop growing and stay this size forever and ever"

"The years are flying by, aren't they?" I sit Paisley onto the island next to the cake. She has been eyeing it up all day so i let her pull off a little flower and pop it into her mouth. "I love you all so much"

"I love you all too" Paisley grins cutely and puts her little arms out for a group hug that we more than happily give her.

My cousin decided to call it a night once her son started to fall asleep. Cheryl and i took Paisley, Aliana and Hailie up to bed because like little Aaron they were exhausted from all of the excitement and running around. I think Alaina has enjoyed her day which pleases me and Joan enjoyed the day too but maybe just a little too much. Cheryl and i had to put her to bed as she fell asleep on the sofa about half an hour ago. Adam has  taken my mum and their neighbours home so that just leaves me, Cheryl, our best friends, Garry, Sally and Amy. After spotting Lucy flirting with Garry Nicola has decided to give him a wide birth and has ignored him since which has confused Garry because he does not know what on earth he has done wrong to be receiving the cold shoulder from my friend he is obviously very fond of. 

Garry is sat on the sofa with Buster in his arms when Nicola comes walking into the living room with a bottle of wine she has just opened to top everyone's glasses up. She avoids eye contact with Gary but she must be aware that he can't take his eyes off her and when she has topped up everyone's glasses i take the bottle from her hand to set down on the coffee table and Cheryl sits herself down on my lap.

"Have i done something to upset you, Ginge? You've barely said a word to us all night and normally i can't shut you up"

Nicola shakes her head. "No you haven't done anything wrong, i'm not upset. I've just been enjoying the day with the girls, that's all" Nicola lies.

"I wasn't chatting Lucy up, if that's what you think"

Frowning at my handsome brother in law Nicola gets all defensive once again and snaps "Oh, get over yourself, Garry! I couldn't care if you were chatting her up or not. I haven't got the hots for you. You're not God's gift, you know!"

"The hots" I repeat and i shouldn't have but i couldn't help myself. I should have known that Cheryl would burst out laughing. It annoys Nicola who easily gets hot headed at the best of times. We have always joked that her temper flares so easily because she is a red head but now is definitely not the time to make that joke as she storms out of the room while cursing at all of us under her breath. Garry looks dumbfound as he looks from me to Cheryl and then his face creases into a look of amusement too.

"What's gotten into her?" He asks and i just shrug my shoulders with Cheryl giggling beside me. "Women, i'll never understand them" He sighs and Amy comes stumbling over to us followed by Sarah and Nadine. Amy has been drinking to prove a point and not for fun tonight and Sally is glaring at her from across the living room.

"Can i have a glass?" She asks seeing the bottle of wine on the table beside us and i shift Cheryl from my lap so i can stand up and move the bottle.

"I think you've hand enough don't you?" 

"We're celebrating" She slurs with a drunken smile. This is the first time i have seen her smile for a while but this is not the kind of smile i want to see on her face. I miss her real smile- the one that reaches her eyes and lights up her whole face.

Instead of a glass of wine and despite my sister's arguments Nadine goes to the kitchen and quickly gets her a glass of water. "I'll drink this then head home, alright? but first i want to make a toast"

"Go on then, hurry up" I urge her, knowing how stubborn my sister can be. I have had enough of her for one day and i can tell that Sally has too as she rolls her eyes at the state of her. At least when Amy goes home i can get some peace but Sally will be stuck with her all night because Amy is staying at my mum's. 

"This-" Amy starts, standing up unsteadily and holding out her hand. "This is to being rid of that horrible, cheating bastard i had lumbered myself with for far too long, and this-" She thrusts out her hand again. "This is for spending the rest of my life as a single woman!" 

Amy looses balance and falls over onto the floor. We all look at each other in horror, even Cheryl has a mortified look on her face as Amy starts screeching with laughter like she is insane. It is Cheryl who helps her up and sits her down onto the sofa. "Are you alright?" She asks her while stroking her hair.

"Course i am" Amy grins drunkenly. "I'm as tough as old boots, just like that sister of mine over there"

"I think i'll call a cab now" Sally announces and i nod my head. The quicker Sally gets Amy home and to bed the better but Amy hasn't finished talking. Leaning into Cheryl she puts an arm over her shoulder and moves her face close to her ear. She tries to whisper but it comes out as almost a shout.

"You and my Kimberley have the right idea, you know"

"Hows that?" Cheryl asks, humouring her.

"My nan always said "never trust a man until he's seven days dead" That makes Sarah and Nadine chuckle but i cant even manage half a smile.

I am happy when the Taxi finally arrives and i stand at the door watching Sally take Amy down the drive. Amy can barely stand up straight so Sally is supporting most of her weight in her arms. Cheryl tried to help but Amy refused, insisting that she could walk by herself. Sally is livid as she drags Amy towards the car and puts her in the back seat to take her home. Amy has made a show of herself tonight and now she is as sick as a dog. When she is sober she will be getting an earful from our mother and oldest sister, i am sure of that. 

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