SuperHumans (2yeon X Twice)

By 2yeonFan

34.6K 1.6K 2.1K

In a world where powers are a common thing. Yoo Jeongyeon, age 17 years old. Best friend with Jihyo. Her pow... More

The Facility and hope
Fame and attention
The Academy
The Academy (2)
Not a chapter
The Lesson
Family name
New Book Title !!!!!!!
Cold part 2
Friends with Benefits
The Past
The Plan
The Cube


970 46 106
By 2yeonFan

That laugh that stupid laugh. Echoing through the factory. Spitting and mocking. And my parents just frozed up being drain in the chamber.

Why? Why can't I save them? That power it was so powerful. It was ripping through me. Earthquakes, thunderstorm and tornadoes. What am I? And what did I do to them?

Until now I never got a clue. Every nightmares are always the same but this one was different. Before I blacked out. I heard it, it was the sound of metals bending, crushing and shattering to pieces. Wait what was that?

Jeongyeon's POV

"Jeongyeon wake up! We gotta go home!" Jihyo shaken me.

Trying to wake me up. I was sweating again and breathing hard. Those nightmares are always the same. But that noise it was, different. Jihyo looked at me concerned. She wiped off my sweats with her hand towel.

"Another nightmare, Jeong?" I nodded to her and She pat my back. I'm still patting. It was so surreal.

"There, there Jeong you're save now." Jihyo added.

The bell has rung two minutes ago and it's time to go home. Mina and Sana was sitting behind us so they started asking question.

"It's okay just nightmares." I tried to convince them.

Of course they didn't buy it. What kind of person has a nightmare in the middle of school time. I don't want anymore questions from them. For me it's better to keep it in.

It's none of their business anyway. I packed my bag and went out of the classroom leaving them question. My nightmares are always the same.

I'll always end up sweating when I woke up. But the sound of metals is still ringing on my ears. What was that? Did that thunderstorm really struck that hard? I still don't have a clue.

"Hey snapped out of it! You're spacing out again Jeong." Jihyo snaps at me.

It's true I am spacing out. "Sorry." She looks concerned about me.

She quicken her pace to be infront of me and stop. "Seriously Jeong, You can tell me if something is wrong." She stated while putting her hands on her waist.

I fake smile "It's just another nightmare it's always like that. Now get a move on, I want to go home." I told her.

She sigh and stepped aside. We walk to the gate. To my surprise we didn't meet those goddesses or whatever they are. All I can see is they're limo parked infront of our BMW outside of the gate.

The driver waves at us "Come on girls, time go home." He stated and went in the driver seat.

We went inside and he started the engine and we left the gate. I took a glance over their Limo before leaving the gate. There were a shadow observing from the inside of the window. Guess they are watching us.

I turned away and rest my head on the back of the seat. Today was a whole another level. Never thought it would've been like this. But I don't bothered. The least I can do now is keep an eye for those girls.

I don't want anymore trouble with them and end up exploding for real. And I met some new dongsaengs. They're nice hope I get to see them again. I was spacing out when Jihyo broke the silence. She never seem to close her mouths huh.

Jihyo's POV

Jeongyeon is acting differently. Nightmares in the middle of a school. That's never happens before. She told me she only have nightmares when she's on her deep sleep.

Maybe it's because of what happened earlier it triggered the past. I felt sorry for her. For what her power does. We're on the same boat here.

I stared at her, she's spacing out again. "Hey Jeong." I broke the silence.

As much as I hate noise. I never like it being in this quiet atmosphere. "You sure you okay? You told me you only have nightmares when you're on a deep sleep." I states still staring at her.

She took a deep breath "I don't know either Hyo, maybe it's because I almost explode this time that's why it triggers it." I mouthed an o and looked at the view outside on the window.

But I still couldn't helped it. Since the first time we came here. It wasn't just Jeongyeon who's acting weird. Mr Park too he did came to us to introduce us to the rest.

But it's not really that necessary. Or maybe he did that because he wanted to say something to us. Then I remembered he whispered something to Jeongyeon. Better ask her.

I turned again. Jeongyeon is looking at the view outside. We are passing Cheongdam-dong. And we could see the people's outside shopping and working. The street light was bustling.

"Hey Jihyo that's SM Entertainment." Jeongyeon pointed.

I somehow forgot to ask her and looked at it. I crawled to the other side of the window. It was big with SM logo on it. With billboards that shows their artists faces.

On the screen was My Idol, Kim Taeyeon. I always wanted to be like her. But because of this power I have. It'll rather explode your ears rather than soothing.

"Alright that's enough. Get off me Hyo!" She pushed me back to my seat.

I quickly fix myself and sit straight on my seat. Alright time to ask her.

"Jeong, what did Mr Park whispered to you? The first time we introduced ourselves to class.

"Jeongyeon flinched a little from my question. She's trying to remember it. This kid is so forgetful.
"Ohh, well-" She looked down.

Okay something is up. I know Jeongyeon we've been together since we were 7. If she looks gloomy like this something is always up.

"Well what?" I asked her back.

She sighed and move near me. She looked to the driver to see if he can hear us and she lean towards my ears. "He told me not to say my family name." She whispered and move back to her seat.

Huh, why would he do that? "Why would he do that?" I whispered.

She raised both of her hands as if saying 'I don't know' 🤷🏼‍♀️. We were trying to figure out the reason when we arrived at the dorm building.

Jeongyeon's POV

The driver went out first to open the door for us. "We're here. Get some rest girls. I'll see you tomorrow." He bowed and waves goodbye.

We did the same thing and walked inside to the lift. I pressed the button. Signaling the lift to go down.

"Can this lift hurry a little! I really don't want to be in the same lift as those girls again." I stated while tapping on my foot.

I really don't want to meet them this time. I want to be alone. But I guess it wasn't my lucky day. As the lift arrived and we went inside. I pressed our floor number and the door closed but before it closed shut a hand pervented it.

Dang it this can't be. It was Momo and I saw her friends behind her. Smiling at us except for Nayeon who keeps on looking at the floor. Momo was the one who hold the lift and those girls quickly went inside.

"Hey Jihyo, Hey Jeongyeon. Aren't we meant to be? We meet you guys again." Momo said that and stand beside me.

Shit! Shit! Shit! Why is it always them? Mina and Sana stand beside her and Nayeon stand beside Jihyo.

"You still haven't answer our questions yet Jeongyeon!" They demanded.

I rolled my eyes. Can they for once leave me alone? "It's nothing." I murmured that's all I can let out to them.

Jihyo saw it and try to cover me up. "Jeongyeon is just sick." I glared at her response.

That was the worst cover up I've ever heard. I end up glaring at Jihyo and she's scared. Because now everyone is asking me question. The weird thing is Nayeon was just looking at me guilty. She looks down.

"Oh My God! You're sick. What's wrong?" Momo asked while shaking my hands and checking the temperature from my forehead.

The lift still hasn't arrived yet. It felt like it has been years since I've been here. And now all of them is trying to get answers from me. "Hey you know you can tell us." Mina stated looking concerned.

I glared to Jihyo. She immediately turned and whistle like nothing happened. She'll pay for this.

"Just leave her alone guys. If she's sick it's better if we leave her alone." A voice came from beside her.

It was Nayeon. They all stopped asking me question. This is the first time I felt thankful for what she did. We arrived at our floor and went out. Before the lift close shut. I made a eye contact with Nayeon.

She smiled lightly at me showing her bunny tooth and I smiled back. Cute, wait what? My heart was beating out of my chest just seeing her smile. Gotta admit it She's cute. But I can't I can't fall in love with her.

We walked to our dorm room and unlocked it. I put my bag on our study table and throw myself to the bed. I rest my head on the pillow and quickly went to sleep. It's a tiring day better sleep so I'll be ready for tomorrow.

Nayeon's POV

She smiled back at me. My face is hot and my heart is beating so fast. That breathtaking smile. Keeps on going through my mind. I can't get it out.

"Someone is flattered." Sana said that while shoving her face in front of me.

"You like her don't you." Momo added shoving her face infront of me too.

Now both of their faces are infront of me. Mina just giggle at the back. I push both of their faces back.

"Flatter? Hah! You wish." They chuckled and pointed at my face.

It was red like a lobster. "I'm just tired nothing else." I told them and crossed my arm together.

They laugh and tease me while Mina just stand there and smile. That penguin can she atleast give some sense of empathy.The lift opens and we arrived at our dorm room. I quickly went to my room and shove my bag to the chair for my desk.

"Someone's embarrassed." Mina said and they all laugh at me and went to their respective rooms.

I lay on my bed looking at the ceiling. Images of her smile keeps on showing. Her smile makes me feel calm and warm all of a sudden. No one has ever made me feel like this except her.

I smile thinking of Jeongyeon. It was weird but maybe she and I can be friends. I close my eyes shut. Feeling the breeze caressing through me, I fall asleep.

The next morning

Jeongyeon's POV

Sounds of metal cracking and bending. Glasses shattering. Screams of people as the metal started to pierce through their body. It was a horrific sight as I watch as their flesh torn apart. The horrific screaming begging for it stop. Their bones are crushed like toothpick.

As the factory fractured to pieces. It was swallowed by the earth itself. Burying the corpse and the rest of the factory. Including my parents chamber. I woke up in a solid ground like I always remember it. The sound of the alarm woke me up.

I was sweating to much that my pillow cover was wet. That nightmare was nothing that I ever seen before. It was new. The atmosphere, the sound and the scene. Of how it happens was new to me. It was familiar somehow.

It was so real. How did that happen? Was that my fault? I sit at the edge of the bed still trying to fixed my breathing. I took a hand cloth from the small table beside my bed and wiped off all of my sweats. I took my pillow cover to hang it dry.

I hang it on the hanger near the window. Jihyo walked out of the bathroom and I went in after her. I finished my shower and we change to our uniform and grab our bags. Just as we were going to leave Jihyo grab my shoulder. Strong enough to turn me to her.

"Excuse me, your tie." She said that with the tie hanging on her hand.

She wrapped it around my collar and tie it. Kinda embarrassed since I can't tie my own tie. Well they didn't teach me how to do it in the facility.

As usual I didn't tucked my shirt nor did I button my blazer. Which makes Jihyo crazy. That kid keeps forcing me to button and tucked it in but refuse. We walk to lift and pressed the button. As usual we were welcomed with the same people again.

"Good Morning!" Momo said cheerfully while waving at me and Jihyo.

We smiled and went inside going to the lobby. I couldn't help but take a look at Nayeon. We look at made eye contact for a moment and she quickly turned. Her face was red. She was blushing. What's up with her?

"Feeling better Jeongyeonie?" I felt someone hugging me from the back.

It was Sana. I let go of her embrace and she pouted trying to hug me again. Not just her Momo too.

"See she doesn't like your hug. Maybe she'll like mine. Right Jeongyeonie?" Momo open up her arm and went towards me.

I throw their hands aside. "Sorry I don't like hugs." I said to them.

They pouted and went back to the first place they stand. Jihyo was holding her laugh as she saw me. Getting hug by girls who looked more like animals. I noticed that Nayeon is looking at me rather pissed. What's wrong with her now?

The lift opened and we arrived at the lobby. Nayeon went out first leaving her friends. They quickly join her. Me and Jihyo look at each other.

"Ehhh, What just happened?" Jihyo said while walking out of the lift.

(Jeongyeon's face^)

"I don't know. I'm confusion." I said while following Jihyo from the back.

She chuckled and we went outside of the lobby. The driver was waiting for them as usual and we get in. The driver then started the engine but we didn't leave the lobby immediately.

"Why aren't we moving? It's everything alright sir?" Jihyo said with a concern tone.

"Everything is alright Miss is just the car infront of us isn't moving." He stated.

We took a look of the car infront of us. It was Nayeon's and the others limo. We saw them getting out of the car. As smokes comes out from the front of the car.

"Guess their car broken down." I mumbled.

Our driver tried to go pass them. They seem pissed. We were about to leave them when I stopped the driver.

"Pull back sir!" I demanded. The driver didn't question my motive but Jihyo is.

"What for? We only have 30 minutes." She stated.

I know we have 30 minutes but we can't leave them. I just felt guilty. We pull back infront of them. I open up the car window.

"You guys want some ride to school?" I can't believe I just offered this girls a ride.

"Is it okay by you guys?" Nayeon said still looking sad.

I smiled and open the door to let them in. "Yeah no biggie." I said.

They're still not sure about it. Jihyo sighed "Come on! We only have 25 minutes left! Do you guys want to be late?" She added.

Those words are enough to make them convinced. They got in and Jihyo move to the back of the car with Mina. Sana is at the front while me and Nayeon is at the middle. The driver then start the engine and we left to school. Wait one kid is missing.

"Ehm where is Momo?" I asked to them.

"She ran to school." Mina said.

"She'll be fine. She can arrive at school in 2 minutes anyway." Sana added.

I nodded and rest my head on the seat and look at the road. I noticed a reflection on the window. It was Nayeon, she's looking at me. I turned back to her and she quickly look at her side of the window. Alright what is up with her. I sighed and dozed off in the car.

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